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Thread: Maid the RP

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    Maid the RP

    As how it sounds from the title this is a RP about Maids. This is actually heavily inspired by a Japanese tabletop RPG called Maid RPG. I’ve pretty much taken the idea and converted into something that we can use to play with and have fun.

    What is Maid RPG and now RP? It is an anime inspired setting that revolves around the daily lives of maids and their masters that they serve. So if you needed to get a picture in your mind just think of an anime that features Maids and you are already there. Since it is heavily anime based you should have a good idea of how this goes from here. It is intended to be a light, but entertaining and very humorous roleplay about the very hectic and complex lives of maids.

    The way things work in the game are that the players play maids in service to a master the GM. The GM plays an active and persistent character in the game. The maids do work and attend to the master’s needs and when problems arise, and they do, they go into action to defend the master and the mansion. The master is pretty much a normal and weak human compared to the maids who are ‘statistically’ stronger than their master. For the RP I’m simplifying a lot of things and more or less running the concept.

    I will be playing the master character and the rest that join will be playing maids. If we get a handful of people wanting to play I’ll introduce the Butler and Head Maid, but if it is just a few, then it’ll just be maids available. We can add more later if we wish.

    If you are wondering what sort of activities and things that you should expect to happen expect there to be normal little tasks that the master will ask of you. How you complete those tasks are up to you and if you conflict or fight with the other maids is up to you as well. You can work together or against each other. Those will just be small little flavor things to be humorous mostly. The main things that will happen are events in the mansion. An example is the master is kidnapped by ninjas from a rival family seeking to ransom the master back to his family and you the maids must rescue the master. There are quite literally dozens maybe hundreds of events in the book I pick or I can even make them up.

    The setting for the RP will be a modern day setting in a large mansion that would be typical of almost a European origin, but it will be in Japan. The master of the house is Yuki Kitayama and owns the Kitayama Mansion that has been in his family for generations. You will be the maids that serve him, how you came into his service is up to you to figure out.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Name: Yuki Kitayama
    Age: 36
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’8”
    Weight: 150lbs
    Hair Color: Gray Blonde
    Eye Color: Light Brown/Orange
    Special Qualities: Glasses and My Pace
    Stress Explosion: Seclusion
    Master Powers: Talent and Popularity
    Personality: Yuki is a laid back man that prefers to take life easy and in whatever form it comes in. There is a strange quality about him that makes him charming and popular that can’t be explained with words. When he is upset and can’t deal with what’s happening he’ll run to room where he will lock himself way. It is rare for him to become stressed out, but when it does he changes dramatically.
    Appearance: He has short gray blonde hair with a smooth still youthful appearance, but there is a little age starting to appear in his face. Even though he comes for a wealthy aristocratic family it is rare for him to be wearing something formal, much to the chagrin of his family. His normal cloths are usually t-shirts and blue jeans or anything that is comfortable. He finds formal wear bothersome and will generally fight the need to wear it with a stubborn almost child-like attitude. The glasses he wears are small frames that look like they don’t provide any useful aid to vision (mental image Kagato from Tenchi Muyo or Ilpalazzo from Excel Saga).
    Background: Yuki comes from a long line of Japanese Aristocrats that in the feudal era were lords. Their status has changed somewhat in the modern days being simply wealthy businessmen/women. Yuki has not inherited his family’s duties in spite of his age and much to the disappointment of his family. He wishes to live a more relaxed life in one of his family’s mansions in a more detached part of Japan. It is rare that he leaves the house and even rarer to have female company. He spends his days alone in his mansion with his maids that tend to his needs.
    When Yuki was younger he was groomed to be the successor of his family’s business and name being the oldest. However, as he grew older differences in his opinions with his parents created a divide that eventually led to him leaving. His parents still wish for him to inherit the business, but have been left to focus on their other children who are looking a little more greedily at the position.

    Character Profile
    Gender: (You pretty much must be a female, unless you want to be a male dressed a female, then that’s fine)
    Hair Color:
    Eye Color:
    Maid Uniform Color:
    Special Qualities:
    Maid Roots:
    Stress Explosion:
    Maid Powers:
    Maid Type:
    Maid Weapons:

    Details on the Maid Attributes:
    Maid Uniform Color – This just let us know what color you want your uniform to be. There is not a standard in the mansion, so you can select anything you want. The style though is your traditional maid uniform that you always see in anime.
    Special Qualities – This is just something that defines your character’s personality and traits in the way they act.
    Maid Roots – This is a part of your background and will simply put it into a single phrase.
    Stress Explosion – When you get upset and can’t take it anymore how do you react.
    Maid Powers – Maids are special so they get a power that unique to them that they can use whenever it seems appropriate.
    Maid Weapons – When you are fighting you will have something that you grab to fight with. This can be an actual weapon or just something you found around the house.
    Maid Type – There six types of maids, which are you?

    Here is the list of examples for each if you are uncertain. You are free to come up with something on your own and just use this as a guide.

    Special Qualities:
    You can pick any many or as few as you want to describe your character.

