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Thread: Openinng of the twelve gates

  1. #1
    Openinng of the twelve gates draco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!

    Openinng of the twelve gates

    Allright this RP will not be like my last on. This an open to everyone RP so please just read and post here if you would like to join.

    1. This is [Bopen to everyone [/B]only.
    2. All posts in the OOC must e a paraghaph or longer. All posts n the RP must be four or longer. ( excepte for Firaga15. Sooner or later dud you have to make long posts.
    3. Follow all other TFF rules.

    History- Muiluse the god of wa and power wanted to ave a throwing contest with the goddess of air. Muliuse picked up a metorite the big as our sun and threw it across a stream of darkness that we call the universe. then it was the goddess of air took a smaller on and thre just as far, it hit muliuses rock and broke in half. The two of them rushed over to see what was happening and when Muliuse saw what ad happened he called the other three gods/goddess. when all of them were to geather he told Josha to give fire to the big boulder. Than he told Keke to make plants and water come from out of the ground on littler one. After that he told Kei to make life appear so he created the elves. They were a very intellegent and hard working race. They soon found ut how to make clothes and weapons. After about fifty years they found out how to use magic bu very low level magic.

    A few years after that Miluse told Kei to make another race so he created the Dwarves, witch were kind of smaller creatures. The were not that smart they were kind of dumd but had muc heaart and much streangth. The elve shared with them how to make clothes and weapons but did not show or tell them how to use magic. About a hundredyears after that the war of the gate was fought. A few years after nonstop fightingthey came to an agreement that the elves would live above round and the Dwarves would live in the moutains.

    Miluse once again got bore and told Kei to make yet another race. He made creatures alled humans. But he put a twist in the mix. He made five Lycas and Five Vampires. Three gils and two boys for each race. They breaded fast and soon found out how to turn people. So a few yers later they began to make their armys and then began the war of the Races.
    (Yes they knew how to make clothes and weapons.)

    Story- It is has been two weeks since the beginning of the war and their have been a total of fifteen deaths. Josha and Keke have become mortal and are getting married. And Kei is becomeing a dark and evil god that plans to take out all of the gods/goddess and rule the universe. On earth the war is happening and Miluse has called Three normal people with different personaletie to try and end the war.

    Mages- These can be either humans or elves. They can use low level magic and aare very intellegent. The omly things they wear are long rodes made of cloth and have either a wooden staff or a iron staff.

    Necromancers- They Practice dark arts, They realize the difference between life and death, and people do not trust them that much because of the great power they can call fourth. The usually were lots of black armor with a dagger or two. Their faces are pale from practiceing in dark places all the time.

    Lycans- These creatures can turn from human to beast at night. The only way to become a lycan is to be boren one. The are imortal but they can be killed by vampires, and their streangth and speed is a little higher than the other classes. When in human form they can train as another class.

    Vampires-Thy can only go out at night. The way to become a vampire is eaither to be bitten or boren one. They are imortal but they can be killed by lycans. They are stronger and faster than humans and can wield ant weapon and use low level magic.

    Elves- This is a very intellegent race that were the first to use magic. They have very light but strong armor and are masters of bows. They are also very cunning and swift.

    Hunters- These are humans that hunt Lycans or Vampires. This is a small group of highly trained people that have been trained with the artifacts that kill Lycans and Vampires.

    kings- Kings are the rulers of countrys. Their ae only four kings in this story. They were the best armor and weild the best weapons. They are very intellegent but can not use magic. They also have a army to protect them.

    Trolls- This was an unintellegent race of huge and strong creatures. Their skin is usually green and they sually usea axe, club, or a hammer for a weapon. They don't werar to much clothing. They only wear a rag to cover their lower body.

    Orcs- The orcs are not really that smart although they are smarter than the trolls. They can use low level magic and can wield a sword, lance or any ther blunt weapon.. The only were leather amor and their skin is usually green. THey are treated like crap because they look way diiferent.

    Warriors- These are the warriors of the acients. They are still young thow because they don'y age that fast. They were the best armor and have the best weapons. They can use mediam level magic and now a days they ussually sit around a the taveran brinking.

    Knights- these are the kings loyal men and they are also the first to go to war. They were chain mail or leather clothing and can ride a horse. They can wield a lance and a claymoor but they can not use any magic.

    Villagers- Thes are just normal people that work for a liveing. They have no armor and they have, maby one weapon. They can ot use magic and the only can wear cloth.

    Gods- Their were only three gods, they were all imortal and could use any magic in the world. Their skin in unperciable and the only creatures tha can kill them are the acient warriors.

    Goddess- Their are only two goddess and they have the power to become imortal or make imortals.Their skin is peiceable but only with a gods sword. They can use high level magic and wield any weapon.

    RP players:

    draco- Lycaus
    Unknown Entity- Kei

    Alright guys you can now start posting your charaters. If you have any ideas for the RP post it here or PM me about it.
    Last edited by draco; 08-31-2008 at 01:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Hiding behind your smile.
    Blog Entries
    Name: Kei
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Height: 7’2
    Weight: 74kg
    Class: God


    Kei is pretty tall, with a light, muscular frame. The many who have seen him would describe his appearance as that of someone who trains, or has been in battle. He wears loose fitting clothes, of which are normally black with a green trim. His hair is silver in colour, and is tied around the back of his head in a long pony-tail. His eyes are dark and mysterious, and it seems he rarely has to blink. Kei’s face is young, considering his age.

