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Thread: Gaia story

  1. #1
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Gaia story

    BEFORE YOU START YELLING AT ME, I HAVE TOLD MISSTRESS SHEENA TO REMOVE MY OTHER STORY. This is a story of Gaia. No not the online game T.T, i mean the world of Gaia. Are story begin's at a observatory in Alexandria. Where are friend's Terra, Locke, and Edgar would appear.

    PART 1 Repairing with a sword and sheild

    'So Steiner, have you sent the letter to Zidane?' Garnet asked, looking back to see the man in heavy armor. 'Yes princess!' He said, saluting to her. 'Good, now he should be coming.' She looked at the blue sky, that had no cloud to be seen from the veiw of the balconie. The sky above the observatory started to turn black, with lighting. 'What the hell?' Garnet opened her bedroom door, and started to run down the marble stone stair's, as she counted them. 'And, 127.' She opened the big wooden door's, Steiner following, both got on the chocobo's that were waiting for them outside. 'Come on Coco!' Garnet kicked the chocobo on the side, to make it sprint. In the observatory, a portal appeared, and Terra and friend's came out of it. 'Woah... Where are we?' Terra asked, looking around. 'I dont know.' Locke looked around as well. 'Ugh, a deadbody.' Edgar stared at the body. 'Ew! It's moving!' The body started to move, and wing's came out of it's back. 'What the-' Garnet and Steiner walked in to see the odd monster. 'I beleive that is a black demon.' Steiner said, run with his sword about to attack. 'Terra, start casting Fira, Locke attack with me, Ok?' Lock and Terra nodded. 'Die foul beast!' Locke, Edgar, and Steiner striked the beast, Terra's fira also striking it. The demon roared, slashing Terra with it's sharp claw's. 'Dont were'y, i'll heal you.' Garnet used heal on Terra, Terra getting up. 'Thank you.' Terra, and Garnet started to cast fira. 'Damn, this beast must be some kind of esper.' Edgar said, wiping the blood and sweat off his face. 'Ok, Garnet Terra, I want you guy's to unleash all the power you have on this bloody bastard. All your power, from inside, and outside.' Locke said. They began to cast thundra, which is a powerful attack that strike's an enemy with a jolt of lighting. 'Steiner, Edgar, shall we?' Locke, and the other men got into attacking position. 'Hey, don't you forget about me!' Eiko jumped down from her position.
    "Eiko!" Garnet ran with her, both of them holding their rod's with two hand's. "Eat 3 time's the power bastard!" Locke, Steiner, and Edgar said, striking it with their sword's. "Hey boy's, don't forget about us!" Garnet and Eiko hit it, the demon flying into the portal. "Woah, girl's your pretty tough." Eiko and Garnet looked at eachother, laughing. "Now... Let's talk about why were here..."
    They walked into large room with a fine, oak table, with enough chair's for them all to sit in. "We have came here-" Locke got cut off by Terra, "We came here for 1 reason: To find the Esper's." Terra said, slamming her fist's. "Ok, so you want us to help you?" Garnet asked. "Don't think we cant do it alone." Shadow voice said, doing a backflip in the air, and landing on the chair.
    'Who's this show-off?' Garnet asked in her head. "You do know I can read your mind." Shadow said. "Um... Er... Let's just get on with the Esper's, ok?!" Garnet ran outside, waiting on the other's. "Come on, I think there's a airship by the bridge gate." Shadow started to run to the location he had just talked about. "Let's go!"
    Later at the brigde gate
    "Holy crap Shadow! Your faster than a chocobo." Terra, and everyone else got off there chocobo's. "Ok, keep very quiet." Shadow held up a quiet sign by his lip's, which were covered with the leather head part he wore. "Mommy, when will we get home?" A little girl asked. "Shadow, im not killing anyone on this ship!" Terra turned back, here arm's folded.

    End of Part 1
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 07-20-2009 at 11:56 PM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  2. #2
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Part 2

    Part 2 Dieing or flying?

