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Thread: OOC : .hack//sign

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    OOC : .hack//sign

    Note ~ I'm not really a noob at Role-playing. I have done it before, just on paper. My hand hurts after a while.

    So, about the role-play, I thought I would start a .hack//sign Role-play. And if the name is new to you, .hack is an anime series (also a video game) revolving around a video game called. . . The World, (Sorry, for the pause, it's an inside joke for people who know what it is.) that has viral infections that, if your character on the game is attacked by one, the player in real life goes into a coma and no matter what doctors try, they can't wake them up.

    Well, I was thinking. Why just copy the series and write about playing a game. So, let's make it real life! I though this would be a really fun concept, but there was many things I had to think about.
    Rulez! :

    1. Just be awesome!
    2. No spam please. (At least not too much. I understand how some people have writing blocks, I do too. Just maybe wait for a little bit before you try to rush it. Take your time. )
    3. Just haz fun! (If you get angry, either it be in real life or your character, and we happen to be in a field at the time, you can just make a monster appear and kill it. It might make you feel better. I do this with my characters all the time.)
    4. We are all in charge of the RP. ~ <3
    5. If you have any suggestions for any part of this, please speak your mind. I’m encouraging it. :3 I want this to be awesome and as enjoyable to everyone as possible.

    Plot :

    The plot really isn’t set yet. But don’t think I haven’t been thinking about it. Right now, this is what I have come up with -
    The towns, like Mac Anu, will start fighting each other. They’ll ‘turn off’ the chaos gates so people from other towns can’t teleport to that town. Eventually, it will get out of control. Towns will start to plan sneak attacks on other towns and cause all heck to break loose.
    ~I’ll list the towns a bit farther down.

    But this isn’t set, so it can change. I’m welcome to any ideas you may have.
    Things that are somewhat the same :

    Servers ~

    This was kind of a hard concept for me. We still have chaos gates, which they allow us to transport, or teleport to other towns. Now, about the fields that the games and anime had. Those are still there. It takes you to a virtual world, or a simulation. (I suppose this part is still a little bit like a game.) But some key words take you to actual places. Some have small villages.

    Root towns :

    ~I just bull crapped some of these. If you don't like the description, tell me another option. I'm open to ideas

    Aqua capita, Mac Anu - Delta server.
    Description : The city of Mac Anu is located on an island. 32.5 miles away from its nearest neighbor, the root town of the theta server, Dun Loireag. Mac Anu makes most of its money by trading, and fishing. Docks surround the island, making this an easily accessed island. About a mile inward to land, start the outskirts of the city. The buildings get bigger and bigger as you continue into the heart of the city. There are about three chaos gates all around the city. It has many small islands surrounding it.

    Highland city, Dun Loireag - Theta server
    Description : Surround by mountains, bridges interconnect at center points. Railing prevent falls off them. If someone still were to fall, a net will catch them. The nets are attached under the bridges by metal rings. Chaos gates are mostly on the outer regions in the mountains, but the main one is in the very center of the town. All the main bridges lead to it.
    ~This place sounds kind of like a death trap to me. XD But that is how I viewed it while I was paying the game.

    Dark capital, Lia Fail - Omega server.
    Description: The buildings are biased on the darker, more olden times of the town’s history. With gothic looking churches and coble stone streets.
    There are many old buildings fallen down into ruin after years of wear and tear from the climate and abuse from its neglecting users. Some of the older streets have been redone with stone. But some remain unchanged.
    The chaos gates are located every here and there in this enormous town. The main one is In the northern part of town, by one of the oldest standing churches in the area.

    Highland city, Carmina Gaelic - Lambda server
    Description: Small hills are located just a few miles from the city. Many people builds small houses out there as a little get away from the tiring on going life in the city.
    Houses are all spread out in the city. Lots of space. Every other day, a small food market will be set up in a small open field, selling food for outrageous prices because of the distance they had to travel from the farms.

    Aerial fortress, Fort Ouph - Sigma server
    Description: Part of its name, Aerial fortress is from the huge tower that looms over the entire city. It's located almost dead center within the town. People from this town, are very proud of their Tower. It's like a tourist attraction and brings many people, which means money for the city.
    Sadly, not all of the city has a wonderful place to live near this elegant tower. On the outskirts of town, the houses are run down and many homeless people wonder the grounds.
    ~ Sad face for teh outskirters.

    Life summit, Anima Api - Psi server
    Description: Anima Api is by one of the tallest mountains in the world, Life summit. It got its name from the fact that when an exploration team f twelve went up to the summit, only two made it back. Very traitorous, especially with all the monsters lurking about, waiting in caves and crevasses to jump out and attack.
    The town it's self is just like any old town. It has no real specialties. This is where most of your bounty hunters come from. They start training at an early age to become a monster killing machine to bring home GP. (The form of money.)

