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Thread: Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC

  1. #1
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    This is the OOC for any BLEACH club member deciding to participate in the RP. If you’re not in the Bleach club, please don’t try to join the RP.


    Xeim--> Haruka-Hyourin Tokoyami/Chikai-Asahi Tokoyami
    OmniTense--> Ishikawa Haku/Mahonna Kuiki
    Lady Rika-->Belladonna Thrace
    Azuteor- Miru Soregashi
    Andromeda--> Steph Whitestone/Kaigaiishi Mitsu
    Evangel--> Mugen Tsukiakari
    Final Fantasy Cid--> Mizuki Sora
    WaterPrince- Shukuen Hajimari/Hanadi Furawaa/Alex Thompson
    Piroblaze-->Sendo Shino/Sendo Mai/Kuragari Tamashii/Fukumi Garu/Raven Shiozaki/Ohkouchi Nagi
    Sato Arashi --> Mokoto Zaishen

    Character Art
    The following is a list of characters that have drawn by Azuteor.
    Sendo Shino
    Kagashi Mitsu and Steph Whitestone
    Chikai-Asahi Tokoyami
    Haruka Tokoyami|Pic 2

    Dropped Characters

    The following is a list of characters that were dropped by their creators and are still in the storyline. If you would like to make the character your own, or if you are the original owner and would like to pick your character back up, please send me a PM. If not, then anyone is free to use them in their post.

    Otonashi (Originally Abarai Renji's)
    Satine (Originally Lady Rika's)
    Shou Pasu (Originally Fishie's)
    Kasuma Zenoah (Originally Oathkeeper13's)
    Yuki Kanazuchi (Originally Yuuki's)

    Non-Playable Characters
    The following characters are original characters who are important enough to the RP to have profiles, but are not playble. No one is to write from their point of view, but they are allowed to interact with them.

    Fifth Division Captain: Ran Araragi
    Ninth Division Captain: Saigo Arashi
    Third Division Captain: Fumei Mikomi
    Read about them here.

    Many of you have chosen not to join in on the RP, but if you ever decided to change your mind, you can always join late. ^_^ Also, don't feel overwhelmed by the many posts in the RP. If you're interested in joining, there are ways for you to join without going overboard. Just send me a PM and I'll outline some of them. I don't want to clutter this up too badly with them.

    Division List

    Division One

    Division Two
    Mistress Sheena's Sendo Shino, Seat 6
    Mistress Sheena's Ohkouchi Nagi, Seat 3

    Division Three
    Mistress Sheena's Raven Shiozaki, Seat 3

    Division Four and Five

    Division Six
    Xeim's Chikai-Asahi Tokoyami, Seat 3
    Andromeda's Kagashi Mitsu, Seat 6
    Siniter's Mahonna Kuiki, Seat 12
    Azuteor's Miru Soregashi

    Division Seven, Eight, and Nine

    Division Ten
    Sinister's Haku Ishikawa, Seat 5
    Andromeda's Steph Whitestone, Seat 7
    Andromeda's Hana, Seat 11
    Xeim's Haruka-Hyourin Tokoyami, No Seat yet

    Division Eleven
    Mistress Sheena's Fukumi Garu, Seat 5
    Sato Arashi's Mokoto Zaishen, Seat 6
    Sato Arashi's Claire, Seat 7

    Division Twelve

    Division Thirteen
    Mistress Sheena's Sendo Mai, Seat 6
    Mistress Sheena's Kuragari Tamashii, Seat 5
    Evangel's Mugen Tsukiakari
    Evangel's Rei


    For this Rp, we are going to use original characters. Their design can be based off of characters from the show, but do not make them exact. Include a picture if you want to, but it cannot be one of a bleach character.

    Use this format:

    Name: (include a rough translation, if applicapble)
    Age (of death): (ages anywhere from 13-18, as well as a couple slots for ages 30-40)
    Current Age: (Should be ten years after the age of death.)
    Birthplace: Karakura Town (we are all from Karakura Town)
    Hair Color:
    Eye Color:
    Blood Type:
    Zanpakuto name: (include translation)
    Zanpakuto element: (if applicable)
    Shinigami fighting Specialty:

    NOTE: You will be proficient in two of the Shinigami fighting styles (one specialty/major and one minor). The shinigami fighting styles are as follows:

    Hand to Hand

    You will also have two-four specialties in the standard stats. These include

    spell defense

    This information will determine what classes you choose to take at the Shinigami Academy.

    The above (grey) information is no longer needed for joinees. (<-- not a word? =P)

    Also, when posting your zanpakuto, don’t post descriptions of your shikai, and/or bankai. We want these to be revealed to us as the story unfolds. Make sure you have some ideas in mind though.

    Regarding the Rukongai background story, if there’s a member participating in the Rp whose character you would like to have lived or grown up with, feel free to contact the member and work something out.

    Story-To be updated as new information is released

    This Rp takes place ten years after the artificial arrancar are destroyed. It shows the journey souls take as they walk the path of a shinigami.


    The characters go on a field trip to Mt. Fuji. There they are attacked by an "unknown entity," or a hollow to those who've already seen one. The students all die, and as their souls are being sent to Soul Society (by Ichigo and Rukia), a few of them notice two young kids who they thought were in their class. But their malicious glares and the fact the hollow hadn't killed them make the students wonder if they could even be human.

    Whatever the case, it was time to leave the real world behind, and soon the mystery of the two children faded from their memories.

    NOTE: This "arc" has ended. There will be no further posting regarding this information.

    The Shinigami Academy

    After the characters die, they spend ten years in Soul Society (Rukongai). We next meet up with them at the tail end of these ten years, where they decide to join the Shinigami Academy. Some wander the streets for a while before arriving, but soon everyone is there. They start with a week's basic training, with a test hanging over their heads at the end of it...

    Once the test is passed, the shinigami-in-training begin their official training in the way of the shinigami. They attend classes fit for their level, and strive for only success. Many drop out right after basic training, however, and may never be seen within the Academy's walls again. One thing is sure though: soon, everyone will be shinigami.

    Shinigami Academy- First Year and Basic Training Information:

    Information on Normal Classes

    Class Roster:


    Class A-Mai, Mugen, Haruka, Haku, Mahonna
    Class B- Tamashi, Kagashi, Fukumi
    Class C- Shino

    Nature of Zanpakuto

    Class A- Tamashi, Haku, Mahonna
    Class B- Mai, Haruka
    Class C- Shino, Kagashi, Mugen, Fukumi


    Class A- Shino, Haruka, Mahonna, Fukumi
    Class B- Mai, Kagashi, Haku
    Class C- Tamashi, Mugen

    History of Soul Society

    Class A- Tamashi
    Class B- Mai, Mugen, Haku, Mahonna
    Class C- Shino, Kagashi, Haruka, Fukumi

    Hand to Hand

    Class A- Shino
    Class B- Mugen, Haruka, Mahonna
    Class C- Mai, Kagashi, Tamashi, Haku, Fukumi


    Class A- Tamashi, Mai, Haku
    Class B- Mugen, Mahonna, Fukumi
    Class C- Shino, Kagashi, Haruka


    Breakfast/ Morning Break- 6:00-6:25 AM
    Hand to Hand- 6:30-8:30 AM
    Nature of Zanpukto- 8:35 AM-10:35 PM
    Shunpo- 10:40-12:40 PM
    Lunch/Afternoon Break- 12:45- 1:10 PM
    Kidou- 1:15- 3:15 PM
    Swordsmanship- 3:20- 5:20 PM
    History of Soul Society- 5:25- 7:25 PM
    Dinner/Evening Break- 7:25- 8:25 PM
    Leisure Time- 8:25-9:30 PM
    Suggested Curfew: 10:00 PM

    First Year Sensei:
    The following is an incomplete list of the sensei for first year students. Basic training sensei are not included. Descriptions will be added for each sensei as descriptions are released. The purpose of this list is for RPers to have easy access to descriptions of their sensei so that they do not have to go rooting through the RP thread for them. I encourage you to use this to your advantage, and it eliminates any excuses you may have for inaccurately describing a sensei.