    Terra still refused to kill anyone on the ship. "Me either."Garnet said, doing what Terra was doing. "Fine, guy's I guess we have to-" they all fell out of airship's door that they didnt close. "Idiot's." The little boy, said, tranforming into a blackmage, with expanded wing's. "Timmy, what are you-" "If they wont kill you, I will!" Laughing could be heard from outside the airship, blood splattered on the window.
    Andro walked into the city of Rabulaha, holding her whip tightly. "Blizzard your so-" She looked at both side's, and didnt see her white cat, Blizzard. "Blizzard!" She saw Blizzard run out into the woods. "Blizzard, Blizzard! Come here girl!" She ran after her cat, the cat running under branch's that fell off of tree's, and through log's. "Blizzard-"She stopped to see Blizzard surrounding 3 girl's, and 4 boy's. One of the girl's held a note. "Hm.... What be this?" She grabbed the note out of Terra's hand and began to read.

    'Terra's note's' Is woven in the book. She flipped through the book of note's. "This make's no sence. I swear that I killed all esper's year's ago!" She saw a pouch of gil, she stole it and ran, picking Blizzard up. "Don't you leave me ever-" A tree's branch swung at Andro, she dodged, and layed down Blizzard. "Stay here Blizzard." Andro said, useing fire on the branch. "Die you foul beast!" Andro yelled. "Meow!" Blizzard started to turn into a savertooth tiger. "Blizzard, good job! You need to do that more often." "RAWR!" Blizzard pushed her heavy body at the branch, the branch breaking. They walked back to Rabulaha. Terra had gotten up, wiping her pant's. "Wow, look at that cave." Terra walked to the cave.

    "Blizzard, never do that again-" Andro stopped, telling Blizzard to follow her. "Why do you want me to follow?" Blazzard said. "Did... You just say something?" Andro asked. "Yes, I can talk you know." Blizzard got infront of her. "Hey, wait!" Andro and Blizzard hid in an abondoned warehouse. "Andro, I do like the fell of this place..." Blizzard said, getting in ready position. "Look around Blizzard." Andro looked from left, to right. "I think it's alright-" "BLIZZARD, WATCH OUT!" Andro pushed Blizzard out of the way, and grabbed the woman's spear, braking it. "Haha ha!" The woman laughed. "What's so funny?" Andro asked, holding her whip. "Nothing... DIE!" She drew a long sword and put it to her throat, Andro's dagger up to her sword. "Blizzard, help!" Andro yelled, looking at Blizzard. "Yes, sis- I mean yes madam." Blizzard mald the woman, biteing her in a flurry blood.
    "Ha!" The woman jumped onto a stack of crate's. "This will not be last you will see of me..." The woman, that Andro didnt know, jumped out a opened window.

    "Blizzard, I swour you almost said sister back there." Andro said. "hm... Yes I guess I almost almost did." Blizzard looked back at the opened window.

    PART 2
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 07-23-2009 at 11:23 PM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  3. #3
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Part 3

    Part 3
    Cave of destiny

    Terra walked into the deep, dark cave. "This look's fimilar." Terra said, still looking around. "Could the..." Terra shook her head. "No, there cant be." Terra continued walking and found a stone on the ground. "Hm, fell's like it has esper power in it." Terra put it in her pocket, the stone warming her pocket. "Haha!" The woman was hiding under a rock. "She's falling right into my trap..." The woman held a crystal in her hand that showed Terra, walking through the rest of the dark cave.
    While Terra was walking into a trap that would change her life, Garnet got up from the ground. "Ugh, where am I? I dont remeber a thing..." She walked into the town, unknown of what she was doing. "Hm..." As she walked through the town Andro and blizzard were trying to chase the woman who attack them. "Where did she-" They ran into Garnet, her rod flying into the air, the reflection of the sun beaming on the mithril rod. "Im so sorry." Andro helped Garnet up. "It's alright, who are you?" Garnet asked. "Im..." Andro looked up at the sunny sky. "I dont know." Andro looked back at Garnet. "The only thing I know is that my name is Andro, and I need to get on that ship."She pointed to a ship with a mermaid on the front. "Can I come with you?" Garnet asked. "Of course but I must find that woman!" Andro ran for the cave. "WAIT!" Garnet and Blizzard ran after Andro.
    Terra walked into a large room with a pit of boiling lava. "haha! You fell into my trap!" The woman charged for Terra with a sword. "No!" Andro pushed the woman into the lava, her falling with her. "Damn your really annoying!" She stabbed Andro, Andro smacking her in the face with her whip. "Time to finish you!" The woman spun Andro in a flaming tornado. "Die you little-" A tail came out of the flaming tornado. "Cat attack 12! Claw slash!" Andro rushed at her, two ear's coming out of her head, also long sharp claw's. "You... Cant be..." The woman held on to Andro. "Your the... Cat esper..." The woman fell into the lava. "WAIT, NO!" She tryed to save her, but it was to late...
    Andro cryed, her tear's falling into the lava. "Wait, what's happening to the lava?" She watched the lava turn into water, the woman holding on to a rusty sword that was stuck in the side. "help... Me..."

