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Thread: The Flame That Lives On

  1. #1
    A Plain Old Derp The Flame That Lives On Padraic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    A Royal Mountain (Punsss)

    The Flame That Lives On

    I hope I'm gonna remember to keep posting on this... at least untill its finished... and that its in the right place

    Most stories start with thees and thous, mine starts with the sound of an alarm clock meaning I was late. Late for class. Now this was a predicament I've never been stuck in before. My alarm is always set to 2 in the morning. I usually go to bed right after school because thats how boring my school is. So at 2 I would do my Homework and get ready, and I am a clichéd child. My Father left when I was very young so I never knew him, and my Mother died when I was 7.

    But today my Alarm went off at noon. Just as I streched out the stiffness out of my bones I realized the light. The light given from the sun giving us the gift of beauty. I quickly shot a look at my clock, realized the time and shot out of bed, got dressed and grabbed some coffee. I open the door and start running only to be stopped in my tracks by a mini avanlanche. After face-planting into the snow I straighten up and start wondering why it would snow in September. I tried answering my question as I ran 2k to school. Short of breath I reach for the door to the main Hallway to find it was locked, I reached for my bag to find I'd forgotten it at home, I then reach for my phone and check what day it was to se if I'd come to school on Saturday or something. But no, it was Monday, and I was really looking foward to English today. I texted my friend, Max, to see what I was missing. After about 20 minutes of waiting in this Hazardous cold in only my t-shirt, shirt and sandals, for him to just respond: LOL. so I figured for revenge I'd call him and hope the teacher would catch him but he picked up, laughing too!
    "Dude, you thought there was school?"
    "What do you mean, its Monday why wouldn't there be?
    "Take a look outside, you'll see"
    " I'm outside the school" I started to become very annoyed.
    "Woah! In shorts and sandals?" That made him laugh even harder. "Dude, I'll get my mom to drive there and pick you up!"

    I was very grateful of his offer but knew I had to decline. You see I have a... problem. My skin is not normal, its scales, because of this I've been made fun of all my life. Been called names all my life. But the only one to really stick, was Zardy. Its based off both Lizard and my real name: Zethro. My friends just call me Zeth. My scales were feeling cold and my palms even worse. So I had to run home to stay warm and to check something, because normally the cold never effects me this much.

  2. #2
    A Plain Old Derp The Flame That Lives On Padraic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    A Royal Mountain (Punsss)
    I knew something bad was happening so I had to hurry home. As I was about half way home I noticed that my normally vibrant-orange scales were turning a nice dark mauve. I didn't know what was happening but I knew I was stuck in a predicament. The closer I got to home the darker my scales became, and I was becoming quite dizzy.

    By the time I reached my front step my scales were black and it felt as if I was being shaken around inside my head. I knew I was losing control, just as my grip starting slipping I heard a voice. "Are you just gonna let this happen? Give your body to this unknown darkness?" the voice was angry, as if they had recently lost a child... but the voice was very familiar. "You haven't even experienced your supernatural abilities yet." Now I was angry, a voice, not my own ordering me around in my body, no way José.
    "I'm not completly oblivious! I know about my wings! and if you don't like the process I make in my body, you can get the Hell out!" I had to show this voice who was this towns sheriff.
    "Ouh, you call those puny little things wings? I bet they can't even help you lift one foot off the ground." Now that was the final straw. I snapped back into control of my body, tore my wings out of my shirt and lept into the air and started doing loops around my house. My scales were returning back to their usual colour, which was great, but a crowd was forming outside and watching with a petrified stare. I had officially become a monster. I slowed my pace and landed gracefully on my front step, but by then everyone had already fled. I sat down, folded my wings, and threw my head into my hands. I was alone. I tried texting Jimmy, hoping he wouldn't react badly to seeing my wings, but to no avail. After I tried calling him. Eventually he picked up.
    "He-hello? Zethro?" From that tone and use of the name I knew he was reacting badly. "I'm sorry, man but I got to go... I'm busy... I'll call you later." He was scared of me. My best friend was scared of me.

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