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Thread: SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP)

  1. #1
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY

    SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP)

    Ten years have passed since the phenomena of Time Compression. A new Sorceress has taken the reigns of power, but this time utilizing a more dangerous puppet: Esthar. With enough deadly technology to make the world quake in its boots, the sorceress imprisoned its Presidential Leader, Laguna Loire and took office herself. With a constant knife at Loire’s throat, a new super weapon is under development. After countless missions, SeeD and Garden have discovered its intention: with the aid of Lunatic Pandora, and a women named Ellone, Esthar intends to force Time Compression once again, and each past, present and future, the Lunar Cry will be unleashed from each and every time period on to one focal point in the world.
    However, mercenaries of Garden have captured Ellone, and her hiding place is unbeknownst to anyone except Quistis Trepe, Irvine Kinneas, and Squall Leonhart, the leaders of Trabia, Galabadia, and Balamb Gardens respectfully. The armies of Galabadia and Garden now mobilize for new battle. This time, Rinoa Heartilly’s on the opposing side.
    In Balamb Garden, a mundane student life still exists. Even with the war, classes continue, and days strip away as Esthar grows in power, threatening to destroy the entire world.

    As a SeeD Canidate, it is your job to become a strong, battle-heartened fighter. SeeD is meant to fight the Sorceress, and if your heart is not determined, it is wise to reconsider a new life. You attend class in order to gain experience in battle, for when the title of SeeD is attained, the battles are real, and every life hangs in the balance.

    Students of Class SC-1:
    Last Name, First Name, Age

    Rules for Rping:
    Everyone starts as a SeeD canidate, between the ages of 15 and 20. No one may have any supernatural powers(including GF) at the start of the RP to any extent. Characters must human, and not part monster, sorceress, etc. No one may be related to any Tilmitts, Kinneas’, Leonharts, Dinchts, Trepes, Kramers, Almasys, Loires, Seagills, Zabacs, Heartillys or any other cannon FFVIII lineage without clearing the story via PM. Weapons must be simple, and technogically canon(I.E. No plasma rifles, RPG rocket launchers, etc. Also, anyone adopting the Gunblade must PM me first for approval). And again, PM me if you have any questions or if you feel that some matter needs addressing.

    Background(keep it brief, to a hundred words):
    Specialty Weapon:

    Messages(updated 14th Mar 2008):
    Sorry that my computer has decided to completely spazz out on me (><), but the role of DM has been delegated to Fehrant until further notice. Those of you who still wish to join, Carbon-Copy to Fehrant as well as myself.

    ALRIGHTY! The first post has finally been made and can be found here. If you have questions or concerns PLEASE either post them or PM me. Or I'm on MSN whenever I'm lurking about ([email protected]).

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa
    And as for the OOC comments, the double parenthesis is sort of a story editing tool. This is to insure that if main storyplots are misinterpretted, they can be 1) called to attention so the next poster does not make the next mistake and 2) so that the poster in question doesn't fail to read a reply in the OOC thread or neglect it (as I see, sometimes). I however, urge again that the tool is used only to address or correct issues within the IC text.
    The double parenthesis rule is (as stated above), not meant for abuse. Use as follows:


    As a final note: As soon as the story-based issue has been dealt with, take down the unnecessary parenthesis ASAP. I don't want any "13U7 THEREZ N0 M1574k35!" replies. X.x...


    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa
    Also another clarification. Post your character's actions only, unless it is discussed beforehand. Something like in the format of this one, from my website:
    On side/secondary characters:
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa
    Basic guide to them(and I even said this to Fehrant)is to keep them real. They will not always be in the same Dorm as your character; they have a life of their own. And most importantly: THEY DO NOT ATTEND CLASS WITH YOU. Even if they're a SeeD canidate as well, they are in a different class, no questions asked. Thank you.
    If you have any questions on side characters, feel free to ask, as usual.
    Last edited by Lunasa; 03-14-2008 at 09:28 AM.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  2. #2
    Oooh, I wanna join..

    Name: Hitsugi Takahashi
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Hitsugi is often jokingly called malnurished as he is very pale and skinny. He has green eyes that add depth into his almost always straight faced facade. The green from his eyes is perhaps the only color you'd see on him, as he has a pension to only wear outfits he makes himself out of black and white cloth. He'd much rather cut up his Garden clothes then wear them whole. He has a rather androgynous look with his bangs going straight down past his chin, and the back of his hair wildly spiked.
    Background(keep it brief, to a hundred words): Having grown up in Garden almost his entire life, Hitsugi doesn't recall life before being admitted into Balamb. Which was almost directly after his birth.His life has been black and white and is often reflected in his fashion sense. He likes to be in groups, but would much prefer to be in the background, observing things until he is actually needed. He is a calculating individual and is waiting for his chance to be on the battlefield following graduation.
    Specialty Weapon: Monochrome-Hitsugi's scythe. An ebony masterpiece with ivory roses flowing up and down the body. The body of the scythe also has a hidden blade within. The blade of the scythe is almost always equipped with a potent death or poison spell, while the blade hidden within is always equipped with a life or cure spell.