    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 07-26-2009 at 10:45 PM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  4. #4
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Part 4

    Andro climbed down skillfully, to save the woman. "Thank you. By the way im..." The woman looked down at the water. "Salka, im one of your..." Salka grabbed Andro's shoulder's. "Your sister, Blizzard's one of your sister's to. Blizzard, human transformation!" Blizzard transformed into a human, and stood up. "Are we all..." Andro asked, waiting for them to tell her. "Yes, we are all Espers..." Salka nodded, saying so. Andro shook her head. "Wait! I need to get on the ship!" Andro ran, Garnet, Blizzard, and Salka following. Terra stood at the edge of the cliff, and stared into the aqua colored water. "I dont think I diserve to live anymore..." Terra pulled out her sword, and stabbed herself, the sword going through her heart. "Good... Bye world..." Terra fell into the water, her blood turning the water into a bloody red color.
    "Where's Terra?" Garnet asked, looking back. "We have no time, we must get on that ship!" They all ran to the ship, Blizzard turned into cat form and grappled her claws onto the side of the ship. "Come on!" Andro and Salka jumped. "Garnet come on. We have no time for your little game's!" Salka said, holding out her hand. "Im... Afraid..." Garnet covered her face with her hand's. "Fine! Stay here then you stupid princess!" Salka turned away. "Why would you say that?" Garnet cryed. "You little bitch!" Garnet jumped over to the ship, and lunged at her. "haha! I knew that would get you over here!" Salka laughed. "You... Never mind. So where are we going?" Garnet asked, walking over to Andro. "Were going to... The ruin's of Locasola, the place that i remember living with my mother..."


    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 07-31-2009 at 07:22 PM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  5. #5
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    PART 5... Ruin's of locasola

