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Thread: Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six

    Welcome to Balamb garden, home of the SeeD mercenary training school. In this academy or garden, there is a Training ground, a Library, Infirmary, Quad, Cafeteria, parking lot and Dormitories. Everything a student at this Garden needs to train and pass the SeeD exam so the student can become a mercenary to make money on missions.

    In order to pass becoming a SeeD we have the field Exam. The Grand finale, where your skill, intelligence and strength all combines into one. A mission is set for all the candidates to complete. These can range into individual tasks or teamwork skills. The mission usually involves a current war, a retrieval act ,or an assassination, putting your abilities to the max.
    It has been over 50 years since the second Sorceress war, and somehow the Gardens still exist and live dispatching SeeD's all around the world to make profit. But now, a mysterious force threatens the Gardens and SeeD. Their sworn duty is to see the end of SeeD. For whatever purposes, remains unknown.

    Garden has kept many incidents classified to keep their students in the dark. Balamb Garden's main system was hacked and very important information was copied, realising if this information was sold to any other Military Faction, it could lead to the Garden's downfall.

    I tried a similar RP a few months back which was probably one of the best RP's I've ever created. This time, however, I will not be including any of the original characters in it. They're all either deceased or retired.

    Hopefully this one lasts until the end.

    Also, you can create your own GF, or have one from the actual game, as long as it isn't one of the super powerful ones.


    Only rules I have is no godmodding,

    You can make as many characters as you want. The template is below.









    GF Name:

    GF Appearance:

    GF Powers:

    GF Magic: (This is magic given to the user from the GF, so if your GF is a Fire type, you'd have Fire, Fira ,etc.)

    My characters:

    Name: Kiyuri Turael

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Weapon: Lupara Shotgun, this weapon is favoured for its effective power of hitting its target. It has brilliant accuracy when there is no choke, spreading the bullets in several directions with one trigger, however, its speciality is in short range.

    Personality: Kiyuri is both gullible and naïve at times. Her mind is easily swayed and at times this can lead to her being manipulated by others. She constantly seeks acceptance of her peers and has been known to show some sarcastic qualities. Her most positive trait is her determination to succeed in tasks set for her.

    Appearance: Kiyuri stands at the small height of 5’5. Her short blonde hair stretches past her shoulders, her passionate blue eyes are often covered by her thick fringe (bangs). Her skin is tanned and Kiyuri can often been seen wearing her emerald scarf over her black halter neck which reveals her skinny shoulders. She also wears a bright blue pair of Capri pants which stretches just below her calf.

    History: Kiyuri was born in Galbadia to a rich family. At a young age she was spoilt by her loving father. Her Mother and Father got divorced when Kiyuri was 9 after Kiyuri‘s older sister died whilst visiting Timber . Her father fell into a spiral of depression and eventually began to ignore his remaining daughter and committed suicide shortly after.
    Her mother had gone to live in Winhill and transferred her daughter into Balamb garden for her upbringing. Kiyuri asked to go to Galbadia garden so she would be nearer to her mother, but her mother convinced her Balamb garden was the better school. It didn’t take Kiyuri long to figure out that her mother made up the excuse so she’d only see her daughter once a year.
    From the age of 10 Kiyuri had been in Garden and has always been at the top of her class. The other students, knowing she came from a rich family, shunned her as an uptight snob. The once home schooled girl was completely confused by the amount of common cliques that surrounded her, and has never been accepted into one.
    From the age of 14 she took up ranging classes. Her Instructors reckon Kiyuri is one of the top 10 gunners in the entire school. She has taken the SeeD exam twice and has also failed both attempts.

    GF Name: Abaddon the Deceiver

    GF Appearance: Abaddon’s body consists entirely of thick silver steel. He is shaped and designed as a giant wall. The entire structure stretches over three metres high and two metres wide. The metal wall is two foot thick. Imprinted on the wall is Abaddon’s face, which is a lion with a fork tongue, the head is the only thing able to move once the wall is summoned and always stays within the wall.
    GF powers:

    Fortress: The wall shields the user and its companions behind it whilst standing to face the enemies. The barrier can be broken if a strong power with more force collides with it. This is an outstanding defence during raids to hide behind.

