soooo sorry I haven't been on lately!! The new plot sounds pretty cool, and the whole dark aeon think is neat too, but what about all the people in the dream Zanarkand? Maybe we could have the whole dark aeon think suround something about that? I don't know about you all, but it never set right with me that they all just....well went*poof* ^_^ I'm just giving suggestions!
Good idea!
oh, will you plz help the noob get to the main forum?
Of course Aara! ^_^ They can just click on the link here or copy and paste it to their browser!
*blushes* thanks Aara ^_^ I'm here to help
I think the people from the dream Zanarkand should emerge from the farplanes. And the gaurdians who became Sin should also come back to life. Their would be a reunion with Tidus and Jecht. How about that?
Good idea!!!
*i smile*
But I want Yuna to be kiddnap & break free & then tell everyone about the farplane.
How's that!?
Thanks for the help~!
Aara, I think you should PM the existing members of this RP cause nobodies posting and I'm running out of ideas. We need more people besides me, Aara and Cetra Aeris to post.
First of all...Hi everyone! Second, I saw this RP and thought it was rather intresting since I like FFX and X-2. Anyways...I wanted to be Tidus, but I noticed that Mog filled that spot. However, he is not on the first post. So does that mean that Tidus is a free character or is this RP already full and running??
EDIT: WOW!! Nevermind I barely noticed this is like 2 years old lol. Silly me.
sry, ok,. I'm going to re-start this R.p. Offically! & If You want your old Char. Then you must post!