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Thread: Superstition OOC

  1. #1
    Superstition OOC Red XIV's Avatar
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    Superstition OOC

    Okay, so, I've been gone from the TFF roleplaying scene for quite some time, but, after some heavy FF playing in recent days, I thought I'd come back and take another crack at it. And so, here's my first RP in... well, a long time.

    The Story

    In the near future, the United States of America has become nothing more than a third-rate power. Thanks to pointless wars and a wild and uncontrolled economy, America is now a virtual dystopia. Its leaders are only mere puppets to the greedy mega-corporations. The police, who have sworn to 'protect and serve', are nothing more than corrupt thugs who would steal a little old lady's purse without a second thought. The middle-class has ceased to exist; you are either rich or poor, there is no in-between. Respectable jobs are nearly impossible to come by, meaning the poor have no way of climbing the economic ladder to success. Hope for the American people has all but been extinguished.

    But, the monsters who run the nation aren't the only monsters. The true monsters are all around. Vampires, werewolves, demons, all of those supposedly superstitious beings--they exist, and they're thriving on the bleak situation of the American people.

    This is the story of those monsters.


    Now, I wanted to switch up the typical and clichéd 'Good guys must save the world!' storyline, so, in this story, you play as ze bad guys. A gang of bad guys, to be precise. Your character can be a human, a demon, a werewolf, a vampire--basically, you can be anything you'd find in a book o' monsters. Just make 'em bad. They don't have to be the Devil incarnate bad, but, bad enough. And, for all you naysayers, don't worry, this story isn't about murdering the innocent; there'll be a story. Anyways, here's the characer sheet...

    Race: (human, demon, vampire, etc.)
    Brief History:

    I'll put up a character m'self in just a little bit. As in now.

    Name: Amy Hendricks
    Age: 31
    Sex: Female
    Appearance: In human form, she stands at about 5'7" and is of average build. Usually, she wears her long brown hair down, where it falls to a place a little past her shoulders. Her wardrobe varies, though she wears dark colors most of the time. In wolf form... well, she looks like a hulking werewolf with brown fur, sharp claws, and even sharper, canine-like fangs.
    Race: Werewolf
    Brief History: Before she was wolfified, Amy was a plain, old young woman who was trying to make it in a harsh world. She dreamed of becoming a doctor, but didn't have the money to pay for the ridiculous cost of schooling. In order to make the money to go to school, Amy, a pretty girl, got a job at a night club as a waitress and off-and-on dancer. It was there that she met a mysterious, young, and, most importantly of all, wealthy man. The man took a liking to her, and, before she knew it, she found herself in his bed the following morning. The peculiar thing was that the man was nowhere to be found, and she had a nasty bitemark on her shoulder. Some souvenir. Several weeks later, on the full moon, Amy learned for the first time what she had become. At first, she was lost and confused, and didn't know how to control her powers. That is, until she ran into the man who had turned her. Amy loathed the man for what he had done to her, but, when he offered to teach her how to control her power, she couldn't refuse. Once she had learned to control her power, Amy created for herself a new goal in life: to make life for the rich a living hell. She started out by killing the man who had turned her in the first place. After that, every full moon, one could expect to hear news of another rich socialite's death on the morning news. Before long, though, Amy stopped caring who she was killing. Rich, poor, it didn't matter. And it was at that low point in her life that she fell in with the gang.
    Last edited by Red XIV; 03-12-2008 at 07:59 PM.

  2. #2
    HRH Albha Superstition OOC Aerif's Avatar
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    Hm... There is a person posting in the RP forum who I do not ever recall seeing in my life. Perhaps I shall nicely welcome this person into our society. Or perhaps I shall leave that job to someone who has never truthfully seen this person.

    Maybe I should stop thinking out loudly and sarcastically...

    I'm going to post a BIO. I promise! I've just got to do a little research first...

  3. #3
    Superstition OOC Red XIV's Avatar
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    Excellent! Lookin' forward to it! And, it's great to know that there are still people I used to know from 'back in the day' that are still willing to join one of my stories. And, oh, I apologize for my inconsistency. I know, I've come and gone since the time I left, but, I'm gonna try and make it work this time.

    Anyways, enough of my ramblings. Glad to see you aboard.
    Signatures are for insurance salesmen.

  4. #4
    I'm going to put my bio up before Aerif! Tralalala! I am quite excited for this indeed.