    E-mails :

    Normally in the game, the character would just sit there, you know, kind of staring off into space. Well, I came up with a way! *Punches hand in air all excited.* Well, truthfully, I didn’t come up with it. I just kind of 'stole' the whole cyber thing in ‘Stand alone complex’ or ‘Ghost in shell.’ what ever you want to call it. Well. . . Let’s see, it’s like an invisible computer screen popping up before your eyes. It’s transparent, so you can still do things while you’re looking at it. When you want to send a message to someone, you could say it out loud while holding onto a tiny microphone in your ear, or, like what most people do, just think it, and have the computer send it in text form.

    The ‘tiny microphone’, is kind of like a phone too. You can talk to your friends, even if they are in a different server. Though, it’s like a real phone too, so you have to pay long distance.

    Elements :

    ~ I know that game only has a few but I put in a few more for more variety.
    ~ If you need the pics, tell me and I’ll send them too you. This goes for any other part of this OOC too.

    Fire element - It kind of looks like Amateurism’s fur on her shoulders. It starts in a spiral, turning counter-clock wise. This spiral, turns into a small curving line on the right that forms a ‘V’ and comes back down on the left side of the spiral. From this figure, two secondary ‘V’s take form.

    Earth element - An upside-down triangle. With a line going diagonally through the middle and a small hook with a ‘ball’ on the end.

    Wind element - It’s basically a ball, with three ‘spikes’ coming out of it, leaning to the right to make it look like it’s rotating.

    Water element - A tear drop with three small ‘rings’ under it. They gradually grow in size.

    Thunder element - (This one is kind of hard to explain. . . ) Has a bit of a rounded top. A small spike comes out on the left side, curing slightly inwards (Right) to a point. It makes a secondary point on its way up and comes back in on it’s self. Continued from there, it goes up to the semi-circle and comes back out on the right side. This time it curves near the secondary point and past the first, becoming the longest point. It starts to curve back but makes another fourth point. It curves inward to point number three then goes back up, closing the figure.

    Darkness element - A spiral, only loops once, going counter clock-wise. A small line underneath it.

    Light element - Upright triangle. Two small circles, are inside of this triangle. (Horizontal if you were to draw a line through them.) A line comes out from the very bottom on the left side, curving towards the triangle. (It’s not a very long line. . . ) Another small circle is between the triangle and the line.

    Ice element - Starts out looking like a cross with pointed tips. Then, pout of the four corners created by the cross, small dimonds point out diagonally. (Like a compass.)
    (Hope that makes since, I had to create this one.)

    Element verses Element :
    ~I may need to work on this
    ~Think Poke-mans!

    Thunder element - Works best against Darkness and Water.

    Fire element - Works best against Earth and Ice.

    Light element - Works good against Darkness.

    Wind element -
    ~I can’t really think of what this is good against except for blowing out 'candles'.

    Earth element - Works good against Water.
    ~It. . . Sucks the water up?

    Water element - Works best against Fire. Sometimes, it will heal an Earth element.

    Darkness element - Works best against Thunder and Light.

    Ice element - Works good against water.

    Classes :

    ~I know that .hack has a lot more than what I’m listing. But a lot of them sound the same. And I cut it down to 12 classes. If there is a class that’s not listed, but you want to be it, ask me about it.

    Heavy blade - They use broad swords and katanas. If they have the huge, really gigantous swords, their armors have small magnets inside them that react to a magnetic field around the sword. They attract, keeping the blade on the character’s back. The magnets aren’t strong enough that you have to tug over and over again to get it off your back, resulting in you tugging too hard and flipping yourself over, landing on you’re butt. ()With katanas, they just carry them in their sheaths.
    Attacks : Self explainable
    Close-range combat.
    ~The magnets, I created on my own. *Le gasp.*

    Twin blades - Use identical dual blades. Blades are in sheaths located either on their thighs or on their lower back.
    Close-range combat.

    Wave master - Use a staff to better concentrate their long-range magic. They’ll just have to carry it around like a walking stick.
    Attacks : They specialize in the healing arts. (Like Yuna from FFX) They do have few attacks like Holy, but are hardly usefull unless the monster they face are the undead. But of course, they could use spell scrolls for dark magic attacks.
    Long-range magic.

    Dark mage - Refer to Wave master
    Attacks - They use dark magc to attack. (Like Lulu from FFX.) They have no healing spells, but they can use spell scrolls and items to heal.
    Long-range magic.

    Long arms - Use spears and lances. Most modern pears/lances extend and contract from a center point, making it easier to carry around. If their using an older time model that doesn’t have this feature, then they’ll just have to carry it.
    Long/close-range combat.

