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Thread: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII

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  1. #1

    Exclamation Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII



    Following the fall of Ultimecia, Time Compression fails. It is a time of rebuilding. Trabia Garden has reorganised itself with construction under way on a brand new Garden. This new structure will dwarf the original, equalling it in size to its counterparts. That is it would have, but Galbadia has also reorganised and has become a republic, abandoning its Garden. The world appears to be at peace.

    However, SeeD has begun documenting bizarre occurrences. The Junction System seems to be weakening at random intervals, this causing injury to several SeeDs on assignment. Scientists researching the oddities have discovered a strange entity in the form of a glowing light. These lights sporadically appear during weakenings and a few have also been extracted from those previously affected by Ellone or the supposed Junction Machine Ellone. At present, it is unknown what these "glowing bodies" are or what their purpose might be.

    In addition, there are whispers in the population. A looming fear is ever-present, a fear that, despite the destruction of the Lunatic Pandora, there is yet another Lunar Cry due to strike the planet. Furthermore, the threat of Ultimecia, though the sorceress is confirmed to be neutralised, still looms in the hearts of many.

    Balamb Garden, in conjunction with Trabia Garden, has decided to form a taskforce to handle these issues and maintain the calm so tirelessly achieved. Meanwhile, Headmaster Squall Leonhart has commissioned an elite unit of SeeD to investigate the anomalies. This was approved by both Gardens, though there are rumours that the headmaster requested for it personally out of concern over the future of the world, which is common knowledge by now to become a devastated wasteland ruled by the sorceress Ultimecia.

    The unit's orders are to document all incidents of Junction System anomalies, as well as, seek out clues to their cause. More information is required if Garden is to make analyses about them and field study should provide the best data. Dr. Odine has personally offered his expertise to this endeavour.

    Furthermore, with the glitches plaguing the Junction System, encounters with enemy forces could be disasterous. The headmaster advises not to engage hostiles. The SeeDs are to evade and retreat, engaging only should all other avenues be exhausted. As such, rescue parties for the SeeD lost in the field due to their Junction System failures will be grounded until such a time as they can safely be deployed and exploration of the Northern Continent is strictly forbidden.


    There are two main branches of this RP. One will obviously follow the elite SeeD unit that will be on assignment for Headmaster Squall and the coalition of Balamb and Trabia Gardens. The other will join those lost out of bounds of the current accessible regions.

    For characters of that side of the story, please make sure to note the following traits they will all share. Given that their Junction Systems failed, naturally, their memories have been affected. All characters here will suffer from acute memory loss. They may remember whether or not they were SeeD *they don't actually have to be SeeD*, however, they won't be able to recall any information in regards to how they came to be lost or if it was even the Junction System that affected them. They will all of them find themselves in the barren regions of Final Fantasy VIII. Whether or not they join with the main group of this side of the RP is up to the RPer, though I'd recommend it. That main group will be led by my character.

    The characters in the elite SeeD unit will be joined by Rinni- Yoko's former character, Kyra, also from our previous RP. Haboo's character will join this side, as well. As can be expected, they will be the frontrunners of this side of the story, though haboo will also have a character for the my side. Additionally, both sides will remain separate and unaware of one another until further notice.


    All forum rules apply.
    All forms of godmoding are strictly prohibited.
    That's it! xD Okay, originally, there was a minimum character rule per post, but I've noticed posts here of drastically varied length so I suppose I should eliminate that rule for the time being. =p


    Story: Which side of the story will your character be a part of, mine or Yoko's?
    Name: First and Last names as applicable. Feel free to state Middle names, prefixes, suffixes, and/or nicknames, if you wish.
    Age: There are no limits on the age, but ensure that your speaking voice represents your character's age.
    Appearance: Describe attire, looks, physique, etc. You can also link a pic, saving some time.
    Weapons: Describe your weapons, armour, and accessories.
    Junction System: Describe the magic you use, how much you have, and if you are junctioned to any Guardian Forces.
    Biography: Provide a detailed character biography that may explain current personality and abilities. Remember, if you are part of my side, you will not remember how you arrived in your current circumstance or even who you were before. However, you may have also been lost for some time, which could be explored.

    Let's get started!


    William “Chronos” Steele – Heartless Angel
    Kyra Odinhart – Yoko
    Koemi Akiyama – 01habbo
    Tross Cerend – Zerathos986

  2. #2
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    I reserve the summons Quezacotl and Shiva for both of my characters.

