I know there's one in Remiem as a revival of the old clan, but that has nothing to do with us as a group. It's all those clan kids.

What if we set up a SOLDIER RP right here in our forum to give us something to do? We could all set up characters in this thread (if we decide to put one together out of boredom) and use it as an OOC thread as well.

If we do it, I'd suggest we (whoever wants to participate) should all create brand new characters which reflect our personalities while using FFT-esque classes, but have fun with it as well. It could be a serious RP or something a bit more light-hearted. Or both. Whatever, right? I just want something to do between schoolwork and RPB stuff. I need to keep my writing fresh, you know?

And right at the moment, SOLDIER's nothing more than a label for us right now anyway. We're not doing anything. Even though the public doesn't know that... and they don't have to, either.