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Thread: Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six

  1. #91
    I'm alright for creating a new mission. Another objective for the same mission will be kind of tricky.

    But thats 1-1-0 so far.

  2. #92
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    I think I'll go with #2. Though I wouldn't mind about #1 either. So I can go either way.

  3. #93
    Imperius Rex Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Storm's Avatar
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    I'm with Sheena.

    I have a preference for 2 but 1 would still be ok if it's what you would prefer.

  4. #94
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Name: Hyakuri Suyujo 'Suyu'
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: Various blades and guns stored inside of her arm and leg respectively. She sacrificed her right arm and right leg to fulfill her mission and also to save her allies. Due to that, SeeD had offered to replace her limbs with cybernetic prosthesis. She of course accepted, and they altered her vision while she was under anesthesia. They gave her a special thin layer film over her irises. Built in night vision and heat vision. Her limbs have limit capacitors that when removed, give her an over-limit in the form of an energy beam. When used, she loses steam and becomes exhausted.
    Personality: Very stern-like, and has lost her cheery demeanor after her mission.
    Appearance: Has a soft blonde-green tone in her hair, her eyes are blue, and when using the special film, change to black. Breaking her limit capacitor changes her hair color to white, as the energy comes from her vitality. Her hair changes back to normal with rest and sustenance. She stands at about the same height as Cuvie, maybe an inch or two taller.
    History: Has been friends with Cuvie since Cuvie joined the academy, to get Cuvie to break out of her shell and feel welcomed by someone. She generally had the cheery demeanor of someone who just loves to make friends and help them in need. Then during her mission exam, as she escaped with her allies, one stumbled over themselves and fell as the last door was closing down to trap them, she turned back and grabbed them. The door was halfway closed and she pushed them out and she barely managed to escape, as the door shut and dismembered her right arm and leg. Because of this, she had earned and was given the highest low-ranking SeeD number.

    GF: Quetzalcoatl
    Appearance: An electric bird that perches upon her shoulder at all times, when Quetzal isn't needed, it takes the form of a small bird. Then it transforms into its true, magnificent form.
    Powers: Controls and emits electricity, and can sometimes boost Suyu's capabilities.
    Magic: Boosts Suyu's abilities and very slowly restores her vitality overtime. Also gives Suyu the ability to control electricity.
    Last edited by Victoria; 01-26-2009 at 01:37 PM.

  5. #95
    Finding Answers Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Fehrant's Avatar
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    #1 seems interesting. #2 seems practical.

  6. #96
    Twilight's Enigma Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    I'll go by what got chosen, except for 3 because I don't want the rp to end like that lol.

    And this question came to my mind, how are we going to do the Headmaster scene?"
    Last edited by Sato Arashi; 01-26-2009 at 06:32 PM.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
    Somewhat-Random, Obnoxious, And Really Funny Cousin, Ralz
    My Super Random and Adorable Sister, SilkAngel

  7. #97
    I'm not really bothered, Sato. It's really to evaluate your characters on their flaws and strengths during the mission. I realise, you lacked to act out your mission, so maybe just give a review of the entire thing? It's up to you what you want to do with your characters.

    I'll try get a post up by tonight.

  8. #98
    Twilight's Enigma Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    With how late I started when you finished your character's field exam I was more reluctant to skip it to speed up and catch up with your characters.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
    Somewhat-Random, Obnoxious, And Really Funny Cousin, Ralz
    My Super Random and Adorable Sister, SilkAngel

  9. #99

    You can just skip the evaluation if you want to?

    On an other note. I've decided to go with option 1, as I'm splitting you up. If you have more than one character, split them up. The choice is yours, so first come first served. Except for fehrant, because he only has one character who failed the exam.

    So, choose quickly.

    Assassination Team
    Kiyuri and four more SeeDs.

    Balamb garden
    Isken, Rayne and the leftovers
    Last edited by Caije; 01-29-2009 at 09:34 AM.

  10. #100
    Imperius Rex Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Storm's Avatar
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    Hehe, looking forward to the incoming action! ^^

    With his abilities mainly in intelligance, range and stealth, plus he passed as a rank 5 i think its suitable for Flynn to be on the Assassination team.

  11. #101
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Actually I was hoping to have Cuvie and Suyu together... >.>
    But whatever.. guess that's not happening.

    Cuvie in assassination team. Suyu as backup. >_>;

  12. #102
    honestly, my internet at my dad's is down right now, so i am not certain about wether or not i will be able to post often.

    but, if you dont mind, i want Raziel to be a part of the assassination. With his intelligence, his capabilities for loyalty and comradship, I believe that he will do nicely. That, and he still needs to woo Kiyuri. {j/k}

    yeah, my phone line, water, and electric are all out right now. We had to use a propane-furnace just to survive the night. I still have high priorities for the Rp, and I will walk ten miles to the nearest computer if i have to. I'm currently at my mom's, on the library computer, so all is good. For now.
    Last edited by Zerobanshee; 01-29-2009 at 11:42 AM.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  13. #103
    Lol, fair enough.

    and one more spot.

    Alright, I forgot that Fehrant had John. know, John's only good role is mopping floors and all. Just kidding.

    So one more spot on that team is left. First come, first served and all.

  14. #104
    Finding Answers Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Fehrant's Avatar
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    John can rot, for all I care. I'm concerned about Rayne. However, if you do need a spot to be filled in (as in, no one else takes it) I guess we'll have to use John.

  15. #105
    Twilight's Enigma Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    I'm sure I'll fill in with Calverd in that spot, if I'm not too late.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
    Somewhat-Random, Obnoxious, And Really Funny Cousin, Ralz
    My Super Random and Adorable Sister, SilkAngel

  16. #106
    Sure. Then that's our five.


  17. #107
    darn it, now the balance is all messed up.
    Three guys, two girls?
    Joking. Anyways, can't wait for this mission to begin. High hopes.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  18. #108
    No pressure, huh?

  19. #109
    Twilight's Enigma Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    I have been thinking that my character Calverd would gain a new weapon and a new combat style (try wielding two big swords xD). That however will be a later thing if that's fine.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
    Somewhat-Random, Obnoxious, And Really Funny Cousin, Ralz
    My Super Random and Adorable Sister, SilkAngel

  20. #110
    I'm not sure.

    Wouldn't two big swords be heavy and cause him to... well, fall over?

  21. #111
    Twilight's Enigma Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    It would really depend on he holds the swords, the cross hilt is designed to be held to the side and not in front of him. Its just an idea anyways, doubt I'm going to use it though.

    My Strange, Yet Awesome FF Family:
    Somewhat-Random, Obnoxious, And Really Funny Cousin, Ralz
    My Super Random and Adorable Sister, SilkAngel

  22. #112
    Alright, I re-edited my earlier post. This time, we are back on the ship.

    Ian requested this, as he has a post ready {to help Feh}, but he needed us specifically on the ship.

    I edited the last portion. Vic, Zoe, I had the captain allow banter and talk, so don't worry. Any conversations can still happen. At least until dawn.
    6 hours. not bad.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  23. #113
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Fine...then I guess I'll have the conversation between Cuvie and Flynn on the way to the ship because it'd be more plausible that way, rather than waiting all that time just to talk.

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