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Thread: Eve

  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. Eve Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    The year is 3010. The Galactic Starship Cruiser (GSC) Xerxes has sent word that they have sighted a wanted smuggling ship. After technical difficulties the captain reports that he is in pursuit and they are under fire. He reports that they are flying at high speed towards uninhabited planed EVE. The reports come in hourly from them as fighting resumes on the surface. 03:00 the reports stop. Fearing the worst the GSF (Galactic Starship Federation) asks that the GSC Hercules investigates. As troops are scrambled a rushed report is received from the Xerxes. It seems to be a mix of the last communications received by the ships comm links.

    "'This is Communications Officer Tavish. All teams green in, repeat all teams green in.'

    'Copy you Tavish, this is gold team. We have eyes on Blue team. They seem to have apprehended the targets. Hold for confirmation.'

    *Footsteps are heard as mere moments pass*

    'Negative... Red team... Negative... Gold team, open fire.'

    *Gunshots are heard.*

    'This is Tavish. Gold team, report. All teams, report... All right Red team, move up. On my six. Lieutenant, I want you on point. Hold this ridge. Secure the ship. Corporal, you're with me.'

    *Several minutes pass*

    'Eyes on targets. I want a perimeter. Blue team are down. Shit, the captains down. Repeat; Captain Fredrichson is down. Does anybody have a ten on Gold?'

    'Copy you Tavish, eyes on Gold. Gold are down. These... What the... Open fire squad.'

    'Corporal, come in... Green in 2... What is that? Is that...'"

    This last transmission led the GSF to change the brief. Mercenaries were sent in with the regular marines. The official briefing was to expect heavy resistance from an organized crime unit. The unofficial was to eradicate an expected alien threat at all costs. That's where you come in.


    Quadrant 3: Eden Galaxy.
    Planet EVE:

    Official Report:


    Indiginous population: Nil. Lifeforms are present but no intelligent life. In the years this planet has been known no dangerous, life threatening carnivors have been found.

    25 Celsius- Orange sun.
    70 Celsius- Blue sun. (Do not enter without sufficient gear)

    A wasted planet. Almost a hundred years ago a colony was established here to discover possible advantages for the human race. After 2 years no usable natural resources were found. As a result the colonists were withdrawn. Only two families remained at their own request. No communication has been had with the families since. They are believed to have died from age.

    The planet itself resembles Earths Amazon rainforest on one side. The side that faces the second sun most, however, resembles Earths desert regions although it is much hotter. Very few indiginous life-forms were found. Most were documented as herbivors. The colony was founded within a deep sector of the jungle known as Heavens Lip. This is a region characterised by a large ridge along which stand tall, green trees. The bottom of this holds many, now ruined, buildings and a large man-made resevoir.


    It's up to you if you are a Marine or a merc with a specialty of your choice. You can also be one of the ships officers. I want quite a bit of freedom here. Be creative with it. Bio's aren't necessary but you're welcome to give one. You're also welcome to say why you joined the mission (Mercenaries only). Maybe you had a personal reason? Maybe you have your own ideas of what happened on EVE?

    Bio: (Optional)

    Reason for joining:
    Bio: (Optional)

    Name: Ravin Firth
    Age: 26
    Sex: Female.
    Appearance: Blonde, wavy hair complemented by her dark blue eyes. She wears a standard, green and grey, Starship officers uniform with the Falcon crest at the chest. When in combat she uses the lighter recon armours. This gives her a good speed and the needed protection to do her job.
    Rank: Hercules' Tan Squad captain.
    Bio: Upon passing initial exams Ravin was scouted as a promising recruit. At the age of 19 she was given an award for services in the field of battle. Later that year she was given the job of leutenant aboard the Hercules. It was aboard this ship that she recieved her first commanding assignment. Whilst on an unexplored planet named Hind she was ambushed and forced to hold high ground. In her young age, and with the threat of battle all round, Ravins team abandoned her. She was forced to retreat, therefor going against orders. As a result she was demoted. Upon recieving the leadership of Tan Squad Ravin hand-picked troops. This was to make sure she was surrounded by trusted troops. She still fears a repeat of Hind.