    Hand to Hand

    Fukamichi Bunta- Class A sensei
    Description by: Toph Bei Fong
    POV: Sendo Shino

    Fukamichi Bunta Description:
    The instructor was a fine looking gentleman who had battle scars over his arms and one over each eye. I wanted to chat with him about where he had gotten his scars from, but it was class time and there wasn't time for such pleasantries. He had walked up to me and filled me in on the first hour of class and what I had missed...“I'll bet you're thinking that you shouldn't be in this class. Well, as you know, A is the highest rank there is; and I can't have you wandering around the halls. So I propose this:” he gently escorted my sparring partner to the medic that had came in at the request of sensei. I walked with them of course.

    “My sister could just take the two hours while I do nothing...” I rebuked.

    “That is true, but wouldn't you feel that your talents are deteriorating? Any warrior would feel that.”

    He knew me well. As well as any martial arts instructor would, anyway. I smirked and nodded. He took that as a sign to continue his proposition.

    “Would you like to become my assistant in this class? I'm sure you know a fair amount about other martial arts and I'd like to have the class get a different perspective on things. Your style is unique, and that may help the class get an edge on the battlefield.”

    “If I teach everyone my style, it won't be unique anymore now will it?” I raised a brow and crossed my arms.

    “That's true, but I'm not asking you to do that. I'm just suggesting you tutor them on how to predict their opponent's movements and counter accordingly.”

    “I can do that. It's essential to any martial art. I'm surprised you didn't have it in your agenda beforehand.”

    “Oh, believe me, I do. I just have to admit that since your style surrounds it, you know more about the slight intricacies than I do.”

    Hikyou Kurenai- Class B sensei
    Description by: Xeim
    POV: Tokoyami Haruka

    Hikyou Kurenai description:
    “Welcome, first years,” began the instructor, “to hand to hand combat training. As class B students, you are expected to be relatively proficient with your hand-to-hand skills by the end of this year. We expect much more of you than class C students; however, please do keep in mind that we also do not expect you to become legends. That is the job of Class A students.” The instructor was a young woman with a sharp nose and hawk-like, green eyes. She had long blue hair that was tied up into a high ponytail. Her voice was crisp, clear, and high. Haruka decided from the contents of her opening speech that the woman was probably a strict disciplinarian who had little faith in life- or well, her afterlife. Needless to say, Haruka didn’t like her.

    The instructor continued her speech. “My name is Hikyou Kurenai. You will call me Hikyou-sensei. Now, let us commence our first lesson. No doubt they taught you basic punches in your basic training? Perform them for me. Twenty…no fifty sets should do. Against no partner. Hurry, now! We don’t have all day!” Haruka, Mugen, and the other students quickly began their punches. The instructor came around curtly correcting stances, and lecturing on how one must conserve energy in such exercises. “Don’t put all of your energy into one punch!” Haruka heard her exclaim over and over again...the instructor growled curtly before moving onto Mugen. It was funny. She was able to look into Haruka’s eyes so intensely before she spoke, but as soon as words began to leave her mouth, Hikyou Kurenai’s eyes moved to a point beyond Haruka’s head. However, the tone of her voice made up for her lack of eye contact. This woman wasn’t a force to be reckoned with.

    Class C sensei

    Nature of Zanpakuto

    Class A sensei

    Hakanai-sensei- Class B sensei
    Description by: Xeim
    POV: Tokoyami Haruka

    Hakanai Description:
    The first thing she noticed was the noise. Or, in this case, the lack of it. Though she was almost positive she still had a couple minutes before class started, the room was absolutely silent. Students sat at desks set in meticulously arranged rows, all of them with their heads turned forward. Well, almost all of them. There was one girl, near the back, with black and gray hair who was turned completely around with a grin on her face. Mai. As soon as Haruka's eyes found her, the woman began pointing enthusiastically to the seat next to her with a look that said, "I saved you a seat!"

    Such a show of movement obviously attracted the eyes of the teacher, an old wrinkled woman, and was greeted by a sharp rap on the table with her zanpakuto sheath. Haruka hastily bowed to her, and quickly took her seat beside Mai.

    She looked back up at the old, wrinkled teacher and frowned. The woman had long hair so devoid of color that it was nearly transparent. Her face sported many wrinkles, but suggested an unparalleled beauty in her youth. Haruka was sure that her teeth would probably be rotting if she opened her mouth. But with all that said, the worst thing about her was her frown. The woman looked so painfully grief stricken that Haruka wondered if there was truly something wrong.

    'I didn't know shinigami could get this old...she has to AT LEAST be as old as the Captain-Commander...or maybe she became a shinigami at an old age?' Haruka frowned herself then, and her eyes widened as she thought 'Am I joining at an old age?!? No, no...I'm only twenty-four...still just a baby!' And she allowed herself to a small inaudible chuckle. With another glance at the front of the room, Haruka caught the name "Hakanai-sensei" scrawled across the board.

    "Class." The old sensei startled Haruka with speech. She had a deep, raspy voice that had undeniably been destroyed by something when she was younger. Haruka would guess smoking, but she didn't know if they had cigarettes in Seireitei. Perhaps it was from yelling?

    "You will devote yourself completely to learning about zanpakuto while you are in this classroom. I will allow no horseplay, no off-subject chatter, and most importantly, no excessive talking. You may ask your neighbor a question regarding the material, but that's the extent."

    'Are you serious? This is one of only two classes that I have with Mai! Grr. This woman is really going to get it. Look at those feeble old bones. I could totally take her in a fight!' Haruka scowled.

    "Do not disturb me unless it's an emergency." The woman finished her opening speech. "Now," she said with a completely feigned and failed attempt at pleasantness. "Please open your textbooks to page 10 and begin reading the chapter. Once you're done, answer the questions at the end of the section. Good luck."

    Haruka grabbed the textbook sitting in front of her and lazily opened it to begin turning pages. From next to her, Mai cleared her throat. Haruka glanced up at her with some interest, and saw a note gripped in the woman's hand. Noticing that she had Haruka's attention, she quickly thrust the note out towards Haruka's desk. The black and red haired girl eagerly, but discreetly, took the note from the black and gray haired girl, and opened it.

    "Oh." came the horrible voice from the front. "And no note passing."

    Tetsuya Mibu- Class C sensei
    Description by: Evangel
    POV: Mugen Tsukiakari

    Tetsuya Mibu description:
    He noticed the teacher was quite old. He was hunched over and wore glasses. His pure white and unkempt hair was paired with a equally white yet straight chest-length mustache and beard. He used his zanpakuto as a kind of cane. He was old yet held a strong presence in the room. A trio of students entered the room noisily. The teacher cleared his throat to catch their attention and to silence them but it was useless. He then said in a soft but audible tone: "Quiet, please." The students still insisted on chatting. Mugen looked back at the disrespect and glared at the group. He was about to say something when the teacher placed a hand on his shoulder. Mugen looked up at him and he looked back with a sort of smile. Then the unexpected happened. The old teacher showed the trio the respect he deserved by increasing his spiritual pressure. It was grater than any in the room and silenced them immediately.

    The old teacher returned to the front of the room and faced the class. "Greetings, young ladies and gentlemen." His voice was a little raspy but was still strong. "I am Tetsuya Mibu. You will refer to me as Mibu-sensei. If you looked around the room when you entered you would have noticed this is a lecturing class." He pauses a moment to catch and groans but notices none. "There is much to learn about the powers of the zanpakuto. Let's begin..." He turns around and begins to write on the blackboard with chalk.


    Kouguu Juusha- Class A sensei
    Description by: Xeim
    POV: Tokoyami Haruka

    Kouguu Juusha Description:
    Students were lining up in a row in front of a powerful looking shinigami. The man had short, spiked, navy blue hair and severely tanned skin. He was also noticeably taller than many of the students, although he was close to the same age. As she got closer, Haruka was able to see his eyes. They were a deep hazel, and danced with the amusement of something known only to him. His mouth was set in a slight smile, and his hands were clasped behind his back. Haruka took a place at the end of the row, and waited patiently for the class to begin.

    She didn't have to wait long. The last few students sprinted into the courtyard only moments after Haruka had taken her place in line. The young instructor nodded to them, and allowed the slight smile on his face to become complete. "Good afternoon. It has probably been a rather long morning for all of you talented shinigami-in-training. I know that you are probably all very hungry after expending so much spiritual energy. Well, lucky for you, lunch is right after this.

    "However, if you don't understand that simple fact and begin to think that you do not have to wait for lunch to come, then you will find that it never will.”

