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Thread: With regards to an FFIX fanfic...

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  1. #1

    With regards to an FFIX fanfic...

    Hello, I'm kinda new here and I want to share my current FFIX fanfic. It deals with the simple premise that
    Garnet Til Alexandros XVII, the real one. Is alive, and lived the life of a street rat; a thief. When she finds out about her heritage, both as heir to Alexandria and as a summoner, she plots a plan to reclaim what is hers.

    I would like to hear suggestions from writers here on how I could improve the story.

    Also here are some of my questions:

    1. If
    Garnet gets found out, Would Steiner or Beatrix betray Sarah?

    In the game, it mentions that the real garnet died. But there was no mention about her corpse and anything about her. Can you give me a good scenario in which I can exploit; which can be the eventual reason why she is alive.

  2. #2
    Registered User With regards to an FFIX fanfic...
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    Re: With regards to an FFIX fanfic...

    ^ I'm not a writer, but I did notice a bit of something in your first spoiler box. The real Garnet couldn't be a summoner, so she wouldn't have any powers like that. Only those from Madain Sari are said to have had any summoning powers, hence the reason why they were born with horns. But it is fanfiction, so maybe you can get away with it? I don't know. I've only written one fanfic in my entire life, and it was mainly out of jest about a couple of characters.

    It sounds like a pretty good premise so far though. Yeah, I also often wondered what happened to the body of the original Garnet. The game just says that the little girl died from an illness and that's it.

    Good luck with your story!
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  3. #3

    Re: With regards to an FFIX fanfic...

    The real Garnet couldn't be a summoner, so she wouldn't have any powers like that. Only those from Madain Sari are said to have had any summoning powers, hence the reason why they were born with horns.
    FFIX has quite an interesting backstory to Alexandria that could prove crucial; The fact that Alexander is in Alexandria, and that Holy Judgement happened in two separate events, this points to the fact that there were summoners in the mist Continent. Add to this, there is evidence that Summoners have migrated out of Madain Sari, even before Sarah and Jane. This contributes to the theory that more or less, the Royal Family of Alexandria may have a summoner heritage.

  4. #4

    Re: With regards to an FFIX fanfic...

    I don't think Steiner would "betray" Sarah (I'm not sure if that is the correct word), based on the events of the game. At the beginning of the game, Steiner would probably just ignore a dirty street kid claiming to be the heir to the throne, but his blinding loyalty to the Queen might make him support who the "real" princess is. However, Beatrix and Steiner's actions in the game show that they want what's best for Alexandria - they turn on Brahne after her true motives become apparent. This makes me think that they would support whoever's leadership would be most prosperous for the city, and, in that case, Sarah would most definitely be a better leader then a thief off the streets, no matter what their heritage is.

    Also, over the game I'm sure that Steiner and Sarah's relation would've matured a lot, developing from Steiner only protecting the princess because she is the princess, to an actual friendship, one where Steiner would stand by Sarah, even when the actual heir to the throne turns up.

    It's actually quite an interesting idea for a fanfic, good luck with it, whichever direction you choose to go.

  5. #5

    Re: With regards to an FFIX fanfic...

    Thanks for the replies,

    Recently, I'm thinking of possible Eidolons for Garnet to use so I made a List:

    Ice - Matheus
    Fire - Salamander
    Lightning- Quetzalcotl
    Gravity- Diabolos
    Water- Bismark
    Unblockable -Valkyrja
    Instant Death - Gilgamesh
    Holy - Alexander

    I'm kinda iffy for Matheus, given that it's an Ivalice-only Summon. so if anyone has a better suggestion, I would gladly consider

  6. #6

    Re: With regards to an FFIX fanfic...

    I'm having a brain bashing sesh for you trying to think of an exploitayshus scenario - but I can't find any concrete ones. My advice would be, just DO IT and see what happens. I wrote an FFX one about Auron - before Braska. Somewhere in it, he lost his eye because I forgot that the game does actually show you what happened. One person noticed it and teased a bit, but it wasn't a big deal. It's fanfic after all. Just play with a few ideas and go for your favourite.
    Yes. More jigawatts.


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