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Thread: Part 2: Tournament

  1. #1
    Part 2: Tournament Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)

    Part 2: Tournament

    (Well gang wait is over. Heres part two)

    Chapter 1: Days After

    "Ok before we continue with the story, let me say its been interesting working in part one. And after Cole stopped chasing me, our training finally began"

    "Yeah and I got stronger. Much stronger. I feel so macho. Macho nachos are so yummy" Cole says making nachos appear out of thin air.

    "Wait how did you do that?" I ask in shock.

    "Remember this isn't the story. We're in the break room, so we can basically do whatever. You're the Narrator. I figured you'd at least remember that mu..."

    "Ok! I get it!" I exclaim, my face turning red from embarrassment. "Hey if that's the case, maybe we should see what Andrew's up to. After all, he hasn't been mentioned in a while" I say to Cole. I create a crystal mirror, and we see what Andrew is doing.

    "What a great place. This idea was so great. I got so much ass. And the trips not even over yet" Andrew says cheerfully. He rounds a corner and drops to his knees in utter joy.

    "I must be in heaven. An alcohol shop with every flavored beer. I love Amsterdam!!" he says, almost floating towards the shop.

    "Are you serious? He got laid before me?!" Cole says dropping his nachos.

    "Well I guess, in a way, you're the youngest of the three of us, even though you're older than me" I say chuckling.

    "It's not fair" Cole says, and starts to cry. This was getting us nowhere's. The mirror disappears, and a spray bottle appears in my hand.

    "Hey Cole. Guess what I got?" I say to him and he stops crying.

    "Oh you bastard. Is that what I think it is?" he asks, starting to backup.

    "Oh yes. It's...HOLY WATER!!!" I say spraying him. He begins to fizz and smoke comes off of him.

    "No!! I'm burning! My HP! I need a potion! Pheonix down...pheonix down" he says as he melts into a puddle of blood. I stare at it for a minute.

    "Ok, I guess I should bring him back now" I say throwing a pheonix down at the puddle. The puddle suddenly turns back into Cole. He looks around and sees me. He then makes an evil smile.

    "shroud all things in Darkness, Sobamune" he says under his breath. He slowly walks towards me, laughing evily.

    "Um Cole? Maybe we should start the story...please?"

    One week later from Part One...

    I pick up my sword, off my bed, and leave my room. We'd only been in Tokyo for a week, and I hadn't seen Cole since we got our own rooms at the hotel. Without him, I was able to go out "researching", but I couldn't understand what the girls were saying. I could still look though.

    "Hey douche! You finally ready?" a voice calls as I close my door. Cole walks up to me. "Get any training in?" he asks slapping my back.

    "Yeah i've got a few new tricks"

    "Same here, but I wouldn't actually call them 'tricks'. So should we get going?" he asks, carrying his sword on his shoulder.

    'He's changed alright. It's almost like he's a different person now' I think to myself. I lock my door and we both head off.

    We exit the hotel and ehad for the Tournament entry dome. We see lots of people going up to the bleachors. A man grabs a microphone.

    "If everyone will please take their seats, we will begin the entry part of the tournament. Here the combatants will be battling it to be the best, and face our champ for the title. Now will our fighters please step forward?" he says over the microphone.

    There weren't as many people as I thought. Cole and I follow in behind everyone. A woman directs us to a stand where we pick random numbers. There were eight of us in total, including myself and Cole. We all had to pick random number. After the numbers were picked, the woman typed them on a computer, along with our names.

    I saw that Cole was in the first branch, and I was in the second. Which meant he would be fighting first and I was last. What a pain. It seemed our only way of going against each other, was to make it to the finals. The announcer starts to talk on the microphone again.

    "the first match is between Michael Cole and Adam Lyon. The American/Phillipino half-breed against the wild Lion man. Who will be the victor? Stay tuned"

    As the tournament beings to go underway, everything seems to run smoothly. Too smotthly. Stay tuned to the next chapter: True Form.
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

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    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  2. #2
    Part 2: Tournament Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    (Heres the next chapter)

    Chapter 2: True Form

    "Come on Adam! Beat this guy to a pulp" a small hairy guy shouts. Soo the entire crowd begins to cheer for Adam.

    "Don't worry, it'll only take me two minutes. Then i'll pulverize everyone else and get that prize money" Adam shouts to the crowd. This guy kinda reminded me of Hercule form DBZ.

    "Two minutes, huh? You seem confident of your abilities" Cole says pulling out his sword. "Shroud all things in Darkness, Sobamune" Cole says under his breath. "You're not even gonna last one minute" Cole says changing. The crowd was in awe at this.

