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Thread: Monster Hunter RP

  1. #1
    Registered User Monster Hunter RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Monster Hunter RP

    Well I have been thinking about making a MH based RP.

    Now a something to take into concideration, I have only played Monster Hunter Freedom 2. I am still thinking about this and if there are enough TFF'ers who know enough about MH then perhaps we can get this going.

    As far as charecters all you need to do is give your hunters name,armor,weapons and a brief description of yourself.(I will except some made up armor and wepons. This is just an rp)

    NAME: Hasseo


    Wepon Type: Buster Sword(and occasional bowgun)

    Weapon: Buster Sword(Epitaph Blade) Heavy bowgun(Emperor Lao Cannon...studly) Light bowgun(Isle of the the Gods...only LB that looks like a real gun.)

    Armor: Blue Guild Knight Armor(Full set)

    Bio: Hasseo is the youngest Hunter to ever enter the assosiation of Guild Knights. He is always looking out for his commerades and will never run away from anything. Living in the village of poke, Hasseo has trained all his life fighting mainly species of Rathalos and Rathians. He always wanted to fight the elder dragons of legend but his mentors will not alow it.(when this starts up i will mention more about my mentors and other things, its only the ooc so im not letting all details out yet.)
    Last edited by HUNK; 03-02-2009 at 09:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Sure, I'll join! It's a wonder no one thought of this sooner...

    NAME: Andorix Greytalon
    Age: 42
    Wepon Type: Various (tell you all of what I have, but you probably wouldn't believe me. Or you'd think I'm a hacker. If I were a hacker, I'd have a modded PSP, which I don't. So there. I do however, have about 600+ hours on my MHF2 file, so I've been doing a lot with my account. I even made it to Legend a few weeks ago!!!! +_+)
    Screw it. I'll tell you my weapons that I use the most...
    GS: Lacerator Blade
    LS: Fanatic Dragonwood
    Hammer: Ancient Blow (primary)
    HH: War Conga
    SnS: Black Ruiner Sword
    DS: UH&E
    Lance: Dragon Rider Spear
    GL: Scissor Cannon
    Bow: Glorious Victory
    L. Bowgun: Profusion
    H. Bowgun: Wolf Heirloom
    Full White Fatalis (melee)
    Full Puppet Master (bowman)
    Full Genesis (gunner)
    Bio: Not much is known about the legendary hunter Andorix Greytalon, for he merely does his job for the ones who hire him and that's that. Even among hunters only a scant few know bits and pieces of his life. According to myth, Andorix was given birth to in unusual circumstances, for he was born as a 16 oz. child. Apparently the first thing to come out of his mouth the moment he was brought into the world was not the common shriek of a newborn, but an enormous roar that shattered the sonic barrier. Realizing the monster he had sired, Yemez Greytalon left his only son to die in the middle of the hills of Kokoto.

    Since Andorix sounded like a wyvern, it soon drew bizarre company forth. An unsuspecting Rathian came to that very spot to investigate, thinking it was one of her missing babies. Much to her surprise, she found baby Andorix, lying there helplessly, wailing like one of her babies. As she tried to eat him therein, baby Andorix bit her right on the nose, enough to make her cry out at least a little. In minor displeasure, she took the infant to her nest as a treat to her babies. When he got there, though, he tilted his head up like one of her babies, hungry for food. Eventually the Rathian gave up and treated Andorix as if he was her own.

    Now when Andorix was about 23 years old a rookie hunter named Bryce Vondross came into his life.

    Andorix was hunting around his home for Kelbi, Bryce had a run-in with Andorix's "mother." It was a harrowing battle of which Bryce was victorious. Bryce then told Andorix that "the beast that had held [him] captive for so long had been slain" and that he was now free. Andorix then saw the corpse of his dead foster mother and flew into a rage. Fortunately for Bryce, he had brought a poisoned weapon, and he then sliced into Andorix's shoulder with the weapon.
    Now that kind of poison would have killed a normal man in a matter of moments, but then, Andorix was no normal man. Instead, it had a tranquilizing effect on him, and he fell asleep almost immediately.