  3. #3
    Name:Seraph Valentine
    Appearance: He has long spikey black hair. He wears a long sleeved purple shirt with a black vest over it. He also wear matching black pants and black combat boots. His eyes are a depp puple due to the contacts he wears. He has moderate build. Not to bulky, but not to skinny. He has a vey relaxed and care freee attitude. He kloves to train and prove himself as a great fighter.
    Background: An orphan who had no place. He lecft the orphange at whicdh he lived to join the ranks of seed because he felt that he should do something with his life. He has always been a fair sword fighter. When he lived alone he had to hunt for his own food at a young age. Through his hardships as a kid he has learned many valueable lessons and that why he has such a relaxed nature.
    Specialty Weapon: Dual swords One called darkness and the other called bane.The blades are Made out of an obsidian composite with a purple inlay forthe fuller and handles.

  4. #4
    some say............ SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) The Stig's Avatar
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    top gear production office
    name; sparta nortica
    age 18
    appearance long brown hair wears greek style armour
    he was born as a prince but when both his parents died. at the age of 5 he had to fend for his self he learned how to wield a sword and trained everyday defeating many creatures and suffering terrible dangerous elementstill the day he met a woman who he fell in love with then was murdered by the sorceress so he joined seed
    specialities spear handling/sword wield
    his sword is plated in platinum hand with golden handle and smeared with the most deadliest of basilisk venom his spear is handcrafted by the gods superiory lightweight and crafted in silver with a diamond tip to pierce almost anything/ and his shield is made also of diamond so its indestructable one last one is that he bolsters the greatest army in the known world the god of sword wielding and knows no fear and no mercy
    Last edited by The Stig; 02-19-2008 at 02:57 AM.
    Some say he's wanted by the CIA, and that he sleeps upside down like a bat... all we know is, he's called the Stig

    Some say that his tears are adhesive, and that if he caught fire, he'd burn for a thousand days... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say that his genitals are on upside down, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci Code in 43 seconds... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say that the outline of his left nipple is exactly the same shape as the Nürburgring, and that if you give him a really important job to do, he'll skive off and play croquet... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say he isn't machine washable, and all his potted plants are called Steve... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

  5. #5
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Name: Malahk Mizrahi
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Tall, slightly toned. Flaming red hair. Hazel eyes, and a permanent grin. Plain black T-Shirt with a red unbuttoned Work Shirt (think Dickies) paired with loose blue jeans with a long chain wallet. Has 4 piercings, 2 in the ears (00g), one in the left eyebrow (18g), and one in the center of his bottom lip (also 18g). Wears two terry wristbands, one black, one red, both on his left arm.
    Background: Despite his outwardly menacing appearance, Malahk is actually quite amiable. He doesn't get into many fights, and is generally well liked by those who've bothered to put forth the effort to get to know him. No one knows much of his past, and quite frankly neither does he. Up until he was 15, all he can remember is a cottage and the blurry faces of two people he believes to be his parents. The rest, sadly, is a blur. From the age of 15 on, he's been alone. He joined the Garden in hopes of garnering a sense of identity.
    Specialty Weapon: Bladed Steel Gauntlets that he uses as daggers.

  6. #6
    Name: Mikayla Ekim
    Age: 19
    Appearance: has a long, black hair... she doesn't want to make her hairstyle very stylish.. because she thinks it looks complicated!! hehehe well anyway kayla was just a simple-type person... she is is kinda conservative, always wearing a skirt (but not too short lol) but sometimes she can wear pants... people telling her she is pretty.. but she not really makes it obvious for emotional reasons
    Background(keep it brief, to a hundred words): it appears that this girl never always want to be exposed to other people... her teachers always convinced her to do so because her parents wants her to... this quiet type person thinks that she can't do anything.. i don't know and i don't understand why.. she came from a rich family and her parents always there to guide her from the very first start of her life until now... many people don't really know and what cause her to have this inferiority complex. Maybe it's because there's a curse from her... you know in this cruel world, there is hatred, sufferings and wars going on... people don't really know if the rumor is true.. but one thing they are proud of os her parents will never give up in urging her to fight! and good thing mikayla was forced to.. i hope that this girl will find herself to have determination and confidence to fight and to win this battle...
    Specialty Weapon: a mettalic bow that came to her dad...

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  7. #7
    Is it too late for me to join? =]

    Name:Athene Stargaze
    Appearance: Athene's hair is a blend of chestnut and red, always tied up into either a practical bun or ponytail. Her trademark fringe concealing one piercing emerald eye, letting the other silver stained vision open. No one has seen what Athene really looks like because of the dark mask that betrayed her peers. Although, she stays in her mysterious form, no one doubts that she is beautiful and unique. A pin in a haystack. Eloquent,sharp and quick.