    It also looked as though Cole hit a nerve or something, cause the next thing that happened was Adam rushes at Cole. Adam pulls out a pair of hidden knives and swings at Cole. Cole blocks him, and then something strange begins to happen.

    "Black Mist" Cole says, smiling. A black mist begins to surround Cole and Adam. It soon becomes a dark black fog. Everything soon grows quiet, silent, and time seemed to almost stop. Just when it seemed that nothing was going to happen, the fog clears, and a figure stands tall.

    "The winner is Michael Cole" the announcer says as Cole walks away. The crowd was in complete shock. I just smiled and shake my head. The announcer rushes over to Cole. "What happened to Adam?"

    "He went on a little trip" Cole says coldly, into the microphone. He leaves the announcer at the middle of the battlefield and walks over to the benches.

    "Well...let's move on..." the announcer says, but I don't pay attention. I walk over and grab a seat beside Cole, considering my match wouldn't be for a while.

    "So that was one of your new tricks?" I ask him.

    "How many times do I have to tell you it's called a move, not a trick. You make it sound like a small class circus act. But yeah it's a new move I created. I call it Black Mist.

    "I take the moist vapors in the air and fuse it with the dark energy from Sobamune to create that mist. Then it thickens and becomes a fog. Once enveloped by it, my opponent begins to suck in a poison. But i'm not a patient person to wait for poison to kill my opponent, so I use another one of my moves to evaporate them. Course it uses up a bit of energy"

    "I'll keep that in mind. Anyways you should rest up for your next fight"

    "Me? You're the one who'll be fighting soon"

    "Guess your right, but it's just gonna be so long to wait" I say leaning back and taking a nap.

    Cole shakes me awake. "Hey it's time for your match"

    I wipe at my eyes. "So what happened during the last two macthes?"

    "Funny you should ask. Well the macth after mine, the first guy got his head chopped off, gotta love the bloodshed, and the first guy was on his way back here, when he trips on a stone and breaks his neck, killing him.

    "The third match was even funnier. The first guy meant to win it quick, by throwing a granade, but just as soon as he pulls off the pin, the other guy stabs him the chest and kills him. Then the grenade goes off in the dead guys hand and blows both of them up. Today is a good day" Cole says gleefully.

    "For who?"

    "Me!!" Cole says raising his thumbs.

    "Well I I go" I say just a little nervous.

    "Next we have Michael McLaughlin, the American swordsman, Vs. Myo Tenga, the wandering swordsman. Now let the fourth round and the end of the preliminaries begin!!" the announcer says, and the crowd roars in utter cheer.

    "Myo? Why does that name sound so familiar?" I ask myself finally ending up in the center of the battlefield. Myo stands across from me.

    "i don't wish to fight you, but I will if you refuse to back down" he says calmly, drawing his sword.

    "Well I guess that's something we can both agree on, but as you can see i'm not going anywheres" I say pulling out my sword.

    "Have it your way" Myo says rushing me. I block his attack, but he slowly pushes me back. 'This isn't going to be as easy as Coles match' I think to myself, as I regain my footing. He then begins to attack from different angles. He stops, briefly, and spin kicks me, backwards. I fly back into the rest area, where Cole catches me and sets me down.

    "Having fun?" he asks mockingly.

    "Tons" I says scratching my chest. I run back and swing at Myo. The crowd is going crazy. Cheering between me and Myo. They can't make up their mind. Thanks to my clumsyness, I trip backwards and avoid losing my head, but I also find a blindspot in his attacks.

    I swing and cut into his side. He jumps away, before being cut in half. I didn't cut deep, but I still made contact. He grabs at his side and cathes his breath.

    "Nice move" he says to me. He looks down at the injury. "It isn't much, but if I continue to fight with this injury, I'm afraid it will be just a burden" He looks back at me. "You said your name is Michael, correct?"

    "Yeah" I reply.

    "Well i'll make sure to remember it. This has been a good fight, one of my favorties so far, but like most things, all good things must come to an end" he says as energy slowly begins to pour from his sword. "I advise you to use whatever you've got, because otherwise, you'll...die" he says raising his sword and then stabbing it into the ground.

    "Break into the open world, Ragnarok" Myo says becoming surrounded in blue energy.

    "He can do it too?!" Cole says in shock.

    "Unlike your friends," Myo says to me, indicating to Cole "my sword doesn't change my appearance. However, it does increase my strength by a great deal"

    "This isn't good" I say trying to stand my ground. "I was hoping to save this for against Cole, but looks like I don't have any other choice" I say sheathing my sword and closing my eyes.

    "What's wrong? Not giving up are you my friend?"