    Are we having colours again for the characters?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    I reserve the summons Quezacotl and Shiva for both of my characters.

    Are we having colours again for the characters?
    I haven't seen posting colours used on this forum so I'm not sure if it works with them. I've read that some of them don't like using colours. I suppose we should add it as an option as the colours were useful for distinguishing the speaker of a line of dialogue.

  4. #4
    The Mad God Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    So, this is sort of based off of a backstory for an FFVIII RP I tried to start years ago that never really went anywhere. I've tried to tweak it to fit this with no story conflicts, though I fully expect some to exist, so feel free to PM me with any concerns, and I'd be happy to try and rework this as needed.

    Story: Elite Unit
    Name: Codenamed "Chronos", records show the birth name "William Steele". He has no memory of either name, but answers to "Steele".
    Age: Biologically 23, with 4 years of cryogenic stasis.
    Appearance: William stands at 6'0", and weighs roughly 180 lbs. He wears a tight fitting leather vest and pants, designed to minimize air resistance, and heavy leather boots with thick, heavily treaded soles designed to maximize traction on any surface. He has short dark brown hair, and a neatly trimmed beard, and piercing green eyes. Much of his body is covered in combat scars, from both bullets and blades.
    Weapons: 2x Magnum revolver pistol-style gunblades, simple in design, Essentially handguns with large blades attached. Unlike Squall or Siefer's gunblades, these can actually discharge a projectile.
    2x high capacity 9mm pistols. These weapons aren't named, or personalized in any way.
    Junction System: Can not use normal Junction system, extremely proficient with time magic.
    Biography: William was a test subject in a highly classified project to create a superior SeeD, initiated by Garden Master NORG years ago. All of the candidates were normal SeeDs that were seriously wounded in action. NORG's people, when able, discreetly injected select SeeD's with a paralytic agent to simulate death, and upon declaration of their deaths, moved them to the hidden vault where the project was housed. Prior to this, William was an unaccomplished SeeD, rank 9, and in average physical condition. The key objective of the project was to create SeeD that could use magic without the need of the junctioning system, or the risks that accompany the use of a GF. The final result of this experiment was a body that could not store magic, but through which magic could freely flow. Due to the correlation between the strength of monsters in an area, and the power of magic that can be drawn from that area, these SeeDs power seems to grow proportionately to the strength of an enemy. As long as magic is present in an area, they could use it freely, but with limited control. Further modifications were made to later experiments to enable even more power to be drawn through concentration, a sort of "Superdraw" from a much wider area, and in much greater quantities than a standard Draw. Their bodies, however; are still not capable of storing this energy for an extended period. It offers temporary growth in power, or use of higher leveled magic (Think Geomancy reworked to fit FFVIII lore). Tests showed that individuals were naturally more attuned to certain types of magic, and would naturally draw in more of it than other types, and be more adept in their use. In William's case, time magic can be drawn from a wider area, in greater quantities, and used to greater effect than other types of magic. Subjects that survived the modifications went on to receive intensive physical training and magic conditioning to enhance their compatibility with the magics they were more naturally attuned to.

    NORG attempted to use these super soldiers in an attempted coup of the Garden, though the results were disastrous at best. The modifications left most of the subjects with short and long term memory loss. Their bodies remembered their training, but it was next to impossible to instill any sense of loyalty or camaraderie in people who forgot, not only their allies and leaders, but often their own names every few hours. Most of their personlaities remained intact, and among them was a wide sense of being trapped, and a desire to free themselves. When they were turned loose and ordered to take over the Garden, many tried to escape, many tried to follow orders, and others were just too confused to understand what was happening, and lashed out in fear or anger. It took several hours for NORG's people to take control of the situation, eventually flooding the area with anesthetic gas. By this time, most of the subjects had been killed. The few that remained were put in to stasis. They were of no use to NORG at this point, but he hated to see such a large financial investment go to waste, so he kept them around, hoping that one day a solution to their flaws would be found. In his second attempted coup against the Garden, NORG attempted to release them as a last resort, but was defeated by Squall and friends before he could finish authorizing the release. The solders were awakened from their stasis, but still trapped in their pods. Most tried to break free by use of the magic they could draw in from the surrounding area, but these cells had been designed to resist extreme heat, cold, electricity, and anything else anyone could think to conjure. There was only one thing to which they were still vulnerable, time. William channeled a sustained high intensity Haste spell on the hinges of his own pod, waiting for them to eventually corrode, leaving them weak enough for him to break. He remembered a battle, and wasn't sure if any of the others were friend or foe, and didn't want to chance being attacked by them if he released them, but not wanting to leave them there to die of starvation out of stasis while still locked in their pods, he reactivated their stasis, and set them all for a timed release one year later, by which time he assumed he'd be long gone, and with a better understanding of his place in the world.