    He paused a moment to allowed his words to sink in and become fully appreciated. A few students laughed, and when they were not scolded, Haruka began to wonder whether or not the man was serious. Then he continued.

    "Welcome to Shunpo. My name is Kouguu Juusha. You will, of course, call me Kouguu-sensei. I've never much enjoyed my given name, anyhow.*As you all well know, this is Shunpo Class A. What is expected of you here far exceeds what is expected of the students in the other classes. Remember that. If you cannot handle our exercises, I will be glad to remove you from Class A.

    "But with all those formalities aside, I would like to think that you will have fun in this class. I have no problems with you experimenting with your shunpo techniques, just make sure you complete all the work I assign you first. My rules for this class are simple: Get your work done. After that, I don't care what happens- just don't eat.

    "However, I do want you to remember that if your skills do not improve over the course of the year, you may find yourself in another Class besides A next year. Let that be an incentive for your hard work throughout the period.

    "Now, to today's assignment. I would like you to see how many steps it takes you to get across the entire field, and then report that number to me. Once you're done, you're welcome to try to improve your number. Report to me each time you do so, but only one number is required of you. Have fun. Get to work." He bowed, and the students began to walk over to one end of the field. "And remember," he shouted, "no eating!"

    *Juusha means follower or servant. What can I say, the name suited him somehow, despite the meaning.

    Class B Sensei

    Asuka Watanabe- Class C sensei
    Description by: Evangel
    POV: Mugen Tsukiakari

    Asuka Watanabe Description:
    Mugen opened up the sliding door and was met with a metal hand fan to the face. "Ow... What the hell was that for?" He yelled out, rubbing his nose, which was bleeding a little.

    The person who hit him was standing in front of him, and blocking the way into the class, tapping the metal fan on her hip. "You are the last student to the class." She said in a strong, demanding tone.

    "W-what?!" Mugen looked up to see a female Soul Reaper who was a foot taller than he was, with dark skin and light, almost snow white hair. The teacher. She stepped to the side and raised her arm to "welcome" him into her class.

    It was true as to what she had said. Mugen was the last person to the class and was purposely placed in the front row. He was put between a pair of women who were snickering at his discipline. The female teacher stood with a demanding presence before the entire class. She had a big smile on her face as she glanced over to Mugen whose nose was bleeding kinda bad. He used the inside of his uniform to stop it and hide the blood. She finally began to begin the class with a monologue.

    "The role of a Soul Reaper can be a dangerous and bloody business. Just look at Mr..." She looks at a clipboard for a moment. "Just look at Mr. Tsukiakari here, " she points him out using her fan. "He was too busy smooching some girl and he was surprised attacked by a simple fan. Imagine if that were a Hollow, what would have happened then? More importantly, what if one of your fellow Soul Reapers where in trouble and couldn't get there fast enough? That's where I come in. Although you all almost failed the first tests, I'll make sure you are prepared for when that happens. My name is Asuka Watanabe. Welcome to Shunpo Class C.

    "Being Class C, don't expect me to go easy on you, by the time I am finished you will be able to use shunpo to leap several meters. Let's begin!" Her cheerful yet drill instructor like charm caught the eyes of several male students, but not Mugen, obviously.


    Class A sensei
    Class B sensei

    Mumei Akasu- Class C sensei
    Written by: Xeim
    POV: Tokoyami Haruka

    Mumei Akasu Description:
    “Good afternoon!” Boomed a loud baritone. “Welcome to Kido class C! I welcome all of you apparently unmotivated students into this room with a wholesome heart, and promise that you won’t leave here with the same attitude.” Haruka finally got herself together enough to take her eyes off of the ground. The man speaking was very tall and very round. His uniform pitifully begged to become a size larger, and his long black hair was loosely tied into a ponytail. His eyes were dark brown and extremely small compared to the flabby folds of his cheeks. “My name is Mumei Akasu. As you have probably already guessed, you are to call me ‘Mumei-sensei.’ I am neither your friend nor your foe, but I am one of the ones who will shape you into a competent shinigami.

    “Now, enough with the introductory material. I’m guessing I’m boring you and making you feel like this is never going to go anywhere. All of you destroy the cushions you are sitting on with kido. Now, go!”


    Kiyora Hakuen- Class A sensei
    Description by: Xeim
    POV: Tokoyami Haruka

    Kiyora Hakuen Description:
    A woman whose appearance definitely matched that of the intricate scabbard on the desk was standing off to the left, her hands behind her back. Her hair was neither purple nor black, but somewhere in between, and was pinned up in an intricate pattern on top of her head. Her large, green eyes shone out with a sort of radiance that spoke of great determination and passion for life, and her skin was a delicate, pale porcelain.

    “Class A students.” She began her speech. Her voice was as elegant as everything else in the room, and although it was not loud, its soothing tone floated through the atmosphere with a force that demanded the attention of all in the room. “My name is Kiyora Hakuen. Welcome. In this class you will be refining you abilities with the blade. I will not allow any slacking off, nor will I allow any complaining. If you cannot handle something, then you do not belong here. Am I clear? Good. Now, partner up and begin sparring. I want to see what I have to work with here.”

    Class B sensei
    Class C sensei

    History of Soul Society

    Class A sensei
    Class B sensei

    Kokku- Class C sensei
    Description by: Xeim
    POV: Tokoyami Haruka

    Kokku Description:
    The teacher was a flashy looking man with long, blue hair that reached his waist and a large bead necklace only a few shades lighter than his hair around his neck. His brown eyes looked as dead as the air in the room felt, and his voice when he asked for silence was monotonous.

    “Welcome class C students. In this class you will be learning all about Soul Society and the important events in its past. Please work hard. Oh, and my name is Kokuu. Now, open your textbooks to page 17 and begin reading.”

    The schedule is relatively simple. We all have the same classes at the same time. However, depending on your class rank, you’ll be in different rooms with different teachers. So, just because we’ll all be in a hand-to-hand class at 8:30, doesn’t mean it’ll be the same one. Class A students are all in one room, Class B students are in another room, and class C students in yet another one.

    The normal classes are going to be a lot like basic training, only more complex. Teachers do reserve the right to assign you homework to be done during your “Leisure Time.” But they don’t do so often. We’ll go at this for two weeks this time, before time jumping again. Use the time to get a better hold on the Academy, and explore more. It’s also going to be useful for getting a feel for where you want your character to go, now that we’re in tiered classes.

    We’ll only show four days of classes, but you should talk about a few things that happened on the other days. Perhaps mention a test, or have a test in a class on one of those days. But Rpers remember, if someone in your class writes in a test for that class, you need to make sure you take the test too.

    I expect you to write for your classes so that your character knows what level of class he/she’s in. If they’re in a level C class, they better darn well know so. No fancy kidou moves if you suck at it. xD

    The structure of this is as follows: 1 day and then a time jump to the end of the week.

    Then, we do a day of the next week, and time jump to the end of the week again. In the second week, the people who joined the RP late will be with us as well. From there, we’ll jump to year 4, where we'll be getting our zanpuktous. More info on that later.

    Information of Basic Training/ Information for New Recruits

    For those of you joining late, you have to undergo a week’s worth of “Basic Training” before joining regular classes. You’ll start your post by arriving at the academy. If you want a short scene in Rukongai, go ahead, but make sure you get to the academy by the end of your post. From there, you are assigned a room, and spend the rest of the day getting used to the academy. The next day, you’re thrust into your training.


    That’s your schedule. I don’t think we ever worked out set lengths or anything, so if you want to go into more detail feel free. At the end of the day, you time jump to the end of the week. Rping each day of the week would just take too long.

    At the end of the week, you face a test day. You have five tests with a break in between each. Whether or not you make anything of the break is up to you. Your tests are as follows.

    Written Test
    Hand to Hand

    Shinigami Academy BASIC TRAINING Test Data:

    Demonstrate your knowledge of the sword. Basic stances, thrusts, slashes, and slices will be preformed for this test. Do not perform combos, aerial assaults, or advanced swordplay. This tests the basics. It shows your knowledge of the basic information regarding swordplay. If you know nothing, look swordplay up (OMG writers actually research) or ask an RP member who seems to. I don’t want these tests to be as hard as a real one. Obviously, you’ve already decided what’s going to happen with your characters.