    "No" I say in a serious tone. I quickly open them and my eye color changes. "In fact I'm doing the exact opposite" I say unsheathing my sword. "Shine brightly, Drecellia"

    "They've both been awakened. It's time to go" the youthsays walking towards the tournament. "This time they won't get the edge over me. This time i'll crush them!!"

    As the action goes underway between Myo and Michael, it would seem Michael had a trump card hidden away. And what will become of our heroes when the youth arrives at the tournament? Stay tuned for chapter 3: Bankai
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

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    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  3. #3
    Part 2: Tournament Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    Chapter 3: Bankai

    "Hey because the chapters title is called Bankai, does that mean we get our own Bankai?" Cole asks as he turns on his WII.

    "I dunno" I reply grabbing a gamecube controller.

    "What do ya mean 'I dunno'?"

    "Exactly as it sounds. I may be the narrator, but that doesn't mean that I know whats going to happen for sure. I just make it up as I go"

    "So what your saying is that you could make us into super all powerful Gods?" he asks happily.

    "Yeah, but then that wouldn't be very fun. After all, nobody likes it when you win without having at least a few crazy fight scenes"

    "I see your point, but what about..."

    "No Cole" I interrupt him, before he can say anything else. "If you keep it up, then i'll go and get the spray bottle again"

    "Ok. Fine" he says and we start playing SSBB. He looks over at me briefly. "We should be super powerful" he says quickly.

    "I warned you, but no. You had to be a smartass. Now you're going to die again, and this time, I'm not bringing you back" I say and spray him. He starts to melt, while I keep playing.

    "It would seem that you can also call forth your swords true name. That's good. It'll make this more interesting" myo says watching as my appearance changes. I become enveloped in a bright light and the crowd covers their eyes.

    "No! Bright light" I hear Cole say in the background. He then makes a hissing sound. The light fades away and everyone gasps at my new look.

    "He's completely changed" a man says.

    "He's like a god now" an elderly woman says.

    "They aren't human!" a woman says in terror.

    My brown hair had changed from brown to a greyish color, my eyes had become green, my clothes had started glowing a shiny white color, and my sword changes from silver to sapphire. It had taken four days to learn my swords true name. I will never forget that moment.

    "Come on. Why can't I call you out" I ask my sword. It was no good. I decide to go for a walk instead. I pick up my sword and head out. I see children playing catch across the street. I sit down on a bench and watch them.

    "To be young again. No cares. No worries. Everything is good at that age" I say cleaning my sword. I see one of the boys throw the ball over a girls head and land in the street. The girl runs after it. I see a truck coming in her direction.

    I leap up and run to save her. There was no way I was gonna make it in time. "I can't let it happen" I say trying to reach her.

    Suddenly a light emites from my sword. "Now say my name" my sword says in my head.

    "Shine brightly, Drecellia" I say aloud and begin to glow. I shoot towards the girl, and save her just before the truck reaches us. The truck crushes the ball, which could have been her. I set her down on the sidewalk.

    "Are you an angel?" she asks. Before I could answer, she runs off. The light fades away and I take off in the other direction, back towards the hotel. I look at my sword.

    "Thank you"

    "Sorry to wake you from your day-dream, but we do have a match to finish" Myo says snapping me out of my moment. I had nearly forgotten what I was doing. I was in the middle of a match against Myo.

    "Let's do this" I say aiming my sword at Myo. The crowd quiets down, and silence falls onto the battlefield. We charge at oneanother.

    "Let's finish this" Myo says as he swings at me. I swing in time to block the attack. The force of the collision causes an explosion. The shockwave knocks us both in opposite directions. We both hit the walls and leave a big hole in it. We stumble and try to keep our footing.

    If one of us fell, then the other would be the winner. I could slowly feel my body falling forward. But just as I hit the ground I hear the announcer declare the winner.

    "The winner is Michael" he says and the crowd erupts in excitement. I hit the ground and see Myo already lying facedown. Cole rushes over to me and helps me up.

    "Nice match dude" he says to me. I see a few medical people help Myo onto a stretcher, and then suddenly stop. He slowly gets off the stretcher and walks over to me and Cole. He holds his hand out to me.

    "Was truly a memorable match. We'll have to have another one" he says as I weakly shake his hand. As I do though, I feel energy surge through me. Before I can ask what was that energy he answers my unasked question, "I basically healed you. You should be back to full strength in a minute or so"

    "Thanks" I say walking around and stretching. "I think you might want to get off the battlefield" I say to Myo. He quickly jumps away from me and Cole. I warned him, only, because I could feel Cole powering up.

