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Thread: We need.... action!

  1. #31
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korova
    Quistis: Thanks for the PM! That noobie icon was taunting me.
    yeah but then your post count suddenly became 666 =P

    Heero: Yeah I knew it was you, of course i remember you. You were in my movies for godsake, you were married to S (I have that chat still you know),

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Quistis
    If Korova will only lurk in the secret forum, we can call him our invisible deity or something
    Believe me I thought about just lurking... but then thats freaky.. you guys would always know I was here, i'd have to start judging people, you guys would wonder if there's life after death, and i'd have to start writing only on stone tablets...

    That's just too much to deal with =D

  3. #33
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korova
    Heero: Yeah I knew it was you, of course i remember you. You were in my movies for godsake, you were married to S (I have that chat still you know), and I also remember you lived in Columbus Ohio and at one point owned a S2000. (Oh and for some reason I associate Gundam with you, maybe it was in your aim name or something)
    I KILL YOU! That isn't how it happened! You know it! RAAAAAGH! =P I have the chat too, you know!

    The S2000...Didn't you have a car like that too? I seem to remember it being really, really popular.

    Quote Originally Posted by Korova
    Sundance: Stop lurking, you muppet, and post.
    Sundance, post now! And why haven't you contacted You-Know-Who!

  4. #34
    Lady Succubus We need.... action! Victoria's Avatar
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    You don't know me because I'm new here. New as of...two years ago?

    And yes, Suikoden is cool. And Killey is actually a throwing dagger weilder. XD
    A gunslinger would be Clive, from the suikoden series.

  5. #35
    going over the glitches of episode 2 really makes me annoyed about Coff9 and Kain.. can I just remove them from the movies altogether

    Hey what happened to coff9? We killed Kain... did we kill coff9? I can't even remember my own movies for godsake.. did he just disappear?

  6. #36
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    I think so, yeah. Kain was the one who's posts you messed with and then subsequently booted from EBG, right? Coff9 was a good guy, if I remember. He sorta just faded away, which probably gave you an excuse to just tie him to the tree with che, haha.

  7. #37
    Lady Succubus We need.... action! Victoria's Avatar
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    Yeah. Coff is gone. I remember the guy, definitely. He came back as TheNewCoff9, but then disappeared again after that too. =\

  8. #38
    yeah.. i meant in the movies... we killed Kain but for some reason I couldn't remember what we did to Coff9.. i had no gripes with him...

    As for in the forums..... I didn't mind if Coff9 stayed but Kain was pissing me off.. If i recall the EBG started as:


    then Che gave it to me like the next day. Then Coff9 and Kain got alienated because we built up the EBG with the "post-rinny" chat people. Coff9 was cool, just distant. Kain I remember was pissing me off and S just reminded me that we would edit all his posts to say "I Like Pie"..

    edit: S, Sundance, et al: I mean no dis-respect with the term "post-rinny", it just seemed like the best way to describe the group after the rinny chatrooms and before hall of doom chats.

  9. #39
    Hey, my account's still active!

    Edit: Shit, what a weird-ass avatar/title combo

    Double Edit: What the hell happened to my ginormous post count?!

  10. #40
    um.. it says you registered in 2005..

    edit: i forgot.. WELCOME BACK.

    even though.. .well i just came back yesterday.. since like... 2002... so maybe we should uh.. welcome each other back.. WELCOME BACK

    double edit: this is of course, if you are indeed back. it would be very spekkio of you to make one post like the one above and then disappear again.
    Last edited by Korova; 03-22-2007 at 04:06 PM.

  11. #41
    Yeah, what the hell? February 2005....I think I had to re-register back then.... oh god, I can't remember anything!!!! When I try to think back to my TFF days my brain is filled with images of Newgrounds videos interspersed with episodes of Naruto.

    I might hang around. I don't know. My spring break has left me with nothing to do AT THE MOMENT! But who can say where the wind will take me....*shrug*

  12. #42
    haha damn all the OG's are comin back =P

    Yeah, I don't even know how I became an EBG... ahha I think S forced me to join up in Clanwars, and at the time I was somewhat paying attention to the chatrooms that it just happened, lol. >.>

    So that's who those people were in the movies >.>;;; yeah I didn't know haha.. annywho..

    Welcome back fellas.

  13. #43
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    I'm surprised Spekkio came back. Happy, but surprised. Maybe I can force some Naruto down his throat. Let's just hope the people who've been called back remain here for a while...=P

    Speaking of which, Magitekno's making his return!

  14. #44
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    I even saw SAM post in the Digital Community too. Wow...Spring Break does wonders to people .

    Nice to see ya Spekk!

    Why is it that you somehow remind me of Stewie..I dont know why. ^^""""""

  15. #45
    So Spek does that mean you're in college now???

  16. #46
    That's right, I am a college man now. Quite a long way from the 13-year old I was when I first joined TFF.

    Right now, I'm studying....something... in Chicago at the moment. The University of Chicago....pretty depressing place.

    Quistis, I wish being compared to Stewie was the worst comparison I've faced in the past month. But that award goes to a girl who compared me Wallace Shawn's character in The Princess Bride. Frankly, I find that to be inconceivable.....

    Anyways, I have no problem making a post every now and then. If for nothing more than to reminisce about the good ol' days.

    Which were good.

    And old.

    And certainly days.

  17. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Spekkio
    Quistis, I wish being compared to Stewie was the worst comparison I've faced in the past month. But that award goes to a girl who compared me Wallace Shawn's character in The Princess Bride. Frankly, I find that to be inconceivable.....
    Didn't you once say -at 14- that you were already bald?

  18. #48
    I said a lot of things at 14!!!

