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Thread: The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg)

  1. #1
    Sir Prize The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) Sinister's Avatar
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    Post The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg)

    The Grand Theatre of Freaks
    The Procession of Dreams

    This is an ooc thread…
    Not the common kind of free-for-all.
    The actors engaged will appear undersigned.
    I must ask that non-members of the Theatre remain spectators.

    This game is unlike any other.
    This play is played by a list of ****ing lunatics.
    And without further ado, a prologue:

    Even in this world… In the most mundane of cities, where there is nothing interesting aside from the crumbling of the poorest lives, there are freaks. In the sad, boring, drab and grey, where the crudest of writers could invent nothing more crude, there are the freaks. Those who have died. Those who remember. Princes or freaks, each command a domain or kingdom that is theirs in every facet. They command the very physics of this private reality. This haven where they can surface and resurface and then filter back into the mundane world. The object that allows this transcendence is a mask that each freak possesses, each representing their personalities. It’s only with the mask that a freak may perform Anathamy, or the ability to extract a single object from their domain into the real world, Meteobreaker, or the ability to alter a single facet of their surroundings, Metaphysists, or the ability to alter the rules of physics, Adeptlomation, or the ability to affect minds or Bellumation, or the ability to enhance one’s combat abilities…

    In this state do freaks exist. Quiet private individuals who are worlds unto themselves. This phenomenon would be totally irrelevant to the exterior world, except for the Mal Viis. Hooded creatures that have literally had their minds turned inside out., giving them the ability to alter their relative reality. The Mal Viis appear in differing colored robes with a white number on their hoods. They seem…almost robotic in their actions and their motives are to convert freaks into more Mal Viis, to widen their numbers.

    It was when they were attacked that freaks began to meet in secret, forming a resistance group known as the Grand Theatre of Freaks. It is in an abandoned noir subway station under the streets of the largest city in the world, Noversat, New York, that the group meets, some even living there for protection.

    For our the players:



    Physical description:



    Name and description of you domain:
    (be specific original and descriptive)

    (your setting, are you living alone, with your parents, in a dorm, apartment, renting, in the subway station)

    Are you a Freak or a Mal Viis:

    If you’re a freak, are you a:

    Anathemist(able to extract items from your imagination)

    Meteobreaker(able to change their surrounding to a certain extent)

    Metaphysist(able to alter the laws of physics)

    Adeptlomat(Mind alteration and memory eraser)

    Bellumite(combat specialist)

    Now I want all the members to realize that the above is merely a proposed idea, I want feedback and suggestions. If you have something to say, please be vocal. If not you may go ahead and fill out the above questions.

    Last edited by Tech Support; 11-07-2007 at 11:16 PM. Reason: Testing to see if sig-mod works

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Name: Captain Silver

    Age: Approx 25

    Physical description: Long dark brown hair in a pony tail, hazel gold specked eyes, about 6"2' in height, tanned Caucasian skin colour, large build, and a few scars here and there. Wears a pair of dark blue jeans in semi poor condition (a few rips here and there), a silken black button up shirt with a dark blue and navy Hawaiian style button up shirt depicting a fierce storm over the top (unbuttoned), slightly worn, black leather, metal plated boots, a black leather fingerless glove on the right hand, and a dark iron ore glove/arm plating on the left hand/arm, up to the start of the elbow, with chain where the hand joins the arm. Also wears sunglasses, but needs to swap them for reading glasses half the time. The glasses he does not wear clip onto a pocket on his unbuttoned overshirt.

    Personality: Silver is a bit chaotic due to a swashbuckling mindset. He does things for fun and adventure, due a much profit he can call upon at any time through his Anathemist abilities. While a bit random at times, he values his freedoms, and tends to do the right thing. Most of the time.

    Idiosyncrasies: Silver tends to talk like a pirate most of the time, but occasionally drops that style of speech every now and then for a more eloquent sounding style. He has an affinity for swords, especially cutlasses which he stores away in his mind. He believes his Anathemist abilities are only usable to him due to an odd glowing blue circular tattoo on the back of his left hand. Whatever the case, whenever he summons something it lights up, even showing through his hand's armour. The circle contains three swords and what appears to be runes in between them. Silver also likes most things marine related, and seems to have an unlimited supply of rum he can call to the flask on his left hip...