    William's escape led him to the first floor of the Garden, in the middle of a large group of SeeDs, one of whom knew William before his alleged death. William had only a vague intuition that she was somebody he trusted, and after a while was convinced to rejoin SeeD. He has since spent his time trying to reclaim his forgotten past, with the help of Alara, the girl who remembered him.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 01-27-2016 at 10:04 AM.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  5. #5
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    I don't see any problems with what you wrote myself, it pretty much fits with the story just that you expanded on the world and our basic ideas. I assume this is for the Elite Seed unit group part of the rp?

    I myself have two characters Koemi and Nikki one for each side of the story, Koemi I will now start working on, she's a completely new character. Nikki on the other hand is a previous character from the Exigo series, I will delay posting her up, as her story isn't quite finished, and her part in this Rp isn't quite as big so I can get away with introducing her later. Also her biography will contain spoilers from the previous RP. So yeah, want to end that if possible before I put her into this one.

  6. #6
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    Story: Elite SeeD
    Name: Kyra Odinhart
    Colour: Deep Sky Blue
    Age: 22
    Home: Winhill

    Height: 5’4
    Physique: Medium build
    Eye Colour: Blue
    Weapon/Tool: Gunblade
    Accessories: A small brown bag for potions and other small items
    Class: Warrior with sophisticated sword magic. Can be explained further if required.
    Junction: Diablos
    Magic: Generous stock of Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Aero, Cure.
    Biography: Initially from Winhill, Kyra was left an orphan at a young age and grew up in Edea’s orphanage after she’d lost her parents to the Sorceresses’ War.

    Kyra met Aiko & Akio at age 14 when they’d started to train to be a White SeeD. As they’d been training, Kyra had taken a liking to Aiko, which is the twin sister of Akio. During that time, Kyra had excelled in Gunblade swordsmanship and added an element of magic to it. Can mix spells that she has on hand, but it may often result in a negative after effect, so she doesn’t solely rely on sword magic, only in a pinch.

    At the age of 17, her team was sent on a training mission, but they had ended up getting lost, and attacked by a Behemoth. It was at that time that Aiko, her current partner, had lost her life. Kyra had failed to protect her, so she blamed herself for the failure. Akio was ultimately the one who defeated the monster. After which, Kyra had resigned from the White SeeD and dedicated herself to researching the Monsters of their world. She was eventually assigned to the space station research team, where she spent two years moving back and forth between earth and the space station for research.

    After two years living at the space station, once given the order to evacuate due to the station being on a collision course with the moon, Kyra had entered the wrong coordinates into her escape pod. Once time compression hit, she was able to connect with Ellone, but didn’t end up going home as she wished. She ended up on Spira instead.

    Saving the technical details, Kyra was unwillingly teleported back to her world two years later, only shortly after finding love, and her purpose on Spira. She'd left behind the person she loved. The life she was going to make with Nikki, and those who might have finished the mission in the Via Infinito. All of which weigh heavy on her shoulders as she tries to pick up where she left off.

    Personality: Optimistic, reserved, and likes to observe before making any sort of action. She may seem shy, but her confidence will show once she starts to open up.
    Last edited by Yoko; 01-16-2017 at 07:49 PM.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

  7. #7
    The Mad God Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I always used character color coding on another forum, though I haven't seen it used here. I think one reason is that we have 2 different forum skins, one really dark, one really bright, so most colors are going to have a contrast issue for someone.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  8. #8
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard!!

    Let us know which colour you'd like to use for your character dialogue.

    Feel free to contact me if you need anything from Kyra as well. ^_^

    Looking forward to writing with you!
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

  9. #9
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yoko View Post
    Welcome aboard!!

    Let us know which colour you'd like to use for your character dialogue.

    Feel free to contact me if you need anything from Kyra as well. ^_^

    Looking forward to writing with you!
    Oh yeah! I forgot about the colours!

  10. #10
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    You're a jokster, you.