    Poison Bomb: The Lion opens its mouth and releases poison gas to strike at nearby enemies. The toxic cloud stretches for several feet and can linger in closed spaces for several minutes. While in open spaces this is less effective and usually lingers for half a minute.

    Collapse: The GF Self destructs, the lion head expands and glows purple, it caves down on its enemy imploding on top of them. The move can be avoided as the wall falls very slowly.

    GF Magic: Shell, Protect, Poison.


    Name: Isken Sharptip

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Weapon: Dan Dao- A short sabre, single edged and curved. It is surprisingly sharp for it’s bronze colour. It is swift and easy to carry in one hand. The handle is made of steel and sanded wood for easy grips. The sharp blade is convenient for swinging or thrusting attacks.

    Personality: Isken has a carefree way of his studies and chooses to ignore them. He is easily distracted and offended. His short temper and open mindness often gets him into trouble by Instructors and other students. His strong charismatic skills make him a ladies man. He has his own distinct way of speaking which annoys many.

    Appearance: Isken stands at the tall size of 6’2. His long dark hair is tied into a ponytail. His eyes are a dark brown, Isken wraps a purple bandana around his mouth just to stand out in the crowd. He is often seen wearing black shorts with a red T-shirt. On his shirt, it shows a wasp piercing the back of a boar with its stinger. His shoes are white. His clothes completely clash with each other. On his neck is the image of a snake with it‘s mouth wide open as if ready to strike. The tattoo stretches down to his stomach.

    History: From an early age, Isken’s family has been cursed. The symbol of the Serphants curse is the image of a large snake which stretches from the neck to the stomach. So far, all that the curse has done is give Isken some nightmares.
    Isken moved to Balamb garden when he was 14. He was immediately in with the girls with his many tales of defeating foreign monsters with nothing but his blade. Naturally, it was just talk, this however didn’t stop Isken from impressing Instructors and students alike with his blade skills. He has only participated in the SeeD exam once and has failed.
    GF Name: Dark Plague

    GF appearance: Many swarming black flies which can take the image of a person. The person is completely draped in shadow. The swarm, all gathered together takes the size of 5’11 in size.
    GF powers:

    Leech: The bugs devour its enemies skin from the inside, finding any visible place to enter the body, a wound, the mouth or nose. The swarm causes internal damage.
    Shadow strike: the bugs hide in its opponent’s shadow and rise behind it, slowly draining its power.

    GF Magic: Drain, poison
    Last edited by Caije; 12-22-2008 at 07:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Imperius Rex Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Storm's Avatar
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    Woo- finally got it up eh?

    Name: Flynn Avontyne

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Weapon: Kuro Kamaitachi- a dark-bladed Kama (sickle) on a long chain. The sickle has a stoat-like dragon engraved onto it. The chain has a removable claw for ability to climb surfaces.

    Personality: Flynn is a solitary person- more likely to partake in reading in writing than socialising. His calm disposition makes him useful in chaotic situations. His focussed mind gets things done quickly and efficiently, although his stubbornness and personal inability to sidetrack from course can frustrate others- if they’re not already frustrated by his slight arrogance. Under the difficult surface, however, there is a very caring and sensitive person.

    Appearance: Flynn stands at 6’1” and is of a slender build. His hair is dark brown and at a length which makes it floppy but not necessarily long. It is loosely kept in position with hair products- keeping it out of the way of interference without it looking solid. His eyes are also dark brown, and he wears black-rimmed rectangular glasses. His wardrobe mainly consists of slim-fitting shirts and t-shirts (mainly in black, greens and greys), blue jeans, and black jeans and trousers. His footwear consists of black trainer-style walking shoes. On his right index finger he wears a gauntlet claw shaped like a viper snake with its body coiled and its tail ending as the point of the claw. When writing or fighting this is switched over to the left. Stretching from the back of his right shoulder to the right of his chest is a black tattoo consisting of a flow of many scales.