    Her usual attire consists of a burgandy shoulder plates with a frontal piece of armour. Some cream bandages wrapped up underneath secretly. A pair of baggy pants with two strips of material attached to the back of her torso piece like angelic wings. On one of her arms, shows the symbol of Aegis, the Greek god of War's shield.( Athena was the God of War)

    Background: Athene was an orphan and has become incrediably independant. She never met her parents but they always told her that they didn't have the financial support to feed her. When she was old enough she joined Balamb and spent most of her time in the training centre. Athene is obedient and collected. She finds it hard to trust people due to her past but intend to try her best, in accomplishing her objective. Behind her fringe, she hides one of her most feared memories. A scar that she herself can never fathom. It had been a long journey...
    Specialty Weapon: 8 blades that slot into each other to create a new weapon which she has named "The Liberator".

  8. #8
    Do these things usually take this long?

  9. #9
    well it seems that we would have enough characters to begin, but we cannot begin without lunasa this is her rp after-all. The thing that worries me is the fact that she doesn't have a character yet, but maybe she hasn't been on or she is still getting things together be patient and while your waiting you might as well check on other rps u might find interesting.

  10. #10
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    Sorry, there, guys. I've been a bit occupied over the past couple of weeks. However, I will post the first post- the background of it all by Friday or Saturday at the latest. Even though I'm currently on vacation, I've never been more busy. And for those who were not aware already, I do not have one character specifically. I'm acting as the time lapse, to move the story along, of course, as a instructor, and stundents deemed necessary for enjoyment of this RP.

    Hopefully you guys are still interested. I'll put up the link here to the RP board upon posting the first post. And again, apologies for the delay.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  11. #11
    It's all just a joke SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Acheron's Avatar
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    Still accepting profiles for the RP? Or have you already begun?

  12. #12
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    Still accepting, Sir. Feel feel to submit. In general, they'll be open until the end of the first class period.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  13. #13
    Finding Answers SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    I will take that offer too, then. Acheron and I were in a FFVIII RP some months ago that got pretty far, so we still have our characters (I think).

  14. #14
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY

    First RP Post has been made. If any one else would like to join, post your characters below. I'll work you in as soon as possible, but feel free to post as soon as your character is up. Any characters not up in this thread will NOT count. The first post may be found here.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  15. #15
    Finding Answers SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Name: Selenia (no last name given).
    Age: 17.
    Gender: Female.

    Two katanas.

    Magic: None. Unable to use

    Appearance: Long black hair tied up in a pony tail. A blue eye, and a grey eye (an unusual trait, even in a fantasy world). Usually wears black pants, black boots, a white tank top, a pair of belts to hold her katanas, and a black trenchcoat. Often wears sunglasses. The manner in which she carries herself looks somewhat aloof, yet on a closer look she looks like she's ready to fight anytime. She gives the impression that when she's around, things are not going to be calm, often summed up as, "she looks like trouble".

    History: Joined the school to become a SeeD not because of what it meant by itself, but rather because she knew eventually she was going to fight strong foes. That is what drives her forward: her limits. She has been called up by her teachers many a time for disciplinary measures. Her classmates talk behind her back, but avoid her altogether since they are aware she is dangerous. In fact, she's got a reputation for being problematic, and this fact is well known by the staff and any member of the alumni that cares for rumors.

    She skips magic classes, but doesn't skip any class concerning melee combat, even though no one wants to be her opponent. Also been reprimanded many a time for not wearing the uniform properly, or not bothering to use the uniform at all, quarreling with her faculty members, skipping events, among other matters.

    Despite this, the faculty sees great potential in her fighting abilities and has avoided any drastic measures such as expulsion.

    Her uncle left her at the school when she was 12. She hasn't seen him since, and any attempt to get in touch with him by the faculty has failed. She never explained the circumstances that had led her to be abandoned.
    Last edited by Fehrant; 03-02-2008 at 08:41 PM. Reason: Removed the 'smoking' detail from my character.

  16. #16
    Finding Answers SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Your post
    And finally, before she could even gaze at the last candidate, she exclaimed:” I’m not going to answer this bullshit!”
    Quote Originally Posted by My post
    "I'm not going to answer this bullshit," she thought as she relaxed on her chair.
    Please read things carefully next time (1. my character didn't shout, 2. it was just a thought inside her head). Do fix it before someone else makes the same mistake, and to prevent this from spreading further.
    Last edited by Fehrant; 02-27-2008 at 03:09 PM.