    I'm sorry I haven't posted in ages. I've been literally living under a pile of paperwork, which has once again been covered in snow. My summer has been filled with audit after audit. I have another audit next week.

    All that being said, I always say I hope to be able to write, but after writing reports and procedures all day, writing is typically the last thing on my mind. Please forgive me. I basically have a post for Kyra. I just need to go back into my notes and write it out.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

  11. #11
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    You're probably right. That's mainly why I try to choose a colour that works for both skins. It also helps the writer keep track of reference points (it's proved rather helpful in this RP story line). I had a thought about yesterday that it also makes us lazy when writing, but it helps the reader keep track of who is talking. I tend to use a lot of dialogue and let the reader sort out the picture. I haven't actually gotten feedback on that style, so if we don't use colour, I'll have to improve that point. If we do, I'll still aim for improvement, it would just be a little less evident.

    In other words, I'm used to using colours since that's what I've don't for the past 6 years. Would be nice if we could continue that.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

  12. #12
    The Mad God Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I'm fine with colors. If I have contrast issues, it takes 2 seconds to change skins.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  13. #13
    It's settled then. Add a Posting Colour to your character sheets! ^.^

    Yoko-chan, will you be using your old colour for Kyra?

  14. #14
    The Mad God Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Dibs have been called.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  15. #15
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    Colour had been added to the description.

    HA, mind telling us the colour name for convenience? I always edit them in while I'm writing to save time later.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

  16. #16
    The Mad God Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I'm not sure where you'd find the name. The bbcode uses the color code 008080
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  17. #17
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    Story: Elite Seed

    Name: Koemi Akiyama. Koemi means a little smile while Akiyama means autumn mountain.

    Age: 16

    Colour: Code is #cc99cc

    Appearance: Blue eyes, with a rounded face. Black short hair, cut so the back is shorter than the fringe. The back is cut just above the neck and end with the fringe being cut just above the shoulders. She is a short girl with an hourglass figure. She wears a light blue strapless top, with a soft, short, black hooded jacket cut above her stomach with fur around the edge, black gloves, a black belt with silver buckle, a red skirt that comes just above the knee, black and white striped knee high stockings, long black boots.

    Weapons and armour: A pair of Chakrams, a silver necklace which protects against poison, and a gold ring which nullifies thunder magic.
    Junction System: Quetzalcoatl Thunder, Cure, Aero, Water, Esuna

    Biography: Koemi like her older twin cousins Aiko and Akio couldn’t remember her parents as she grew up in an orphange in Balamb. She was a happy, bright bubbly girl, growing up. Her cousins however were six years older than her and so she didn’t get to see much of them in her childhood as they were always busy training to become SeeD, however when she did see them she always treasured their time together. Going either for long walks, shopping or going on the train to visit the city. She hoped that they would always be together, and they both promised her as soon as they had the money they would get a house and all live together again.

    However, at the age of ten that dream shattered at the introduction of Kyra, a girlfriend to Aiko. Koemi wasn’t too pleased as Aiko would go and live with her from now on. Koemi angry and distressed repeated what she heard at school and said how disgusting it was to have girls dating girls. This strained their relationship with each other for the next year.

    At the age of 11 Koemi received the devastating news that her cousin Aiko had been killed on a mission, something which she would blame on Kyra for many years to come. After the funeral her cousin Akio found them a place to stay in Winhill and decided to look after her.

    At the age of 12 Koemi returned to Balamb, to begin SeeD training, inspired by her cousins to do some good in the world and help other people.

    At the age of 14 the Lunar Cry hit the world, with Squall and the others out trying to save the world she fought with the other SeeDs to keep the monsters from reaching the towns and cities. With this came the monster known as the “Slayer” an extremely powerful being that nearly wiped out the whole army. But for some reason this monster stopped in it’s tracks and ran away. Koemi heard it had stopped when people had seen a ghost of a woman step in front of it, but Koemi had never believed in ghosts and waved it off as a fairytale. This would be the last thing she would remember.

    Three months ago Koemi was found near one of those glowing lights near Trabia Garden. She had no recollection of how she got there and no memory of the past two years. She was apparently sent off to investigate those lights but never returned, she was presumed dead. When she asked about her friends the people she had trained with, she was told that they had not been found. When she asked about the “Slayer” she was told that monster hadn’t been seen since the Lunar Cry.

