I saw that Pete started a thread over there. I thought we should compete by starting a thread over here. And by we, I mean me. You still around, S? What about you, Kaz? I see you around sometimes.

Remember that one time Spekkio was here? Before he turned 16, and was too old for forums anymore? lolol. Just bustin' yer bawls, Spekk. That you didn't have when you joined this forum. .... ........... .... ........... ................... ........................... .... .... You'll never see this. Unless you do.

I should get Quistis to come back for the soul purpose of posting one time in this thread, and then never again. That'd be fun. Maybe she could post some of her scurry vamp ires that she likes to draw! WOOOOT!!

I wonder what ever happened to Sarah. Or Bunny. Or K. Or Sundance. Or TO.

.................................................. .................................................. .............................................EVIL N SHIT!

I never did the RP thing with y'all. I never clanned it up. I came later. What is RP, tho? What is clan? When is time? Where is life?

Did T.O. ever purchase butter and cheese?