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Thread: The Dragon's Child OOC

  1. #1
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    The Dragon's Child OOC

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This RP is not open to anyone. Only myself and Djinn will be participating. This OoC thread is also part of the experiment, and because it's easier to keep everything collected in one place. However, if you'd like to voice your thoughts on the pros and cons of shorter RPs, feel free to add your comments to this thread. Spam and otherwise off-topic posts will not be tolerated, just like any other thread.

    The Premise: An experimental project, The Dragon's Child is intended to be a short RP spanning no more than 20-30 posts. Sideplots and pointless meanderings will be kept to a minimum.

    The Setting: I don't usually like borrowing settings, but for the purpose of this experiment I am using an already established location. This story will take place primarily in the abandoned town of Modeoheim and its surroundings shortly after the events that take place there during Crisis Core. Information can be found here.

    Limitations: No Final Fantasy VII characters may be used. Also, no previously unknown brothers, clones, cousins thrice removed, etc. There will be a small NPC role for one game character and that's it.

    The Plot: The events of Modeoheim have already occurred. All participating characters are part of a small advance unit for the investigation team to follow. That means Sephiroth is not present. Being a scout force, you have only your personal gear and some basic scouting equipment. Binoculars, a handheld scanner, that sort of thing.

    Anyways, this is essentially a reconnaissance gone wrong sort of thing. Ohh, ahh, that's how it always starts, and then there's running, and screaming...well, maybe not. (Movie trivia! What's that quote from? ) Further details will be released as needed.

    Characters: Basic profile is all that's needed. Including ours, I'm only anticipating a total of four characters. Feel free to have more than one, though.

    I will edit in my character profile as soon as I'm done writing it.

    Edit: And as promised, here's my profile. Nothing too fancy.

    Name: Alexa "Lex" Kalides
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5' 6"

    Clothing: The standard Shinra blue uniform.

    Weapon: Sword, no name or special attributes. Just a standard issue blade.

    Materia: Bolt

    History: Just an average soldier. She needed a job, Shinra offered her one. At least, that's what she keeps telling herself. She doesn't care much for the job but she's damn good at it. That's why she's part of the scout unit, to make sure everything's in order, ie dead, before the main team comes in to destroy important documents and other evidence.

    The Dragon's Child RP

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 07-10-2008 at 08:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Nothing special about the profile, hopefully nothing comes up this time. No time limits help though

    Name: Jorm Utgarde
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Hair: Short, Blonde
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 6' 1"

    Clothing: Blue Shinra uniform

    Weapon: Standard issue Shinra blade.

    Materia: Counter, Deathblow

    History: Born into a strict family he was forced to get a job at an early age, Shinra was always recruiting and so that is where he ended up. Excelling at tracking and melee combat he was quickly placed into a small scouting group. He has been picked out for promotions several times, but declined them all due to the enjoyment he derives from the basic scouting missions.

  3. #3
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I'm sure you'll notice before you check this thread, but the RP is up. Link here.

    Sorry about the rant thrown in there, can you tell I hate my RL job?

    Anyways, I don't have anything fancy planned for the first few posts. If you'd like the profile for our antagonist I can write one up, I have a general idea of who/what it is, just haven't worked out the specifics yet.

    And for anyone who's actually played Crisis Core, I'm not trying to follow it, this is only loosely based, so don't go off nitpicking everything on me.



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