    If you major or minor in this subject, your character will rank into an A or B level class.

    If swordsmanship was not one of your choices, where you are placed is up to you.


    Basic spell casting. You will be casting the spells on a medium ranked shinigami. How he/she is described is up to you guys. Add onto what the first person says about them. Mold the character your own way. You may also choose to have the shinigami tire from being under all the spells and bring in a new one. Spells you must perform are as follows:

    -binding spell #1 restrain

    -destructive spell #4 White Lightning

    If you major or minor in this subject, your character will rank into an A or B class level.

    If Kidou was not one of your choices, where you are placed is up to you.


    If you guys were to go overboard with a test, this would be the one. Your character will NOT be doing all out shunpo. You’ll be doing two successive jumps, one right after the other. You will be graded on the overall length that you jumped, as well as how far you got with each jump. To measure, you’ll carry a small stick. As soon as you feel your feet hit the ground, drop it and then jump again.

    Single jump

    12.1 feet to 13.5 feet for class A
    8-12 feet for class B
    2-7.9 feet for class C
    below 2 is a fail

    Notice I said to 13.5 for class A. I don’t want ANYONE going over that number.

    If you major or minor in this subject, your character will rank into an A or B class level.

    If shunpo was not one of your choices, where you are placed is up to you.

    Written Test

    Ah yes! Everyone’s favorite! The written portion. We did not study any of the material on the test, so how you perform is based on the knowledge your character has of Soul Society prior to entering the academy. I don’t want anything huge on this test. Just basic questions that people have probably heard about through gossip or news.

    Big topics to be discussed here:

    -arrancar (nothing detailed like “What espada number was Ulquiorra”)

    -current captains


    -duties of shinigami

    I’ll give 5 sample questions. The test will be closer to 50, but I don’t expect you to list them all. Simply use these five, or make up some of your own. You will not do well on this portion unless you are a gossip queen/king. I don’t expect a lot of A classes, or even B’s. Most of us will probably end up in a C class on these subjects. However, where you want to be placed is up to you. Though, make the decision based on your character’s personality. This test affects where you rank in the History of Soul Society and Nature of Zanpuktou classes.

    Sample Questions:

    1)Who is the current Captain of division ten? HINT: He is the youngest captain

    2)Who led the arrancar on the attack on the king of Soul Society? HINT: He is a former shinigami captain

    3)True or false. Zanpakuo are the physical manifestation of the shinigami’s memory. (the answer is false before you become confused. Though, this part of the question wouldn’t be on the test…)

    4)What kind of souls to shinigami perform konso on? (good/bad; pluses/hollows)

    5)What is the reason you are in the academy? (What job are you trying to acquire?)

    30-50/50 for Class A.
    20-29/50 for Class B
    2-19/50 for Class C
    below 2 is a fail

    -The scores you don't really even need to talk about. But, if you like being detailed....go ahead and thrown them in there somewhere. Just make sure it' an appropriate spot (you can't know how you did 2 seconds after the test).

    Hand-to-Hand Combat

    Ok, we didn’t have a class for this. So, we’re saying that hand to hand was originally part of swordsmanship. Basic punches, kicks, and blocks will be demonstrated. You will be practicing against another shinigami, once again. And, once again, I don’t expect anything fancy.

    If you major or minor in this subject, your character will rank into an A or B class level.

    If hand-to-hand combat was not one of your choices, where you are placed is up to you.

    By test day, you need to PM, email, or give me through MSN/AIM the level of classes you wish to take. I said in the “Info on Normal Classes” that we’d have two weeks of normal classes. You guys will only have one, as you’ll be in basic training during the first week.

    Also, if you want your character to start out in a C class for their major or minor, that’s ok. Just make sure you include within your PM that you know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. xD You don’t need to supply me with any details; I just don’t want you putting your character into the C level class for their major by accident and then going- “Oh crap, I can’t believe I did that!” afterwards.

    One last thing before I leave you to your posts: If you don’t join up now, you’ll fall way behind. When you do end up joining, you’ll be joining basic training and then as a first year, while we'll have time jumped ahead some. I’m being flexible this time since I don’t see how joining a week late would be TOO big of a deal. But if I go to two weeks, then three, things will get out of hand.

    Point: Make sure you join now. ^^; Joining later is perfectly fine, but it will become a little more complicated.


    Three years pass, and the characters gain new experience as they advance through the academy. Now, it is time for them to get the thing that will truly secure their positions as future shinigami: their zanpakuto.

    Year Four: Zanpakuto Acquisition Information:
    Okay, the three (or two for some) weeks we spent with our characters in the first year of their training have now come to a close. If anyone plans on posting anything else for this segment, please do so quickly. After the time skip occurs, I will not allow any more posts for the first year.

    It is now time for us to receive our zanpakutos. There will be a time skip of three years, and our next posts will take place after this. A lot is going to happen in three years, and if there are specific events you want to have happen over the time skip, feel free to use them. However, convey their occurrence through flashbacks. Have your character walking to class reminiscing about the past year or something. I don't really care how you do it. If your character doesn't have anything special planned within the time we're skipping, then don't worry about it.

    Our characters are now in year four of their training. From the negative view most of you had of your classes during this past segment, you will not be writing for classes during this one. This "year" will be devoted to the acquisition of your zanpakuto. However, you still need to remember the experience our characters now have. Their mindsets and power levels will have changed during the time skip. How much you want this to have happened is up to you, but they won't still be ignorant and awkward in their abilities.

    Zanpakuto Acquisition

    The only thing you are required to write for this time around is the process you take to obtain your zanpakuto. You may write side scenes which have nothing to do with it, but no one's going to force you to. When we begin writing, our characters will have already been trying to obtain their zanpakuto for a while. Starting from the beginning of the process would take too much time, so instead we'll be writing near the end of it. Having your character discuss/think about what they have been doing is encouraged, however. The process for obtaining your zanpakuto/learning its name is as follows:

    -You will be given a normal katana.

    -You will take this katana and find a calm, quiet place of your choice somewhere within the campus. Here, you will meditate.

    -While meditating, you will be focusing on your soul, on the spiritual energy inside you. You will try to draw that spiritual energy out and channel it into the katana. When successful, you will have created your zanpakuto. Then, you just need to learn its name.

    -To learn your zanpakuto's name, you need to focus on your zanpakuto and call out to it. When you are successful, you will be taken to a world that is, frankly, within your mind, where you meet your zanpakuto spirit. It tells you its name. This is not the manifestation of the spirit that is required for bankai; that manifestation is the appearance of the zanpakuto in the world around you. This isn't.

    NOTE: Just because you know its name, does not mean you know your shikai. You will learn your shikai during a segment that we are time skipping over. If, however, you would really, really, really, really like to write for the training of your shikai, please discuss it with me.

    Also, you may start from anywhere in that process. I must require that you are at least close to channeling your energy into the katana when you start, but if you're too lazy to start there or just don't care enough to write for the whole process, you may start later into it. Remember, this whole thing won't take place in one hour or even in one day. You may time skip around a reasonable amount of time to do this if you would like, since we are all basically going to be doing our own things. Please don't go beyond a couple months, however.

    If you have any questions on what may or may not be allowed, please let me know before you post.

    Summary of Events by Andromeda

    -That's not the end of it. This Rp is going to mimic an anime in that it is going to follow sort of an "arc" format. Many Rpers will recognize this as similar to the chapter format, but we won't be clearly defining the beginning and end of each arc like with chapters. The story will just continue flowing. Remember that if you have any ideas for one of the many arcs you can post them here or PM them to me.


    1. Please try and keep explicates to a minimum. I don't mind some cussing, but i don't want huge swear fests. It's just...really annoying to read.

    2. Of course, hold true to TFF’s rules.

    3. No God-Modding, obviously.


    I encourage all members of this RP to read the wikipedia article on Soul Society to better understand its structure and layout. The manga often has information that the anime does not. Wikipedia has all this, and whatnot. If you’re current in the Japanese manga, then you probably already know most of the information. However, I suggest you skim it over to refresh your memory a bit.

    I’m putting this in here because I don’t want anyone confused on any aspect of the world and write something that is completely opposite as to what is true (By accident of course, haha). Also, go ahead and read some of the character articles to refine your knowledge. Don’t spoil anything for yourself, though, if you’re not current with the Japanese manga.