    Glasses - You wear glasses and can’t use contact lenses. The frame design can be whatever you want.
    Freckles - You have freckles.
    Sickly - You’ve got an incurable disease. However, this doesn’t adversely affect your attributes. Choose your own symptoms.
    Quiet - You have a cool, subtle demeanor. No, there are no rules regarding how often you speak.
    Easygoing - You take things slow and calm, at your own pace. This doesn’t affect your attributes.
    Neat Freak - You’re obsessed with cleanliness, and can’t let the tiniest bit of dirt go unnoticed.
    Brown Skin - Your skin is a dark brown color. It could be natural, or a tan.
    Albino - You have no pigment. You’re not necessarily completely colorless, this could simply be a very pale complexion.
    Shy - You’re very shy. Don’t forget to remain silent when encountering NPCs you haven’t met before.
    Actually A Guy - You’re actually a guy (cross-dresser?). Or possibly a hermaphrodite.
    Overactive Imagination - You frequently get caught up in your own imaginary world, or else tend to daydream a lot.
    Greedy - You will do absolutely anything for the sake of money.
    Elf Ears - You have long, pointed ears.
    Nekomimi - This varies a bit depending on the setting, but you’re a catgirl, with the ears and possibly tail of a cat.
    Android/Gynoid - You’re not human, but rather a human-looking robot. Parts of your body are very obviously artificial.
    Vampire - You are a vampire, with long fangs. Be sure to act . . . vampiric.
    Princess - You’re actually the daughter of a family of even greater standing than the master. Depending on the setting, you could even be from another country’s royal family. Whether you are in disguise or not is up to you.
    Angel/Devil - You are a being from another world charged with judging good and evil. The design and the details of your origins are up to you.
    Uniform - You’ve managed to make a special modification to your uniform. → To the Uniform Table
    Symbol - You have some kind of special mark on your uniform or headdress. → To the Symbol Table
    Delinquent - Something about you is very much like a delinquent. → To the Delinquent Table
    Accent - You have an unusual way of speaking. → To the Accent Table
    Hairstyle - You have a special hairstyle. → To the Hairstyle Table
    Accessory - You have a special accessory attached to your uniform. →To the Accessory Table
    Criminal Tendencies -You have an inclination towards criminal acts. → To the Criminal Tendencies Table
    Injury - Because of mistreatment or an accident, you have some kind of permanent physical injury.
    Tragic Love - You have had sad or tragic experiences with love.
    Dark Past - There is something dark in your personal history.
    Trauma - After some terrible incident, you were traumatized.
    Secret Job - You’re not just a maid; you’re secretly holding another job.
    Membership - In addition to being a maid, you’re also a member of a certain organization.
    Shapeshifter - You are an animal or creature that has taken the form of a maid. Table
    Monster - You’re not human, but rather some kind of monster.
    Magic - You can use some kind of magical power.
    Absurd - You’re something that flies in the face of common sense.

    Maid Roots
    Just pick one, as before you can make one up if you wish.

    Debts - Your family wound up with massive debts, and you found yourself coming to work at the mansion as repayment.
    Slave - You are a slave, and have no choice about your line of work.
    Mistress Although you appear to be a maid, it would be more accurate to call you the master’s lover.
    Revenge - The master is your hated enemy, and you are infiltrating his mansion in order to extract revenge.
    Orphan - You are an orphan adopted by the master or his parents.
    Illegitimate Child - You are an illegitimate child. From a legal standpoint you’re no different from the master.
    Hereditary Maid - You were born into a family that has served the mansion for generations.
    Self Punishment - In order to punish yourself for your inexperience or sins, you have taken up the job of a maid.
    Unrequited Love - Following your one-sided love of the master, you have come here.
    Business - You are a maid because you want the wages. And that’s about it.
    Infiltrator - You are a member of an organization that opposes the master, and you have been sent to spy on or possibly even assassinate him.
    Loyalty - You feel great loyalty to the master.
    Childhood Friend - As the master’s childhood friend, you’ve used your influence to get here.
    Admirer of Maids - You have long admired maids, and through much hard work you’ve finally become one yourself.
    Returning a Favor - The master did a great service to you, and you have become a maid in order to repay him.
    Distant Relative - Although you are only distantly related to the master, your parents have put you in his care.
    Bridal Training - You became a maid in order to prepare yourself to become an ideal bride some day.
    Who Knows? - You’re really not quite sure how you wound up becoming a maid.

    Stress Explosion
    Pick one or make one up.

    Alcohol/Drugs - You drink alcohol (or take drugs) until you can’t remember or care.
    Stealing - You steal valuables from the mansion or from other maids.
    Violence - You unleash violence on the other maids and the master.
    Gambling - You use every penny you have for gambling.
    Racing - You get into whatever car or vehicle is handy and go for a drive at least twice the speed limit.
    Teasing - You start persistently tormenting the other maids.
    Mischief - You start playing troublesome tricks on the master and the other maids.
    Running Away - You run away from the mansion.
    Complaining - You start incessantly complaining to the master and other maids.
    Seclusion - You go into your room and won’t come out, not even for food.
    Crying - You start crying.
    Rampage - You use anything you can lay your hands on to run around destroying things around the mansion.
    Shopping - You go crazy spending your money on shopping.
    Sleep - You spend all day sleeping.
    Binge - You go crazy eating.
    Prayer - You escape through religion, relentlessly praying to heaven for protection.
    Spoiled Child - You act like a spoiled child, making demands of the master.

    Maid Powers
    Pick one or make one up.

    Lock Picking - You can enter any room whenever you feel like. This works even when someone is using World for Two.
    Stalking - When you’re following someone, there’s no chance for them to detect you.
    Lie Detector - You can make other players or the master admit if they’ve lied.
    Ultimate Menu – There is nothing you can’t cook and usually will make exotic or more servings than is necessary.
    Instant Cleaning – You can clean anything super fast that it’ll make people’s mouths drop.
    Dress - You can produce anything in the mansion from within your maid uniform.
    Punishment - When other maids make mistakes, you can gain the right to punish them.
    Instant Restraint - You can restrain someone from doing something.
    Coercion - You can completely damage or tear off someone’s clothes, even “accidentally”.
    Trap - Even if you aren’t there at the time, you can have a trap prepared in advance during a battle.
    Fake Crying - You can fake a crying fit.
    Super Evasion - You can completely avoid a single attack.
    Iron Wall - You can defend up to two other characters.
    Trespass - You can intrude on a battle, love scene, etc. You can also butt in after the action has ended, and this can even work when someone is using World For Two.
    Weapon From Nowhere - You can pull your weapon out seemingly from nowhere, and get in a surprise attack.
    Giant Weapon - You can attack with a giant weapon.
    Ultimate Retort - You can blow off an opponent completely by delivering a good retort. You can make it impossible to defend against.
    Maiden’s Tears – You can make a request that can’t be refused.
    World for Two – You are your able to be alone with someone with no one to intrude whether it is just a room or a dimension is up to you.
    Power of Friendship – Your friendship with someone else can brings them back to their feet or reach them in times of confusion.
    Cooked With Love – Your cooking is always amazing because it is filled with your endless love.
    Windows of the Soul - You understand the master’s feelings better than anyone, and can offer careful help.
    Passionate Gaze - With just a glance, you can ingratiate yourself with the master.
    Saw It - You can declare that you’ve seen something happening in the mansion; you can decide the timing too.
    Teleport - You can go just about anywhere in the mansion instantly.
    Escape - You can completely flee from a battle.
    Foreboding - You can tell when something dangerous is coming.
    Immune to Pain – During combat you don’t feel pain.
    Crisis Adrenaline – You can turn damage you take into fueling your strength.
    Persistence – You don’t get stressed as easily.
    Tenacity – Even after being defeated in battle you can stand back up because you don’t know the meaning of the word defeat.
    Hard Work – You don’t know the meaning of rest and will work without worry or feeling it is actually work, but something necessary.
    Absolute Maid - You are the very epitome of a maid.