    The announcer starts to walk towards us, but I hold my hand out to stop him. "You don't have to tell us to start. We'll just need you to get back. Like right now!" I say quickly as Cole says his swords name.

    "Shroud all things in Darkness, Sobamune" he says smiling. The announcer quickly runs back in the direction he came.

    "Let the final match commence!" he says.

    "Shine brightly, Drecellia" I say changing as well. We both stand ready, and then charge. But just as we almost reach oneanother, a dark blast appears between us and we jump out of the way to doge it.

    "Hope you don't mind if I interrupt your little 'match'?" a voice says above us. We look up and see the youth above us.

    "Well have you come back for another butt-whooping?" Cole asks insulting him.

    "How dare you interrupt the tournament?" a big muscle guy asks approaching from behind the announcer.

    "The champion!!" the announcer says in joy. The youth floats towards the ground.

    "Great now an idiot as well" the youth says, bored.

    "Why you little're going down" the champion says rushing at him.

    The youth raises his hand and blows the champion to pieces. "What a pain" he says and then looks over in our direction. "How much longer are you going to where that costume boss?"

    Cole and I both look confused, but then Cole is sent flying towards me. "How about a little game of catch Mr. McLaughlin?" the announcer says standing where Cole was. I catch Cole and set him down.

    "Who are you?" I ask in a serious tone.

    "Maybe you should introduce youself first...Ike" the announcer says, pointing to the youth.

    "Couldn't wait could you? I wanted them to die guessing who I was" Ike says walking up to the announcer.

    "And I am Morgan Filth. No relation to Danny Filth. But nonetheless, I shall ask you once, and only once: Give me your swords, or you shall pay the consequences"

    "Hold on, I think I have a few dollars in my pocket" Cole says reaching in his pockets.

    "Ike, if you would please take care of that fool?" Morgan says making a notion with his hand. Suddenly Ike disappears.

    "I get to fight Ike! Oh boy!" cole says sounding like and excited child. "I'll see ya later Mike" he says disappearing as well. I hear blasts and explosions in the ditance. I then see the crowd of people leaving. That's good, I won't have to worry about their safety then.

    "So how about we begin?" Morgan says removing his cloak.

    "Fine by me, but don't expect me to go easy on ya" I say rushing at him.

    He then starts to laugh. "This'll be fun" he says pulling a sword out from behind him. "Bankai, Ultima Bustier"

    With the end of the tournament and new enemies popping left and right, will Cole and Michale be able to defeat their new opponents? Or have they finally met their match?

    Find out next time: Chapter 4: Battles
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

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    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  4. #4
    Part 2: Tournament Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    (Well lets see what we're at...oh its time for a new chapter yays!!! Sorry i've been busy on IMVU. anyways if u see this story on there its cause i posted it)

    Chapter 4: Battles

    "Wow what a chapter. I wrote more than I intened. With Colestill as a puddle, I think everything will go fine now" I say getting a mop.

    Just as I start to clean up, a robed woman appears holding a gun pointing at me. "Move and you'll be the one who needs to be cleaned up" she says walking towards me.

    She pushes me aside and bites her wrist, enough to make it bleed. The blood pours onto the puddle. "Do you know what you're doing woman?" I ask her in a panic. I suddenly see a tail move out of her robe. "Great, how did you get into my story, Nina?"

    She takes off her hood. "Good guess" she says as smoke rises from the puddle. I take my chance and run off.

    'This can't end well' I think to myself.


    "Looks like the boss has unleashed his Bankai. Maybe I should do the same thing"

    "Mike's fighting a guy with a Bankai? Dammit! I should've stayed and fought that guy" Cole says almost whinning. He then cheers up. "Guess I can take out my years of anger out on you"

    "You think so?" Ike says firing a fireball at Cole. Cole opens his mouth and swallows it whole.

    "Now that's a spicy meat-a-ball" he says as smoke flies from his mouth. "I was actually thinking about a snack. Guess the least I can do is make your death quick and painful" Cole says raising his sword. "Black Shadow!" Cole says and his shadow slowly begins to seperate from him.

    "It's always good to have a friend, I guess" Ike says sighing. Cole and his shadow both nod in unison and charge at Ike. The two clash into Ike, knocking him backwards. His brute strength wasn't enough for the perfect team. They knock him back and forth like a game of volleyball.

    "I've had enough!!" Ike shouts as he stops himself in the air. He engulfs his sword in bright flames. "Full Power, Great Aether!" he says as the flames die away and his sword changes into a large claymore, even bigger than Coles. The shadow reattches to Cole, as he tries to keep his footing.

    "What power!" he says almost falling over.