    Link: Bleach (manga) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    To understand the different techniques only briefly described in the anime, or to broaden your understanding of what your character is, read wikipedia’s article on Shinigami. There’s also valuable information on Soul Society’s government.

    Link: Soul Reaper (Bleach) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Haruka-Hyourin Tokoyami:
    Name: Haruka-Hyourin Tokoyami [or Haruka Tokoyami]
    (Haruka-Hyourin: lit. distant-moon; Tokoyami- lit. everlasting darkness)

    Age (of death): 14

    Current Age: 24

    Birthday: November 1

    Birthplace: Karakura Town

    Hair Color: black with crimson streaks

    Eye Color: Black

    Blood Type: O

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5’4”

    Weight: 110 lbs.

    Zanpakuto name: Kagemaru (lit. Shadow Circle)

    Zanpakuto element: N/A

    Occupation: Academy Student

    Shinigami Fighing Specialty: Swordsmanship

    ShinigamiFighting Minor: Shunpo

    Standard Specialties: Attack, Defense, Spells

    Theme Song: Faith and the Muse- Den Die Todten Reiten Schnell (The Dead Travel Fast)

    Personality/Appearance: Called Haru by Satine, much to Haruka’s annoyance as “Haru” means “to stick or affix.” Few call her Hyourin, as it is what her brother called her and anyone who calls her this gets thoroughly told off...

    Haruka is very hard to understand. She doesn’t talk much, she never smiles, she’s extremely guarded, and no one knows anything about her past. She seems to think that the whole world is out to get her. While alive, she lived alone, and only showed her true personality to her best, and only, friend, Satine. She is easily angered, though her anger doesn’t include screaming and yelling, it’s more of—calmly putting the person who made her mad in their place. She also has a slightly twisted sense of humor. Some of what she says is very mean or scary, but so sarcastic and untrue that many find it funny. Many people have claimed to be frozen in place, with absolutely no control of their bodies, by her deep, black eyes, but she say that its “Stupid ramblings of stupid, deluded idiots.” It is often wondered how Satine puts up with her, but Satine claims that she’s actually a very enjoyable person, once you break down her near impassable barriers. This leads people to wonder how Satine ever managed this feat. On the trip to Mt. Fuji Haruka and Satine sat alone, in the back of the bus. Hasaki swore he saw a smile play upon her lips at one point.

    Haruka doesn’t seem to care much of her appearance though she never has a strand of hair out of place. She has long, black hair that is streaked throughout with crimson. It falls to her waist. While alive she wore it down, but upon joining the shinigami academy, she ties it back into two loose pigtails that hang down her back. She has very pale skin that has led many to believe she’s a vampire (“hiiiissss. You’d better watch you’re back or I might just sneak in your window and have you for dessert!” she’d say to anyone who brought this up.). Her large black eyes are, at best, menacing, and make “whimpering toddlers” out of the bravest of people if they stare into them for too long. She has a small nose and a delicate mouth. Haruka often complains to Satine about the academy outfit she is being forced to wear. While alive, she wore only black, and claims that the red and white of the female academy outfits “is too happy.”

    Background: Haruka ended up in Junrinan District 1 of West Rukongai after her death. She and Satine decided it best to live together, as they had ended up together upon entering Soul Society. The whereabouts of their classmates were unknown to them. They had a rather pleasant life in Junrinan, though they were often looked down upon by other residents due to their immense appetite. Haruka always had a rude retort to anyone who openly criticized them. Haruka’s personality didn’t change in the slightest during her 10 year stay in Rukongai, as much as Satine encouraged her to change.

    One day, during her stay, Haruka snuck off somewhere, claiming that she’d sworn she’d seen someone. Satine who had no idea what she meant, just shrugged and went inside their house as Haruka ran off. The person she’d seen had been her older brother. Her parents had been murdered when she was six, and the murder escaped capture for years. It was finally revealed to be her brother’s best friend, though his motives are still unknown. He is currently in prison. Her brother was the one who had raised her. He had taught her how to survive on her own in the world. But, he had also been killed on his way home from the grocery store when Haruka was 10. His killer had never been found. For the chance to see her brother again, Haruka would have given anything. And there he had been--just feet away from her. And yet, try as she might, she couldn’t catch him. She returned home hours later. Satine could only describe the atmosphere around her as a gale. Haruka locked herself in her room for a week after that, and wouldn’t even talk to Satine.

    Thanks everyone,

    --Xeim aka Captain Snowy--
    Last edited by Andromeda; 01-16-2010 at 06:52 PM.

  2. #2
    YAAAY! Renji be the first to post his profiley! wootels.

    Name: Otonashi, sometimes goes by Oto. Means “no sound”
    Age (of death): 14
    Current Age: 24
    Birthday: August 3rd
    Birthplace: Karakura town
    Hair Color: black
    Eye Color: blue
    Blood Type: O
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’3”
    Weight: 120
    Zanpukto name: Mikadzuki, New Moon
    Zanpukto element:
    Occupation: former thief
    Shinigami Specialty: Shunpo
    Shinigami Specialty Minor: Swordsmanship
    Standard Specialties: speed, attack, endurance, health

    Personality/Appearance: very rebellious, materialistic, optimistic, and very friendly. Otonashi is rather short, but his big personality more than compensates for it. Oto is very friendly and opinionated. His big mouth often gets him in trouble. Oto has jet black hair in spikes. He has a scar over his right eye.
    Background: When Oto first died, he met a thief around his age called Isamu. They soon became friends, and they formed a team. For the next seven years, Oto and Isamu roamed around Rukongai stealing from others. Oto’s speed became unmatched, and his skill with his knife became equally strong. Oto still carries it his knife, Kaiki (means Lunar eclipse), around.
    However, after seven years of thievery, Isamu was hit in the leg by an arrow while escaping from a building. Isamu tripped, and was immediately hit by two more arrows. Oto managed to carry Isamu away from the scene. Isamu is alive, but is severely injured, and had his right leg amputated, and his right arm is paralysed.After this, Oto decided to quit being a thief. He then took Isamu with him to the 52nd district, where he did jobs for anyone who would pay him to keep him and Isamu alive. He was soon found by a recruiting Shinigami, and he vowed to join them to get money to help Isamu recover.

    also, will we recieve credit for posts in the Bleach club or something for participating in this rp?
    My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
    My Dad: ???
    My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
    My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
    My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
    My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
    My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
    My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
    My kickass bro: Flash041891
    My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
    My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
    My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
    My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
    My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
    My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
    My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
    My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
    My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
    My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
    My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco

  3. #3
    Registered User Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Lady Rika's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Name: Satine

    Age: 15

    Current Age: 25

    Birthday: December 15

    Birthplace: Karakura town

    Hair Color: A whiteish silver color

    Eye Color: Ice blue

    Blood Type: O-

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'3 (shorter than your character Abarai Renji, though I had her shortness planned!)

    Weight: 95

    Zanpukto name: Nana-Hoshi (Seventh Star)

    Zanpukto element: N/A

    Occupation: Acadamy Student

    Shinigami fighting Specialty: Swordsmanship

    Shinigami Fighting Minor: Shunpo

    Standard Specialties: Attack and Speed

    Personality/Appearance: Satine is a very kind, thoughtful person who loves helping others and making her own clothes. Usually she would wear dark black lolita dresses when she walked amongst the living. But now she is fine with the Kimono she makes for herself and her friend Haruka. With her natural white hair and ice colored eyes it was no wonder Satine was picked on througout most of her life. But she never once said anything back to them. Satine also has a habit of biting on her bottom lip, though it looks rather cute she does it to keep her from doing anything unpractical, to keep herself orderly. Another thing about her is her height, she is very short even for her age but that matches her weight which is also minamal. Satine is the kind of person who you could just meet and fall head over heels for, not like love but as in a friend. She would do anything for anyone, especially her best friend Haruka or Haru as she calls her.

    Background: Satine's ethinicty is unknow, she was adopted a japanese family when she was young so her eyes and hair couldn't help them with deciding her race. After being bullied for most her life alive, it has made her a humble, kind person who enjoys the simple things. Satine was looking forward to the Mt. Fuji trip and the freak accident that happened, killing all of her classmates and herself left her in shock. The soul socity was not what she imagined heaven to be like but it was nonetheless fun. Her and Haku live their together, ironic that they were friends since they were little and now friends even in death. Satine also acts like a mother figure to Haruka, this includes feeding them, washing their clothes and what not.

