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Thread: RP characters

  1. #1
    The Old Skool Warrior RP characters LocoColt04's Avatar
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    RP characters

    This will include our own personal characters as well as any shared characters that we may come up with. So yeah, w00t and such.

    Personal Character

    Name: Thomas Hurst, codename "Tiger"
    Age: 38
    Race: Human
    Ethnicity: Caucasian, but heavily tanned
    Height: 6'2" (188cm)
    Weight: 174lb (78.9kg, 12.4 stone)
    Eyes: slate gray
    Hair: blonde with white highlights from the sun

    Description: clothing always varies according to the job

    Equipment: also varies with the job; consists of the following
    The vest - thin black leather, with straps on the back for carrying the bow when needed, and a loop on the left side for hanging the katana sheath.
    The boots - black leather, with four slots on the outer edge of each boot for carrying throwing knives.
    The quiver - 30 inch cylindrical wooden tube with a lid and a black leather sling. Holds up to 18 arrows.

    Main Class: Ninja (Mercenary)
    Mercenary for hire. Proficient in the art of swordsmanship.
    Sub Class: Archer
    Fairly proficient only with longbows, not crossbows.
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Kills without second thought, but rarely takes sides without reason.

    Weaponry: katana, longbow, and throwing knives
    The katana - a rather simple blade, silver/steel alloy, 32 inches long. Hand-carved wooden sheath and handle (10 inches), painted a bright yellow. Black leather strips one inch thick wrapped every half inch along the handle.
    The longbow - treated maple, four feet long. Max 30 inch draw. Arrows are also maple, 28 inches long, with flintstone tips.
    The knives - solid steel, handle included. Seven inch blade, five inch handle. Small T-shaped crossguard where the handle meets the blade.

    Magic: None

    WHAT?! It's a freaking RP. The bio practically is the RP.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 09-11-2004 at 09:30 PM. Reason: missed a closing tag, forgot the quiver

  2. #2
    Absent RP characters Indigo's Avatar
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    All right, I devised this next character while waiting for dinner. She's similar to one I had in the past, but I've tweaked her motivations and minor details to fit ideas I've had. So, here goes.

    Name: Anghara Twintem
    Age: 2, 867 years of age. Roughly 23 in human terms.
    Race: Elf (duh, come on)
    Height: 5'4''
    Basic physical appearance: Short for an elf, has trademark slightly pointed ears, long earth brown hair, dark mahogany eyes flecked with gold. Olive complexion.
    Clothing: Wears typical travelling pants/shirt with a dark blue/navy cloak over everything. Enchanted to keep her warm no matter what the weather. No jewelry whatsoever.
    Weapons: Sword; crafted from Varthalon's finest, lightest Stethryl (essentially a combination of steel and mythril). Also carries a simple white dagger used primarily for throwing.
    Typically classified as a warrior, Anghara primarily uses her sword for fighting, but also dabbles in healing magic and holy magic when the occasion calls for it (emergencies).
    Brief general background: Currently in exile from her own people for reasons that she keeps to herself (yes, I actually know these reasons). So long has she been off on her own that she no longer remembers much of her own language, and resents certain members of her people to some extent.
    Motivation: Vows to get back at the one(s) who forced her into exile, and will assist anyone in need, provided they have no alliance with Varthalon.
    Currently: Somewhat of a mercenary who travels from city to city, helping travellers usually for a sum of money.

    Notes: I mention "Varthalon" at times. This would be the Elven capital - from which she was exiled. It shouldn't be too difficult to write into the story, I shouldn't think. So yeah, there's the bare minimum for the elf. As for a "Class" name for Anghara, I felt the name "Swordsinger" would be appropriate. I'm not sure of the exact meaning in Lineage 2 (where I stole it from), but to me, it sounds like someone who basically uses a sword, but also has magic abilities as well. So if that's what you want to call Anghara, I think that would probably be the best way to describe her as a fighter.

  3. #3
    Name: Ryayukou Insa
    Race: Kou-Aeka, a demi-human (see attached picture)
    Height: 7'0"
    Weight: 280 lbs
    Hair: Silver with streaks of black
    Eyes: Emerald
    Weapon: Brute strength, with long knife for close range sometimes
    Class: Hunter / Assassin (retired)
    Clothes: Dark green tank top, ripped camo pants


    Ryayukou's race, the Kou-Aeka, dwell in the forest mountains, far away from any civilized place, although they are very intellegent and powerful. They are generally not liked, but they tolerate any race as long as they're not a threat to their lives. Ryayukou left her people along with her two older brothers to explore the world, but the three split up to find their own way. She has worked for many years as a hunter and assassin for hire, but now seeks to live away from everything. She is apathetic to anyone she meets, for she will not allow her thoughts and emotions to interfere with her life, fearing that her painful past history will repeat itself.

  4. #4
    Genji RP characters Skai's Avatar
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    I have used this character for the "SOLDIER vs. The Fate" battle and I'll be sticking with this character as a member of SOLDIER.

    Name: Alan
    Codename: Skai
    Age: 21
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 170 lbs

    Appearance: Skai's build is slender yet muscular. His eye color is mocha brown, showing his heritage of the oriental races. His short jet black hair (think the Turks version of Vincent) is streaked with the color of white at the bangs. He usually wears a dark blue turtle-neck with light tan cargo pants and a pair of military-like boots. During formal occasions, he would wear a dark blue suit over a white shirt and black tie.