    "I don't have any time to waste on you. I'm gonna finish with one attack" Ike says appearing in front of Cole. "Aether!!!" Ike then becomes surrounded in bright red light, and his pupils turn yellow. Cole tries to get away, but Ike traps him in his power.

    Slash-after-slash, cut-after-cut, Cole takes every attack Ike throws out. In one final spin, in the air, Ike meteor strikes Cole, sending him plummeting into the ground. Even in Coles shikai, he is unable to overcome Ikes new power. Cole slams, head first, into the ground.

    Ike floats to the ground and examines his handy-work. Cole lies on the ground, back in his normal appearance, dead. Covered from head-to-toe with severe injuries and cuts.

    "Maybe I over did it. Oh well, time to collect the loot"

    "Seems like it's time to both begin and end our little....meeting" Morgan says swining his giant sword at me. I thought that in Bankai, that most of the time the persons appearance is changed. Guess that's not the case here. I manage to barely dodge his attack.

    As heavy as that sword looked, and boy did it look friggin heavy as hell, Morgan is able to swing it with ease. He swings again, and as I block it, it knocks me backwards.

    "Sorry, but i'm slowly growing weary of this game of cat and mouse" Morgan says cutting me across my back. I feel the pain almost immediately. I could feel my hand let go of my sword. I fight through it and hold onto my blade.

    "Sorry to hear that" I reply, fighting through the pain, "but there's not much else I really can do now is there?" I ask smiling.

    "Not really" Morgan says, also smiling. He shoots an energy blast at me, and knocks me into a nearby wall. The force of the impact causes me to spit up a good amount of blood. I see Morgan squat next to me.

    "You see this could have all been avoided if you would have just done what I said before" he says calmly. I see him raise his sword, aimed for my head, "but thats too late now" Suddenly, he jumps back as a bullet passes by.

    "Sorry pal, but as long as I've known him, he's been one stubborn bastard" a familiar voice says coming out from the shadows.

    "Who the hell are you?" Morgan asks angrily.

    "Me? Well I'm the guy who's gonna kick your ass, but you can call me Andrew" Andrew says wielding two pistols.

    "Another pest? So what do you think you're doing here?"

    "Well I was just in the neighborhood and I heard all the commotion, so I decided to see what's up. Glad I did" Andrew says walking over to me. He helps me up. I look down at my body and realize i'm out of my shikai.

    "Regardless, I cannot allow you to interfere with my plans" Morgan says swinging his sword. many tiny blades start to fly out of it and fly towards us. Andrew knocks me to the side and runs away in the opposite direction. The blades chase after him instead of going for me.

    "I didn't sign up for this shit!!" he says barely out running them. He briefly turns around and fires his guns and knocks many of the blades away. Morgan makes a hand notion and they all disappear. He then fires a blast in front of Andrew, and it knocks him flying backwards.

    He lands in front of Morgan. He lifts Andrew by the collar. "did you really think you could beat me?" he says snickering.

    Andrew starts laughing.

    "What's so funny?" Morgan asks.

    "Wasn't trying to beat ya. I was stalling" Andrew says and Morgan throws him to the side. He quickly sees Myo healing me. He charges at us.

    "This is going to end now!!!!" he says nearly reaching us.

    "Just one more second" Myo says trying to hurry. Morgan hovers above us and swings . Just as it looks as though Morgan had won, I become engulfed in light. "There!!" Myo says as Morgan jumps back.

    I slowly get up. My body healed of its injuries. But something was different. I was not only fully healed, but I felt different, stronger. Myo falls down. He briefly looks up at me.

    "Now you too should be able to surpass your full power. Now use it!" he says before passing out.

    "Don't worry" I say glowing even brighter. "You're right about one thing Morgan" I say to him as he sends an energy blast at me. It disappears before reaching me. "This is going to end....NOW!! This is my full power! My Bankai!!" I shout as I shoot a beam into the air, but not towards Morgan.

    "It's too bad. I had hoped this was going to be a better fight" Ike says picking up Sobamune. As he gets ready to leave, a beam shoots past him and flies into Cole. Sobamune disappears from Ikes hand and reappears in Coles. Cole stands facing him, glowing in intense dark energy.

    All of his injuries heal themselves and his clothing reforms. "Well i guess you're gonna get your wish. Time to show you my true evil power!! Pure Darkness!!!"

    "Hooray i'm alive again" Cole says as he looks himself over. Suddenly Nina jumps on him, and lays a big kiss on his lips. "Well hey," he says as she gets down, "I need more wake up calls like that" he says laughing. "What're you doing here Nina?" he asks smiling.

    "Dunno, but I saw you turned into a puddle of blood, and so I wanted to bring you back"

    "That's right. Hey where's Mike?" he asks scratching his head.