    Heavy axe man - Use huge axes. They have two small leather loops on their backs that’s wide enough for the handle of the axe to slip through. The axes have a metal piece near the axe’s blade, keeping it from sliding down too far.
    Close-range combat.

    Blade master - Use one handed swords. Carry them in their sheaths.
    Close-range combat.

    Macabre dancer - Use two fans to attack. Fans are kept in a sheath shaped in a small rectangle. These can be kept just about anywhere.
    Long/close-range combat.

    Edge punisher - Much like a heavy blade. Use two handed weapons. Some (most) have mechanized ‘secondary weapons’.
    Close-range combat.

    Flick reaper - Use scythes or large axes.
    Long/close-range combat.

    Tribal grappler - Use fists, claws, feet, and various wrestling-type maneuvers.
    Close-range combat.

    Steam gunner - Uses a rifle with a sword-like bayonet running the length of it
    Long/close-range combat.

    Adept rouge - Can pick up to three different classes.
    ~Instead of getting points to gain you next ‘job’, like in the game, you’ll need GP. (Money.)

    List of classes an Adept Rouge can have and how much each costs :
    ~Starter means it’s free.

    Starter classes :

    Twin blade
    Blade master
    Wave master

    Secondary classes :

    Edge punisher - 5000 GP
    Tribal grappler - 5500 GP
    Flick reaper - 5000 GP
    Long arm - 5600 GP

    Third classes :

    Steam gunner - 30000 GP
    Macabre dancer - 35000 GP
    Dark mage - 35500 GP (Changed from a Harvest Cleric on original list.)
    Heavy axe man - 30000 GP (Changed from a Shadow Warlock on original list.)
    ~Hey, classes are expensive. It’s like collage.

    Springs :
    We all should be familiar with the Monsieur and Grandpa springs. In the game, they would give you a better weapon, a worse weapon, or they would just give your weapon back to you, nothing done to it, and with it, either a golden or a silver axe.

    Well, I think this is what I’m going to do :
    In any field, ether it be ’virtual’ or not, either a Monsieur or a Grandpa will come out of the virtual/real spring. It’ll be a mere projection in the ’real’ field and part of the virtual reality in the virtual field. And instead of you throwing a weapon into it, the springs will register who you are with some form of I.D. and when you have enough points, will send you a reward in the mail. (Not necessarily e-mail.)

    Grunties :
    ~If I didn’t list one, tell me.

    Let me start out by saying, they are your pet, not your horse. O.o They are too cute for your big bodies to be riding on them, squishing their ribs and insides!
    Let’s see. . . Their like. . . The cats and dogs of this world.

    Types of grunties :

    Poison grunty : Multi-colored with about 4 different colors. Have a Cyclops like eye.

    Iron grunty : Basicly, their covered in armor.

    Milky grunty : Stars on it’s body with a horrifoicly looking human like face. (These things truly scare me.)

    Bone grunty : Their like. . . Dead. But their awesome you can see all their bones and their eyes are red dots.

    Aqua grunty :They look like water! (Not much else nformation needed, I hope.)

    Snake grunty : Have scales, like a snake and have hair going down their backs.

    Rocker grunty : It looks like Elvis.

    Wooden grunty :
    Have yet to find one.

    Normal grunty : They be cute.
    Picture :

    Mecha grunty : Basicaly, it’s a mechanical grunty. . . With a hat.

    About grunty food :
    Grunties still eat golden eggs, bloody eggs, mushrooms, and so on. You can find certain ones in the wild. As long as it’s not in a ‘virtual field’

    Types of grunty food :

    Golden Egg
    Bloody Egg
    Immature Egg
    Bear Cat Egg
    Invisible Egg
    Grunt Mints
    Twilight Onion
    Snaky Cactus
    Oh No Melon
    White Cherry
    Root Vegetable
    La Pumpkin
    Piney Apple

    ‘Key words’
    ~For going to different virtual worlds or villages in a server.

    Just be creative.

    Character sheet :




    Class (Blade master, Steam gunner, so on. If their a, Adept Rouge, tell me how far they are with their classes. Do they have their secondary class, or still on their starting class. . . )


    What town their from

    Description (Include hair, eyes, Scars, Weight, and height.)

    Bio (Personality, history. . . )

    Grunty (If you have one.)

    Other (Anything else you want to add. . . )

    Picture (If it’s available.)

    My character sheet :

    Adding in a little bit. Me is sadly not done with every detail.

    EDIT : Oh gawd, sorry people. I haven't been able to get on long enough to post up my character and i feel absolutly horriable. I promise I shall put it up tonight! >.<;
    Last edited by PsychoticKittieChaos; 01-13-2008 at 01:04 PM.


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