  17. #17
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    I addressed it at the bottom of my next post anyways. If you want to comment on vital OOC things like this in the future, I honestly don't mind if you post in double parenthesis as I did like this:

    ((Insert Text Here))

    For correction purposes only, please. It's annoying if you're having conversations using those buggers. *_*.
    Last edited by Lunasa; 02-27-2008 at 03:21 PM.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  18. #18
    Finding Answers SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Ah, ok, sorry. It's not common practice in this forum to be OOCing in IC threads (hence the split forums). If you don't mind, however, I will take it into account for next time. Thanks.

    Hey, I read your post, my next one will be kinda short, considering I can only raise my hand and say, "yes, it's me." Unless we can coordinate something over PM? Let me know.

  19. #19
    Hey, Sorry bout the mistake. I tend to skim read alot. Well I've changed it now anyways

  20. #20
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Nah, I'm not worried about length, to be honest. I want content. However, if you wish to be self-reflecting, up to you. Some people tend to care about this, but I'm not shaken by it.

    And as for the OOC comments, the double parenthesis is sort of a story editing tool. This is to insure that if main storyplots are misinterpretted, they can be 1) called to attention so the next poster does not make the next mistake and 2) so that the poster in question doesn't fail to read a reply in the OOC thread or neglect it (as I see, sometimes). I however, urge again that the tool is used only to address or correct issues within the IC text. I'll put this in the first post as well.

    EDIT: As soon as the issue is dealt with, please remove the parenthesis. Thank you.
    Last edited by Lunasa; 02-27-2008 at 03:42 PM.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  21. #21
    It's all just a joke SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Acheron's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Sorry for the delay...I'll have a character up within a couple hours, before tonight at the very latest.

  22. #22
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    Again, not a problem. Anyone that needs to still post their character in, please do so by tomorrow night! Anyone else afterward will be marked tardy!
    Last edited by Lunasa; 02-27-2008 at 03:50 PM.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  23. #23
    Finding Answers SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Meh, there you go. I know length doesn't really matter, but substance does. Feels like a filler episode in an anime. =P

  24. #24
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    I'm not beggining class yet, either. I'm giving everyone else a bit more time...

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  25. #25
    Finding Answers SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    That's why the post ended up falling short; I didn't want to move forward in time too much. The teacher just wrote some books we'll be needing. I hope you don't mind.

  26. #26
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    Actually, there wasn't going to be any books... o.o;;

    Also another clarification. Post your character's actions only, unless it is discussed beforehand. Something like in the format of this one, from my website:

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  27. #27
    Finding Answers SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    I must sincerely apologize. For some reason I mistook your character (characters?) thinking it was an ordinary NPC. I deleted my post. I'll make one more suitable later. Apologies again.
    Last edited by Fehrant; 02-27-2008 at 04:51 PM.

  28. #28
    Courage, Character, Confidence. SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    Nah. As the leader of the RP thing, I figured that I've got to play more than one character in order to make a plot to keep people interested. Or else it's boring as all hell.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Fehrant View Post
    Meh, there you go. I know length doesn't really matter, but substance does.
    I don't think length really matters either. Most people tend to just skim over things rather quickly anyway.

  30. #30
    It's all just a joke SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation. (A Final Fantasy VIII RP) Acheron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Fehrant- I debated for a very long time on whether to bring Noelle into this one...For now she'll be away but who would ever know what could happen...hahah.

    Name: Jackson Endera
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: 6'1, Athletic build with very little body fat, very light blue eyes, shoulder length silver/white hair, has a few scars and burns on his body from both training excercises and his own growing up on the streets, a very smart dresser as he's usually seen in dress shirts and pants but also can be casual when he wants to be, always has a silver plated pocket watch with him, sometimes wears reading glasses, pretty attractive. Two tatoos on his back, twin black "X"'s on his shoulder blades.

    Background:Jackson Endera first grew up on the streets of Deling City, the abandoned son of a prostitute and a drunk. He lived among the homeless until he was taken in by the ringmaster of a traveling circus from Esthar. From his fifth birthday on, he spent all his time with the circus folk, seeing the world and becoming an apprentice to their knife throwing expert, Mr. Memphis.
    Once he turned ten, he stayed in Esthar with Memphis and attended school regularly. Over the years, he discovered that Memphis was much more than just a knife thrower for the circus…
    Jackson has been going to Balamb Garden on and off since he was fifteen. He’s a very balanced fighter when it comes to magic and physical combat. Due to his years of stellar performance, in class and out, it’s been a widely popular rumor that he’s one of the few students who’s a front runner to become a SeeD. It's also been a popular rumor that he has ties to the Estharian Military, due to his adoptive friends and family. Lives in Esthar and Trabia during the semester breaks.

    Specialty Weapon: Uses a pair of daggers for his primary weapon(s) but also has with him a bunch of throwing knives, that he also uses within his combat.
    Last edited by Acheron; 02-27-2008 at 10:40 PM. Reason: Added more to the background, changed looks.

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