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Thread: Final Fantasy Corruption ((RP sighn up))

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy Corruption ((RP sighn up))

    In this world We think of so many things and are so busy with our everyday lives. We never think of how much pain we cause the planet. For years we have cut down her forrests...poluted her skies...her oceans. We don't even have the courtesy to clean up what we drop anymore. If its useless keep it on the ground we say but is that what we think of her. Shes given us more than she can give and yet we take it for she is dying...and its all thanks to a corporation sourly made to bend the rules.
    A corporation which has found her first gifts to the people of earth and used them against her
    this corporation is called the C.O.O......Cast Of.....OMEGA
    The C.O.O has built years into making their own advanced civilized city of their own. They took the land in one fail sweep and any who opposed were to suffer a war in which they could never win. The head of the C.O.O, was a summoner who was entrusted by mother earth herself to hold and protect the sacred powers of all elements. This is a job of a summoner and these elements she was meant to hold and protect are called aeons. They are the ultimate balance, and defense of this planet and They can only be tamed by a summoner.
    Year has passed and the Summoner known as the dark sorceress has made her reign upon the land. Within her cities she was a nice sweet woman loved by all but little did they know of her tyranny. She not only loved the power but wanted more. In her greed she forced her Aeons to project their power into little orbs called Materia. She built her cities and towns using this hand crafted magic. She has also taught her armies how to use them as well. She found new ways to manipulate the elements to her own advantage.
    The dark Sorceress built her own armies. Recruiting all she can and teaching them her ways of using the Materia as a weapon.

    Mother earth is dying slowly in the process. Each peace of land that the Sorceress owns that has cut her trees down ruined her waters, poisoned her airs, and killed her lands has also harmed her as well. She is still dying till this very day. She finally decided to make a new and entrust another Summoner with the power she had left. Leaving her weak she has entrusted five others to free her of this pain and death. One summoner and her guardians. Each with their own element. After the process she is fighting for her very life.
    Soon she will call to her children.
    "rise My children......" she says with the strength she has left still struggling

    ok as for the sheets I need these major parts filled before any other created characters to join.

    The Dark Sorceress
    general of light
    general of dark
    general of fire
    general of water
    general of air
    general of space
    general of earth

    THE second SUMMONER
    Gaurdian of Earth
    Gaurdian of Fire
    Gaurdian of air

    this is how the applications will look

    Location(this can a be any name but for the SORCERESS SHe owns her land so she may call it one name and allw ithin the borders of her land must name it the same. As far as I know now I need only two locations and I am not good with naming pieces of land so please suggest me anything you like and I will see what I can do with it.))
    History: (( fore the dark sorcerress her history I have already made up for her as well as four of her generals. These four are Fire, Water,air,and earth. They are alreay made out for their past. Do not I repeat NOT fill this part out if you are one of them five.))
    Personality: (( if You are the second summoners gaurdian of fire do not fill this out rither I have already a personality for him. You may not want to make his history untill I edit his personalty.))

    THIS Is My character

    Name: Dean L. Bull
    Age: 18
    Appearance: 6 FT Tall, 198 IBS, black skin,blue eyes, blue spikey hair with a bang covering his left eye, Muscularly built,a metallic armor plate covering his chest,back,and sholder blades.He wears black jeans,socks,gloves, and shoes. His blade is steel mixed with blue material. It sorta looks like clouds blade but with a pure blue color on the blade and a bue circle just above te handle.
    Occupation: A Soldier / the Ice Gaurdian of the second summoner.
    Location(for sorceress to name))
    History: Dean's parents were sedretly killed by the dark sorceresss herself for attempting to stop her from building her city over their land. Dean was a baby when this happend so he was taken to one of the sorceres's adoption centers to be raised. Dean then stayed there untill he was 15 where he had decided to join the military and serve his city. since it was all just one big place witht he same rules and uidlines they never called it a country. When he first joined he was never aware that there were wars that were faught and won as quickley as they began. Dean was ready to put his life on the line for his people.For 3 years Dean has studied both swordsman ship and water Materia. He has even advanced so far to make his own technique which was a sub catagory of water Materia called Ice materia. He was good within his studies and what hese done. He also had a best friend who was impulsive and much more laid back but as well studied fir materia. It is told that they went everywhere together and even gotten in trouble together. soon as He turned 18 Hima nd his best friend and a few other soldiers were sent on their first mission to ask the village to either hand over their land piecfully to be made one with the city or be destroyed and the land tooken by force.
    Personality: He is sometimes quiet and loves peace. He jokes around alot and he knows when and where to be seriouse.
    Last edited by deanharagatsu; 09-17-2009 at 01:14 AM.

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