    Battle: Skai is very skilled in two types of fighting style, shield-edge and hand-to-hand combat. When in his usual attire which is what he wears for battle, he wields a kite shield embedded with a ruby gem at the middle of its face. The kite shield is designed to grasp onto his right arm by its back, making it very difficult to get knock off by opponents. Its razor sharp edge can cut almost the hardest of material in the world and it's incredibly hard to penetrate, making it a deadly weapon with utmost high quality defense. When in his formal attire, he would fight hand-to-hand. His fighting style is called "Mithstykal."
    Last edited by Skai; 09-12-2004 at 12:18 AM.

  5. #5
    Absent RP characters Indigo's Avatar
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    Okie Dokie, the RP thread is up. For those of us who are a little slow, it's the "On the wings of a SOLDIER" thread. Cesar and Danica made up the name. I've stuck my general intro up there to begin at it.

  6. #6
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Well *cracks knuckles* time to go to work

    Name: Cain Highwind
    Age: 25
    Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian Human
    Height: In the 6 ft range
    Eyes: Electric Blue
    Hair: Long (about waist length) blonde hair

    Combat Description:

    Cain has two fighting forms depending on the type more suited for a battle. He wears heavy Plate Mail armor with a dragon shaped helmet, with a Holy Lance and takes on the skills of a Lancer for a more massive warfare approach. The armor also serves as a Training inhibitor. The massive weight of the armor while protecting him greatly, limits his power to not only train him and keep his real strength from waning, but prevents him from using his *real* strength and speed in an unecessary manner. Even though his limited spped and power alone is quite formidable. The armor is however specially designed and crafted to allow an instantaneous removal with but a thought, if the need arrives for him to show his true strength to a worthy opponent.

    With his armor off, Cain adopts a standard Martial Arts gi that's blue. Because of the light weight of clothes, he's much more vulnerable, however the lack of armor gives him the great potential of his true superhuman strength and blinding speed. With training in a number of martial arts across numerous travels. Cain's skills are as follows:

    Primary Martial Arts Specialties:

    Anasetsuken, Kamesennin, Kyokugen, Saikyo

    Arts Cain is familiar with, but has had only limited training and practice:

    Heidern Assassination Arts, Kusanagi Arts, Yagami Arts, Muy Thai, Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Shiranui Ninja Arts, Judo, Summoning, Miming, Athenian Metamorphosis, Red Arreminian Metamorphosis, Hizoku Arts, Howard Kobujutsu/Hakkyokuseiken.

    Cain also has a a hidden ancient power rarely seen by his opponents that dates back to his Jurai ancestry as well as a one time "Spiritual Fusion Ceremony" undergone by his mentor and friend Edge Geraldine, which heightens his skills and powers to unfathonable levels. He rarely uses it however, being as he believes in fighting fair and on equal terms. This comes to...


    Cain is a very lighthearted and kind man but is a serious fighter in the heat of battle. He does what's right in the name of justice, but he's not too serious as to not like a night out in town so to speak.

  7. #7
    Gingersnap RP characters OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Name: Adrianne Tamberlein
    Age: 24
    Race: Classified as human. She has nymph blood in her veins.
    Height: 5' 4"
    Weight: 119 lb
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Auburn

    Clothing: It varies. Though she knows how to fight, her life is not a violent one. White linen is common for her.

    Weaponry: Trident

    Magic: Water

    History: She is the daughter of Alexandra Tamberlein and Phillip Paige. Alexandra, more popularly known as Alex, was a soldier in the Old War, as she came to call it. The actual name of the war was never known to Adrianne because her mother refused to acknowledge it as part of her present. It was old. Fought centuries ago when it had only really been a decade. When she was a child, Adrianne would ask questions about it, but her mother would only sigh. She never received answers from her father either, for he respected his wife’s wish to forget. For a time, Alex and Phillip lived in the city of Valencia. They had been married there. However, soldiers still marched across the fields of Valencia, and every few years a Tournament of Arms would return. Alex had escaped the world of the sword, and wished for her children to never enter into it. Phillip disagreed and insisted that their children learn a way to defend themselves. They moved away from Valencia when Alex was pregnant with her first child. When Adrianne was born, she was born into the quiet ruins of an ancient stone temple.

    Personality: She's quiet, but she loves laughter. She has lived her life within the green valley where she was born. As a result, she has a certain degree of innocence and, at times, naivety. She is intelligent and resourceful, however, and she possesses a stubborn determination passed down from her mother.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 10-21-2004 at 10:57 PM.

  8. #8
    RP characters Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Name: Silverglade Ravenfaux

    Details: Oh, wouldn't you like to know? I'm the only one who knows all of this, and I'd like to keep it that way.
    Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
    Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.

    -Ferdinand, The Duchess of Malfi, V.V

  9. #9
    Name: Verdandi, "Lady Black Crane"
    Age: 20
    Race: Human
    Ethnicity: Valkyrian
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Eyes: Dark blue
    Hair: Black, just below chin length
    Weapons: Her hands and the occasional crossbow
    Class: Warrior
    Subclass: Assassin

    Appearance: Very dark-skinned. She bears a deep scar on the back of her left shoulder, which some say is the punishment for being a descendant of Svava, one of the first Valkyries. She often wears loose, silken black pants and a tight black tanktop. She never wears boots -- always black leather ballet-like shoes. She carries her crossbow on her back. Her most important accessory is an opal necklace given to her by her mother.

    Background: Verdandi is a descendent of Svava, an original Valkyrie. In Norse mythology, Valkyries were maidens who chose which battlefield warriors would be slain. The original Verdandi is the norn (fate) of being.

    The origin of Verdandi's scar is not known. She never knew her parents; they were killed in the War of Asgard when she was only 5 months old. Her grandmother Edda took care of her until she was 17, when she moved away.

    Verdandi resides in a small village called Lerad, where she is known as Lady Black Crane. She is trained in the fine art of Hakke Sho, her weapon of choice being her body.


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