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Thread: The War of the Millena

  1. #1
    The War of the Millena draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!

    The War of the Millena

    This is my first RP if you want to join PM me.

    Races: These are the kind of people that will be in this story.

    Human: They are always cariuos they can use magic and they are in the war.
    Warrior: is the basic soider for an army and he can use only swords and can also use magic.
    Mage: Wears rodes and and a staff or a book of spells and can use powerful magic.
    Wizard: Is a higher class than a Mage. Can wear rodes and can use a staff, book of spells or a sword and can use powerful spells.
    Knight: A higher class than the soilder and can also use magic. can use lance and a sword.
    Paladin: Is a higher class than the Knight. can wear any armor. Can ride a horse and can use a lance and a sword he can also use powerful spells.
    General:This is a higher class than the palidan. Generals are in charge of the army and can use every kind of weapon but can only use weak magic.
    Light Knight: these are like the regular knight but these knight can heal wound allies.
    Dark night: These are the Kings most powerful men. The are trained in powerful magic and can use every kinda of weapon.

    Eleves: They are very calm and are sift and can use magic to.
    Ranger: they are good hunters and trackers. They carrie swords with them and they also have a bow and some quivers.
    Elders: The Elves come to them for help when introuble or confused.
    Scout: They are liked hired mercaneries they get payed to lead people across dangerous tarians.

    Dwarves: They may be small but they do pack a punch annd they can not use magic but can use every type of weapon. They are in the war to.
    Rider These Dwarves can are trained to ride on any mount.
    Warrior: When the Dwarves have a war these one are in the front line and the are only trained with swords.

    Dragons: These were the first to rome the earth and now they want it al to them selves. They are in the war to.
    Earth: Earth Dragons do not like to fly because they get power from the earth so they most of the time are in a forest with much life around it. Only when its in danger does it take to the sky.
    Fire: Fire Dragons like to stay near Volcanose and are usualy ruby red because the rubys that they nest in. They like to stay in the air and away from water. They can also use powerful fir magic.
    Wind: Wind Dragons have Scales that shimer like dimands and they have power full wind magic. They really don't like to be on the ground so they will almost always be in the air.

    Halves: The are a Half bread between Dragons and Humans bout they are not accepted by Dragons so they now live with the humans.

    Places: These are the places were alll of the races live.
    Argoth: This the Contry were all of the Humans live it is the biggest and is ruled by King Breast.
    Feather Moontains: This is were the legendary Dwarves live and it is the smallest of the eight countrys.

    At one time the dragons and all of the other races lived together in peace untill a dark and young ruler was crowne for the dragons. This dragon was ful of dark magic. He put a Dark spell on the other dragons to hate them. Then he filled thier heads with lies after he killed a dragon and blamed it on the all of the other races. Thus began the war of the millena.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 02:48 PM.

  2. #2
    parkour messenger extrodinaire The War of the Millena Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    yo don't you mean OUR first rp, okay instead of adding they are in the war too, put all the races are in the war of the millenia.

    okay, so pm me or draco here, we are just starting out, our first ever rp, so we aren't completly sure about the plot, so feel free to make a suggestion to do with it. the character outline will be fairly basic, so post that before joining, we have a 7 spell/abillity max to avoid overpowered characters. and also the basic TFF guidline should be respected.
    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    From the darkest Shadows, I strike for truth!

    My TFF family so far:
    my maniacal cousin, Morik the Rogue

  3. #3
    The War of the Millena draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    This is my only caracter and he is still in develupment so I will add stuff to him.

    Name: Ziro
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Class: Dark Knight
    Gender: male
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight150 lb
    HP: 450
    MP: 300

    Appearance: Has short silver hair only down to his neck. He wears black armor that fits nice and tight. He has five golden symbols of Darkness. One on each arm and leg and one on the back of his neck. His armor covers his whole body excepte for his head. He has a sword and on the handle of that sword has a darkness symbol on it that acts like a magnet to the one on he back of Ziros neck. So his sword is attatched to his back. He has red eyes and no puples and he is taned and he has silver eye brows.

    As the Demon from the Abysss: His body turns black he gros wings and his sword turns int claws that come out of his fingers and toes.