    Over the years she has been offered more promotions, yet has rejected them. Everything she does, however, is to follow through her orders no matter what. This has lead her to be one of the Hercules' most valued and trusted officers.

    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 06-24-2010 at 02:25 PM. Reason: Bio added
    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  2. #2
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Eve Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    I'll join as a four-man(women also possible) squad of Merc's.

    Name: Lt. Brandon Cutter, goes by Lt. Cutter
    Age: 27
    Sex: Male
    Appearance: Wears camoe pants with black boots and a camoe tank top. His hair is black and is up in a pony tail. Wears a backpack that is also camoe colored to keep extra equipment and ammo in. Brandon's eyes are blue but he wears dark black sunglasses to cover them. He stands around six foot tall and weighs two hundred pounds of muscle exactly.
    Specialty: Brandon is the leader of the Cutter Mercs, an elite squad of mercenaries that the GSF hires for all missions they can't send their normal soldiers in for. He handles the tactics and also uses an assualt rifle to repel enemies. Has an MD4 pistol and a combat knife for backup.
    Bio: Look up ^.

    Name: Lexie Ashton
    Age: 25
    Sex: Female
    Appearance: Lexie wears the same uniform as Brandon does. She has long blonde hair she lets flow freely. Her eyes are green. Lexie stands around five-foot-five and weighs a hundred and fifteen pounds.
    Specialty: Lexie covers the special ops. The sneaking around and stealing secret files and stealth. She's actually quite good at her job. She carries a combat knife and an MD4 also.
    Bio: She's been with the group ever since it formed, just like its other members. She is Brandon's second-in-command and his closest friend. She's known him since they were kids.

    Name: James Foley
    Age: 26
    Sex: Male
    Appearance: Same uniform as everyone else except he wears a marine sniping cap that is also camoe. His hair is blonde and cut army style. James' eyes are grey. He stands around five-foot- seven and weighs one hundred and fifty pounds.
    Specialty: James is the teams sniper and has completed several sniping schools all at the top of the game. He never misses and has the highest record in the world. He uses an FJ27 Rifle with scope attached. He also has an MD4 as backup.
    Bio: Not much is known about James to the other members of the group other than his name, age, and sniping skills.

    Name: Andrew Shole
    Age: 28
    Sex: Male
    Appearance: Same uniform as before mentioned except he has a tattoo on his left shoulder of a shark bearing its teeth. His blonde hair is held up with a camoe colored bandana and his eyes are brown. He stands at six-foot-two and weighs over two hundred and thirty pounds.
    Specialty: Andrew is the heavy assualt and demolitions expert of the team. He carries C4 and grenades on him at all times. His weapons consist of a high powered assault rifle, an MD4 and a combat knife.
    Bio: Andrew has been friends with Lexie and Brandon since childhood.
    Last edited by Magi of Worlds; 06-24-2010 at 08:25 AM.
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!

  3. #3
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Name: Calnus "Cal" Moran
    Age: 28
    Sex: Male
    Appearance: Brown hair, usually a bit disheveled and against regs, which his commanders have long since stopped citing him for. He has hazel eyes with prominent green flecks of color. He wears light recon armor, usually camo when he's in the field. Off the field it's whatever he can find. It's not unusual to find him sporting old T-shirts and odd-colored shorts. He always has his enlistment-issued boots, though. And of course he never goes anywhere without his combat knife.

    Rank: Chief Warrant Officer, Information Specialist

    Bio: Cal comes from a military family; both his father and his grandfather were generals in the Air Force and Navy, respectively. He's not much for the fighting part of the job, though. His specialty is less combat oriented and more scouting, gathering intel and analyzing the results. He has some skill with electronics and computer systems as well, as he often finds himself modifying his equipment to adapt to new situations. He is well respected for his skill in the field and lab.

  4. #4
    Professional Klutz. Eve Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    Welcome to both of you and thanks for joining.

    I'm adding in my bio now.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  5. #5
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Haven remains one of my favorite RPs to have participated in. I really wish they'd stop pruning RPs and just archive them instead, I would have liked to save a copy of it on this computer. =/

    I'm assuming that most, if not all marines are going to be under your character's command, mine included. Are the mercenaries as well or do they have their own captain and report to a higher up? Not planning on adding any mercenaries, just curious.