    Maid Weapons
    Pick one or make one up.

    Mop/Broom - You fight with a broom or mop. This is a maid’s basic fighting style.
    Stun Gun - You keep a stun gun ready to attack enemies.
    Kitchen Knife - You wield some kind of ordinary kitchen knife.
    Frying Pan - You hit things with a frying pan.
    Vase/Bottle/Pot - When trouble happens, you grab something suitable from around the mansion and wave it around or throw it.
    Hand-to-Hand - You fight with your bare hands, whether striking attacks or submission moves.
    Revolver - You fight with a revolver. Feel free to decide what kind.
    Machinegun - You wield a machinegun. Feel free to decide what kind.
    Rifle - You wield a rifle. Feel free to decide what kind.
    Bomb/Grenade - You use bombs, grenades, or maybe plastic explosives.
    Bazooka - When a fight breaks out you pull out a huge bazooka.
    Ray Gun - It might look like a prop of a 50s sci-fi B movie, but the ray gun you’re packing really does hurt people.
    Metal Pipe/Nail Bat - You use some crude weapon like a pipe or a bat with nails in it.
    Hammer - You wield a hammer, whether a small throwing hammer, a big warhammer, or one of the squeaky toy variety.
    Scythe - You wield a big scythe worthy of the Grim Reaper.
    Kung Fu Weapon - Nunchucks, Three-Section Staff, Tonfa, Sai, Tai Chi Sword, etc.
    Chainsaw - Never mind how loud it is, you fight with a chainsaw!
    Wooden Sword/Staff - You wield bokken - Japanese-style wooden sword - or a staff.
    Axe/Hatchet - A tomahawk, battle axe, halberd, etc.
    Morningstar - Basically a mace with spikes. You can have a flail instead if you like.
    Western Sword - A long sword, rapier, flamberge, two-handed sword, etc., etc.
    Whip - A normal whip, a cat of nine tails, a metal whip, etc.
    Spear/Lance - A spear, lance, javelin, etc.
    Exotic Weapon - A boomerang, qatar, African throwing irons, etc.
    Knife/Scalpel - You attack with a knife or scalpel. You can throw it too, and it can be a large dagger if you like.
    Chain/Rope - You attack with a chain or rope.
    Claws - You attack with claws, a bagh nakh, cestus, or some other claw-like weapon.
    Katana - You wield a katana, or possibly a kusarigama or some other traditional Japanese weapon.
    Shuriken/Kunai - You have a seemingly unlimited supply of shuriken (throwing stars), or kunai (ninja throwing knives).
    Halberd/Pole Arm - Naginata, halberd, bardiche, or some other kind of pole arm.
    Summoning - You are able to summon some kind of special being to attack. You can decide what you summon and how it attacks.
    Magic - You use magic to attack.
    Psychic Powers - Well, you have some kind of psychic/super power that you use to attack. You can decide the details.
    Book - You wield a book as a blunt instrument, and possibly tear out pages, to attack.
    Internal Weapons - You have some kind of weapons installed in your body.
    Religious Symbol - You can use a cross, prayer wheel, paper charm, or other seemingly harmless religious symbol to deliver attacks.

    Maid Types
    Lolita*- Childish, young, innocent, cute, sweet
    Sexy - Charming, coquettish, womanly body, glamorous
    Pure - Pure, maidenly, clean, fragile
    Cool - Composed, expressionless, unflappable, doll-like
    Boyish - Wild, energetic, vigorous, at first glance looks like a boy.
    Heroine - Earnest, single-minded, tries her very best.

    *Lolita does not have mean that you’re a child, you can be, but it can also just mean you have a young appearance.

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Maid the RP Victoria's Avatar
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    Using my character from our earlier RPG.

    Name: Victoria Harlette
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 105 lbs
    Hair Color: Orange
    Eye Color: Grey
    Maid Uniform Color: Green
    Special Qualities: Sickly (Tuberculosis), Brown-Skin
    Maid Roots: Who knows?
    Stress Explosion: Gambling
    Maid Powers: Instant Restraint
    Maid Type: Lolita/Heroine
    Maid Weapons: Vase/Bottle/Pot
    Personality: Victoria is thankful that her Master has kept her employed even though she has Tuberculosis, and because of her gambling problem, he gives her a budget of his assets that she can use to gamble whenever she becomes upset. She likes to eat sweets and tries to be energetic and cheerful, but at the same time, she cannot push herself too hard, or else she will have fits of illness.
    Appearance: Her orange hair flows just past her shoulders and her green maid's outfit is measured to her body perfectly as its frills and fluffs compliment her figure.
    Background: Her background is completely mysterious. All she can remember or tells people is that she's been here since she was twelve.
    Last edited by Victoria; 06-07-2009 at 08:32 AM.