    Hey im so sorry if this sounds bad, but I don't have long to be on the computer tonight but I wanted to put it up really bad. So heres my crappy profile, if you don't like it Xeim then i'll gladly change it!
    Well we should wait a while to we start the rp, we need alot more people. I'll talk to Ichigo about joining as well okay!
    Last edited by Lady Rika; 05-23-2007 at 03:04 PM.

  4. #4
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Renji: Yes, your posts in the RP will count toward your post count in the club. Other than that, I have nothing planned at the moment.

    Rika: I don't think your profile is crappy! It's actually really good. Yeah, I'm not starting the RP for a while yet, until everyone who signed up posts their profiles. And I'd appriciate it if you talked to Ichi.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  5. #5
    Registered User Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Lady Rika's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I fixed those spelling errors...sorry about that *sweatdrop*

  6. #6
    Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Mr. Sandman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Why would you care?
    Well, then let's get more people on... as for mines:

    Name: Hasaki Ichijin (lit. Edge of Blade & Vanguard)

    Age of Death: 14

    Current Age: 24

    Birthday: October 15

    Birthplace: Karakura Town

    Hair Color: Black with Silver tint

    Eye Color: Greyish-Black

    Blood Type: A

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'6

    Weight: 128 lb.

    Zanpakutoh Name: Seisou Chuuten (lit. Sacred Spear to the Heavens)

    Zanpakutoh Element: (obvious isn't it?) Holy

    Occupation: Academy Student

    Shinigami Specialty: Shunpo

    Shinigami Minor: Kidou

    Standard Specialties: Spells, Speed, Attack, Defense

    Personality/Appearance: Hasaki usually referred to as "Van" in referrence to his name, he is rather an ill person. Being a rather calm and relaxed person he hates rushing and jibberish. Incorrect grammar usage is one thing that gets on Hasaki's nerves, usually responding to a right hook on your face. Not a type that likes "cute" or "feminine" things, he gags by its mere looks. Hasaki's favorite colors seem to be a mix with red, blue, and black seeing as he loves to wear them, mainly black. He was once a naive person but ever since the murder of his mother and his sister's death, Hasaki has changed forever since. He changed his name to "Van" shortly so people almost seem to never call him Hasaki. Very creative and talented in the works of Kanji and art, he has devoloped his own gallery at arts at home. Though he hardly expresses much emotion, he may on rare occasions show a non-serious structure. Hasaki has his Black hair combed down with spikey bangs and wears a Black Robe followed by a blue lining with red and wooden sandals. He has a blue sash encircling him with a flower (camellia) pattern that has been shaded a slightly lighter blue. He also carries his keepsake,a pendant containing a picture of his mother. The pendant was originally given to him by his sister before her illness got to the best of her... this turned Hasaki quite silent too. It seems that Hasaki has a nearly impenatrable structure but only a few has seen his lighter side.

    Background: After the time of his death in Mt. Fuji, "Van," began by getting a job and doing odd tasks for people, so enough that his Shunpo level has increased greatly. As well as learning a few low-medium Kidou spells. After quitting his job, while taking a short stroll through Rukongai, found a couple of students piling up on a defenseless kid. Enraged by acts of stupidity, he fended them off with Kidou. The kid thanked him and ran. Though soon, an elder man found Van's Kidou quite impressive and started to teach him the works of Binding and Healing Kidou rather than Offensive spells. Van loves using Kidou as well as the new Destruction Spell taught to him by his lecturer. A high-level Kidou spell it maybe, it causes major damage to Van himself. Restricted to only using it once per week until fully mastered. Though the healing techniques were difficult for Van to master, he learned Binding Arts rather quickly. With this, he noticed 3 young kids trying to get applications to enter the academy. Van thought is he should join in order to perfect his skills and hopefully find his friends that died on Mt. Fuji as well. Not only that, but for one day finding his long-lost sister to atleast be with her before anything else goes wrong. To show the necklace to his sister is what Hasaki yerns for the most. The reason is currently unknown...

    Honors to BLEACH RPG and I hope you like my profile ^^;;
    Last edited by Mr. Sandman; 05-09-2007 at 08:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Question then I'll post my character: what is the best site for translations?

  8. #8
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I found this one highly useful.

    I'm glad you decided to join, Jecht ^_^

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  9. #9
    Yeah you're welcome, the translator isn't very helpful. I want to translate "Demon Sword of the Crimson Moon". I'm kinda having difficulty with the entire thing, but I know "demon" would translate to "Oni"

  10. #10
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Take it piece by piece. First "demon" then "sword" then "crimson" (which by the way is either Kurenai or beni) then moon (which is Hyourin). the "of" and "the" I cant help you with. Just leave 'em out and put them in your English translation. It looks like that's what Prodigy did.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  11. #11
    Name: Mugen Tsukiakari (lit. "Infinite Moonlight")
    Age (of death): 15
    Current Age: 25
    Birthday: August 24
    Birthplace: Karakura Town
    Hair Color: Red/ Crimson
    Eye Color: Silver
    Blood Type: AB
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5' 9''
    Weight: 175 lbs.

    Zanpakutou Name: Benihyourin (lit. "Crimson Moon")
    Zanpuktou Element: Moon
    Sealed Appearance: Single-edged katana with a four foot blade. The hilt is black wrapped in silver
    cloth. The guard is also silver. The sheath is a crimson red and is held in his obi on his waist.

    Shikai Phrase: "Shine brighter, Benihyourin!"
    Shikai Appearance: His sword melts into a silver liquid metal-like substance then covers his entire arm, forming armor and a long 3 foot blade extending from the top of his forearm. The blade can be changed to become a large, hexagonal shield as tall and as wide as Mugen capable of absorbing most attacks. Appears to be made out of a mercury-like substance that causes fatigue via "mercury" exposure in wounds.
    Shikai Ability: His shikai’s ability attacks the target’s spiritual energy directly, slowly eating away at it and weakening his opponent like a poison. Many have said that because of it’s design and effect, Mugen would be perfect for the 2nd Division.

    Division: 13
    Shinigami fighting Specialty: Swordsmanship
    Shinigami Fighting Minor: Shunpo
    Standard Specialties: Attack, Speed, Endurance

    Personality/Appearance: Mugen is a free spirit, he usually doesn't like to follow the rules, but he is intensely loyal. Kind at heart, he has a soft spot for the weak, and tries to help them out in anyway he can. He is kinda eccentric in the ways he goes about himself and has a strong sense of justice. When Mugen speaks, he has a kind and wise tone to his voice. Mugen has short, spiked backed hair with his forehead exposed and a widow's peak. There is a black triangular tattoo under his eye that points downward and extends down to before his mouth. Despite being in his mid-20s, Mugen has a relatively young appearance, a well-toned muscle build, and lightly tanned skin. Mugen wears the standard Soul Reaper robe with a wide and deep v-neck modified by his wife, Rei. Under his robes, almost his entire body is covered in wrappings the same color as his hair. Rei also made Mugen a crimson version of the Soul Reaper uniform for when they have free time.

    Background: Mugen was the oldest in a family of three, his twin sister (who was born only seconds after him, and his younger sister who was 13. His father had left his mother shortly after he and his sister were born and had never been heard of since. At school, he was seen as a protector of the weak, he stood up to the bullies, he was also incredibly intelligent.

    His life changed dramatically one night when he and his twin sister came home from a friends house to find their mother and their younger sister dead. Although his sister never saw it, he saw his mother's and sister's killers: a Hollow. For a little while after, he and his sister lived alone, until one day the same Hollow came back. It threatened he and his sister, Mugen vowed that he would avenge his family and find a way to kill the Hollow one day.

    After being killed on Mt. Fuji by the very Hollow he vowed to gain his vengeance against, Mugen thinks about his sister occasionally and wonders how she is doing.

    In the Rukongai, Mugen met Rei whom he fell for almost immediately. Without her, he would never have become a Soul Reaper. During their time at the Academy, they grew closer and closer until Mugen finally one day proposed to her. Ever since they got married they have been nearly inseparable. To Mugen, his life seems like a wonderful fairy tale.
    Last edited by Evangel; 10-19-2009 at 07:16 AM.