    History: Flynn joined Balamb Garden to get away from his home life, and to get a better education. Flynn’s father is a man of the military, as was his father, which has given him a strict upbringing (with the exception of his mother, who was a kind and loving woman) - and is a likely cause for some of his social issues. He himself is not a fan of the militia however coming from a town with low prospects- joining garden was the best choice he could take for his future. He hopes to become a SeeD to resolve a personal matter which has haunted him for years. This he never talks about, and is the only reason he is willing to fight as a part of Garden.

    GF: Tezcacoatl (Serpent King)
    Tezcacoatl is a 3-tailed, 10 meter snake (when it sits in the “cobra” position it’s head is at approximately 3m tall). It has the scales of the amethystine python, the body of a king cobra, and on its middle tail it has a rattle. The other two tailed are bladed.

    Terran Fury: Tezcacoatl uses it’s tails to cut through earth, sending a seismic shake which causes the foe to loose coordination. It then uses its powerful tails to hurl a large patch of earth at the enemy.

    Torrent Tezcacoatl digs vertically into the ground. After some underground viberations, a hole gapes around the foe and the serpent bursts through the ground surrounded in a vicious whirlpool of water, striking the enemy skyward.

    GF Magic: Quake, Water
    Last edited by Storm; 12-12-2008 at 04:56 PM.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  3. #3
    Hope I may join

    Name: Richard ''Stoneskin'' Black

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Weapon: A big white well-crafted double-edged sword. It has many beautiful carvings on it and is made of some unique steel-like material. Also it is enchanted by a magician as a favor.

    Personality: Richard is a lone-wolf who likes to deal with his own business, and most of the time, others don't know what he is up to. Somehow, he is always able to stay calm and looks a bit cold-heart. But the truth is that he has a good-heart and is always ready to help others, he just is a bit too closed. He is also strong-willed.

    Appearance: He is extremely huge, especially for his age. His body is really well-built and he is almost as twice as big as normal humans. Besides sleeping, he always wears a shiny full-armor. It is made for him as a gift and fits him perfectly. It is made from strong steel and has his family logo on the chest. The edges are illustrated with fine golden carvings. He never wears a helmet tho. He has black messy medium length hair. His face looks cold and powerful and his gaze may seem a bit too empty. Because of that, when one who never has seen him before, sees him, may be afraid and shocked because of him.

    History: Richard was born in to a rich and noble family of the planet. His father had been a Elite Dragon Knight, a member of old Dragon Order. The members of the order were capable of extremely long and high jumps and able to use many mystical powers, which normal humans could only dream of. The man's ancestors had also been high ranked members of the order, so Richards father was quite rich and powerful. Tho, the Order was extincting and now, there is almost nothing known about it. Richard's mother was the daughter of a rich and powerful merchant family with long traditions. Soon, at the age of 5, his parents were killed because of some unknown reason (Unknown for Richard). Richard went to live to his grandfather, who was a old master, one of the best swordfighters, an ex-member of Dragon Order, who didn't rely on technology, in the world. His grandfather started training him and day by day, the Richard evolved at high speed. Richard had always been huge in terms of size and now, when he was training himself, his body grew extremely powerful and had really good endurance. At the age of 15, Richard's grandfather died, but before he died, he let a well-known smith to forge Richard a sword and a powerful mage to enchant it. The death of his grandfather made Richard more closed person and soon after it, Richard started traveling around the world. He had many great and dangerous journeys and every journey gave something to him (experience, friends, money, powers etc.). But something was odd, always when he was in trouble, something started talking in his mind and helped him out. It was a powerful and noble voice of some middle-aged man. But it never answered to Richard. A month before his 18 birthday, he was traveling near Trabia Garden mountains ( I presume, that Trabia Garden has been rebuilt), when he saw the gardenmaster of Trabia Garden being ambushed by a powerful assassin. Richard, with the help of the voice in his mind, killed the assassin. He knew the assassin and because of it, he started searching for the reason of the attack. Half year later, he was able to ruin the conspiracy against the gardenmaster and exposed many well-known men and woman, who were jailed because of it. The Gardenmaster took Richard to his garden and hides him there, because in the dark world, there is a bounty for his head, so that bounty hunters are searching for him. But now, when Richard has successfully progressed in Seed ranks and done many heroic deeds, the bounty hunters may have found out his location and may come after him every minute.
    Extra information:
    Richard is really popular and well-respected in his garden. He helps many newcomers who have tough times in the academy at first. Tho, he likes to hang around alone most of the time.