  3. #3
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    That sounds fine, since it already is from the game. Though just pick one maid power, I know that you had two before because of your low stats, but just select one to keep things even between everyone. Otherwise, everything is fine.

  4. #4
    The joke is far too true Maid the RP loner-kid's Avatar
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    Name: Aya Suzuhi
    Gender: female
    Height:5' 0"
    Weight: 95 lbs
    Hair Color: Red
    Eye Color: Green
    Maid Uniform Color: Black
    Special Qualities: Injury, trauma, shy, Over active imagination, Shapeshifter (Is this overkill?)
    Maid Roots: Slave
    Stress Explosion: Hides
    Maid Powers: Immune to pain (there's so many to choose from and I can only have one, it took me hours to settle with this one and i'll probably change my mind in the next 10 minutes)
    Maid Type: Lolita
    Maid Weapons: Claws/Chain claws

    Personality: Aya is shy and somewhat reserved due to her long years as a slave in a bad household. Her past experiences have made her wary and untrusting of others and she makes no effort to hide this fact if she feels someone is pushing themselves onto her. She is mostly lame in her left leg, and while walking holds no problems for her the shock of running would cause her to collapse, however she makes up for her disability by travelling on all fours when she needs to move quickly. Her leg also serves as a reminder of her life before being sold to her current master, and she would do anything to ensure she doesn't return to such a situation.

    Appearance: Her red hair is long, easily flowing past her shoulder, with an enticing spiralling curl that winds itself slowly through the silken mass. Wolven ears perch themselves tauntingly on the top of her head, the same deep lustrous red as the hair that flows around them. Her face, small and petite with large doe like eyes and a single enlarged canine that pouts over her lip, seems to give off the faintest sense of bitter sweet melancholy. The maid uniform she wears is a deep black and somewhat less ornate than her fellows due to age. The dress was clearly not made to her size, loose across the chest and long on the arms, giving her the impression of a child forced to grow into her clothes.

    background: Aya has been a slave for most of her life and the memories of freedom are only a dim recollection at the back of her mind. She was originally captured illegally by a group of poachers and forced to watch as her parents were butchered in front of her eyes. Her life as the poachers slave was harsh and she tried multiple times to escape, after the fifth attempt however the poachers lost their patience and cut into her left leg to stop any further escapades. The poachers however did more damage than they intended, causing the lameness in her leg and making her unsuitable for the work they gave her. Cutting short their losses the poachers sold her to a wealthy family who didn't mind that she was partially disabled. However even there Aya's abuse didn't end. She was assigned as a glorified house pet to the masters spoilt little brat of a child. She was commanded to do impossible or humiliating tasks and when she objected she was severely punished. The young child seemed to take delight in causing Aya misery and would constantly insult or ridicule her. Eventually she was rescued by a branch of the police force specialising in slave mistreatment and was re homed in the kitayama household

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  5. #5
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    Everything seems to be fine. ^^; But you might have gone a little over board on the number of qualities. Some of them other smaller than others so it's not a real problem, though being shy and over-active imagination feels a little contradictory. I mean it can work, but I guess it would be something private.

    So you're going for a little animal traits in your character as well with the ears and running on all fours. Should be an interesting household. ^^;

    Welcome to the mansion. ^^

    Once we get a couple more I'll get things moving. If people want to join after we start they'll just be new maids that I hired. It's pretty easy to add people.

  6. #6
    The joke is far too true Maid the RP loner-kid's Avatar
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    yeah, overactive imagination was a bit of an impulse trait, but I did intend it to be private. In the end I might not use it but we'll see. The thing I was more concerned about was the characters past being a little too dark but that doesn't seem to be a problem and regardless I wasn't going to bring it up that much it is supposed to be quite a light hearted RP

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  7. #7
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Maid the RP T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    As I've always told you, Andro: the idea piques my interest, but the only thing I find myself at (despite the supposed troubles on playing one) is the butler. The man with the surname, older and wiser, perhaps a closet pervert. Or, the young and inexperienced butler who has a debt of millions but it's otherwise superhuman (kudos to who gets the reference)

    So, if anyone else wishes to play, so the butler rules can be introduced?
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

    Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.

    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

    Spaces still available. Join today!!

    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  8. #8
    Character Profile
    Name: Carin il Solitario
    Age: 17 (usually)
    Gender: Male.
    Height: 5" 10
    Weight: can't remember
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Maid Uniform Color: Blue with white trim
    Special Qualities: Actually a guy, the uncanny ability to disguise his voice as a females (otherwise this could have been awkward) and incredibly unlucky.
    Maid Roots: Admirer of Maids - you may see where this is going. Carin being a bloke is a true admirer of mades and what better way to see more of them than become one?
    Stress Explosion: When under stress Carin likes nothing more than shutting himself in a cupboard and drink himself into a drunken haze then hitting on anything in sight
    Maid Powers: Coercion
    Maid Type: Sexy. Not only is he a crossdresser he is a damn good one.
    Maid Weapons: A pack of razor edged playing cards.
    Personality: Carin is a hopeless romantic with many a failed relashonship in his past so he is looking for love and what better way than dressing as a woman and infiltrating a manor house as a maid?
    Appearance: Carin is a very weedy man or very butch woman (depending on what he is wearing) but has shoulder length black hair sweeping across one eye. one of few men in the world who can pull off a light blue maid uniform with ease and trained in the art of wearing high heels. He can act gracious and alluring when needed but usually is lazy and slouches. Typical Male really.
    Background: Carin was a street child in Zagreb at a young age making a living shining shoes and just scraping through until he stowed aboard a ship bound to asia. whilst spending the next 8 years of his life in kyoto he got employed as a waiter and had many failed romances over the years until he fell in love with a woman named Sakura Chise. Carins' typical two week whirlwind romance fololwed and at the end Sakura dropped the bombshell..... She had been engaged to the Yakuzan no.7 the whole time and needless to say he was pretty pissed off. So after much Alcohol and seven weeks of running he has ended up here. Mabye he'll be luckier this time?
    one rule and one rule only

  9. #9
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well we are up to three Maids now. So I don't see a problem with having a butler. Since this is sort about maids I wanted to make sure there were enough maids before making the other two available. While I'm not going to be holding to the letter of the game rules or anything. In their view the Butler is sort of the pillar of logic, normalcy and order. Butler in general do not create chaos, like the maids are allowed. They try to keep the household running smoothly. You don't answer to maids and they don't answer to you, but both answers to the master. The Head Maid naturally has a little authority over the other maids. Seeing this is a RP we'll still play around and have fun. I'll have to adjust my thoughts to account for a Butler.