    Name: He's called Adam, no one knows or asks of his last name

    Those close enough to him are told that he was "born" before 1431


    Adam has the visage of one in his early thirties. He wears small rimmed glasses although it is just for kicks, he has short black hair. He has a sturdy lean build to him. Normally is found in a white lab coat.

    Appears human

    Brief History:
    No one quite knows who or what Adam really is. He plays off folklore and states that he is the first vampire and became one prior to Dracula's physical birthday. Some of his closer friends say he only pretends to be a vampire when he really is a hollow shell of a man bound to something he keeps in the safe in his room. Stating that those without souls are truly the real monsters. Others even venture to say that he actually was never born but made, one of the fallen. But no one has yet to find out the truth as he seems to be older than all the members.

    Whatever the case may be he has lived a normal life up to this day and age. Working at a pharmacy not far from the gang's dwelling, he has a vast knowledge of drugs. No ones is perfect though and makes a lot of his profit peddling subscription drugs to those willing to pay for it.

    His relation to the gang is also quite a mystery. He has been around since the beginning. Some speculate he actually started the gang and then stepped down because he wanted to focus on his normal life. He humbly just sits back and watches those in leadership dictate what is to be done and how it is to be preformed. Usually he never follows orders but they don't seem say anything about it. Which again spreads myths amongst the new recruits of the horde. Stories which may or may not be full of truth.

    Adam seems to love the fact that his existence is a mystery to so many. However he has promised the gang that one day he will unravel himself to someone who proves trustworthy enough to keep such a deadly secret.

  5. #5
    Superstition OOC Red XIV's Avatar
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    Looks great!

    In any case, I'm thinking I might start this up today or tomorrow. Yeah, I know, three people isn't a whole lot, but, if more people join, it'll be very easy to write 'em in.
    Last edited by Red XIV; 03-13-2008 at 12:43 PM.
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  6. #6
    HRH Albha Superstition OOC Aerif's Avatar
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    Grr... Atma-Noah beat me to profile posting!

    Unfortunatly the profile your seeing is stripped down, the original effort was lost due to a faulty internet connection. Believe me, it made me tear my hair out.

    I've edited the order of the BIO sheet to make more sense

    Name: ‘Leo’

    Sex: Male

    Brief History: Leonardo Smith was an English Philosophy PhD student who moved to America after the death of his rich aunt. Because the exchange rate was greatly in his favour he chose to move his studies to America, however soon the price of tuition became too great even for a British millionaire. And Leonardo found himself in debt.

    Leonardo wanted to continue his studies for as long as he possibly could, so he took a risk. He somehow managed to contact the devil and arranged a meeting with the evil one. They struck a deal; the devil would fund Mr. Smith until he no longer required money for tuition, however the devil required that Mr. Smith gave his soul up for the money.

    The deal was made and Leonardo Smith managed to go about his life until he began slowing down, cruelly before receiving his doctorate. Eventually the soulless man disappeared and the media made a fuss over his mysterious disappearance. The devil knew that if Leonardo was dead then there would be enquiries, so he decided to replace the real Leonardo with his shadow.

    The shadow managed to almost replicate the old Leonardo, however it now had its own free will (that is too say, it was no longer being controlled by Leonardo) and it disagreed with the lifestyle that Leonardo had followed. With the ability to change it’s shape and vocal chords, it murdered the people closest to Leonardo to eradicate the life that it had been forced to reflect.

    He dropped the majority of his name and began running his own life. Recently he became involved with the ‘gang’ and has since became it’s newest member.

    As he has only been on the surface for a short time, he is incredibly naïve. He is also very quiet and rarely speaks, however on speaking usually speaks with an accent that most Americans recognise as being truly ‘English’. This stereotypical accent is adapted to suit his appearance.

    Appearance: Because he is a shadow he has no definite appearance, however he has developed his own sense of style and is regularly seen as a teenager of 16 or 17 years old who has spiked blonde hair and wears jeans with a white t-shirt and a red sleeveless jacket.

    Race: Shadow

    Age: <1

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  7. #7
    Superstition OOC Red XIV's Avatar
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    Another good one! I appreciate the originality in your characters. They put my simple one to shame. Anyways, hopefully we'll be getting underway soon, though another character certainly wouldn't hurt.
    Signatures are for insurance salesmen.

  8. #8
    Superstition OOC Red XIV's Avatar
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    Alright, sorry for the double post, but, I've got an update to tells ya. The story's up. I'm gonna do this episodically. I've already got the story for the first one roughly plotted out. That's not saying that everything's set in stone. Plenty of room for people to work freely. In any case, we'll be learning what the main story for this episode in one of my next few posts.