    Kei wears special heavy armour, made from fine, Godly materials, which is infused with creative and destructive magical elements. The engravings upon it’s shiny, silver surface are unknown to this world. Only Kei knows its origins.

    On his left hip is a sheath, which holds his long silver katana, which too, is engraved with magical symbols for creativity and destruction. The handle is made from an unknown hard wood. Its power reeks of ancient activity and blood lust, yet there is something peaceful and quiet about it.


    From his birth, Kei has always had a dark side. He managed to keep it under control for hundreds of years. His love for Keke has always been great, yet she has always loved Josha. This has always made Kei jealous. When he learns that the couple are to become mortals and marry, he is angered, and his dark side takes over.

    It’s not Keke’s love he wants anymore. He wants ultimate power. Taking over the world would be better than her love he agrees one day. His own world, where he can strike fear into his people, and demand their love and attention. What he doesn’t yet realise is that this isn’t how love works...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  3. #3
    Openinng of the twelve gates draco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Alright I haved finished my character and sorry for it taking so long.

    Weight-180 lb

    Appearance-When he was human he had jet black hair that went with his large brown eyes. He always had a calm looking face that sometimes confused his friends and enemys. He never wore much armor. The only thing he ever wore was a normal log sleeved shirt with a brown leather vest with strings that laced up in the middle. His pants were jet black leather the same hing with his boots. If you knew Crimson well you would know that he carries a dagger with him that is hidden in his left boot.

    Background-Crimson was born a Lycan and was immortal. He was born in the Lycan caves with his mother. His father had died by an ambush by Vampires. Ever since then Crimson has trained hard and now his the leader of the Lycans.

    When Crimson hit the age of twenty one he was at his full power and stopped aeingjust like everyother Lycan that hits age twenty one.That is when he began his Necromancer training by a human. A few years after he began training his master began to notice that he was not ageing. When his master asked him about it he told him that he was a Lycan. When that appened his master stopped teaching him. Now it is the beginning of the war and Crimson is planning for his next big attack.

  4. #4
    Openinng of the twelve gates draco's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Alright I do apoligize for double posting on here but this is a rough draft of the places that will be in my RP.

    Agroth Kingdom: This is the largest kingdom in the world. It is a place for mearchants to get rich and for tourists to relax.While the people that live here are either serveing the king or farming and selling their goods.

    The king here is one of the strongest men in the world.with his army behind him he has won many wars and has stuck fear in to the eyes of his enemys.

    The halls of the palace are usually very busy but it has almost been completely hallow in the halls since the war has begun.

    Agroth Forest: This forest has many animals and plants that men have yet to discover. It is right outside the great walls of Agroth Kingdom. The king sends his men into the forest to hunt for food every month.

    Hunters are seen all the time in this beautiful forest and contests are usually held every now and again. The animals that are killed by the hunters here are usually skinned for their fur and then sold at agroth Kingdom.

    The Goddesses Sea: This is the biggest ocean in the world. It got its name because people oftn see the goddess keke swimming and playing in the ocean.

    Fishing boats are often seen in the ocean during the day but at night they are docked. This ocean is full of fish and other sea animals.

    Agroth Dock: This dock is right outside Agroth Forest. It is were Fishers dock their boats for the night.The dock can only hold five boats at a time so the place is pretty busy.

    You could see the ocean for miles. Everyday little kids came out while their mothers were shopping. those little kids watched the fishermen for hours undock and come back home with smiles on their faces because they caught alot of fish.

    Well that is all I have for now. I will add more when I have the time to come up with more and come back online.
    Last edited by draco; 08-20-2008 at 09:45 PM.

  5. #5
    The Undying horror Openinng of the twelve gates Firaga15's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In the mystical world of Ivalice.
    Name: The Ancient (has no real name)
    Class: Warrior
    Race: Ancient (capable of killing gods)
    Weapon: Greataxis
    Weapon Description: A giant axe of legend that was believed to be able to cut entire planets asunder. After a long, unknown to others search for a way to restore it's power, The Ancient has found the way. The Greataxis can now cut object up to the size of a large asteroid in half.

    Appearance: Shining blue, long hair, magnificent armor, looks human (very buff, but slow), able to cast haste every 5 hours to compensate, strong.

    Mannerisms: Very polite, nice gentleman, yet when in battle is a very ferocious fighter. Very strategic, not many can match his tactical prowess (like Captain Kirk off of Star Trek). A voracious eater, with voracious appetite to match.

    Magic: Fire, Water, Blizzard, Thunder, Ultima (only once per battle, has a tendency to miss), Cura

    Blade Tornado:
    A rapid spinning attack with Greataxis.

    Grand Sunder:
    Unleashes the full power of the Greataxis in one mighty swoop.

    Holy Might:
    Summons holy light to bathe the battlefield in destructive holy rays. Can also be used at a low power for healing.

    Summon: Bahamut
    Unleashes Megaflare, causing a massive explosion to erupt. Can only summon
    once per battle.
    Last edited by Firaga15; 01-17-2010 at 02:35 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Block
    Ira, there's something in my suit!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ira Kane
    That is impossible, it is sealed!
    Evolution, a hilarious movie.

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