    The ship moved along the blue sea, the statue of the naked woman moved with the ship, alway's pointing the way the ship was moving. "So... Andro do you know anything about your family?" Garnet asked, her arm's folded over the edge of the ship. "I have no idea, I just remember a stamped of soldier's on Chocobo's slaughtering everyone except me." Garnet reached over and put her arm over her shoulder. "It's alright Andro, will find your family and bring them back safely!" Garnet jumped in the air. "Ok! Im game!" Andro said, jumping up with Garnet.
    "When your done with your happy party, were here." Salka said, walking down the wooden plank. "Let's go!" Andro and Garnet ran to Salka. "Soon Andro will show her real power..." Blizzard ran to find them.
    "So which path should be chose?" Garnet asked, talking about the two path's infront of them. "I'll take the left path." Salka said, looking back at them. "Ok I guess Me, Garnet and-" Andro looked and didnt see Salka. "She's very odd..." Garnet said, walking with Blizzard, and Andro.
    "So your tell me that there's no such thing as a goblin?" Garnet asking."They used to live here but a wave of heat came upon the land, killing plant's and all life that was on ground. Many people died... But that wave of heat hit a wave of thunder, Ice, and water which made a new power..." Blizzard looked up at the sunny sky, her blue eye's shining. "The power of the Esper." Blizzard continued walking.
    "So... You all have the power of the Esper?" Blizzard nodded. "Yes, Andro is speical..." Blizzard said, staring at her beauty, her hair... her light brown hair... And her face... "Garnet... Do you think we can really save the world?" Andro asked Garnet. "Yes! We can do anything if we put our mind to it! Come on! Let's start running to our goal!" Garnet ran to the ruins, leaving them behind. "She's an odd ball." Blizzard said, her blue eye staring at Andro. "ha! Never know what power might be inside her. She might even be a Esper-" Blizzard bit her. "NEVER SAY THAT!" "But... Why not?" Andro asked. "I dont know... Let's just catch up with her..." Blizzard sprinted to Garnet. "Hey, dont leave me behind!" Andro transformed into a cat. "Merow!" Andro caught up with Garnet. "Your fast Andro." Garnet said. "Well... I am part cat." Andro said, winking. "Where are the ruin's?" Garnet asked. "There!" Andro, Blizzard, and Garnet ran for the ruin's.
    Salka on the other hand was planning something evil...
    "So... Your gonna... Kill your own sister?" A man in a dark cape said. "Yes, but I want to see her true power." Salka said. "You want me to release-" Salka nodded.
    "So these are the ruin's? They look pretty ruined." Garnet said. "That was a bad joke..." Blizzard and Andro said, laughing. "Then why are you-" Garnet stopped, to see a dark, and large figure heading toward them. "What the hell is that?" Andro asked. "That's a dark dragon." 'that must mean that...' blizzard stopped to charge at the dragon. "Cat esper!" Andro turned into a cat, and charged at the dragon with Blizzard at her side. "Let's kill this bastard." Blizzard said, smiling at Andro. "Ok!" Andro and Blizzard jumped up on the dragon, slashing it's face with their claw's. Andro started to glow, her eye's turning red. "Hm... Can this be what i think it is?" Blizzard whispering, watching her transform into a blood cat. "RAWR!!!" Andro's claw's riped through the dragon's skin, blood flying everywhere. "Andro?" Garnet watched Andro kill the dragon. "What has happened to her-" A man grabbed Garnet, and took her down a cave. "RAWR!" Andro continued to kill the dragon, not looking back to see what happened to Garnet. "Ugh..." Andro fell to the ground, weak. "Andro,we must find somewhere to rest." Blizzard let andro get on her back. "Blizzard... Please take me to my old house..." Andro said, still weak. "Ok." Blizzard ran to Andro's old house.
    In the cave...
    "Stay here!" The man threw Garnet in a cell, the cell-door's rusty. "Damn it!" Garnet threw her mithril rod and the cell-door. "Hm..." Garnet picked the rod up, and got into attack-poistion. "DIE!" She hit the door with all her might, and the door busted open. "Now I can get the hell outta-" Garnet saw 3 guard's ran toward her. "Dang..." She looked around, and saw 6 throwing knife's. "Yes..." She picked them up, and threw them. "Ugh!" Soldier #1 fell on the ground. "What the hell?! This girl is crazy! RUN!!!" Soldier #2 yelled, run away. "ha! Like i'll ever be afraid of you!" the last soldier drew his sword, and lunged at her. "Uh..." Garnet put her hand over the wound. "Die, for the name of-" A spear went through him before he reached her. "What? Who... Who did that?" Garnet turned around to see a short haired man weilding a long, spear, which had the symbol of a fire dragon. "Well hello... Who might you be? Not just a pretty lady I hope." The man kissed her hand. "Um... Im princess Garnet of Alexandria." Garnet said. "Oh! Well your the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!" The man tryed to kiss Garnet on the lip's, but Garnet slapped him. "You bastard! Trying to kiss me when im about to get married!" "What?" The man got up, and bowed. "Im sorry your highness. I shouldnt have been a fool." "Hm... Now that i have told you who I am, tell me who you be." Garnet said. "Aw! A fancy woman you be!" The man laughed, his hand's over his gut. "hah hah yes... Please go ahead and tell me who you are." Garnet said. "Well... I am Glando Fashisana." Glando looked down. "I will see you again some other time!" Glando ran up the stair's. "Can he be... No... No he cant! He cant be!" Garnet ran up the stone stair's, almost slipping on the slime that had been placed on the stair's.
    All aboard the alexandria train!
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 08-03-2009 at 08:42 PM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  6. #6
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Part 6
    All aboard the alexandria train!