    As to what your characters should be doing... Anything you want, really. If you want them to be out, painting the town red (literally or figuratively), or chilling out at HQ and mingling, or checking out Adam's pharmacy store, or whatever, it's cool. Just try and get your characters to the HQ by the ends of your posts. Thanks.

    Hope you all don't find this constricting at all.
    Signatures are for insurance salesmen.

  9. #9
    Time is the constricting one Red haha. Sorry I haven't got a post up yet but it seems that other things have taken priority. No worries though after Monday I should have a couple free days to finish my post and get it up. Hopefully I won't make this a shallow promise or anything like I do all the other times. Anyways just letting you know I'm still kickin around and such.

    Where's the other one of our trio?

  10. #10
    HRH Albha Superstition OOC Aerif's Avatar
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    One has had limited access to one's internet connection >.<;

    I hate to not post for extended times but I need creative surges when doing an opening post, lately these have been few and far between. I will post. Though probably not until after Atma.

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  11. #11
    HRH Albha Superstition OOC Aerif's Avatar
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    Double post justice!

    Well, I posted, though I'm not to happy about the post. It just seems to lack something.

    Anyone still alive?

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  12. #12
    Superstition OOC Red XIV's Avatar
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    *checks pulse*

    I'm thinking yes, I'm alive. I thought your post was just fine, by the way. I'll get to work on another post once Atma's had his say so.
    Signatures are for insurance salesmen.

  13. #13
    OK I suck at making deals and promises to make a post because I can't control what comes along to eat up my time. No fear though folks I will do my best to sit down and finish my post soon, classes are done at school but we have exams next week. If you'd like you can carry on the story Red and I can just jump in after, my intro post doesn't have to make the first episode right?

    How are you two doing? Do you find that time seems to run past you lately?

  14. #14
    Superstition OOC Red XIV's Avatar
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    Time is like... well, I can't come up with a deep statement, but I know what you mean. It's cool, you're busy, so take your time with the post. No rush. I'm taking a laid-back approach to this story anyways.

    And, yeah, I s'pose I can continue the story without your character for now. Maybe I'll get a post up in a day or two.
    Signatures are for insurance salesmen.

  15. #15
    Well looks like I beat you in posting hahaha. Are you two still alive or did you drift off because it did take quite some time. My apologies I had exams and grad and such the last two weeks.

    Anyways I got it up so as long as everyone is still kickin' around we should be able to get this thing going for real now.

  16. #16
    I'm here to join!!!!!

    Name: Joe Harding (Kazhuld)

    Age: 59 (2)

    Sex: Male

    Appearance: Kazhuld is a humanoid with gray, old skin and elongated, jagged fingers. It is not clothed, and thus bullet holes are visible on its chest. Its eyes are red and bright with fire. It emanates a small red aura.

    Race: Wraith

    Brief History: Joe Harding was once a respected politician before the fall of the US. He was a visionary, and had the courage and honesty to fight for the people and not for himself. Of course, when things took a turn for the worst, change couldn't be brought about by debating and passing laws. Money and crime ran the nation, and Joe Harding's fierce reputation meant nothing anymore. Joe still fought for the people. Everyday he spoke out against the corporate take over of the US. The corporations spoke back in the only language they know; hot, piercing bullets. While at home, eating dinner with his wife and two daughters, hired mercenaries broke into the house and gunned everyone down. The last of the visionaries was dead. But his anger was great. It was so great that his spirit was bounded to this earth. For five years his spirit was doomed to wander the earth, wallowing in its anger. The anger consumed any compassion Joe had in his lifetime. Anger towards the rich became anger towards life, and that anger gave it power. The power of a Wraith. The gang was quick to detect its overwhelming presence. One dark night, it was contacted by a fellow Wraith. It was promised revenge, power, and an end to his suffering. Upon joining the gang, the Wraith was dubbed a new name. A name of fire, hatred and evil. That name was Kazhuld.
    Life and death are strange things. When you look at your hands, do you think of the lives you give or take with them? Do you feel as if many lives rest upon your shoulders? Or do they end with your hand? Are you a saint? Are you a heathen? Of course not. Existence cannot be defined by such generalizations. We all live in a complex web of life, and affect it in our own ways. When we throw our stone into the water, how big will the ripples be?

    What is truly more powerful and destructive; action, or idleness? Words, or silence?

    - Sharzademar

    PS: I'm very ADD, so I forget about things fast. Sharzademar, back again!

    The Concert Hall: For the Love of Classical Music

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    My Lost fan niece, Unknown Entity.