    GF Name: Sir Artur

    GF Appearance: A heavily armored knight with big double-edged sword.

    GF Powers: Has extreme endurance and strength.

    GF Magic: Able to use some really useful protection magics and light element magics.
    Last edited by Juss; 12-12-2008 at 02:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Both good

    And Accepted.

  5. #5
    Finding Answers Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Fehrant's Avatar
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    Name: John Smith.

    Age: 20.

    Gender: Male.

    Weapon: Ranged weapons. Knows how to handle pistols and rifles, and has no preferred weapon.

    Personality: John is the type of person that goes with the flow, and doesn't stand out. He doesn't have any bigger plans another than making it through the day. He is very caring of his poverty-stricken family, and little else matters to him to the point he seems indifferent. He is a nice guy, but he has more pressing worries (read history) than making socials, and this shows.

    He is a determined person, and will do what must be done, but generally when it involves his family.

    Appearance: John is about 1.80 meters tall, has dull brown eyes, and equally dull hair. He's lean, and slightly toned. His hair is trimmed short evenly--obviously done for practical purposes rather than style-- and he shaves whenever he can, though concern being a non-issue, he does have a big of a beard sometimes. Normally he is either seen wearing very worn regular clothing (white shirt, blue jeans, plain shoes) borderlining on shoddy, or his cleaning staff attire (read history below).

    History: John was born in a poor family. His father abandoned her mother right after the third child was born. The mother did what she could to sustain her children, and despite the dire circumstances taught their children to be honest. That's why John at the age of thirteen got a part-time job helping unload creates at the dock. He did odd jobs to help out his family and his two younger brothers. Eventually he joined SeeD's cleaning staff, in hopes he would be able to study through the day, and work through the night, eventually becoming a SeeD and earning a decent wage to assist his family, and give his brothers a better life.

    At certain times he had to halt his studies, but he slowly came through. Now he's close to taking the SeeD exam for the first time, and between classes and his cleaning job he tries to get prepared.


    GF Name: Athenea

    GF Appearance: A beautiful, solemn, statue-looking blue lady holding a vase that drops water. Is usually seen crying.

    GF Powers:
    - Fountain Flood: Athenea creates a huge wave to wash off enemies.
    - Returning Sadness: Athenea tears shoot up up high, then fall down as ice shards.

    GF Magic: Water and Ice magic.

  6. #6
    Awesome. I'll start when we have one more, guys.

  7. #7
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Name: Humans call her "Cuvie", but her full name is Cuv'ielfyx. They can't pronounce that, so they just call her by Cuvie.

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Weapon: Daggers within the depths of her black robe.

    Personality: She is extremely soft spoken and only speaks when spoken to, or, to be more accurate, makes noises and tries to form english words, but mostly just writes down what she has to say in a notebook she carries to communicate with people.

    Appearance: She has long green hair and soft yellow eyes. She wears a black robe over a brassier and shorts made out of dragon hide. She also carries several daggers within the depths of her robe.

