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Thread: Introduction

  1. #1



    I just found this site and it looks very good. I have signed up to do some RP and chat about my favorite series. But, I'm a little confused about the RPing system here. Firstly some people are RPing as existing chars from the games, and others have created there own characters. And is it one world? can a char I make run into Cloud or Kefka?

    Is there an Introduction thread for people who want to RP? I couldn't find one under 'Spotlight Theatre' so I created this thread.

    I look forward to some fun RP.


  2. #2
    The Quiet One Introduction Andromeda's Avatar
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    There is no unified world for RPing here. Every thread you see is an individual world and group of characters on going independently. You can join which ever ones you want and depending on the setting will depend on the type of characters you can have. The majority are either completely original or based on a game or series of some sort.

    As for an introduction, no there is not. But now that you bring it up, I just might make one. It sort of makes sense to have a place for new people to come in and say hi and have others welcome them.

    I'll think about it.

    As for me, I'm the moderator of this forum. So welcome to the fun.

  3. #3
    Thanks, I wasn't expecting a reply so soon.

    I've started a thread. Just testing the water - so to speak.

  4. #4
    The Quiet One Introduction Andromeda's Avatar
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    Alright, good luck.

    I would not get used to quick replies, at least from me, unless its in the evening. That aside, I'll close the thread since the matter has been resolved. I will consider an introduction thread though.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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