    For the love of God or any deity you may or may not worship, please Stop Dr. Uwe Boll

  17. #17
    Heya Sharzademar,

    You might be waiting awhile to join, Red kinda vamoosed and hasn't shown any signs of life for quite some time. Aerif and myself have tried to get Red to reappear but it hasn't all.

    But since you're eager and such, maybe we should see if Aerif is still interested in this at all then maybe we can pick this sunken ship back up.

  18. #18
    Registered User Superstition OOC Halie's Avatar
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    Sounds pretty cool. Nice story ^^ Hopefully this is still going >.> lol.

    Name: Mina Darkmoon

    Age: 18

    Sex: Female

    Race: Vampire

    Appearence: Has shoulder-length, black curly locks. Has purple eyes, which is a trait to the women in her family. She's only 5'3" in height, and weighs 96 lbs. Her skin is naturally pale, another trait to her family. She often wears a long black net and lace skirt and a black and red lace corset. Underneath the skirt is a pair of black combat three quarters, and during a fight she removes the skirt.

    Brief Biography: Mina's family is very rich, and frown upon the poor. All her life, she has had everything handed to her and has never had to work for anything. She's also a bit of a daddy's girl. She sports a spoilt brat attitude, and is persistant to get what she wants. She's an only child, which adds to her free and easy lifestyle, and has her father wrapped around her little finger. Though spoiled, she can be quite a nifty fighter.

  19. #19
    Okay, we could do that. I realized half-way typing how old this was.
    Life and death are strange things. When you look at your hands, do you think of the lives you give or take with them? Do you feel as if many lives rest upon your shoulders? Or do they end with your hand? Are you a saint? Are you a heathen? Of course not. Existence cannot be defined by such generalizations. We all live in a complex web of life, and affect it in our own ways. When we throw our stone into the water, how big will the ripples be?

    What is truly more powerful and destructive; action, or idleness? Words, or silence?

    - Sharzademar

    PS: I'm very ADD, so I forget about things fast. Sharzademar, back again!

    The Concert Hall: For the Love of Classical Music

    My TFF Family
    PM if you want to join!

    My Lost fan niece, Unknown Entity.

    For the love of God or any deity you may or may not worship, please Stop Dr. Uwe Boll

  20. #20
    OK, so the plan is to see if Aerif is in, either or I don't have a clue where Red was leading the story, and I'm not much of one to lead a story along, so I call not it on leading the rp!

    Anyways looks like this is going to be picking up again, I guess you could say a storm is brewing. Maybe just maybe Red will show up, and then everything will be super smooth.

    Oh, Dystopia sure you're in. Later days.

  21. #21
    Imperius Rex Superstition OOC Storm's Avatar
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    Hey Red, long time no see. So long infact that you probably remember me as Valentine89! Haha! This RP sounds interesting and looks like it needs a boost, so please may I join if it is still alive?

    Name: Leucosia Thexeis
    Age: 20
    Sex: Female
    Appearance: Leucosia stands at 5'7", with an hourglass figure, long slender legs and dainty hands and feet. Her features resemble that of a mediterrainian woman, due to the Greek heritage of the siren, however her eyes are a greenish blue, and her hair wavy purple with hints of blue, falling to below her waist. Folded up and hidden within her hair are a pair of wings, which come from the back of her head and neck.
    Race: Siren
    Brief History: Leucosia's mother migrated to America to marry an American buisnessman who owns several fishing industries, watersports lakes and a chain of restaurants. Leucosia herself became aware that she was different when she was 16, flirting with a man on the beach, before drowning him with no reason at all. Her beautiful voice at karaoke had already become attractive to men, however when her own tune of an unknown tongue came to her, her power of siren's seduction became apparant. Her wings grew throughout puberty, and currently works as a singer and dancer at a male-audienced hotel. It is unknown whether she is related to one of the legendary sirens of greek myth, given her christian name's sake, however her power is within her fingertips as a deadly toy.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  22. #22
    (Speaking of Storm... lol)

    I can't beleive I haven't dropped in on this until now. I was wanting to do something involving vampires and werewolves in such but didn't feel like creating another "views only" RP thread with no actual people to join.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if this thing is still alive and if so, could I create a Van Hellsing/ Belmont clan-type character? I know this is supposed to be a bad guy POV RP but it would be nice to have some big-"bad" good guy as opposed to the big bad villain.

  23. #23
    Totally called Storm joining hahaha! Anyways Red hasn't shown up lately so he isn't around to run the rp nonetheless though I think that since there's been this sudden boost in activity and in honor of Red's creation I will say this rp is officially open for business once again.

