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Thread: Duck You Sucker OOC

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    Synthesized Ascension Duck You Sucker OOC Zardoch's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Duck You Sucker OOC

    Duck You Sucker RP Thread

    For those who know what D.Y.S. originally was (see trailer here) this is not based on that movie at all. No, this RP is going to be a vampire hunter RP with a twist. Instead of something akin to Blade or even Buffy, Duck You Sucker is an action comedy based entirely on the idea of making fun of the current vampire craze, while having fun killing them at the same time. So if you are spewing hatred for all things sparkly, think about joining.

    Story Summary & Setting: The year is 2014 and D.Y.S. is set in the dirty streets of Springfield, Missouri, where suburbia meets the ghetto. And in these times, vampires have slowly begun to populate at least 35% of the area: specifically banks, dance clubs, Wal-mart, Hot Topic, and the Petco industry. What was once an industrious city is now turning into a great place for vampires to make their claim and feed regularly.

    Here enters Gryph Peterson, a ninja/vampire hunter (my character) and his mentor and supplier, Mr. Kimbo Splice. They're currently the only hunters stationed there. Unfortunately, the vampire numbers are growing faster than they're killing, and as such are now seeking to recruit a small team or militia to help stem the tide of horny teenagers.

    The Breed of Vampires: In this world, vampires are neither of a Bram Stoker variety or some Blade/Underworld rip-off. Sure, they're still stronger and faster than a human, but only one to three times as much. Sunlight only affects them after being an hour outside as well, so they aren't insta-killed. Piercing them through the heart doesn't work either. So how do you kill them? Why, by cutting off their head, of course! Oh, and having them bleed out. (Their bodies pump blood at a faster rate, so cut a vein and they'll be squirting like Deadpool after a bad Taco Bell meal.)

    One other thing that can be deadly to vampires is the consumption of too much blood. Vampires generally need to consume twice as much blood that is in the human body, but if they consume more than 5.6 liters (one human) within 12 hours, their body explodes. Finally, while they do have their teeth, in this world vampires have their fangs hidden on their neck and both arms. These fangs are placed over their veins so that as they feed, it goes directly into their bodies.

    The Joining Process: I'll have a profile template below, but first I'd like to simply say that you can join as a vampire, hunter, or human. For the hunters, however, know that you will be doing a bit of fighting and so are required at least a little experience in RP fighting. Also, all hunters will be applying their resume to an ad in the paper, where my character will send you a location to meet. For now, anyone who's joining as a hunter will make an introduction post of their character, which leads up to finding and answering the ad. Lastly, only those with an average skill level of writing and up may apply. Sorry kiddies.

    Character Temple
    Character Name:
    Short Biography:
    Character Roster:
    Gryph Peterson (played by Gravis)
    Kimbo Splice (NPC played by Gravis)


    All normal TFF RPing rules apply. Thanks for shopping at S-Mart.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 10-06-2010 at 06:06 AM.

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