  19. #49
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    He's using that excuse for everything. He's trying to cover up the truth!

    You should be making a post in the "Where Are You Now?" thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  20. #50
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Oy, I meant Stewie in a good way (I think he's funny). Maybe because you're young yet talk like an adult?

    I'll actually be in Chicago this weekend. Actually..every two weekends and hopefully move there permanently soon >_<""

  21. #51
    hah, I was almost going to go to Chicago this weekend too... lol too bad I had to work and couldn't go with my friend... how weird if we all would've went and met up somewhere... =P

    If you're going.. go to Joyee's.. haha best Bubble Tea I've had.. so far.. =P New York's would prolly come next, at like... Ten Ren? Annnyways..

  22. #52
    WHAT IS UP WITH BUBBLE TEA! Have I missed something here????

    Its like I went to sleep for years and then all the sudden everyones drinking weird drinks with "balls" in them... (thats what we're talking about right?)

    Although I did move to the bay area, and if you weren't aware, there is a LOT of asian culture here. Japantown is walking distance from my apartment..

    I'm ignorant on the subject of bubble tea... it seems very odd..

  23. #53
    Well it's an asian drink, obviously, it's mostly caught on over here in the West, but was out in the East far before it came here. I believe it started in Taiwan, with the basic, "Milk Tea" flavor.. basically, Iced Tea, with Milk and sugar.. very good, then later spawned various flavors, from fruits to like concoctions and what not.

    They're basically Tapioca balls, so in essence balls of sugar. They're chewy to an extect of like.. noodles? if any chewier, they're made wrong >.> but yeah they're the new craze haha.. I suggest you at least try it before you knock it. I know a lot of "white" people that are all like.. wtf there's shit in your drink... nah just Frog Eggs.. >.> haha but it's seriously good.

  24. #54
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korova
    Its like I went to sleep for years and then all the sudden everyones drinking weird drinks with "balls" in them... (thats what we're talking about right?)
    I think that's ramune, or some other type of Japanese soda drink. My friend used to have this odd obsession with it, I never got it. That marble ticked me off though! I have zero clue with bubble tea looks like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Korova
    Although I did move to the bay area, and if you weren't aware, there is a LOT of asian culture here. Japantown is walking distance from my apartment..
    Lucky, gah. LA's Little Tokyo is about 25 miles from here. So many prospective figure sites! And that Kinokuniya...Kyaa~ =P

    Edit: Balls of sugar?! That's crazy!

    Tiff would probably put rum in her's. >_>
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  25. #55
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korova
    Its like I went to sleep for years and then all the sudden everyones drinking weird drinks with "balls" in them...
    The first thing I thought of when I read this was the "Balls" energy drink. My friends love that stuff, possibly even more than Sobe. I kinda like it-it's not as bitter as most energy drinks, but kinda sweet-but I don't drink it that much.

    I have never seen this "bubble tea" or whatever it is you people speak of, however. It sounds interesting, though. I'd be willing to give it a try, I suppose. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  26. #56
    Lady Succubus We need.... action! Victoria's Avatar
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    I've never seen nor heard about Bubble Tea, either. Just the Balls drink and Ramune.

    My friend Oniko drinks Ramune all the time.

  27. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by SOLDIER #819
    Tiff would probably put rum in her's. >_>
    Rum goes with anything.. really... mmmmm

    No, balls in the drink. like Heero said, tapioca balls. Not the drink Bawls

  28. #58
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    He posted right before me, lol. Didn't bother to edit.

    I told Tiff about that rum thing though. She said it would probably taste disgusting. Maybe you could test it for us? :D You are a daring young man willing to try new things, right Korova?
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  29. #59
    The bubble tea... you're really not going to get the "real" taste of it, unless you're near some sort of Chinatown outlet.. so like the major ones, New York, Boston, Chicago, Sanfrancisco, Maybe Vegas?, Seattle, those areas would probably have more of a Bubble tea shops. Though they're starting to sprout up where there is at least a decent asian population. It's starting to catch on I think.. well at least here in Columbus. =T though it's still not that good here, since they use a lot of powders and sugars rather than real fruits.

    And about that "Ra Mu Ne" drink S... there aren't any "balls" in it.. just a ball, and that's just for like.. amusment where you press the ball in and drink from the top.. it's more of a toy than anything. =p

  30. #60
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi
    The bubble tea... you're really not going to get the "real" taste of it, unless you're near some sort of Chinatown outlet.. so like the major ones, New York, Boston, Chicago, Sanfrancisco, Maybe Vegas?, Seattle, those areas would probably have more of a Bubble tea shops. Though they're starting to sprout up where there is at least a decent asian population. It's starting to catch on I think.. well at least here in Columbus. =T though it's still not that good here, since they use a lot of powders and sugars rather than real fruits.
    I live near...LA? Does that count? We have quite a few "towns" around here, like Little Tokyo, Little Saigon...SAM mentioned that there was a Korean community in Long Beach somewhere. I can't really remember though, I haven't taken full advantage of my surroundings. I bet there's a Chinatown...Somewhere. If I'm not thinking of Little Saigon (which I haven't been to since I was at most 10), then I've probably been in the area.

    Any way to tell the difference from the pre-made stuff and the real thing? Haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi
    And about that "Ra Mu Ne" drink S... there aren't any "balls" in it.. just a ball, and that's just for like.. amusment where you press the ball in and drink from the top.. it's more of a toy than anything. =p
    I know this! And it bugs me, haha. When I first had it, it kept getting in the way. That is the only "ball in close proximity to a drink" drink that I knew of. =P
    Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 03-24-2007 at 03:44 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

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