    Name and description of you domain:
    The skull cove: An odd domain, and one where Silver stores most of his possessions. It is an odd sphere with it's own atmosphere, consisting of an island and a fortified storage facility, surrounded by ocean. No matter which way you go, you'll always end up back at the island. The gravity of the skull cove is lower than elsewhere, allowing for acrobatics and feats not normally possible. So long as you're used to it of course...

    Apart from the storage facility (which looks somewhat like a cave, excepting for the odd iron door with rune sealing it), the island has an old ship named 'The Lucky Ace' docked on a wooden dock, and coconut trees and bushes scattered here and there. The floor is tiled inside the storage area, and sand outside.

    Silver has the ability to visit the plane his imagination has created directly, and prefers to stay there for some periods. Unfortunately, it takes some time for him to charge his rune, which needs to be well lit to allow travel. About a week's worth of charge without use...

    When outside of his imagination, Silver tends to hang around the ruins of old drinking establishments hoping to find some drinks, or underground where he can hide out when needed. He has a strong knowledge of the underground from exploration.

    Are you a Freak or a Mal Viis: Freak/Anathemist
    Last edited by Andromeda; 11-07-2007 at 06:49 PM. Reason: No Signatures

  3. #3
    Sir Prize The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) Sinister's Avatar
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    Name: Jack Christie

    Age: 19

    Physical description:
    Jack is about five-foot eleven-inches with long hanging black hair that makes his face look long. He has brown eyes and long sheer eyebrows that are eerily expressive. As far is build, he looks deceptively small and puny. But he has a lean muscular build that he hones in his domain. He normally wears black. A fond shirt of his is his skeleton shirt with black jeans and boots. Also, he has a fondness for robes.

    Jack is, by nature, a loner. That is to say, he has no family, friends or legal place of residence. He has the A train 157, that he has rigged with mattresses to sleep on, a makeshift oven, and other clever jerry-rigged furnishings. He tends to say very little and often what he says is directed to no one in particular. He is kind in the upmost when dealing with his fellow beings. He has a strict altruistic demeanor that he upholds. He can be maliciously manipulative for his righteous causes, but he never puts anyone in any harm. He has a tendency to fulfill the role of a nurturing big brother despite his young age.

    He enjoys baths and incense. And in all seriousness, he is rarely in the corporeal world. He likes pizza, even castaway pizzas. Preferences are anchovies, pepperoni and mushrooms. He has a single tune that he whistles, for no reason that he can tell. And is a big fan of Louis Armstrong, Korn, Cruxshadows, London After Midnight and a variety of industrial and ethereal music. He hates Rachael Ray...

    Name and description of you domain:
    Taoist Zerospace

    Jack uses a mask that looks like an old drama mask that is bisected in half, one half is smiling and white, the other half is sobbing and black, to enter the Zerospace.

    The Zerospace is a marble temple filled with a colonnade forest of ionic pillars and braziers of fire and incense. A small trickling river runs through the temple bisecting it, leading to a warm pool in a dark concealed room built to look like a cave(meditation grotto). A circumambient garden of blooming scentful oncidium orchids that smell like hot chocolate is the border of the Zerospace. At the head of the temple, where normally an idle or altar resides, there is simply a throne that is on a platform above the river.

    Subway Station in Noversat, New York.

    Are you a Freak or a Mal Viis:

    If you’re a freak, are you a:

    Adeptlomat(Mind alteration and memory eraser) Jack has the power to instill suggestions, urges, to wipe memories, to influence others so far as even to command their motor functions for as long as he can maintain concentration.
    Last edited by Andromeda; 11-07-2007 at 06:48 PM. Reason: No Signatures

  4. #4
    Name: Lady Digby Chicken Caeser (you may call her Dig)

    Age: 18

    Description: Lady Dig is short, standing at 5'4 with a slim build. Whenever the occasion presents she has a fondness for grandiose dresses, but usually just slums it in jeans, boots, and plain tops. Her hair is long and auburn coloured, and her eyes are blue.

