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Thread: Söldner OOC

  1. #1

    Söldner OOC

    You are an Apprentice in a Mercenary Guild. This Guild, called Söldner, takes on missions ranging from simple locating missing people, to complex tasks, such as assassination. Söldner takes on these jobs to fund the Guild, and to protect the cities around them.

    This Guild has several branches within itself, but is essentially a whole. Teams are usually divided based on individuals' strengths, weaknesses, and affiliations. These affiliations are considered as "law", "neutral", to "chaotic".

    "Law" presents ideas of order, and structure.
    "Chaotic" presents freedom, and choice.
    "Neutral" is a careful mix.

    You, as an apprentice, are learning your abilities. Just beginning to tap into your own potential, you try to learn more of yourself, as well as complete the mission.

    You, as an Apprentice, were taken on, with a handful of others. As your powers became apparent, you were taken on as an Apprentice, to develop your power to a greater degree.

    This is based in a fantasy setting, set somewhere in the past. There is still technology, but nothing as advanced as computers or phones. There is electricity, trains, and airships, but the heighth of technology would be guns, and simple ones at best.
    1. no god-modding.
    2. there are no limit to characters per person.
    3. your power can be anything, with approval. No explosive power that would undermine the story, or completely make other player's useless.

    Character Template:
    Alignment (not required, but may be some help)-

    name- Mark "Ruin" Lenin
    Age- 19
    Sex- Male
    Alignment- Chaotic
    Personality- "Happy-go-Lucky","High on Life", "Troublemaker", "Random" are prime descriptions of Ruin. Living without any care for rules, regulations, conflicts or worries, he always gets in trouble with authority, not due to subversive acts, but to simple choice of freedom. He is very loyal to those close to him.
    Appearance-His appearance is simply stated as startling. His eyes are two different colors, his left blue, his right green. He has short, spikey deep purple hair, and always wears "aged" clothes. A t-shirt that has more holes than fabric, a pair of old, baggy pants with holes in the knees, and always wears worn, beaten shoes. Has no valuables, nor any possessions, save the clothes he wears.
    History- Living on the streets, Ruin was raised without authority. Living in freedom with his friends, Ruin joined the guild to provide a good means to better improve his skills.
    Power-He has the ability to harness his own energy as an attack. He has the ability to center it in the palm of his left hand, and fire it out, much like a projectile.
    Last edited by Zerobanshee; 03-23-2009 at 01:33 PM.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  2. #2
    Registered User HUNK's Avatar
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    I've been feeling the need to make another gunner charecter and this seems like the place to do it.

    Name- Andrew Bealor(.....)
    Age- 15
    Sex- Male
    Alignment- Law

    Personality- Andrew holds deep respect for the ways of the law and is always one to follow orders. He is morally straght as an arrow and stays away from things like thiefs,drugs,alcohol and other things that he conciders "wrong". If you need someone to compare him with, think of him sorta like Angeal from Crisis Core.

    History- Andrew was a kid who lived in the land far from the guild and was trained with use of a bow and arrow, however there was a technological revolution and he soon switched to guns. He preforms many experiments on his weapons to try and make stronger ways of using them. He onece got into trouble for developing a rapid fire gun that went off and could not stop untill out of ammo....he hasn't tried that again. Due to his Enginuity and intellect, Andrew was invited to train at Soldner(sorry I cant get the o thing right.) untill he was old enough to go on missions. He has discovered powers within himself and is almost of age and will soon be a full working member of soldner.

    Appearance- Andrew dresses very orately and fancy. He wheres a white dress shirt and a light leather breastplate over it. He wheres dress pants and boots of a almost millitary style. He has Blue eyes and is about 5'6 feet tall.

    Power- Andrew has found a way to create and change metals and other substances of earth to form and fuse to his likeing.(Much like Alchemy on FMA) Andrew has used this power to craft many weapons and guns for himself although he seldomly is able to make a working gun on the first try.(After all he is a new recruit)
    Last edited by HUNK; 03-29-2009 at 08:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Approved. I like the gun concept, and i like it even more that your power meshes coherently with the style. Very different extreme from my character. Lol.