    Andro had gotten up, and walked down the parshly burnt stairs. "Can this be the bookcase where my mother put her lullaby's in?" Andro pulled out a book called: 'Moon light'. "My mother used to read this to me every night ..." Andro opened the book, her tear's dropping on the woven page's. 'Mother... Where are you?' That morning Blizzard was woke up by the sound of someone singing: 'A loving prince'
    ***There once was a prince, so loving, and kind. That everyday he would step out on the ballconey, and throw million's of gil down on the people of the kingdom. saying "here ye go! Buy everything you need!" Then every night he would climb up the tall tower, just to meet the princess. He would give her chocolate's, flower's, and gil. "Oh my prince! You are so beautiful! But... I cant be with you..." The prince looked down the window, the prince pushed out of the way. "I guess i did this for nothing..." the prince-
    Andro turned around to see Blizzard. "I see you added some thing's to that lullaby..." Blizzard walked down. "Blizzard... Do you remember mother?" Andro asked. "Well..." Blizzard looked up at the sun. "You can see her..." Andro looked at her. "WHAT?!" Andro Jumped down to the ground, and beokend for Blizzard. "Come one! I remember a train we can take!" Andro said. "She's in Alexandria." Blizzard jumped down, and turned around to see Garnet running toward them. "Hey! I think i saw a man... That i think is *huff* *huff* An esper..." Garnet coughed. "Good to hear but we must get to alexandria!" Blizzard and andro ran to the train. "DAMN IT! WAIT FOR ME!!!"
    At the train...
    "Were here!" Andro, and the other two got on the train, Andro pulling the lever. "I cant beleive mother is alive... I thought she was dead." Andro held the blue crystal pendant that her mother gave to her. "Mother..." She started to cry, her tear's making the crystal glow. "Can it be... The crystal?" Blizzard grabbed the pendant with her teeth. "It's the blue crystal! If we get the fire, and lighting crystal... We can stop the-" Blizzard stoped. "Stop what?!" Garnet asked. "Well... Alexandria..." Blizzard stopped again. "Alexandria what???" Garnet swung her hand's about. Blizzard breathed in heavily. "Alexandria has been the cause of the city's being destroyed and... They destroyed locasola..." "WHAT?!" Andro and Garnet screamed. "Damn it! We must get over there... And stop Alexandria!" Garnet said. "We have to find the other 2 crystal's first." Blizzard said. "I know where one is. That boy... he had a symbol of a fire dragon on his spear." Garnet said, looking down at the wooden plank's that held them. "Then that must be the fire crystal." Blizzard said. "Then we just need the thunder crystal..." Andro scratched her chin, thinking about the last crystal. "Could it be in Alexandria somewhere?" Andro shook her head. "Well... Were here."

    To be continued...
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 08-04-2009 at 09:11 AM.

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  7. #7
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Part 7
    Alexandria battle

    Garnet, Blizzard, and Andro had fought through 12 Alexandria soldier’s to get to the castle. The moment of truth has came upon them, this is the day… They win the battle… “First we need to find that man you saw in that cave…” Blizzard sniffed around. “Do you have something of his?” Blizzard asked. “Um… Yes I do.” Garnet let Blizzard sniff the spear he had thrown at the guard. -Sniff-
    -Sniff- “He’s in that weapon shop!” They ran into the weapon shop to see the same short haired man. “Can we have that symbol at the end of your spear?” Garnet asked. “Well…” Glando looked up at the sword’s hanging above them. “Yes, but why do you need it?” Glando asked. “To save Gaia!” Andro said, holding a dagger to Glando’s throat. “Ok, take it.” He pulled the symbol off the spear. “Thank you.” Andro kindly took the symbol, and pulled the crystal that was suppose to be the eye. “Take the symbol back. We just needed this.” They almost got out of the shop, when Glando said, “May I come with you?” Glando asked. Garnet whispered to Andro. “Are you sure he’s one?”
    Andro whispered. “Yes, I’m sure.” Garnet whispered back. Andro shook her head in agreement. “Yes, you may come.” “Yah! Let’s kick some butt!”
    They ran to the castle… But something would welcome them… Something… Evil…
    “Were finally here… Let’s open the door’s, and kill whatever lie’s in side.” Blizzard said. “Right!” Everyone agreed. “CHARGE!” They opened the door’s, and swung their sword’s, and rod’s. “Damn, my rod wont break through their armor!” Garnet looked around, and saw a perfect, long, steel sword. “Die you bastard!” She picked the sword up, and hacked at the knight. “Prin- Prin- Princess… There’s a monster up ahead on the 3rd floor… You must slay it with the 3 crystal’s-” The knight died before he could tell her what to do with them. “Damn it!” Garnet’s tear’s fell down her cheek’s, dropping down on the knight’s lifeless body. “We must kill the beast, and save the world!” Garnet rushed up the stair’s, her sword in her left hand, and a wooden shield in her right. “Let’s follow.” Andro and blizzard followed, Glondo also following. “Yes my pretty little hamster… Fall into the trap! Ha ha!” Garnet and the other’s walked into the room with… The monster. “You bastard! You shall die!” Garnet pointed her sword at the man behind the monster, on the balcony. “Pointing isn’t nice, ha ha!” Kuja laughed. “Kuja? I thought we-” Garnet turned around to see someone that looked like…
    End of part 7
    Who did she see?
    See in the maybe last part...
    Part 8
    A bloody battle
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 08-06-2009 at 02:33 PM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  8. #8
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    PART 8 is coming up ^^