    Personality/Idiosyncracies: She's two people in one - exceptionally talkative and charming when she wants to be, and capable of exceptional morose and acidity when she feels sad (she prefers to say that's shes 'feeling quiet' instead of feeling depressed). She's also a trifle off her head - creative in a way that's hard to control. Her fears seep into her imagination and she can't stop them, and that scares her. Despite all of this, her mask is strong - sometimes she lets the odd phrase slip but she's perfected over the years a method of concealment. The mask drops when she's in familiar, similar company. What she wants is to be able to drop the mask the whole time. Preference for good music, Marlboro Reds, and peach scnapps.

    Domain: The Moon

    The moon is not only beautiful, it is so far away
    The moon is not only ice cold, it is here to stay...

    Nothing can touch Lady Dig on the moon, which is why she likes it so much. She can sit and watch the Earth spin and feel safe. It's a bare platform for her to put whatever she chooses onto, whatever she feels like that day: houses, zoos, seas and ferries. Some things, like a sweeping forest stuck perpetually in autumn, are permanent features of The Moon, but most of it is constantly changing.

    Location: Broadway, NYC, working as a piano player for the in-house band in a small, delapidated and smoky jazz joint called 12 Bar. It's upstairs, above a fancy pre-theatre restaurant, and nobody knows quite how the Italian owners pay the rent...

    Lady Dig's a freaky Anathemist.
    Last edited by Andromeda; 11-07-2007 at 06:48 PM. Reason: No Signatures

  5. #5
    The Quiet One The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) Andromeda's Avatar
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    I removed everyone's signatures this time, but you need to remember to turn off signatures when you are posting in the RP and RP OOC forum. This has not been an issue before as they were disabled in these forums, but with changes in the forum you need to remember to manually turn them off.

  6. #6
    Sir Prize The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) Sinister's Avatar
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    Thanks Andromeda, I hadn't realized that they'd been changed. But from now on, everyone'll remove them.

    Anyway, does anyone have any questions or suggestions on the RP?


  7. #7
    Magically Delicous The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) Merlin's Avatar
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    UPDATE: As of now, this issue has been resolved by myself... As you can see from the first post in this topic, it has no signature. Not very impressive... or is it? The signature was re-enabled for that post and does not show. Go figure.

    Now if only the staff could have done that themselves...

    In other news, if you wish to contact me, don't bother PMing this account... I only use it to fix problems.


  8. #8
    The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) Holy Priest's Avatar
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    In some part of Sarawak
    Name: Ariel Joms

    Age: 17

    Physical description: She's about 5'3" and very fair. She has long straight hair. She doesn't love colouring her hair so she leave it as dark black always go straighten and layer her hair so that they always stay in the best condition. Her eyes are light blue in colour and quite round. Luckily, she doesn't need a spectacles. But she always has a pair of sunglass with her. Most of the time she wears her leather coat with a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans. You could always see her wearing heels walking around which she finds comfortable.

    Personality: Ariel is less active in sports be it football or badminton. She enjoys spending her time doing shopping or going for a nice storybook for a afternoon break. Besides, she loves outgoing. She will stick with her friends , neighbour or anyone she finds comfortable to stay with.

    Idiosyncrasies: In some vary moments, Ariel tend to act alone without others knowledge of what she’d done behind them. But only when some very unusual times. She’s tries not to be like that so that people around her wouldn’t get worried bout her too much.

    Name and description of you domain:
    Ariel lives in a manor which is a combination of old Roman’s style with old English style. Futher more the manor is lived by their family from generation to generation. She is the 5th generation of Jom’s family. The manor has two floors. Ground floor is where her living room and kitchen and down the ground floor there’s a basement which is always dark and creepy. The 1st floor will be the master bedroom and guest’s room. Oh, there’s an attic up there were she stored all her old stuff in there. The manor is so extensive with a lot of space around.