    Koemi now believes the key to finding out the last two years of her life has to be those strange lights. She has a strong urge to recover her memories and learn the truth about what happened to her.

    Since we are not using a battle system I thought it might be nice to use the same sort of thing for the previous RP where characters progressively learn new spells as we go deeper into the RP. Hence I have asked Yoko to edit her spells for 1st tier only until we get later in the RP.

    Those of us using the Junction system will be allowed five spells each, these spells can be switched for later ones at your discretion as you progress in the RP, you can switch spells if your character finds a draw point or draws from monsters, just don't suddenly find Ultima in your first post.

    Please also be aware of what GF you have junctioned. My character has the water spell but it will be a weak water spell, that she casts due to her GF, whereas Thunder will be more powerful just reflect this in your descriptive writing.

    Heartless Angel however doesn't have the Junction system and so his spells will not be affected by GFs since he has none. I'll leave how you progress your magic up to you since you have more of an understanding of your character.

    I want to say also that the RP will always be open to join, also it's advisable that we all add each other on something like Skype as it makes writing conversations with other characters so much easier. That way no one god mods another character.

    Zera is contactable mostly at weekends (like for 15 minutes ><) and I'm contactable 24/7.

    I would have got this up earlier, but it was xmas. I also apologise for my grammar, I do check it but I always miss something.

  18. #18
    The Mad God Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    New Sheoth
    So, do we have an estimated start date?
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  19. #19
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    At the moment Zera's schedule seems rather sporadic. I can't assume one way or the other since The Fall of Spira isn't quite finished yet.

    We do appreciate your patience though. Although this might be a little slow to start, I still hold a level excitement for this RP, and I am constantly finding ways to improve my post in the meanwhile. ^-^
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

  20. #20
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    Start date is 2030 XD!

    In all seriousness I don't know. I haven't really heard from Zera in nearly 2 months now. He was going to post for the Fall of Spira next and then post up a character for this rp, last I heard he got writers block. I'm just waiting on him to show up at some point.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by haboo-chan
    Zera is contactable mostly at weekends (like for 15 minutes ><)


    Hark! For I have returned! even though I didn't actually go anywhere this time >.>

    And I bring with me a post and a character! As such- *punts haboo and Rinnie-chan back to the old forum* get to reading! ^o^

    Story: The Lost
    Name: Tross Cerend
    Age: 29
    Colour: Code is #99CC00

    Weapons: Carries a single tonfa for self-defence and a P226 sidearm as backup.
    Junction System: Junctioned to the GF Ifrit and carries all strengths and weaknesses. Resorts to magic only when necessary, keeping low stock and therefore constantly finds himself needing to draw during battle.
    Hailing from the laid back town of Fishermans Horizon, Tross lived a carefree livestyle. His parents had taught him the importance of keeping his spirits high. This was key to his surviving the Galbadian raid on Balamb Garden where he’d see several of his fellow SeeDs perish in the conflict. Following Galbadia’s defeat, he would be a loyal follower of the newly instated Headmaster Squall Leonhart and aided in his quest to put an end to Ultimecia’s schemes.

    A simple person, Tross only cared to help out where he could. As a child, he was productive towards the daily routines of Fishermans Horizon. Once reaching adolescence, in spite of the pacifist mentality of his neighbours, Tross strove to assist the world he lived in more by enlisting in Balamb Garden with the desire to graduate a SeeD. He would only aspire to Rank 13 given his relaxed nature, but this did not trouble him as he was still SeeD and could be counted on to meet his responsibilities. Having acquired the Guardian Force, Ifrit, Tross also began specialising in its abilities, though he mainly relies on its strength enhancements to bolster his martial talent.

    Once Time Compression had failed and the Headmaster meant to put the world back in order, Tross was one of the first in line to volunteer his services. He would be placed on the taskforce set by the united coalition of Trabia and Balamb, providing relief where needed.

    Unfortunately, it would be during this time that something befell him. The exact nature of the situation now eluded him, possibly a side-effect of having used his Guardian Force, though even this he can’t recall. What he did know was that he seemed to be in a barren region of the world far removed from any of the towns and cities. Further investigation would be necessary to accurately pinpoint his location, though this did not change his main directives. If there were any others lost as he was, he’d find them and get them back home safely.


    Once you're done, I believe in spite of the old RP having yet to be completed, that's no reason not to start this one. There isn't too much involvement between RPs and the little there is need not occur immediately. We have all the backstory we need for the beginning of this RP in Kyra's return.