  6. #6
    Professional Klutz. Eve Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    The mercenaries are brought in as extra weapons. So they would still answer to the marine officers. Like a contacted force.

    As for most of the characters; They'd be under the Hercules captains command. Only people within my squad are in my command. I left the option of several squads but if it's only me then yes, you may as well be with my squad. =] Up to you, though. You could have your own team if you liked.

    And I LOVED Haven. One of my better RP's. I really wished it would have gone further. It would be nice to see it again... Ah, well.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  7. #7
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Eve Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    What! I don't get to be in control of my group myself??? But I don't play well with others!!! Lol, just kidding. So will we be getting briefed in the story or are we supposed to already know the full situation?
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!

  8. #8
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Didn't we talk about remaking it awhile ago? By awhile I mean a couple of years, maybe. >_> Drake's one of my better characters, imo. Hmm, this is odd. The OoC thread still exists, but the RP itself does not. Oh, I see why. We resurrected the OoC thread to discuss remaking it but never did. Blah. At least we'll still have our character profiles and all the background stuff...

    Anyways, that's a thought for another thread, perhaps.

    As far as Calnus goes, I assumed he would either be in your squad or possibly working autonomously with a few other intel specialists. Depends on how large a force we've got, I suppose.


  9. #9
    Professional Klutz. Eve Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    DH- I'd say that initially we'd have recon squads. So you off scouting and stuff would make perfect sense.

    I'll re-make Haven for sure. If we can round up the guys then it will be great. It was me, you, Victoria and Fehrant right? I don't think Fehrant will join. We could try, though.

    Magi- I'll brief in-story. Probably the opening part of my first post.
    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  10. #10
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Eve Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    Alright! Gotcha! Can't wait for more people to join and this one to start.
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!

  11. #11
    Professional Klutz. Eve Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    First post up. I left enough room for any of you to be on different drop-ships or squads.

    Post away guys.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  12. #12
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Eve Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    I'll try to get a post up soon. Have to go to work at 4. If one isn't up before then I'll shoot for tomorrow.
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!

  13. #13
    The Lost Writer Eve Psiko's Avatar
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    Re: Eve


    Name: Talen Drakspar

    Age: 24

    Sex: Male

    Appearance: Short with sandy blonde hair that always appears needing to be cut. It frequently falls into his face, which he has to brush aside. His brown eyes display hints of his curious nature (see bio). He has an almost average build, with a little more mass around his waist than most and a little less muscle than most. At a glance, he appears out of place as a marine.

    Rank: New recruit on his first mission

    Bio: Talen has always been dubbed as the genius of his classes and training. He is intelligent and would consider an ideal day as one spent amidst research. Talen, much to everyone's surprise, is a rather good shot and it was for this ability alone that he made it into the Marines. Those who recruited him for his shooting were later regretting the decision some: they had no idea he was obsessive compulsive. This habit, coupled with his appearance and his love for research, made him the subject of much ridicule among his peers. Only his battle instincts and sharpshooting could silence them, and even then only momentarily.

  14. #14
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    Name: Connor Silverman
    Age: 31
    Sex: Male
    Appearance: 6 feet, Medium Length Brown Hair down to his neck, green eyes and a tatoo of a snake on his left shoulder. A Slim athletic build. A rugged survivalist.
    Specialty: Survival, Sniping Specialist, Assault Rifle Expert and Throwing Knives Expertise
    Reason for joining: Hired by the Marines for Scouting.
    Bio: (Optional) TBA

    Sorry for no appearance right now, I am running out of time. I'll have it up by the night time.

    And I am thinking of adding another Merc.

    I am going to finish the apperance right now but I once again lost internet for now. I'll update as I can.
    Last edited by loaf; 08-18-2010 at 11:46 PM.
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  15. #15
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    I have been ridiculously busy this week. >_< I will try to get a post in today or tomorrow. If not don't wait for me or anything cause if I don't get to it in the next couple of days I won't be able to until next week.


  16. #16
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    Hey guys I'm sorry but I can't be using my internet that long. When I find time (whenever I have time) when I get home. I'll just type it up and post it whenever I can.
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  17. #17
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Eve Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    Sorry about not posting yet. I've been busy this week and last. I promise to get a long post up really soon.
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!