    History: She was actually raised by Tonberries and therefore does not know how to speak the native tongue. When she was old enough, the Tonberry elder spoke to her of the previous wars of the Gardens and the Sorceress, and how the heroes of old used Tonberry's aid to win the war. With the teachings of Tonberry, the elder suggested that she become a mercenary and aid the next generation of heroes with the new strength of Tonberry and herself. He bestowed upon her the power of the Guardian Force Tonberry with a special link to her, that will only work when she uses the Guardian Force.


    GF Name: Tonberry-henkou~

    GF Appearance: The user wears a brown robe with a hood and carries a lantern. They also carry a very sharp knife that is longer, and much sharper than the usual Tonberry Knife. It could be called the Tonberry Sword. The user also gains aesthetics of a Tonberry in that their eyes glow yellow and green markings spread upon various places of their skin.

    GF Powers: Instant Death or Critically Wounded or Slightly Wounded.
    Last edited by Victoria; 12-12-2008 at 07:52 PM. Reason: edited in my profile

  8. #8
    Cool, a girl that can't speak well That could be troublesome and annoying for some characters as well as teachers. But nice idea Anyway, trying to stay around when it starts.

  9. #9
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, I planned for her to slowly learn the language on the side of learning. Until then she can just write/type what she wants. I imagine there'd be some sort of voice thing on the laptop/computer that says stuff for her.

  10. #10
    Okay, thought so Anyway, I saw that some mentioned that they haven't completed the Seed exam yet, so I mention, that my guy is already pretty high Seed rank ( Got it with the help of Garden master) Of course, if the owner allows it... I think Seed rank 20 will be fine.

  11. #11
    I don't know about that, I don't want anyone to be majorly tough, so how about your character is just a Newbie SeeD?

    Going to start the RP now.

  12. #12
    Hmm, rank 10 will be fine ? I am going to have him pretty tough journey... so the experience he got from getting to rank 10 will help him a lot

  13. #13
    Seems fine, but if you over do it on the "pwning" thing. Don't be surprised if I call you out on it.

  14. #14
    Nah, I won't I just will have him decent powers, but no wonders Everyone are able to do great things in Seed, but most of the guys lack calm mind and that's why they suck ... Richard just has more physical power than normal humans and has calm mind, so he can beat the ass of many guys who actually are more powerful or more experienced than he, especially in terms of magic, as Richard is far below in magic powers than other Seed members, even the cadets surpass him with magic.
    And if I do something you don't like, you just have to mention, not kick out I always listen to game owners... for most time.

  15. #15
    I didn't say kick you out, I said I'd just inform you

  16. #16
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Sweet, I'll see what I can do about the post. Richard seems like a god mode waiting to happen though. xD;
    Edit: I was under the assumption that we were all going to the same Garden, lol. xD; I guess not though.

    Also Juss, as a piece of advice, you may want to double space your dialogue so it's easier on the eyes, like Caije did.
    Last edited by Victoria; 12-13-2008 at 10:03 AM.

  17. #17
    Oh, I translated I call you out as you call me out from story Anyway, posted now... is it fine that Trabia Garden is rebuilt? Oh... I seem like a god-modder? Hehe, if I do, then why?

    EDIT: Oh, yeah I will Thanks for the advice... didn't use double space because I am used with only one space between stuff. Anyway, I will move towards to Balamb Garden soon, as the things in my garden will get pretty hot ... Won't tell more for now

    Oh... you know, you can notice that we all are in different gardens already in the character profiles
    But don't worry, the world is small and probably we will meet each-other soon enough!
    Last edited by Juss; 12-13-2008 at 10:08 AM.

  18. #18
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Caije's characters: Balamb
    Storm: Balamb
    Fehrant: ???
    Me: Balamb
    Juss: Trabia

    So yeah... I think it's safe to say everyone's in Balamb. I didn't specifically say I was going there, because I thought it was a given.