  12. #12
    Registered User Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Dimi's Avatar
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    West Coast
    Name: Hawokuishibaru (lit. Pain)
    Age (of death): 13 years. old
    Current Age: 23 years, old
    Birthday: August 18
    Birthplace: Karakura Town
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Blue
    Blood Type: A
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'0''
    Weight: 174 Ibs.
    Zanpukto name: Chikarou Amanojaku (lit.Dungeon Demon)
    Zanpukto element: N/A
    Occupation: Academy Student
    Shinigami Fighting Specialty: Swordsmanship
    Shinigami Fighting Minor: Combat Standard Specialties: Attack, Endurance, and Spell Defense

    Personality/Appearance: Hawokuishibaru is known as the "quiet one". Coming from a hard past, Hawokuishibaru is tough and is not afraid to challenge anybody. Highly competitive and determined to prove to himself that he is strong, he's willing to prove to people that he's not weak. He's not the nicest guy around, but he stands up for the weak and defends them with pride. He knows right from wrong and is willing to help the greater good. He is strong and is a fighter. His weakness is showing emotion to anyone at all. He has a hard time expressing it because he thinks sbout his past and can sometimes get the best of him. Hawokuishibaru was born with black hair and blue eyes. His hair is a spike and his blue eyes show promise, strength, and courage.

    Background: Before his death had occured, Hawokuishibaru was a happy kid. Most of his life when alive, he'd grown with his family and friends He was a happy and outgoing kid and enjoyed living life. However, not everything was picture-perfect. His father really pushed him to grow up really fast and wanted him to stand on his own feet. Whether if it was emotionally of physically, Hawokuishibaru was pushed and pushed. Soon, after wanting to impress his father, he had forgotten about who he was and what really mattered to him. One day while going on a fieldtrip to Mt. Fuji, Hawokuishibaru had been killed in an accident along with his classmates.

    One day while waking up to the Soul Society, Hawokuishibaru felt like he was in a better place. Even though, he felt so much pressure had been lifted off his shoulders, the way his father treated him, scarred him. He was confused. He'd forgotten about all his classmates and had forgotten about who he was. As the years went by, he slowly gained his memory and remembered Haruka and a few other classmates, but was distant to time went by.

    I hope I'm doing this right as well. Right now I'm typing my school essay and this at the same time, but I know there is a few things I need to add in here though...
    Last edited by Dimi; 04-28-2007 at 07:49 PM.

  13. #13
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Jecht, that's a great profile. I'm suprised you were able to finish it so quickly.

    Diddy, yours is really good as well. You did do it right, don't worry. The only thing I'd like you to do is bold each of the headers. "name:" becomes "name:"

    I think the only ones we're waiting for to post are Oathkeeper, Yuuki, Ichigo, and Jenova33. I'm quite excited about this RP. Everyone's characters are turning out amazing. I can see a lot of thought went into them.


    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  14. #14
    I've been thinking about: "If I were a Soul Reaper, what would I be like?" for some time. Just wait till I reveal my Shikai and Bankai.

  15. #15
    Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Mr. Sandman's Avatar
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    Why would you care?
    Quote Originally Posted by Xeim
    Take it piece by piece. First "demon" then "sword" then "crimson" (which by the way is either Kurenai or beni) then moon (which is Hyourin). the "of" and "the" I cant help you with. Just leave 'em out and put them in your English translation. It looks like that's what Prodigy did.
    Yea, I kind of rephrased it to be or sound better. I've read the profiles so far and I like what I'm seeing so far I wonder who's going to be related to who and how the story is going to unfold. I really can't wait to see Shikai/Bankai of everyone. I wonder who I'm going to be related with... that is if at all... *snickers and grins*
    or anybody else

    Last edited by Mr. Sandman; 05-01-2007 at 07:31 AM.

  16. #16
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Update for you all. Prodigy came to me asking about a couple of things, and I feel it's important to include them here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Prodigy
    You know our lovable Kidou Spells (Destruction, Binding, and Healing) right? Well, you know that not all of the spells have been revealed yet. Well, I was wondering, can we make up our own spells and incantations? It would be nice.

    My Example (since I love Kidou): Ye soul of the bloody demon, one who has been corrupted by the irony of many, rise above the others and cleanse your ached mind... Way of Destruction 67: Black Lightning Savage!

    Also, in regards to that, are any of us capable to transformng into a hollow like Ichigo and like the Vizards as well?
    I see no problem with making up kidou spells. Just BE VERY SURE you don't use a number that already has a spell. Check wikipedia or something. <Link to Kidou article

    As for turning into hollows--I think at first we're going to just be shinigami. However, we're writing this story as a group. If someone decides they want to betray us, and follow Aizen to Hueco Mundo (not leave with him, but join later), or have something happen to them that leads to their discovery of an inner hollow that's fine as well. This story can go wherever you want it to, but it all needs to come in good time. So, no being hollowy at the beginning please.


    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  17. #17
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    I finished writing up the profile. I spent some time sorting out a few things. But read through it in its entirity before making a judgment call. There are a few things that might seem like typos or places where I did not listen, but I did things for a reason. So if you are still disatisfied with them after everything let me know.

    Name: Steph “Nyuu-chan” Whitestone
    Age: 13
    Current Age: 13
    Birthday: February 29
    Birthplace: Edwards Air Force Base
    Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
    Eye Color: Dark Blue
    Blood Type: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Height: 4’6”
    Weight: 83 lbs
    Zanpukto: Adeyaka-Sakura (Beautiful Cherry Blossom)
    Zanpukto Element: Unknown
    Shinigami Fighting Specialty: Swordsmanship
    Shinigami Fighting Minor: Shunpo
    Standard Specialty: Speed, Healing, Defense
    Personality: Steph does not become attached to anyone very easily. He tries to keep himself distant from everyone else. He has adopted his own philosophy to not take life too seriously and live carefree, due to his constant moving. While he is cheerful and open to speaking to other classmates, he keeps quiet about his past. He tends to be non-confrontational preferring to either ignore or try to calm the person down. Since he is foreign he is usually the target of others.
    Appearance: Steph is very short, though for boys it is typical that they do not start their major growth until they hit their teenage years. He is still waiting for his growth to begin. So he retains much of his very young childhood features still, a round face, bigger eyes, and small nose. His eyes are a deep blue at times almost pitch black, if you stare too long it feels as though you are looking at an empty shell. He also maintains a very thin body simply due to a high metabolism.
    He is often confused for being a girl since he has a high voice and hair that comes past his shoulders. The confusion varies depending on how he is wearing his hair that day. If he leaves it down untied then there are more mistakes than when he ties it up. Because of his features and appearance many of the children pick on him about it. Some of the girls even make fun of him by braiding his hair into two tails and playing tricks on him.
    Background: Steph is short of Stephen, or as some tease him and call him Stephanie at times. He goes by Steph though, which does not help his case that much. Steph was born on Edwards Air Force Base into a military family. His father is an officer in the military and because of that he moves around frequently. He has lived in Germany, France, Korea, Italy and currently Japan.
    Because of his frequent travels to many countries he has picked up several languages. He does not know any of them fluently, but he can speak a little. Most times he will substitute for a word that he can’t think of with one in a different language. Also because of his moving he had no friends and at this point does not try to make the effort to find new friends. He keeps to himself most of the time occasionally speaking to others, but not getting friendly with them.
    He has spent the last year in Japan attending school in Karakura Town. Steph does not know perfect Japanese, but understands it well enough to get by. Because he is the new transfer student and foreign a lot of children call him Nyuu, meaning ‘new’. Usually they say Nyuu-chan with an emphasis on the fact that he is confused to be a girl at times. While chan is used for children, they make a point to remind him that its because of his feminine qualities or lack of masculine qualities. Those that understand a little English have sometimes called him Stephanie mocking him, which is another nickname he picked up. He makes the mistake at times to response to the name only encouraging them further. He does not take much offense to it; he knows that he will not be around them long enough for it to matter. It is easier for him to take things at a more carefree stance than worrying about everything.
    Afterlife: Only one thing that I want to note right now, simply to explain what may appear to be a typo. Steph’s soul is a little strange, in that it does not appear to age. In spite of the very slow aging process that there is in the Soul Society, he appears to be halted at his age for an unknown reason. A few people have examined him to try to explain the reason for it, but they can find nothing unusual about him, aside from his ageless soul. He appears ordinary, possibly too ordinary as there are no other outstanding qualities about him. If not for the lack of aging he would otherwise by a normal spirit of Rukongai.
    Everything else I will post in the RP when it comes time. So his ten years before joining the academy and reasons will be explained in the first post that we arrive in the Soul Society, depending on the pacing that is set.