    I will have the Butler profile info up momentarily.

    Butler Profile

    Gender: (You can be either, but it is a little more common to be a male, its why the option exists ^^)
    Hair Color:
    Eye Color:
    Butler Suit Color:
    Special Qualities:
    Butler Roots:
    Butler Powers:
    Butler Type:
    Bulter Weapons:

    Butler Types
    Pick one.

    Shadow - Ninja, Phantom, Escort, Surveillance Expert, Enforcer
    Elite - Expert, Right-Hand Man, Trusted Friend, Cynic, Inspector, Wicked Tongue
    Monster - Inhuman Strength, Unworldly, Monster, Beast
    Partner - Companion, Friend, Adviser, Unbreakable Bond
    Gothic - Servant, Austere, Mechanical, Educator, Manager
    Veteran - Expert, Old Hand, Coach, All-Purpose

    Butler Roots
    Pick one or make one up.

    Hatred - His dark hatred will not be satisfied by mere violence, and he lies in wait to bring true despair to bear.
    Ambition - His desire stirs him. He conceals your sharp fangs beneath a mask of subservience, until the day when he’s ready to take everything that belongs to the Master.
    Contract - He works in the mansion simply as part of a clear-cut employment contract. At the very least, the pay isn’t bad.
    Affection - He feels deep affection for the Master, the maids, and even the mansion itself. He sees them as difficult children he loves so much he can’t help but tend to them.
    Loyalty - He serves the mansion as a shield, and his loyalty is absolute. He will do anything for the master of the house, even at the cost of his own life.
    Family - He can be thought of as the Master’s family. They both need each other, and the division between Master and servant is not so obvious.

    Butler Powers
    Pick one or make one up.

    Super Evasion - You can completely avoid a single attack.
    Lock Picking- You can enter any room whenever you feel like. This works even when someone is using World for Two.
    Stalking - When you’re following someone, they won’t spot you at all.
    Surprise Attack - In a flash you can bring out a weapon and deliver an attack.
    Saw It - You can declare that you’ve seen something happening in the mansion; you can decide the timing too.
    Now You See Him... - You don’t need to actually move around the mansion to get where you need to be, as you can simply appear where you like within the house.
    Knowing Laugh - When the maids cause disruptions during your work, you can automatically succeed at ignoring them.
    Insight - With nothing more than an intent look you can make someone of the opposite sex (or maybe the same sex) feel enough feelings of love that they won’t choose to attack.
    Trap - Even if you aren’t there at the time, you can have a trap prepared in advance during a battle.
    Futile - You can prevent an opponent from using any special powers.
    Person Inside - You actually have a maid inside of you somehow. You have the option of re-creating your character as a maid and participating in the game that way whenever you wish.
    Fighting Spirit - You have a powerful aura that extends for about 5 meters in every direction, and this boosts the will and strength of those nearby.
    Limiter – You can make multiple attacks, but it fatigues you faster.
    Giant Weapon - You can attack with a giant weapon.
    Berserker – Sometimes during combat you will become enraged and increase in strength but are no longer able to see friend from foe.
    Backup - When a maid has failed in a task you can provide assistance.
    World for Two – You can create a dimension or go to a room that no one else can intrude on with one other person.
    Bonds of the Heart - You understand the Master’s feelings better than anyone, and as such you can give him sensible assistance.
    Two As One - When the Master is in danger, you can take the damage and instantly arrive at his location.
    Punishment - When maids make mistakes, you can gain the right to punish them.
    Lie Detector - You can make other players or the master admit if they’ve lied.
    Old Hand - Whether a Special Quality or a weapon, you can declare that you’re conversant in skills that you haven’t been shown to possess before.
    Foreboding - You can act as though you had knowledge of impending danger before the fact.
    Invincible – You are immune to attacks from opponents that are weaker than you.
    Crisis Adrenaline – When you are in danger you can avoid a fatal attack.
    Connections - You have whatever kinds of special connections you want. You can request the assistance of other groups or organizations from outside of the mansion.
    Manly Tears - You can make requests of others.
    Meatshield - You can shield others.

    Special Qualities
    Pick as many as you feel you need.