    I jump out with a big sign. "Onto the next chapter....and no more breaks until the story is over!!! Ha!!" it says. I quickly jump away and run off as Nina and Cole chase me down.

    As it would seem, our heroes are not done for yet, but what new powers does their new super forms possess? Find out in the next exciting Chapter: United Again
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

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    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  5. #5
    Part 2: Tournament Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    Chapter 5: United Again

    This power felt so incredible. It was something words could not do just. With this new power my strength was off the charts. It was....OVER 9000!!!

    My sword and Clothes had remained the same, but my eyes and hair had changed. My eyes had been changed to a sky-bluish color. My hair had spiked up, turned silver, and grown out a little.

    "It doesn't matter how much energy you obtain" Morgan says powering up, he was getting ready to make his final attack. "It won't be enough to defeat me!" he says raising Ultima.

    "You told me, that this was going to end now? Well you were right, it's gonna end with me defeating you"

    "Now i'm gonna show you what this new power of mine can do" I say spinning my sword. "This is my ultimate move. Holy...." I say as my sword and I become surrounded in a silver and white aura. Morgan shudders at the intensity of my aura, but still he charges me.

    "I will kill you!!" he says jumping at me, sword aimed for my head.

    "Halo!!!" My sword shines even brighter and I shoot a white halo shaped energy blast at Morgan. It hits him dead center in the chest. The impact shoots him backwards, causing his sword to fly from his hands. He bursts through a nearby wall and keeps flying through it.

    I suddenly feel something sprout from my backside. "What the hell? Angel wings? Well this is really awkward" I look on to the horizon. To where Cole had gone. "I wonder how he's faring?"

    "I can't sense Morgans power anymore. Looks like that douchebag did it" Cole says as dark energy bursts throughout his body. he looks over to Ike, as Ike tries to throw another Aether attack at him. Cole grabs the sword by the blade and keeps Ike in place. "Not this time"

    "You bastard!" Ike says trying to struggle away.

    "Now that's not nice, and to think I was gonna tell you my swords new power" Cole says releasing Aether. He steps back and the dark energy surrounds him and covers his body. He disappears into the mist smiling. Suddenly, a huge force erupts from the energy.

    The dark energy disappears and Cole walks out, but in a completely different form. His flesh and skin had been replaced by greyish-black dragon scales. His hair was even darker and as far down as his knees, his eyes had become a blood-red color, and on both arms were shield-like swords.

    One with a red dragons mouth open, and the other what looked like a grey skull with sharp fangs pointing out with the blade. "I call them....Ruzatsu Sobamune" Cole says smiling. His teeth had been replaced by fangs. Ike suddenly could see a tail swaying behind Cole.

    "What the hell are you?" he asks, in complete terror.

    "Me?" Cole says pointing to himself. "Well i'm your worst nightmare. And I am..." Cole says showing a huge amount of dark aura, "the one who shall send you to oblivion!!" he says dashing at Ike. Just as Ike tries to jump away, Coles tail grabs his leg and pulls him towards Cole.

    "Now it's not nice to run away from a great battle like this" Cole says stabbing Ike with one of his blades. he stabs the second one in Ikes head and listens as blade and skull connect. He pulls them apart and watches as Ike falls into three pieces.

    "Such is a good day" he says, and then he jumps up in the air. Dragon wings break out of his back. "Oh shit!! That really hurt!" Cole says flying back towards the tournament.

    I help Andrew and Myo up and lean them against a wall. Cole lands beside me. I look at him, like its nothing, and then I look again, dumbfounded.

    "I, uh....see you got the energy?" I say slowly looking back to Andrew and Myo.

    "Yeah, but I really didn't need it. I was about to let one and while the stink kept him busy for the moment, I was gonna strike" he says scratching his scaly chest. All of a sudden we hear a loud bang and see fire shoot from Coles ass. "Well that can't be normal" he says laughing.

    "Cole, oh man you assholes. That's pure brimstone" I say covering my mouth and nose. Andrew plugs his nose, and Myo creates a little energy field for his face.

    "Hey I just realized something" Cole says fanning away the smoke. "Andrew is that you?"

    "Hello asshole" he replies between coughs.

    "Hello German" Cole says right back to him. "So what comes next?"

    "Perhaps I can answer that" Morgan says slowly walking towards the center of the arena.

    "Aren't you dead yet?" I ask, with a little bit of disappointment.