    Biography: When Ziro was Five he began his sword training to become a soilder. A few months after that the king had his most trusted General come and get Ziro. When Ziro saw the king the king told Ziro that his father Zero was dead. When Ziro went to see his father all he fond was black armor tht had five goldend dark symbols on it. Somehow the amor told him o put it on an ever since then he was not able to take it off. Then the armor told Ziro to go to the kings throne and get the Sword of the Abyss but first he would have to kill a spirite with the claws of the damned. Ever since then he has rows quickly in his ranks and now is a top Dark Knight.

    Spells: As Human
    Earth Drain: This spell allows Ziro to drain the energy from the earth to increase his
    speed and strength. This spell only last five of Ziros posts.
    MP: 50
    Sanctum: Sanctum allows Ziro to be revived during the first post of his next battle.
    MP: 200
    Cure:This spell heals minor cuts and he can only use it every five posts.
    MP: 90
    Firaga: This spell sends a inferno of flames at the opponent with great speed and great strength.
    MP: 90

    As the Demon from the Abyss
    Kiss of Death: This allows him to drain the life force out of an enemy nd give it to an ally.
    MP: 60
    Reunite: This is when the Five goldeb symbols of darkness go to the middle of his chest and make a black hole to engulf the enemy and kill them.
    MP: 300
    Dark Ball: This creats a dark ball that is shot at the enenmy with great speed and great strength.
    MP: 80

    Ability: When his sword gets blood on it he holds the blade to his mouth and likes it off and turns into the Demon of the Abyss.

    Sword from the Abyss: This is Ziros main weapon it has a dark symbol on the handle that attatches it self to the one on Ziros armor so it can hang from his back.
    Attack Power: 85
    Claws of the Damned: These are in side of the armor on top of the hands. It is very rare that Ziro eer uses these.
    Attack Power: 100

    As the Demon from the Abyss: He onl has claws of thwe lost.
    Attack Power: 90
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 02:56 PM.

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus The War of the Millena Victoria's Avatar
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    I remember when I first started RPing, I always just used one character all the time. Which turned out to be very bad. Either modify your character to the RP setting, or create a new character.

    It's not a bad thing to create multiple characters for different RPs. Any respectable RPer does it all the time.

    Just a suggestion. I'm not joining or anything.

  5. #5
    parkour messenger extrodinaire The War of the Millena Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    A rogue Dragon, one of those who is fighting alongside the humans, elves, and dwarves rather than with the dragons. let's hope he's not too powerful.

    Name: among Dragons Gematianis, too humans when a dragon, Gem, in his human form, Gell.
    Race: Earth Dragon
    Gender Male
    Age: 1,000 years, appears to be 19 as a human.
    Height: as a Dragon 36' Human 6'2"
    Weight: as a Dragon 5,768lbs (sound good, I'm not so sure so if you can figure on something better feel free to leave a comment.) as a human 165lbs

    physical appearance: as a Dragon, Gem is a bit above average at 36' and almost 6,000lbs, he has a solid build, not lithe but not exceedingly muscular either, somewhere in between. His scales are a deep brown colour, like freshly turned earth, and his eyes a burnished amber. He looks almost typically Draconic, from his flared snout, to his tail.

    As a human, he is slightly taller than normal, of average weight and build, with dark brown hair, a slight tan, brown eyes and a soothing voice. His wears fairly plain cloths in this form so he doesn’t stand out too much.

    Weapon: Only when he’s in human form, as a dragon his claws, jaws, and Tail should be good enough.

    Dragon paw: a one handed mace, in the form of a dragons paw with claws extended, made of good steel it is a nice sturdy weapon.

    As a human he wears a special vest with silver woven in along with typical cotton, and steel, to grant some protection from enchantments. Along with a lightweight bronze helm, and his bone armlets, it makes for armor that doesn’t hinder him much, but is still decently protective.

    As a Dragon he has the scales that cover his body, they provide excellent protection, being very strong, but the scales on his belly are somewhat weaker thus making that his weakest spot in Dragon form.


    Dragon/Human shift: This spell allows Gem to switch between Dragon and Human form.

    Human form spells:

    Illusion copy: This spell creates a second image of Gem, which can act independently of the real Gem. Used to distract, confuse, or annoy opponents.

