With this in mind, I suppose we need to have an intelligent and interesting conversation. The only threads in here at the moment consist of a general flame and some setup-type junk. So yeah, let's converse.Originally Posted by Merlin
Of the members who have posted to this point in time, a good majority is in college. And we've got Kevin, whose high school is actually harder than college, because those private school kids have it rough like that.
Well, my first day of school was yesterday, and I've already got an essay due for English tomorrow. It's a very simple little project; two pages written on one of three topics. The topic I have chosen is this: "Describe your dream vacation. Include details such as: where you would go and why, what you would like to see/do there, what you already know about the destination, what you hope to learn from the experience, etc. Conclude by speculating on what resources (time, money, knowledge, etc.) you might need to make this dream vacation a reality."
It's not that big of a deal, right? For some reason... I can't come up with a competent two pages. Yeah, that's all... two pages. I'm not sure if I'm struggling simply because I'm attempting to say everything at once, but all I know is that somehow, even the simplest of topics seems difficult. Of course, I know that I'm making it harder than it really is, so... yeah.
Topic on hand:
What's the favorite paper you've ever written for a course in school?
Or perhaps the hardest paper you've written through college?
The most ridiculous topic you've ever been assigned for a paper?
(A variant of this was also one of the three options for my paper due tomorrow. =P)
For me, it was probably my freshman theme in English in high school. There was an entire packet of social topics we could choose from, and I selected something like "Censorship in the Media" and went with it from there. It was probably the only paper in all of high school that I spent more than five hours researching and writing. I probably had a good five hours of research alone on that paper. (It was also when I started to get my drive for communications, which is now my major in college.) In this paper, I exploited both the FCC and the Constitution, pitting them against each other and placing public law above the rules of censorship. It was fun to write, and my grades were excellent. 100 for content, 98 for context, and a 100 for grammar. I can't remember a single paper in all of junior high or high school that even compared to my Media paper... (and that worries me...)