    Glasses - You wear glasses, and can’t use contact lenses. The frame design can be whatever you want, and this can include a monocle.
    Sunglasses - You always wear sunglasses or mirrorshades. As a rule, you don’t take these off.
    Furrowed Brows - Your brows are always furrowed, like you’re in a bad mood.
    Quiet - You have a cool, subtle demeanor. No, there are no rules regarding how often you speak.
    My Pace - You like to live life at your own particular tempo, and you’re always calm and laid-back. This does not affect your attributes.
    Shibui - Most butlers are well-kept and affable gentleman. But you are beyond that. Think Sean Connery on his best days.
    Brown Skin - Your skin is a dark brown color, either natural or suntan.
    Narrow Eyes - You have narrow eyes. They make it look like you’re smiling. What you’re really feeling is another matter entirely.
    Knight Talk - You speak like a knight of old, saying “thou art” and such a lot.
    A Woman - You’re actually a woman dressed as a man. Or you could be a hermaphrodite or something.
    Giant - You’re huge, more than two meters tall.
    Muscular - Your body is like a work of art, shrouded as it is in an armor of muscle.
    Attractive - One or more of the maids finds you attractive, if a little unapproachable because of your position.
    Misshapen Body - Some part of your body has suffered damage or is otherwise abnormal. You might have one arm, a strangely bent arm, or otherwise be misshapen.
    Android - You’re not human, but rather a human-looking robot. Parts of your body are very obviously artificial.
    Vampire - You are a vampire, with long fangs. Be sure to act... vampiric.
    White Eyes - Your eyes are almost completely white and have no pupils. Or, your eyes might always be glowing.
    Emaciated - You have long, thin limbs and an emaciated body. Your figure reminds people of a spider or a wire frame.
    Bishonen - Not only are you attractive, but women - and men - adore you. There’s a good chance that you’re also romantically attracted to members of the same sex.
    Sadist - You’re excited by causing mental (or physical) pain and suffering to others.
    Sibling - You have a relationship with one of the other Maids: You are siblings.
    Sportsman - Pick a sport. You are a legend at playing it. The more elegant the sport, the better (fencing, polo, cricket, etc)
    Patchwork - Your body is covered with stitching scars.
    One Eye - You have only one eye. You’re free to decide whether you wear an eye patch, and if so its design.
    Burns - Your face, body, etc. are covered with painful-looking scars from burns.
    Masochist - You’re excited by being caused pain and suffering by others.
    Former Mercenary - You were once a mercenary, constantly moving from battlefield to battlefield. You haven’t forgotten any of your experiences or instincts from that time.
    Amnesiac - You’ve lost your memory from when you were young.
    Wanted - The police want to question you about a serious crime. The player can decide whether the character is actually guilty.
    Secretly an Assassin - While you put on the façade of being a butler, underneath you’re a coldhearted killer for hire.
    Hacker - Aside from being a butler, you’re a hacker, breaking into computer systems.
    Doctor - In addition to being a butler, you have the skills of a doctor or a pharmacist.
    Shadow Clan - You’re a member of one of the secret organizations that has existed throughout history. You could be a ninja, a magician, one of the knights templar, a kung fu assassin, etc.
    Mummy - You’re actually an animated corpse. Your complexion is bad, and you have conspicuous wounds.
    Priest - You can use magic grounded in some kind of religious ceremony. You must use various types of religious symbols to do so.
    Cyborg - You were made into a cyborg by an evil secret society or another country. You can have some special features if you wish.
    Last edited by Andromeda; 06-11-2009 at 05:56 PM.

  10. #10
    Twilight's Enigma Maid the RP Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    This is going to be interesting, hope this is ok for you.

    Name: Autumn
    Age: 10 years since production, appears 21
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 230 lbs.
    Hair Color: Green
    Eye Color: Silver
    Maid Uniform Color: Teal
    Special Qualities: Android/Gynoid, Exaggerated Appearance, Malfunction, and Accessory
    Maid Roots: Loyalty
    Stress Explosion: Shopping
    Maid Powers: Immune to Pain
    Maid Type: Sexy
    Maid Weapons: Internal Weapons
    Personality: Ever since her malfunction, Autumn changed from a silent battle android to one full of expressions. After she was picked up by Yuki despite her malfunction, she was given hope and became loyal to her master. She is carefree and otherwise over-protective.
    Appearance: Autmun stands at 5'"11, has long flowing green hair that see tucks over her shoulders, silver eyes, and an exaggerated womanly build. She wears a large, teal maid uniform with a choker/pendant as a part of her uniform.
    Background: Autumn was originally a Chinese combat android but she suffered a permanent malfunction. She was later dumped somewhere in Japan deactivated, but was found by Yuki. He accepted her malfunction and took her with him. When she saw that Yuki was a wealthy businessman, Autumn decided to become one of his maids and also a guardian.
    Last edited by Sato Arashi; 06-14-2009 at 03:45 PM.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
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  11. #11
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Maid the RP T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Name: Alvarez (first name the maids)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 120 lbs.
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Black
    Butler Suit Color: White
    Special Qualities: Quiet, Attractive, Shibui
    Butler Roots: Loyalty
    Butler Powers: Spanish Inquisition (always appears whenever least expected, but utters a rant afterwards)
    Butler Type: Elite
    Bulter Weapons: Cleaning Cloth
    Personality: Alvarez is quiet and silent, rarely uttering a word when none is needed. While mistaken for shyness, he is actually eager to do his work, and remains on one place awaiting for the Master's orders, or whenever something seems out of place. His silent and cold demeanor, as befitting his butler training, may unnerve maids whenever they feel close, but Alvarez holds no bad feelings for the maids, though he feels unnerved with one of the maids and kinship towards another.
    Appearance: Alvarez has medium length hair which he keeps straight with unusual amounts of gel, so much that the hair actually straightened and remains laid back. His eyes are piercing, but they turn dreamy to most girls when he briefly loses his stoic coolness and begins daydreaming. He looks like a preteen despite being nearly an adult, with slim yet toned arms and legs. He wears an exceedingly elegant tuxedo and barely remains out of it, tying his neck with a cord tie; a small badge with what seems is a family image holds the cord in place.
    Background: Alvarez is the only one of a long and industrious family of loyal and experienced butlers from Spain. His family has served various rich families and even nobility; his father (incidentally also known as Alvarez) serves a wealthy Englishman since his youth and has remained in service for several years. It was his father who inspired him to become a butler, to which he took training under his parents until he became yet another of the experienced Alvarez family. However, in this age, few people were in need or looking for a butler, and most already had a butler for years; even his father couldn't aid him, and his still-living grandfather and great-uncles haven't relinquished service despite their age. Under despair, Alvarez attempted work at many places, but his butler talents were never what they expected, and he was thrown outside of every job he sought for. Desperate and disillusioned, he met the still-young Master Kitayama, and thrust himself into service. While at first his talent wasn't recognized, after hard months of attempting, he was given a position as butler. He is fiercely loyal to his young Master, and he attempts to excel in his job; despite how the maids can perceive this, the truth is that Alvarez is so thankful of his first chance and so willing to honor his family that he cannot bear to hear the Master suffer a terrible accident or threat that may end his still-young career.