    Earth Strike: Imbues Dragon paw with the power of the earth, allowing for more powerful blows for a limited time.

    Vine wall: A wall of vines erupts from the ground in front of Gem, an effective wall for blocking attacks as it requires little time to cast. The vines will stay until Gem undoes the spell.

    Dragon Form spells:

    Breath weapon: all types of Dragon have their own unique Breathe weapon, for earth dragons it is a cloud of oppressive dust, that settles on anything in its path, not very damaging, but it limits the sight of whatever it hits, and has been known to bring airborne opponents down to earth.

    Diamond blast: shoots shards of Diamond called from beneath the ground, at one target,

    Earth’s Blessing: minor healing for one ally.
    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    From the darkest Shadows, I strike for truth!

    My TFF family so far:
    my maniacal cousin, Morik the Rogue

  6. #6
    Lady Succubus The War of the Millena Victoria's Avatar
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    Uh, draco.. this is the OOC thread. If you want to start the RP, make a new RP thread in the RP forum. This subforum is strictly for OOC business.

  7. #7
    The Undying horror The War of the Millena Firaga15's Avatar
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    In the mystical world of Ivalice.
    Okay, mine is a mix of a dragon (any kind) and a human, if that is okay.

    Name: Felgaran
    Race: Half
    Type: General
    Appearance: Green, scaly skin
    Dragon head
    Long horns
    Sharp spines
    Long, sharp fangs
    Clawed hands and feet
    Five fingers
    Three toes
    Human-like body
    Long cape
    Gold, jewel encrusted crown

    Bio: Little is known about Felgaran. He is 20'5", and 100000000000 years old. He is king of the Halves, and is much older, taller, and wiser than any other of his kind. He is almost always completely calm, but his warlike side is shown in battle.
    Equipment: Zodiac Tornesol Gratsword
    Strength: 70
    Length: 10ft
    Armor: Tough Scales
    Defense: 20

    White Magic:
    Battle Technicks
    Flapping his wings, Felgaran produces deadly hurricane-force winds.

    Holy Beam:
    Felgaran opens his mouth, unleashing a beam of holy energy.

    Omega Roar:
    A great roar deafens all within a 1 mile radius.
    Last edited by Firaga15; 06-21-2008 at 09:32 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Block
    Ira, there's something in my suit!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ira Kane
    That is impossible, it is sealed!
    Evolution, a hilarious movie.

  8. #8
    The War of the Millena draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Firaga you need to create a caracter that fits in with the first post or ajust your caracter.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 02:49 PM.

  9. #9
    The War of the Millena draco's Avatar
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    Mokkan Brush tail could you please stop OOC on the RP. Eaither send me a PM or just rite it down herre.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 02:49 PM.

  10. #10
    parkour messenger extrodinaire The War of the Millena Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    I'll reply tomorrow, too busy at the moment.
    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    From the darkest Shadows, I strike for truth!

    My TFF family so far:
    my maniacal cousin, Morik the Rogue

  11. #11
    The War of the Millena draco's Avatar
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    OK Mokkan Brushtail oh I got Anthna Loveil to join our RP and Firaga posted his first post.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 02:50 PM.

  12. #12
    parkour messenger extrodinaire The War of the Millena Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    that sounds good, okay posted by the way.
    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    From the darkest Shadows, I strike for truth!

    My TFF family so far:
    my maniacal cousin, Morik the Rogue

  13. #13
    The War of the Millena draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Alright A.L. said she would post here caracter soon.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 02:50 PM.

  14. #14
    The Quiet One The War of the Millena Andromeda's Avatar
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    The posts in the RP that is associated with this thread have become spamish for the RP forum. One paragraph is not enough of a post for a RP. While I'm glad that it is not just dialogue, there needs to be more content per post or I will be warning for spam in the RP. At the very least you need to have three paragraphs.

    If posting does not change I will be giving out warnings and if nothing still changes the thread will be closed. And if possible refrain from single sentence posts in the OoC thread as well.

  15. #15
    The War of the Millena draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Alright guys I think this RP was a very bad idea so could you close this RP and RP OoC please and sorry Andromeda. PLease fore give me and if I do plan on makeing another RP I will plan it all the way through.


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