    I say this as, while the old RP is in its final few cloisters and the distance to the end is short, it is also the part that deserves the most attention, no? I feel if we were to wait until it concludes, this RP may be delayed even longer. Haboo, if you feel it might be too difficult to post for both RPs, the start of this one is more Kyra intensive than Koemi. We can focus more on finishing the old RP while Yoko takes the lead for this one.

    And now for the character list!

    William “Chronos” Steele – Heartless Angel
    Kyra Odinhart – Yoko
    Koemi Akiyama – 01habbo
    Tross Cerend – Zerathos986

  22. #22
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    I would say go for it Zera, lets get this thing rolling. We're so near the end I don't see why this one can't start

  23. #23
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    Short post!! This is a rarity, and probably won't happen again. I figured I'd get a post out now because I don't know when I'd be able to over the next few weeks. Busy times.

    Looking forward to hashing out Kyra's character a lot more in this RP than in the previous one. ^_^

    EDIT: Added a bit more content to the post. It was greatly lacking in a few spots. Should give some insight to why Kyra would be motivated to find a way back to Spira, not only to see Nikki again, but she missed the place in general.

    That being said, it also gives insight as to why she accepted this mission. She can't stay in one place for very long, and has a deep desire for adventure. She's also using this mission as an excuse to try to find a way back, but also trying to help Koemi wherever she can.
    Last edited by Yoko; 02-20-2017 at 05:23 PM.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

  24. #24
    The Mad God Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Seriously though, we should do this.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  25. #25
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    Rather than wait for Zera to turn up, lets just get this rolling doesn't really matter who makes the thread if you just write the first post and post up the the title of the thread Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo: Brave New World VIII in the structured role-playing forum. That way we can start it without waiting for Zera, who disappeared, again.

  26. #26
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    Posted!!! That felt nice to finally post. XD
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

  27. #27
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    I gave Yoko all the dialog for my character, it's nice to see it up there now since that dialog was written ages ago. At the moment writing for my character in the previous RP but after I don't that post I'll work on Koemi.

    This Rp will be always open to join. I'm hoping more will get interested as this gets rolling, I also find it funny as once again Zera is left alone to do the other side of the story.

    But yay I look forward to roleplaying with you all, I apologise in the future for my terrible grammar and typos I may miss.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    I also find it funny as once again Zera is left alone to do the other side of the story.
    *grumble grumble*

    I've posted, as well. I'd been working on it in conjunction with a few other things, but I'm glad the RP is underway.

    My post doesn't demonstrate Tross' true character as he's suffering a bit following events that have led up to the post. Tross' timeline will have some tellback portions to it, explaining what occurred soon after he became lost. Part of this can be seen from his searching for the others, who, at this point, will probably be NPCs. There will actually be a character appearing somewhere down the line, but I'm not sure when I'll have that happen.

  29. #29
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    Please no one wait for me to post, I have a feeling everyone is waiting for me to post. But at the moment I suddenly got super busy at work, just post when you want to just as long one person is between your last post it doesn't at all matter. As soon as Easter is over my work will die down again, I work in retail.

  30. #30
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    As a long time victim writer with habs and Zera, I can safely say they have not taken over anyone's character, or thrown them into an unexpected situation without consulting them first. That being said, if you are ever in need of feedback, or are just looking for some input regarding my own character, feel free to send a note. I do have most forms of communication available, but if you're only willing to send PMs via the forum, I can work with that as well. They gave me choices (I chose to send Kyra back early-she might have died otherwise), and gave me the opportunity to create what would happen when my character was possessed by the unsent. It gave an opportunity for character development that I never even knew existed.

    My writing style would typically include third person, but I only write Kyra's (as well as Diablos) thoughts as I see fit. As the writer myself, I know more is going on in the story, and how Kyra will react is based on her being kept in the dark until something is said by another character, hopefully keeping it authentic in that sense. If I need an action regarding someone else's movements, I will ask. I do expect the same from others as well. Kyra is also rather observant, so based on body language and facial expressions, she can gauge the situation accordingly. Heartless, I assume Steele is similar to that effect as well.

    To answer the question, Kyra is kept on a need to know basis, as that's what I've been used to. As the writer, I like knowing a bit ahead of time as we have been doing lately, but going forward, I don't expect to learn major plot points until I'm allowed to know them ^^. It's for the sake of the story, really.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
    Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!

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