    Can't wait to start.
    Last edited by Zerobanshee; 03-23-2009 at 01:59 PM.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  4. #4
    Name- Eliza Amauri
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Alignment - Law
    Personality- Eliza has shown the higher ups of her Over-confident ways since she joined the guild, this has been a disappointing flaw that often sets her back. She has been known to be secretive and well able to keep one, she is very outspoken and rarely scared to show it, however she is very naïve and childish at times.
    History- Eliza discovered her abilities at the age of 14. Unable to control them it made quite a few disasters at school and in her social circle. Eventually she became able to control herself from not using her powers. She has three sisters, all younger than her, and a loving family which she still visits on a regular basis.

    Eliza has been in the guild for three weeks, which makes her a rather unskilled newbie.
    Appearance- Her dark, silky long hair stretched past her shoulders. She usually ties it in a ponytail so it won’t be distracting. Her eyes are a enticing blue, and are easily her strongest features. She stands at 5’7 and usually wears black attire which can range between anything she feels like.
    Power- Telekinesis

  5. #5

    Hunk, on a side note. You state your character is from England. This Rp is set in a fictional story, with a fictional world. I may not have clearified, but I'm stating here that it's not on Earth, but more of a fantasy world. The technology is the only thing similar.
    sorry for the inconvienience.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  6. #6
    alright, we'll start Monday, irregardless of if anyone else joins.

    Yeah, it's a three man task, but if we keep the posting up, someone else might join.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  7. #7
    Name-Matthew Caeda
    Alignment (not required, but may be some help)-Neutral
    Personality-A quiet young man. He keeps mostly to himself, but has shown heart for the cause of his teachers and peers. While not being one to talk brash he is not afraid to speak his mind of situations and problems the guild may find themselves in. He has seen many things in his young life and is rather mature for his age. He is no stick in the mud, but he knows there is a time for playing and a time for working.
    History- Matthew was raised in the Guild. He was born to a lowly family who abandonned him on the doorsteps of the guild a few weeks after birth. His parents had left a note stating " The will of the guild is a far better place to raise a child rather than the will of street and world. Life was not alwats easy growing up in the guild. He has seen many people who he has considered family die, and thus has given his hardened exterior. From a young age, he had trained with the guild and worked for them much like a miniature butler. Cleaning taking care of the sick, and cooking were all but small chores he has done for the guild whilst growing up. These chores have given him the discipline to keep a calm mind in most situations, and has given him great bonds with teachers and students alike.
    Appearance-A quite young man. He stands around 5'9" with a dark green short hairstyle. His eyes are a honeyed brown brown color.

    Power- As for now, he has no power. Many of his mentors believe he is a late bloomer, and will grow into a greater man than he is now. Whilst being in guild he has had much combat training though and is skilled in a variety of weapons.

    its my baby click it to make it hatch i will thank you very much if u save my baby

  8. #8
    Registered User HUNK's Avatar
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    Ok sorry about that I was assuming we were on earth but its changed now and I kinda just said hes not from the general area of the guild. I wanted to kinda be a foriegner.

  9. #9
    alright, both approved.

    Starting rp soon.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  10. #10
    Twilight's Enigma Sato Arashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In the middle of light and dark
    Name- Kivorav Fatre
    Age- 17
    Sex- Male
    Alignment (not required, but may be some help)- Chaotic
    Personality- Always considered the lone wolf for his refusal of assistance and secretive personality. He is also feared for his appearance and his ability.
    History- Kivorav was born with a deformed left arm and was shunned from society, being feared as a nightmare. For years, he wondered from place to place to find sanctuary, none was found for him. Then he was found by a member of the guild was taken in, where Kivorav finally found sanctuary. He trained there for years, learning the aspect of his power, which first frightened people. At one point, he manage to steal a rare weapon, a shapeshifting weapon which Kivorav named Pandora.
    Appearance- Kivorav stands at 6'4", has long, spikey white hair, and red eyes. His left arm is deformed with brownish red plates instead of skin that extends to his shoulders. He wears a sleeveless white shirt, a black coat overtop with the left sleeve cut off, black pants, and boots.
    Power- Life Eater- Kivorav's left arm allows him to suck the life out of someone, which he can fuel the shapeshifting weapon's transformations. It only works with direct contact.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
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  11. #11
    Lord Deity of Harmony Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    This is quite stupid with one thing... theres no Ö in english words soooooo... this guild you call is just some stupid fantasy... but i like this stupid fantasy ^^

