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Thread: Accomplishments

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  1. #1


    What are some of the most challenging accomplishments you've made?

    One for me would be overcoming my eating disorder. Throughout my sophomore year and most of my junior year, I was struggling with my image, self-esteem, and a bad relationship. Everyone saw me as a happy, healthy teenager but they never knew about my secret battle. I wouldn't eat because I was so angry and sad with myself, and my mom, who knows me better than anyone else, stepped in and finally saw what was going on. It took several months for me to finally start eating right again and to be content with myself.

    What are yours? I know I have more, I'll edit this post when I've got more time. >>;

  2. #2
    Accomplishments Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Mountain View, CA
    I struggled with getting my friends to not be assholes and actually start treating me back the way I treated them. That one took a while, and I've been mostly successful ont hat, with a few exceptions.

    And I had a bout with depression my entire sophomore year that I managed to overcome somehow by just toughing it out. That wasn't fun.
    Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
    Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.

    -Ferdinand, The Duchess of Malfi, V.V

  3. #3
    Genji Accomplishments Skai's Avatar
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    I struggled with a case of short and explosive temper that erupts every chance I can get as an excuse to yell, scream, throw my stuff around, and beat on people. It started on 6th grade and ended in 8th grade.

    Well, back then I have a very short temper and even just trivial matters could get me piss. I curse a lot (still do though because it's fun) and would yell them out while I throw stuff around. It was during 7th grade that it got worst and near the middle of 8th grade that I started to settle down and my short tempers fade away.

    It's all thanks to one person though, who was also my first girlfriend. Although it was a somewhat secret relationship but I enjoyed the time. Since I was an idiot and a maniac, which caused me to think that she went with me out of sympathy, so I guess it was me who screwed things up with my attitude and shit so I can't blame her. Well, when we broke up at 8th grade, I was all down and shit, showing everyone how depressed I was and how pitiful I am. She later requested that I don't be so depressed and cheer up. I don't know what was it that actually affected me, but I took the words to heart and became more cheerful and less short tempered and depressed.

    It was then that my somewhat care-free and happy-go-around attitude began to form. I believe that I changed a lot from my middle school years. I became from a spoiled and short tempered person to someone who's much less wild and laid back. I could also say it was what made me such a lazy person, but that's just me.
    Last edited by Skai; 10-11-2004 at 03:44 PM.
    Skai Aetheris, Gilgamesh

  4. #4
    Gingersnap Accomplishments OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I struggled with my image for a while. You know... that whole thing of, "Why am I alone? Why have I not had a serious relationship? What's wrong with me?" I didn't think I was pretty or femenine at all. I thought of myself as the goofy kid that always went stag to dances. Even in a dress I felt like no one would see me as a young woman... much less pretty. Don't get me wrong, I was a pretty happy teenager with plenty of friends. It was when I was alone or with another couple that it really bothered me. Part of me didn't like who I was because whoever I was certainly wasn't attractive to anyone else. Not from where I was standing, anyway. I've grown up a bit, and realize that there's nothing wrong with me at all. I haven't met the right person, and I'll probably be one of those people that will casually date in highschool and save the relationships for later. I'll also probably get married a little later than my peers. I've wanted a relationship all along, but I'm independent by nature. That's the thing, I guess. I realize that I was probably never ready to handle commitment. Not yet. Oh yeah, and I'm okay with my appearance now. I'd even go so far as to call myself pretty. Imagine that. I like that feeling.

    Read more.

    TFF Awards:

    Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

  5. #5
    Accomplishments Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
    I'd even go so far as to call myself pretty. Imagine that. I like that feeling.
    Hey, you're not the only one who'd call you that.

    You, are, however, the only one who'd call me that.

    That one brought up another couple of things that I still haven't gotten over. I can't take compliments, mainly because I don't believe them, and if I don't believe the compliments, I have serious trouble believing the people.

    I still have never been in any serious relationship either. Or any relationship period, I guess. It's probably kind-of my fault, but it's also kind-of other people's faults. I guess it's mostly my fault for being extremely taken with a good friend of mine who doesn't like me back, but I still want to blame other people.

    In the less-challenging department, I made National Merit Semifinalist. Man, tests are a joke compared to real life.
    Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
    Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.

    -Ferdinand, The Duchess of Malfi, V.V

  6. #6
    The Lost Writer Accomplishments Psiko's Avatar
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    I'm sure mine will seem minor and insignificant compared to some of the others that have, and will eventually, appear in this thread, but I'm gonna contribute to the SOLDIER activity! Go me!

    Growing up, I was always the shy kid. Never talked to anyone, had enough friends that I could count them all on one hand and still have fingers that didn't get counted...that sort of thing. Teachers loved me, the kids ignored me...I'm sure you've had classes with those people at some point in time. Always got A's without any effort, but couldn't ask a girl out if their life depended on it. Yeah, that was me up until...oh, about college. Seriously, I never had a serious relationship during the entire time I was in school. I was such a loser, and some kids made a point of making fun of me every day in class...especially in gym. God I hated gym class.

    You know, if people would leave kids alone, maybe I wouldn't have had those problems, but ever since Grade School I was singled out. Never cool or popular...just the "smart kid" or the "nerd". I never fit in, nor did I want to. If being cool meant being an asshole, then I didn't want to be cool. So I wasn't.

    Then I met the woman who would end up being my wife. You have no idea how hard it was for me to even ask her for her number...I don't think I even got those words out of my mouth in between all the broken, mumbled sentences. Oh, and did I mention that I used to blush all the f***in time!? One semi-sexual or semi-flattering comment was all it took to make my face as red as a firetruck. Yeah, I had issues...I know. Surprisingly enough, she thought it was "cute" and made every effort to make me blush at least once every ten minutes, if not more. Thank god I've grown out of that!!!!!!!

    Anywho, it took MONTHS for me to be comfortable around her, and even longer to actually accept the realization that someone not only found me somewhat attractive, but that she actually liked me for who I am. My self-esteem was trash before her. She has made me a better person, and I like who I am now. No more nervousness, no more blushing, no more jittery feelings...I'm even willing to accept the compliment if someone says I'm hot. Three years ago I would have thought they were pulling my leg to make me feel like sh*t.

    Maybe all I needed was to be in an actual relationship. Maybe I only needed someone to like me for who I am. Or maybe it was just the sex that finally broke the insecurity and shyness...who knows? Someone did something right somewhere, and I'm glad it all happened. The man no one thought would ever get married was one of the first to do so, and I know I'll be the one laughing at the reunions when I've got a family and a great job while those jokers are single, broke, and unclog toilets for a living. ^^

    Now if I can ever get my in-laws to stop thinking that I am gay simply because I like playing video games instead of going out drinking at bars...
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.


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