    Andorix woke up in the civilization of Kokoto upon waking up, where he was then taught to speak effective English, to write quite well, and eventually taught by Bryce to fight and hunt "his own kind." His skill eventually even surpassed that of his own mentor's.

    Personality: Despite being 6'7" and being made up of nothing muscle and bone, Andorix has a surprisingly friendly personality. In fact, he thinks that nearly everyone who is in the hunting business is a friend, and fights to the bitter end in undying loyalty.
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 03-17-2009 at 09:49 PM.

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  3. #3
    Registered User Monster Hunter RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Wow quite a profile if i do say so myself. I will edit my profile to tell what weapons I use.

    I think I will wait for mabey a week to see if new members will come but if not we can keep it going. Feel free to pm any questions or ideas for the rp.

  4. #4
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    sure i will join too

    Age: 17

    name: Vash

    weapon type: (DS)dual dragon ultomis and as a last resort (hammer)polsating core

    armor: death stench S

    Bio:vash is a wondering sword for hire not a people person he was once a member of the guardians but left due to the thought that the were just holding him back he will kill anyone that gets in his way he always seems to have a dark aura around him not much is known about vash

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA

  5. #5
    Registered User Monster Hunter RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Um Exxdeath, this is the OOC so copy and paste what you said here and post it in the real RP.

    I have no problem with the post, just post it in the rp.

    Thanks for finally posting.

  6. #6
    Are you still accepting members. I haven't play MH since the first one, so my character would be using mostly stuff from the first game b/c that all i know. Just message me and ill put up a prof.

    its my baby click it to make it hatch i will thank you very much if u save my baby

  7. #7
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    um i dont think H.U.N.K wouold care so just pm him and ask but ya i dont think he would mind

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA

  8. #8
    Pretty much accurate
    Except i usually use Hunter U armor and Azure ogre sword

    Origin: Born and raised in the village of Kokoto. He was a hunter with exceptional skills. He met Andorix while on a mission for rathian eggs. He basically taught Andorix everything he knows about hunting. Bryce prefers to use Sword and shield and Light Bow guns.
    Last edited by sconethief; 03-17-2009 at 09:52 PM.

  9. #9

    Wepon Type: LS and DS

    Weapon: Black Katana and Blade Edge
    Armor: Khezu armor that is black with crimson stitching

    Bio: Alexavior was raised into a family of hunters. His father was a reknowned hunter and his brother was accomplished, and Alexavior was raised being the educated one. His brother learned well from his father and was close to him. While his older brother was in the spotlight Alexavior was self taught. One day his brother went on a mission and failed. Alexavior went to find his brother and found his corpse in a velociprey breeding ground. After that day he donned the armor and weapons of his brother in remeberance and respect. He is fairly new to monster hunting and is very eager to become great like is father and surpass his brother.

    Personality: Quiet, but outgoing when it comes to hunters. He may not know much of battle , but is a great strategist and can build a great team. He hasn't had any mentors or teaches, but has accomplished missions with people have been willing to show him some of the ropes.

    Appearance: He stands around 5 foot 9 and has a sleander cut build. His hair is black short and spikey. He also has Sapphire blue eyes.

    Had a longer more detailed one, but i got logged out and it erased the whole thing

    THIEF can i get a little more detail in your post i have nothing to go with because from my characters standpoint he is still in thecave entrance. I think if we started writing longer it would put more depth and detail in and our characters would flow smoother. I understanding that conversation and traveling pieces may be short, but when we arricve in a big area with a hunt. I would like a little more detail that way if i describe it, it is not a total misrepresentation of the place you believe it to be.
    Last edited by Seraph; 04-02-2009 at 08:33 AM. Reason: Didnt want to double post

    its my baby click it to make it hatch i will thank you very much if u save my baby


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