    Ariel’s manor is set in a small city in Canada. She’s living alone after her brother had moved out of that house. As she’s not planning to have any marriage yet, so, she’ll be living alone there quite sometime. She adopted few kittens which are always walking around in the manor and doing nothing but sleeping. However, they never give any problem to Ariel. How nice they are…

    Are you a Freak or a Mal Viis:

    If you’re a freak, are you a:
    Meteobreaker(able to change their surrounding to a certain extent) Ariel has a special ability to change the battle field into a place where benefits her. However, she has discover a new way of using her power. She can use natural power regarding on the enviroment and the battle field. (e.g. If Ariel’s battling on icy terrain, she can generate ice powers such as blizzard or icy wind. More a less like Geomancy)

  9. #9
    Sir Prize The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm launching the RP. So if you have some detail to work out, make sure you study your profile, closely compare it with the outline provided and read up on the backstory.

    Realize that this RP is completely free-form. I'm not limiting a single one of you. In a single way. I trust you all know how to play and twist an RP to make it fun and interesting for all.

    The plot will become more evolved as we go and I'm interested to see how we evolve it.

    The characters themselves are seperate but will eventually(most likely) have to draw together in bands and teams.

    I'll start off with my character in the form of a demo. From there just keep adding to it like you would your journal with raw thoughts and literature and see how it expands.

    Here we go.

    Last edited by Sinister; 11-19-2007 at 01:58 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  10. #10
    Gingersnap The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Uhhh so I went a little crazy aaaand...

    Name: Synema.

    Age: 21

    Physical description
    : Synema is a tall (5’9”), well formed woman with dark chestnut hair. She is frequently sought after for her large, violet eyes. Her directors often tell her how to dress. They prefer something feminine. In her domain and in her apartment, she prefers nothing.

    Personality: Synema lives a double life through film. In a cold, silent world, emotion works like a drug. She is that drug. She bears her soul and falls in love with her counterparts in a matter of hours. The stories have powerful endings and the players are undone by their passion for one another. This side of her mask has lips slightly parted, eyes heavy with adoration. The color is a dusty plum with gold around the eye. Outside of her film persona, her passion is limited. She is guarded against stranger and acquaintance, and there is no trust. The deep kisses exchanged with other professionals are her release. This side is chalk white. The eye is oval and the mouth is stern.

    Idiosyncrasies: Her only other self expression is through her affinity for liquids, gases, icicles, and particularly paints. When she is alone, she adorns the mask and produces bubbles of paint suspended in air. In one motion, they will float to the ceiling – the canvas. The apartment is covered with icicles and she decorates the floor with vividly colored hot springs. That, and she enjoys being alone and naked. That's a bit of one.

    Name and description of you domain:
    Deep within the Earth’s bowels. Within her specific cave, crystals form along the walls and create daring chandeliers that hang from the ceiling. There are thermal pools of untouched water that change color as they cool and heat beside the winding pathways through sparkling chambers. She lights the cave with white flames. Where the cave opens to fresh air, there is a hallway of white stone slabs. She goes there to smear art across their surfaces. Above the cave, there rests a fluttering grove of aspen with leaves perpetually golden.

    Location: An apartment on the edge of NYC. She lives alone and has no visitors. If directors want her assistance, she has a phone. A purple one. And as I mentioned before, she decorates to make herself feel at home. There is a border collie named Ish who watches the place while Synema works. She usually travels with Synema when there is a retreat to the domain. Ish helps bring out the human in Synema.

    Are you a Freak or a Mal Viis:
    Consider her a freak and Anathemist.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 12-15-2007 at 08:43 PM.

  11. #11
    Sir Prize The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) Sinister's Avatar
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    A great profile, Alisyn. Hope to see your posts, I know they'll be excellent. Go ahead and introduce your character and her setting at your own discretion.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  12. #12
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Hey there. Just to let you guys know, I'm just waiting for a little more of the plot to be revealed. Otherwise Silver will just be wandering around aimlessly...
    So yeah, I'm still active, just waiting for that little more plot.

    Oh and OceanEyes28, that's one mighty fine first post. It's an honour to be RPing with you, as well as all the others...
    So many unique people in the one RP... *hyper ventilates due to the excitement of the possibilities*

    Thanks. Just had to say it.
    victoria aut mors

  13. #13
    Gingersnap The Procession of Dreams(OOC Theatre rpg) OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I wasn't sure how you felt about continuing, Sinister, with Govinda absent. But I felt like I should put another post out there. I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner.

    Anyhow, the Theatre can do what it wants with it. Hope you all are doing well.

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