  12. #12
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    Alright, looks like we got enough to get started. I'll be working on a post as soon as I have my current tasks dealt with. Sunday's a busy day for me. ^^; Anyway, so let's see we have a Sickly Lolita Maid, a Teenager Lolita Slave Maid, a Crossdressing Maid, an Android Maid and a Very Young Spanish Butler. Sounds like quite the household. ^^

    Well it will be up to you to determine how long you have been working at the Kitayama Estates. Some of you may have been there for quite some time and so know each other and others may have only recently arrived. It's up to you.

    The way things will end up working here will be a little different from the typical RP. As the master of the house, I will be handing out tasks for everyone. I may or may not be specific in who needs to do them. The important part is getting them done and pleasing the master of the house. How you get them done, well that is up to you and you can create any misfortune or crazy antics as you want. And while it is important to get task completed, failing at a task is just as necessary sometimes. So don't feel you have complete everything, no one is perfect and mistakes happen. The master won't fire you for mistakes. You'll just get stressed out and what not.

    As I said tasks will be handed out by the master. Now this may be done verbally by Master Yuki or I may just say here what you need to do. And don't forget at any moment your normal daily chores can be interrupted by something random and terrible like I suggested before like the Master getting kidnapped by Ninjas and being ransomed. When that happens it'll be up to you to save the day. ^^ It's all part of being Maids.

    There is no script or single way for anything to be done. So have fun, be creative or silly. And don't forget your anime. ^^;

    The first task that I have will be pretty simple and Shadow will know it already. But it is a good opener. I'll give you more details later when the post is up. I also don't expect posts to be of great length. Please use the thread here to the fullest to plan out conversations, chores, events or whatever comes up.

  13. #13
    Twilight's Enigma Maid the RP Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    All I got to say is this is going to be interesting despite I'm a guy (lol?).

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  14. #14
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Maid the RP T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Although this may seem a bit of meta-gaming, I was already establishing a bit of relationship between characters. The Personality section has a small quip about Alvarez being unnerved by one of the maids and feeling kinship to another. This was based on some of the characters, as I feel that since Alvarez isn't a fully established butler yet, he doesn't work well with the maids but he isn't the strict bastard most of them are.

    So, to clarify: the maid that unnerves him is Carin (whether "s/he" uses that name or not), but the exact reason can be worked. It doesn't have to be normal, just a quirk that something is wrong with "her", but not necessarily knowing the truth. Perhaps the personalities clash. Though, I feel that the unnerving comes from Carin's deep "admiration" of maids, which may throw Alvarez out of orbit.

    As for the kinship, I'd say Aya. If only because they work in different ways; one escapes from indentured servitude, the other wishes to remain in indentured servitude for as long as possible. He may feel that the treatment of her former masters was incorrect, and that may run counter to the proud heritage of his family. In a sense, he sees in her the kind of master no one would desire to serve, and serve him as a reminder that he must push forward to remain as butler, or else find himself in the hands of a cruel master such as Aya did.

    I don't expect this to affect the entry of the others (it can be worked in-game, after all), but just to make the oddball group a little less oddball.

    As for reference, Hayate the Combat Butler. Full go.

  15. #15
    I accept MR Oscars terms and conditions about feeling unnerved around Carin and probably with good reason.
    And of course I must thank Miss Andromeda for setting this RP up you have my gratitude and well let the madness begin.
    In response to Mr Oscar I shall state that Carin took an instant dislike to Alvarez due to his effortless cool and ladies man charm making him the exact opposite of Carin and being all he can never be causing slight rifts every now and again from my part whether Mr Alvarez has the same feelings is up to you.
    Last edited by DJSanders23; 06-15-2009 at 12:34 PM.

  16. #16
    Twilight's Enigma Maid the RP Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    Even though it isn't in Autumn's profile (which I might add later), I want to establish the relationships if I may. I'll make this as simple as possible.

    The one that unnerves her is Alvarez. To Autumn due to his quiet personality, he reminds her of her formal self as a combat android before her malfunction. She doesn't neccessarily hate Alvarez, he just unnerves her for the simple fact that she doesn't want to remember her past.

    For the kinship, I actually see two, Victoria and Aya. As far as I've seen, the three of them are diagnosed with something that could've ended their carrer, but were given a new hope to continue on.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
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  17. #17
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    Alright, the post is up and the RP is a go now. ^^ I spent my time illustrating the mansion which had been previous vaguely talked about. Since we'll be spending a lot of time in it I figured I should go into a little detail about it. So I hope I painted a solid picture for you. If you have questions about the mansion let me know and I can fill in the blanks.

    As you finish reading I make some vague description about the maids and butler's living arrangements. It is a very large place, and Master Yuki is extremely lazy and easy going. So he does not really care where you make your bedroom. You can even have a couple places. It's big enough, he does it. So he's not going to say you can't. In a vague sense the "proper" servants area is the north wing, but you can be anywhere. You can be next door to Master Yuki, he won't really mind. I suspect that Alvarez might take a room next to the master with his mind set. But that is for each of you to figure out.

    As for the first task at hand. As I started in the post, one of the tasks is to wake up the young Master. Master Yuki needs to be woken up and pushed along into the shower. No you don't need to go in with him, unless you really want to. I'm not going to stop you and Master Yuki is pretty ambivalent about matters of his own body and such. He's been tended to by many servants in the past that bathed him, so he's not going to yell. Though he is also half asleep anyway, so he might not even notice.

    The other tasks are as follows. Master Yuki needs a fresh clothes pulled out for him, keep in mind his taste and personality or he'll fight you. You can do it. I'm not going to tell you what you can't do, just how he'll react. So you can have as much fun as you want.