  18. #18
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    Ok, at first I was wondering why his age stayed the same, but not I see that it's going to be part of you're character's development. I suppose havng one or two characters that weren't born in Karakura town wouldn't hurt, as it would give us a bit of variety. As long as a resonable story is provided to the character's move, then its fine. So, Andromeda, you're character being born outside Karakura Town is fine. I'd still like most everyone else to be born within the town, however.

    Also, I've been working on (and Andromeda's been helping a lot) a list of names/places/items etc. whose name changes between the Japanese version and the English version. As more are found, more will be added to this post, so, if there's a word that doesn't make since to you in the RP once we start, check here. If its not here then PM me about it.

    The Japanese term will be on the left and the English one on the right.


    Ken-chan (Yachiru's name for kenpachi)=Kenny


    reiatsu= spirit pressure
    Shinigami= Soul Reaper


    I believe it was found that

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  19. #19
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    I actually caught Renji saying Rukongai once as well, but they typically say Rukon District. So there is a little inconsistency even in the English version.

    I figured I be a little different just so that it is not the same for everyone. I really just wanted someone that was not Japanese, just because it seems that everyone in Bleach is from Japan. Which I find to be a gross oversight by the author. Souls are not all Japanese, just because it is made in Japan. There should be German Soul Reapers and French Soul Reapers, it should be multinational. All of the souls go to the same place.

    Though I would not completely classify my character as American, since most of his life was not in America or through their way of life. He picks up a lot of the traits and behaviors that the culture has. So he will act more Japanese in this case than American. But I will be throwing in other languages as well into his speech, just to make him a little more unique.

    So when do you expect to be starting the RP? I noticed that you were still waiting on a few people to post.

  20. #20
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    I see now, that's a good idea, then. It does make me wonder why the author did that. You have a point there.

    I don't really quite know when we're going to start. I don't want to get too far into it before everyone who knew they were going to join in joins, but I don't want to wait too long for them either. I'm already working on the first post (just lost half of it because my computer crashed though), and I think its safe to say that since the first few posts aren't going to depend upon each other, and all its going to be is character introduction, everyone can start working on theirs. Just remember--the bus can't stop in your post. Take the time to show your character's view on the trip.

    How about I give everyone three or four days after I finish my post, and then we start?

    As a side note, after everyone puts up their initial post, I'll have a post about getting off the bus, and how the trip progresses, and the each of us will describe our death through their own eyes.

    After that we'll jump 10 years into the future.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  21. #21
    Yay i finally get done!!! Its Yuuki but with only one u
    Also why do I get hit with the eye... o.o
    Name: Kanazuchi, Yuki
    Age (of death): 14
    Current Age: 24
    Birthday: February 14
    Birthplace: Karakura Town
    Hair Color: blond (yellow)
    Eye Color: Blue
    Blood Type: AB
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 108
    Zanpukto name: kaikou (mysterious light)
    Zanpukto element: Light
    Occupation: Academy Student
    Shinigami Specialty: Kidou
    Shinigami Specialty Minor: Swordsmanship

    Standard Specialties: Attack, Speed, Healing, and Endurance

    Personality/Appearance: Yuki normally walks around with her hair down when shes not fighting or training. When she is fighting or training she has her hair pined up in a spiky flower type look. She has a blue ribbon in her hair that is used to pin up her hair. She is a love freak, she often likes giving hugs and share "the love" She dislikes fighting but she's not completely defenseless. She also can be gullible a clumsy from time to time. Yuki can often be easily scared by little things (bugs spiders what not) Yuki can be a little bit closed off from time to time.

    Background: Yuki was smothered with love by her parents before she passed away. She never could understand why people could actually hate one another even with a reason. Not until she began to grow up she noticed that not everyone is always in such a happy mood. Yuki still always attempted to make as many friends as possible. Yuki eventually got the nickname "love freak"
    Last edited by Yuuki; 06-22-2008 at 04:18 PM.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  22. #22
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    Okay, I am going to have to step in as moderator and say something. Holocaust you cannot use asterisks in the RP. That is one of the strictly forbidden practices in this forum. If you are going to have an action you have to write out the action in full sentence. There is no shortcuts allowed when yuo are writing. It is to be treated as though you were writing a story or reading a book.

    The only case that is acceptable is Xeim usage where it was a footnote to reference to the bottom. Otherwise, do not use an asterisk in a RP post, ever. Also this is not a script, you need to write out he said and she said when there is dialogue. Everything else looks fine otherwise.

    That said, I will be working on a post for the RP soon. Hopefully, I will have it finished today or tomorrow. It depends on how busy I am.

  23. #23
    Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Mr. Sandman's Avatar
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    Why would you care?
    Sorry about that Andromeda. I didn't know, but either way I fixed it. I'll have to remember that just incase if I do it again. Anyways, since the topic is now closed, I wonder if the people who have signed up for the RP who haven't yet posted their profiles able to still post or not?

    Oh yeah, what about the "<>" I just used for things to tell you when somehting is occuring so you don't get confused. My example had to do with the Flashback, is that allowed? Ah, never mind I just removed that <Flashbacks> part and rewrite it.
    Last edited by Mr. Sandman; 05-09-2007 at 09:05 PM.

  24. #24
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    While I do not have a strict rule against, I would prefer that you do not use it. The RP should be treated as though you are writing a story. So when you write it think how it would be found in a book. If there something that maybe confusing you will need to write it in such a way that you make your intentions clear to the reader.

  25. #25
    Registered User Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Um, Holocaust...I think its godmoding if your controling other peoples characters. Im not trying to be rude, but if you don't have their permission then I think thats against the rules. Because there not your characters to control, like I wouldn't control Andromeda's character (she'd get me, ) for example. Im just exspressing my opinion if im wrong then please tell me.

  26. #26
    I don't mind about the little thngs like his last post. Don't know about others.

  27. #27
    Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Mr. Sandman's Avatar
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    Why would you care?
    lol, my fault again people, lol. I just get carried away. Anyways, with that in mind, I just deleted my post! XD (Now, I think I covered everyhting) Ah, I'll jsut read the RP Guide to get familiar with it and myself. Oh yeah, uhhhh... I'll let sombody decide for me lol, and wait until the next post then I'll take action
    Last edited by Mr. Sandman; 05-10-2007 at 06:31 PM.

  28. #28
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Xeim's Avatar
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    And Holocaust, I'd perfer it if nothing happened on the bus. Sure our driver's insane for being so rough, but we don't die ON THE BUS. So, yeah, thanks very much for deleting that post. Go ahead and retrive Satine's hat, but then back to the character intros please.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  29. #29
    Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Mr. Sandman's Avatar
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    Why would you care?
    Sure thing Xeim oh and I didn't want us to die either, I was actually hoping someone would post something about the bus lol but I see where my mistake could've been but nah, I'll wait until next post so please continue. I love reading those things over and over, they are just so interesting. Oh, well, I sill need to finish reading DH's Guide.

  30. #30
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (Invite Only): OOC Andromeda's Avatar
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    There is a line between godmodding and not godmodding. One which varies from person to person. The one that I enforce is the one that I warn by. Which is simply put you cannot control large character actions. Death of characters, huge no no, pretty much in general, only the owner of the character can decide that. If you want to move from point A to point B then there is no reason you cannot move the characters along with them. Dialogue is open if you want to have a conversation, though decisions and important actions should be left to the owner to decide. If it is non plot driven action, you can control characters within reason. You do not make a whole post about some other character, but you can do small things that do not affect the overall character.

    I'm not sure what he had done, but I read over it. I think it was before the edit, so I was not completely following smoothly, but I did not see something that was godmodding. Godmodding is usually reserved for RPBs, where character actions are very important. Here I am very loose about it. Character altering events are left of up to the owner, but otherwise you are allowed to use common sense and move things to a needed point.

    If you can tell me what it was that he was doing, I could answer the question better if he was actually godmodding or not. Godmodding is one of the few things I am less picky about.

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