    And yes, I think we'll all meet up eventually.

  19. #19
    I think I meant you But I hope it's fine that I am a bit away from you as I want to take a long journey to give early characterization And it's easier alone, I mean without other people char. So it would be easier for you to understand my char.

  20. #20
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Victoria's Avatar
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    Oh okay, yeah. I understand that. Good idea.

  21. #21
    Thanks, anyway, I fixed my post Double spaces in dialogues now, hope it fits Can't wait til everyone have posted, as my next post will probably be pretty large in terms of time ... A day in the RP world, so I let you guys get a bit ahead of me, so that I could get my story rolling.

    EDIT: Hehe Sheena, really like your writing style First time I saw something like that, but it is cool and good!
    Last edited by Juss; 12-13-2008 at 11:43 AM.

  22. #22
    The exams will be over pretty quickly, I don't want it to drag on too much.

  23. #23
    Can I still join?

  24. #24
    Sure, let me check over your profile first and I'll see

  25. #25
    Hope he will join Anyway, got my post done A bounty guild came after me ...
    Last edited by Juss; 12-14-2008 at 01:00 AM.

  26. #26
    Finding Answers Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Fehrant's Avatar
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    Caije, do you mind if I create a second character, or at least replace my current one? I know it's too soon, but... I don't know, I got a feeling for this character I want to play, and since it's still early in the plot I thought now was the time to do it.

  27. #27
    Not a bother. You can have two characters.

  28. #28
    Finding Answers Final Fantasy VIII: The Fallen Six Fehrant's Avatar
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    Name: Rayne Melrose.

    Age: 19.

    Gender: Female.

    Weapon: Bare fists.

    Personality: Rebellious, wild and innovative. Has little sense of responsibility, being more of a carpe diem type of person. Has also a bit of a short temper, and is proactive with things that interest her. Tends to view things in a non-conventional way, and this sometimes helps solve problems better, but sometimes it just isolates her from other people. On a social level, she's rude, boisterous, and talks like a man rather than a woman.

    Appearance: Standing at 1.75m, she's tall for a woman, shorter than an average guy. Her skin is white without being overly pale, but she's a bit paler than the norm. Her hair is black, but she dyed some of the strands red. She tends to use black eye shadow and eyeliner, and even paints her nails black when she feels like it, but she sometimes doesn't use makeup also. She's lean, and has a nice figure, although the clothes she normally wears tend to conceal this.

    As for her clothes, it depends. Her attire mostly revolve around black. Normally she's seen with black pants, black short boots, a white a-shirt and a black leather jacket that reaches her waist. She has a choker on her neck and a pendant. Her clothes however are subject to change depending on how her mood strikes her.

    She has several piercings on each ear, but none on the rest of her face.

    History: Born in an average family, she was the middle sister of three. Her younger and older sister were somewhat average, but she always behaved like a tomboy, and was the most rebellious of the three. Because she didn't show much interest in the future, her parents enlisted her in SeeD in hopes her attitude was going to be corrected, but it didn't change. She made friends with a couple of boys and formed a banded called Efreet's Rage as the lead singer and guitarist. They play every now and then at local pubs, and have a very small fanbase. She passed her exams and everyone just to get her parents off her back, and somehow made it to the SeeD exam. She shows physical aptitude, but her academic performance is so-so.


    GF Name: Diablos.

    GF Appearance: The same one from the FFVIII realm: a black and red winged demon.
    GF Powers:
    - Darkside: sacrificing some vital energy, the character gets imbued with magical strength.
    - Dark Messenger: A large black liquid orb decends from above and deposits Diablos into the open. He reaches into the sky and charges the massive orb with gravity energy and slams it onto the battlefield. It brutally crushes all enemies.

    GF Magic: Gravity magic.

  29. #29
    Cool I won't post for today as I got a huge headache ... sorry

  30. #30
    No worries, no point doing something when you can't give your best. Rest easy

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