    Name: Nicolas Haelvagre
    Age: 21
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Unity
    Personality: Like many are, Nice and friendly likes talking... has high hopes of beign the ultimate master of black and white magic.
    Weapon: Custom Katana (Named it Miyolancet)
    Power: Can cast both White and black spells... as hes still a adept, he can only cast Cura, Fira, Watera, Thundara, Blizzara, Protect, Shell and Reflect.
    Apearence: Long hair (colur Dark Green), 196 Cm long, Eye colur: Deep Blue.
    History: Not much to know... His father was a great user of Black Magic and his mother was a great user of white magics, He wanted to learn the power of both, so he trained day and night in hopes of mastering the arts of black and white magic. He's also skilled in the ways of the sword (know as Bushido) and has meeted many masters in his wanderings.
    Last edited by Elyon Seraphim; 04-05-2009 at 07:21 AM. Reason: Forgotted Things (don't ask)
    My Reaction of People That Points The Obvious

    This is my Daily Day in 2Fort
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    Still working on rewamping this, Just give a shout if you wanna join!

  12. #12
    Imperius Rex Storm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South West England
    Name- Sparrow

    Age- 19

    Sex- Female

    Alignment- Neutral

    Personality- Sparrow is a good listener, but will keep her own problems to herself. She is mature and level-headed, and good at giving advice, however she does not go out of her way to be friendly. This makes her either a person that people like or dislike. She likes to see actions go their course before acting.

    History- Sparrow comes from an educated background, attending a boarding school where she honed her studies. Even through school, she refered to herself as "Sparrow" rather than her true name. She came from a wealthy family, although she rarely associated herself with them. At the age of 16 she met a young member of staff in training, who became her closest friend, somewhat like an older brother but perhaps even more special. It was through him that she entered Söldner.

    Appearance- Long dark metallic blue blue hair in two long-pointed segmets, resembling a sparrow's tail. The tips are silver in colour, and framing either side of her face are a pair of red bangs. Her skin is pale in colour and her eyes a purplish brown. At 5'2" she is very petite, however this aids greatly in her agility.

    Power- Great agility and accuracy. She can move through a series of flashes, almost inconspicuous to the human eye.

    Edit: Shoop Da Woop, Ruin speaks English as his native language. Also even though words in the English language do not (or at least very rarely) use accented letters, it is used to show the accent of the word, or how it is pronounced. Although accents are mainly used in other European languages, they still can be used in the English language.
    Last edited by Storm; 04-06-2009 at 09:34 AM.

  13. #13
    All approved.

    so, if you don't know, Söldner is german for "Mercenaries". I purposefully did this.
    A rival guild that is against Söldner is named "Solnat", which means "Soldier" in French. Again, this was on purpose.

    i did everything for a reason. I don't need to explain 100% of the time, but trust me, I do have reasons.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  14. #14
    Freezing Ring! Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Name- Tagona Valgin
    Age- 16
    Sex- Female
    Alignment (not required, but may be some help)- Law
    Personality- Never smile's, hardly talk's, but help's out her fellow teammate's.
    History- Has been in jail 5 time's for choking a man for talking about her appearance. her whole family was killed, and the only thing she found to remember them, was a locket with their picture, and her mother's Diamond necklace. her father's family tree were all black mage's, and her mother's were white mage's. Also she used to be part of the Alexandria soldier's, she was the youngest soldier there.
    Appearance- Blonde, 3 pony-tail's. diamond necklace, and a locket are alway's found around her neck. She wear's heavy, black armor, with a long chain whip. She also has a knife in a pouch on her left leg, Which she can use very,very well.
    Power- Use's White, and black magick's. She also can freeze time for 33 second's. She doesnt have much strength so she usually uses her Magick's to her advantge. She also is a Esper.

    I hope i didnt over do it XD If i did im sorry
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 07-19-2009 at 12:32 AM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!


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