  18. #18
    Professional Klutz. Eve Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    It's okay. I'm deep in working on a summer project for students atm so I'm busy myself.

    Take your time, there's no rush.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  19. #19
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    I've been really busy with other things lately, I haven't forgotten about this though. I was all psyched and ready to get a post up since I've actually got some time today...then I realized I was the last post. XD Ah well, summer is the time to be out and about, after all. I'm not going to have a lot of free time once I start school but I'll try and check in at least once a week.


  20. #20
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    zomg I finally posted my entry on my first Merc. I'll have a new post for my 2nd merc but I wont be doing his story for a while.
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  21. #21

    Re: Eve

    If it's not too late, I'd like to join as well, please!


    Name: Niah Delveaux
    Age: 34
    Sex: Female

    Appearance: Attractive, athletic woman with a long, lean build. Slow to anger, yet intolerable of overt cruelty and blatant stupidity. Dresses in a mostly neutral palette, but wardrobe is always simple and utilitarian with a slightly bohemian flair. Mid-length brown hair and olive skin. Delicate features with warm, brown eyes.

    Specialty: Animal Psychology with an emphasis on Alien and hostile species

    Reason for joining: Was hired on as a consultant to help evaluate the suspected alien species that inhabits or has overthrown Eve. Is tasked with exposing any potential weakness or flaw in the species to help aid the military investigation. Niah is a single mother and requested that her son Jason, who is a minor, be allowed to come on the mission as well under her care.

    Classified information is that the Delveaux family was one of the two original families that settled on Eve after the original scout for valuable resources. This information is unknown to Niah for reasons as yet undecided.

    Name: Jason Delveaux
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male

    Appearance: Moderately built, withdrawn youth whose penchant for mischief is outwardly apparent in his drab wardrobe that consists of shredded, torn, or hole-ridden articles of clothing. Long, side-swept brown hair and dark complexion with deep brown eyes. No tattoos or piercings, however, which suggest to his mother that he's simply trying to find himself. Strong jaw and equally strong will to do whatever the hell he pleases.

    Specialty: Disobeying authority figures and causing his mother grief

    Reason for joining: As a condition of joining on, Niah requested that her son be allowed to travel with her. He recently ended a short stint in juvenile detention for theft, for which he was released early for good behavior. Has no interest in whatever may be going down on Eve.


    Additionally, I may wish to add a character as a Military Escort for the pair. I doubt given their lack of combat experience that they'd be allowed to wander around unguarded (or, more accurately, unwatched).

  22. #22
    Professional Klutz. Eve Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    You're always welcome Musicmuse. I remember you from the old RP's. Welcome!

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  23. #23

    Re: Eve


    Please let me know if my post needs any editing. Sorry to use Kingsley, but I thought it was a quick way to get my pair with you guys (even if you don't notice them yet).

    I'll understand if you'd like a re-write.

  24. #24
    Professional Klutz. Eve Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    No. You used Kingsley well. I'm fine with that. He is an NPC after all.

    Great post.

    Magi, I have asked in the RP but in case you happen upon this post first I want you to change your post. I clearly stated that no large predators were found. A giant pirahna would fall under the large predator catagory. If you could change so that you didn't see that it would be great.

    For now, everybody disregard the latter of Magi's post, please.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  25. #25
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    Okay going to post my other Mercenary.

    Name: Eryx Rostyn
    Age: 28
    Sex: Male
    Appearance: 5 foot 7, brown eyes, caucasion, Short hair spiked in the front, blue bandanna, buff broad arms and shoulders. (think of Rambo) Skin tight all black t-shirt and camo pants.
    Specialty: Explosives, survival, hand to hand combat, all type of guns.
    Reason for joining: Unknown
    Bio: (Optional)
    Signature Updated: Yesterday
    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

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    Currently Playing: Video Games

  26. #26
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Eve

    Bringing this back up too, still a cool concept and quite different from the standard fantasy fare. If we want to continue (and perhaps pick up a few new participants), I am more than game. Give me about a week and I will be able to get back into RPing.



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