    "No, and now I will make sure not to underestimate you twice" Morgan says raising his arms. Both Aether and Ultima appear in his hands. "Now with the power of Ike's Bankai, and my own, I shall become the Ultimate lifeform and true-being on this planet. Prepare thyselves....for perfection

    With the defeat of Ike, Morgan reveils his newest plans. But what is this perfection he keeps talking about? Find out in the Final Chapter: The Final Battle.
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  6. #6
    Part 2: Tournament Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    Chapter 6: The Final Batlle

    "Perfection? Nobody is perfect...cept me, cause i'm awesome" Cole says pointing to himself.

    "Yeah, he's got ya there" I say to Morgan. "Besides you're starting to irratate me" I say placing my sword onto my shoulder.

    "Very well, it is time we did put an end to this little game of ours" Morgan says grinning.

    "Yeah" I whisper to Cole, "That's good, cause we're totally at the final chapter no matter what happens"

    "Now there will be nothing to stop me from becoming the god of this pathetic planet"

    "Well, duh, we wanna see this 'perfect form' you keep blabbering about" Cole says in a dumb voice. We carry Myo and Andrew off into a safe distance away.

    "You'll know when to come back" I say heading back to the arena with Cole. We land in front of Morgan as he begins his little transformation. "This shall be even more powerful than any one of your final forms" Morgan says fusing the two blades together. The two disappear and are replaced by a long sythe.

    "Now that's a weapon i'd like to weild" Cole says gazing in amazement. Morgans body suddenly begins to grow. His muscles expand beyond its natural limits, and his skin turns green. He must have grown about seven feet tall.

    "That is one really big Broly" I say looking up at him.

    "Now do you see it. This is perfection. This is..." Morgan says trying to sound triumphant. But me and Cole power up and shoot past his new powers. His expression was priceless.

    "A trip to Tokyo: 200 dollars. Tokyo foods: 23 dollars. Seeing the scared expression on a super powerful foe: Priceless" Cole says repeating something off of a commercial.

    "If thats you're idea of perfection...then I guess we'll just have to show you what real power is" I say as me and Cole both power even higher. "You ready?"

    "I'm not looking forward to it, and you owe me big time afterwards"

    "Hey call it even for giving you all those monster heavy metals"

    "Yeah" he says sighing.

    We both raise our blades together and slam them into oneanother. "For C-Base!!!" we both say in unison. Our bodies merge as one, and a new being is born. One figure stands where two were.

    "Who are you? Are you Cole or McLaughlin??" Morgan asks almost in a school girl tone.

    "Well considering i'm both Mike's, it would be awkward for me to be called Mike. You can call me...Zetsan" Zetsan says massaging his neck. "Gotta say though, this whole fusion worked out even better than I thought. Anyways," Zetsan says sounding more serious, "Its time for me to show you the super secret ultimate move" he says quickly and sighs. "Try saying that three times fast"

    Zetsan was the combination of myself and Cole, a very weird combo. But somehow it all balanced itself out. He had my sky blue eyes, Coles Dragon wing, a white t-shirt, black overcoat, blue jeans, white shoes with black laces, and long flowing white hair with spots of black. In his hands he held one sword. "I don't have a name for it, cause I have a feeling i'd never be able to agree on it" he says laughing.

    It was a black bladed claymore, with sapphire hilt and white handle. Also on the blade was a ying-yang symbol.

    "It doesn't matter who or what you are" Morgan says clenching his teeth. "You are still going to die!!" he says running at Zetsan. Each step he takes, creates a hole in the ground.

    "Well I guess I should wrap this up" Zetsan says cracking his neck. "Time to charge my laser. And for the magic words....Shoop da whoop" Zetsan says spinning the claymore. Morgan still charges onward. Zetsan quickly places the claymore in the ground and his face changes, becoming a great big black face, with white bugged out eyes, and giant red lips.

    "I'ma Firing My Lazar!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" the big head says in a deep black voice and shoots a giant blue beam from its mouth. Morgan gets hit by the blast and becomes pushed backwards. Zetsan suddenly appears beside him.

    "Hiii" he says in a weird gayish type of voice. He then creates a giant black looking gate. "I welcome the to the plane of eternal suffering. It got that name because of its guardian.....THE TAILS DOLL!!!!" Zetsan says pretending to freak out. Morgan gets sucked into it. The portal closes and he looks around. He then sees a small tail looking doll walk up to him.

    "I'm the tails doll" it says and jumps on his head. "Play with me" it says over and over again. Morgan tries to get rid of it, but soon becomes a slave to its evil.

    "Yes master I will play forever"

    "Well now that's what I call a brutal ending to a childs play of an opponent" Zetsan says and de-fuses. Cole and I walk away from each other freaking out.

    "Oh my god he was so close to me!!" Cole says wiping his whole body trying to get the smell of me off of him.