    Evangel, your character idea is fine with me, you're thinking of a good guy with a low moral standards right? Whatever you come up with is fine.

    Again it should be said that even though I'm allowing people to join and such that I'm not playing ringleader for this rp, someone else can be the one who makes the major events roll along. I only ask that whoever it is, that you would take charge in a way that would respect the ideas Red may have foreshadowed in his posts. If I could suggest someone it would be Aerif, but I don't even know if he's interested in this at all anymore.

  24. #24
    HRH Albha Superstition OOC Aerif's Avatar
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    I do still have some interest in the RP, though I really have no idea what to write and I don't really think I could lead it at the moment what with the last week of school and the fact that I'll be on holiday from the 28th for 14 days. Not to mention next Thursday I'll be on a bus for half a day and in a certain theme park for the rest (Storm can take a guess at which one ).

    However I think it would be better if 'Adam' gave some sort of lead to the situation since afterall he was one of the first if not the first members of the gang. Though if the need for it is crucial then I probably could come up with something

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    Last signature update: 02/08/2014

  25. #25
    Frig-a-dig-dig! Ok so I've been kinda preoccupied with other stuff so I haven't been thinking of writing much lately, but once I put up a post in a certain rpb that I'm commited to...I'll be writing a post for this, so all of you who have recently joined had better be posting after me hahaha.

  26. #26
    Superstition OOC addrew's Avatar
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    Name: Valli Takya
    Age: 24
    Sex: Female
    Appearance: Valli is a small but pretty vampire. Her long blond hair arcs beautifully down her back to her waist. She wears a suit with a skirt that shows just enough of her legs and cleverage charm any man, any occasionally some women, into her grasp so that she may give them the bite.
    Race: Vampire
    Brief History: Valli was born a vampire but was abandoned by her parents at a young age. She learnt by instinct what to do, how to feed and stalk her pray. She was poor and desperate for many a year but not long after her 16th birthday she helped a gang rob a bank by distracting the security guards with her charms. After the gang got back to there hang out she killed them all skilfully draining there blood with her well practised bite. And since then she has been in the upper class. She lives in a posh house without a husband but never has an education and never seems to run out of money.
    Last edited by addrew; 06-25-2008 at 12:51 PM.
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  27. #27
    Registered User Superstition OOC Halie's Avatar
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    I've just posted, and hopefully it's alright. I'm trying to make Mina seem as much of a bitch as I can, so that when she goes into the outside world, she'll have a big surprise and will have a taste of her own medicine. ^^

    So yeah. Let me know if I need to edit anything.

  28. #28

    Deleted and reposted for justice!!!

    Your post is fine Faith, I'm beginning to write my next post right now. And for everyone that wanted to join, there is nothing stopping you from posting!

    So hopefully once I get my post up events will start rolling on and such.

    On another note all, I thought it would be a good idea to get us all together and figure out who the High council should be....since no one is playing an authority figure as of yet. It is really easy just give ideas of who the high council is, what they look like, and their personality! It'll be easier to write them in once we have an idea of who they are ya know? I'm thinking it'll be a group of five or six and they kinda run everything in the club, each of them kinda taking charge over a certain area in the Gang.

    That is just a suggestion though, what do the rest of you think?

  29. #29
    That sounds good, Noah. I was also thinking of making the High council multi-racial, like one human member, one vampire, one werewolf, etc., and any gang affairs that concerned a particular race would be taken care of by the High Council member(s) of that race.

    On a different subject, I like my Kazhuld-Malignus pairing, and I think I want to keep both of them until later on in the RP. But Kazhuld is still the main focus of my RPing.

    On the starting subject, how does that idea sound?
    Life and death are strange things. When you look at your hands, do you think of the lives you give or take with them? Do you feel as if many lives rest upon your shoulders? Or do they end with your hand? Are you a saint? Are you a heathen? Of course not. Existence cannot be defined by such generalizations. We all live in a complex web of life, and affect it in our own ways. When we throw our stone into the water, how big will the ripples be?

    What is truly more powerful and destructive; action, or idleness? Words, or silence?

    - Sharzademar

    PS: I'm very ADD, so I forget about things fast. Sharzademar, back again!

    The Concert Hall: For the Love of Classical Music

    My TFF Family
    PM if you want to join!

    My Lost fan niece, Unknown Entity.

    For the love of God or any deity you may or may not worship, please Stop Dr. Uwe Boll


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