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  9. #9
    Freezing Ring! Gaia story Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Part 8
    A bloody battle

    Garnet saw a man with a tail, it swinging left-to-right. “Garnet…” The man with the tail jumped down from the window, and landed next to Garnet. “Zidane…” Zidane put his hand’s over her lips. “Sh… Be quiet and…” He kissed her, both of them dropping their sword’s to brush each other’s hair with their hand’s. Andro cried, Blizzard, and Glando crying to. “Oh, how pathetic. Stop locking lip’s with her and fight me Zidane!” Kuja said, jumping up and down. “Shut up!!!” Andro yelled, transforming. ‘Yes… Yes my pretty little Esper…’ Kuja said in his head. “Die you bastard! You killed my family, and hurting the world! So I hold my blade…” Andro watched Kuja, waiting when the time is right to kill him. “Let’s kill em’!” Glando said, Blizzard agreeing. “Kinalgolam, slice their head’s off!” The demon threw a ball of fire at Andro, but she dodged, falling, her hand’s behind her. “Where’s that last crystal?!” Andro ran, dodging the fireball’s the demon is throwing. “Zidane, throw that crystal that you have in your pocket to me!” Andro yelled, still running, but holding both of her hand’s out. “Damn it, stop kissing and give me the damn crystal!” Zidane turned around and threw the crystal. “Thanks!” Andro said. ‘Now to see how we kill it…’ Andro pulled out all three of the crystal’s. “Hm…” She put them next to each other and they glowed. “Now… What to do…” she turned around, jumping up in the air. “DIE!” She threw the crystal’s down on the demon, the demon’s cry could be heard by the citizen’s of Alexandria. “There, now to kill Kuja.” Andro got up, and climbed the wall to Kuja.
    “Die-” Kuja’s blade stabbed Andro in the heart, blood coming from her mouth. “Andro?!” Garnet yelled, running to the body of Andro that Kuja had dropped. “Andro-” Garnet looked back to find Salka behind her with an axe. “Salka… Why?” Garnet got up, and watched Salka pick up the axe, and swing it at her head. “NO!” Zidane jumped in front of garnet, the axe slicing his neck. “ZIDANE!” Garnet cried, drawing her sword. “You bitch!” Garnet ran at her, jumping up, and coming down on Salka with her blade. “It wont work here.” Salka grabbed her blade, and threw her at the wall. “Hmph, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic-” Salka looked down to see a sword, which had stabbed her liver. “Ha! Mother go to hell!” Salka turned and threw knife at her forehead. “You killed your own sister… I wish you were never born!” She got up, and jumped over to where Andro was. “Kill me now!” She dropped her sword and shield, and dropped down, her head down so she could chop her head off. “If you wish…” She slowly picked up the axe, and killed Angro. “You all are dead… Kuja… My mission is finished… Which mean’s…” Salka looked up. “We can go to Azeraka, and rule.” Kuja nodded in agree.

    The end…




    Story idea’s


    Stay tuned for…

    Special thanks to

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    Thank you for reading
    ^.^ Thank you all for the 200 views ^.^


    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 08-06-2009 at 09:18 PM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

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