    "You think you got it bad?!" I ask on the ground trying to clean myself off. "I have never been so close to a man. Dear whats-his-name, I feel so violated" I get up and realize we're both back into our normal forms.

    Andrew comes running off towards us. "You guys did it!! You really did it!" he says trying to catch his breathe.

    "Well what did you expect?" I ask acting proud.

    "Nothing but the best when it comes to me" Cole says acting even more prouder than me.

    I look around, "Hey Andrew where's Myo?"

    "Oh that other guy? He took off shortly after you guys dropped us off. But he told me to give you this message" he says pulling out a folded piece of paper. I read it aloud:

    "If you're reading this, then it means you guys won. Congratulations. Alas, it also means you have lost your new powers. They were only given to you as a means of winning and when the battle was over, it returned to me. I hope your friend can forgive me.

    "To that, I can hope we all can have a match together, I'd love to test my strength against his. See ya around,


    "No!! I want my full darkness again! I'm so mad I could..."

    "Cole no!!!" Andrew and I say running away.

    "Fire My LAZAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    "Ok now that Cole has released his lazer, I wonder what we should do now?" I say catching my breathe.

    "What about the prize money?" Andrew asks, "I heard there was a prize for the winner"

    "I'll get it" I say running up to the place where Morgan first made his announcement. I see a brown briefcase. I open it to find loads and loads of money. "Found it" I say hopping down to the ground. I toss it to Andrew.

    "What are you doing?" he asks.

    "Well," Cole says grabbing his claymore "you may not know it, but we still have a match to finish, isn't that right Mike?"

    "You hit the nail on the head, dude" I say pulling out my sword. Just as we both get ready for the attacks, our ears are suddenly pulled.

    "Kim?" I ask looking over as Kim holds onto my ear.

    "Nina?" Cole asks as he sees Nina tugging on his ear.

    We both had forgotten they had come up to visit shortly after we got here. I thought we left them sleeping in the rooms.

    "You should know better than to fight while we're here" Kim says walking off, with my ear still attached to her hand.

    "Ow ow ow ow ow!" I say as I get pulled along.

    "You too Cole come on" Nina says pulling Cole along too. Andrew just looks as we get taken away. He then sees the plea of help in our eyes.

    He lets out a big sigh. "Two of the toughest guys around, succumbed to those two girls. Kinda makes me glad Sasha ain't here" Andrew says laughing and walking behind us.

    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  7. #7
    Part 2: Tournament Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)

    "So is everyone ready?" I ask to Cole, Nina, Andrew, and Kim, who was hanging onto my arm. While in Tokyo for the year, Cole had swallowed his pride, about time...., and asked Nina to marry him. I wasn't really ready for that kind of commitment, and Kim didn't seem to mind. It only seemed like one chapter ago that Morgan was defeated.

    "Dude that's because it was a chapter ago" Andrew says aloud.

    "Hey stop reading my text bubbles" I say going into a tissy fit.

    "So," Nina says trying to change the subject "I get to meet your family?"

    "Yeah" Cole says, not sounding very enthusiastic.

    "You too Mike?" Kim asks me as I stop freaking out.

    "Yeah" I say, sounding like Cole.

    We get on the plane and find our seats. I grab one near a window and Kim plops down beside me. I fall asleep and I feel her snuggle close to me. I was in a happy sleep.
    Or so I thought...

    "Uh Mike you may wanna wake up. We've um landed" Kim says shaking me awake. I look out the window expecting to see the same boring Bangor. What I saw instead will forever be marked in my mind. Everything was a barren waste. The buildings were rubble, the plant life dead, and I had not seen any other people. The only other people I had seen was a co-pilot, the pilot, and a stewardess.

    Suddenly the front part of the plane becomes riped in half. Me and Cole jump out of our seats. We see the pilot and co-pilot being eaten alive by a pack of demon wolves. We slowly move backwards, but the stewardess sees the wolves and lets out a loud cry of terror. Instead of trying to get everyone off the plane, Cole grabs the women and throws her to the wolves. They eat her as she cries in pain and agony.

    All four of us look at Cole. He shrugs his shoulders and has a confused look on his face. "What?! it was either her or us, and frankly I wanna live" he says in a deep voice. The wolves finish her and set their eyes on us.

    "Well I say pulling out my sword, Cole grabs his as well "I can tell you one thing. "This is gonna be one hell of a welcome home party!!" I say as Cole and I jump at the wolves.

    With their welcome home party turn to shambles. Our heroes find their home in rubble, ash, and pain. But who caused this violence? You won't wanna miss the next exciting Part 3: Goodbye Gang chapter 1: new enemy
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

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