    Breakfast also needs to be made for the Master. Being that Master Yuki has a very open policy about the hired help, it is perfectly normal if you want to eat with him. If you ate before that is fine as well. It's up to you decide, but fresh breakfast is need for him at the very least.

    And the last his futon needs to be cleaned up and put away for the day.

    These are all pretty simple tasks, but figure out who's doing what and go at it.

    Ask any questions you have.

    A recap of the tasks:

    Master Yuki needs woken up.
    Master Yuki needs to be coaxed into the shower/bathroom.
    Master Yuki needs fresh clothes.
    Master Yuki (and others possible) will need a fresh breakfast made.
    Master Yuki's futon needs cleaned up and put away.

    Last edited by Andromeda; 06-15-2009 at 10:11 PM.

  18. #18
    The joke is far too true Maid the RP loner-kid's Avatar
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    I've yet to really do any social posting so i'd probably better start as the RP is already under way. Hmm as far as relationships go I think Aya's going to be just a little freaked out by anyone acting too nice to her, she's a little cynical and pessimistic about the whole thing. Out of all the people in the mansion she probably likes Alvarez the most, purely due to the fact that he as a butler distances himself from the maids.

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  19. #19
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    Good heavens, ^^; Chaos certainly wakes up early. Glad to see that you guys aren't shy. Things will certainly be interesting. Points for a more inventive wake up method than I was expecting on the first day. ^^; While effective on some, Yuki will be surprised, but still pretty sleepy. He has a pretty relax attitude towards women, not that he doesn't like them, but he's not bloody nose over them either. He's a little away from neutral on the bloody nose side.

    One thing to note. I'm very pleased by the activity and posting, but DJSanders please proof your posts before posting them. While I'm not going to be critical over grammar and what not, I noticed several spelling and grammar errors.

  20. #20
    Twilight's Enigma Maid the RP Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    Hey, as long as it meets a PG-13 rating, it's ok to jump out of the box. For the simple fact that the rp is more of a harem, it does not stand to be a very mature rp.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
    Somewhat-Random, Obnoxious, And Really Funny Cousin, Ralz
    My Super Random and Adorable Sister, SilkAngel

  21. #21
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Maid the RP T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Well...the very concept is meant to be light-hearted. Harem anime doesn't has to be automatically mature: Tenchi Muyo and Love Hina are good examples.

    Teasing is fine. And as good vaudeville, someone has to be the straight man. Which is the reason why I wanted to be the butler; he's the one where the jokes are usually pointed at, the one whom people laugh at. And in that way, I can form good comedy set-ups for the rest to develop, or at least to work around.

    Still, the wake-up setting? Priceless!

  22. #22
    Twilight's Enigma Maid the RP Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    Lol, I'd imagine you would say that Oscar. I gave Autumn the personality like Rangiku from Bleach, as she tends to do things that others that are normal wouldn't do.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
    Somewhat-Random, Obnoxious, And Really Funny Cousin, Ralz
    My Super Random and Adorable Sister, SilkAngel

  23. #23
    Lady Succubus Maid the RP Victoria's Avatar
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    I was surprised to see that Autumn was there for seven years =P.
    It would make sense, though. Although Vicky still knows more about Yuki than the other maids do. XD

  24. #24
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    I was going to post a little sooner, but well power got knocked out last night making it difficult to do much. So I finally made my post. Seeing how you will be running a lot of the things I don't expect I will be needed to make posts every other post. Especially since you are reacting to each other as well.

    Anyway, the master of the house is wake. But still got things to do. Do as you please. ^^;

  25. #25
    The joke is far too true Maid the RP loner-kid's Avatar
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    for anyone wondering about aya's ability to cook, or lack of, there isn't an explination it just happens. Waffles become omlets, omlets become honey loaf, and things that couldn't possibly melt do so frequently.

    oh and oskar sorry for hitting Alvarez but Aya is very uncomfortable around naked guys, especially if she's not expecting it. Although this does give a chance for Ayas' special cooking to be served to the master.

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  26. #26
    I shall proof read as of now Miss Andromeda and I am very sorry for any inconvienience yet in my defence I am very bad at spelling and shall pre-warn you of any further mistakes. Is there a limit on how many uses a power has in one day?

  27. #27
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    As long as you try and watch your work that is all I ask. In time you'll be able to pick up most mistakes and you'll find that you'll have improved without realizing it. It's a process.

    As for powers, as long as you are using them with common sense in mind, I'm not going to put a limit on the number of uses.

  28. #28
    The Quiet One Maid the RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    I just wanted to nudge this a little. Remember you have tasks and one of them is to insure that the Master gets to the shower. You should be thinking of his well being and that he should be clean. The Master is still sleepy and tired and not really going to be move to quickly in a direction. I'm not going to make him pick to take a shower, since it is up you to complete that task, even if it is just pushing him and saying that he needs to do it. It needs to be done, once that happens I'll carry the rest.

  29. #29
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Maid the RP T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Silly me for acting so late. It's a tad hard when you don't have the muse along.

    So yeah, I expanded a bit on the kinds of meats and cheese that Carin would have taken, trying to be a bit wary of personal tastes. Considering the character's Italian heritage, I assumed s(he) would focus on mostly Italian dishes (such as the ciabatta). I took some time to find appropriate dishes (and used the Wiki for that), and I focused mostly on cold cuts (ham and sausages). I also added carpaccio, which is raw meat served as an appetizer; it kinda fits when one of the best known Japanese foods is sashimi. But, again, that is an assumption. It's what he thinks, so if he misses or forgets or even mistakes something, it's to the choice of the food preparers.

    Also, for the cabbage soup, I was half-tempted to call it wasabi. Perhaps it ends up as a herb omelette garnished with wasabi?
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

    Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.

    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

    Spaces still available. Join today!!

    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  30. #30
    The joke is far too true Maid the RP loner-kid's Avatar
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    oscar, follow your heart on the melted cabbage and waffle-cum-omlete. Aya's cooking isn't supposed to make sense.
    It's nice to see people posting again tho

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

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