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Thread: Dissidia RP Take II Regs

  1. #1
    Dissidia RP Take II Regs Exxdeath666's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The Interdimensional Rift

    Post Dissidia RP Take II Regs

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Dissidia Roleplaying Battle Regulations Thread! This is a rule thread that lists all that must happen and how we do things around here if you get in a quarrel with a troublesome adversary and decide to duke it out the old fashioned way! If there is a problem, please inform me or my associate, sconethief, the co-moderator of this combat segment of the RP. Anyone in violation of these regulations will be punished or banned.

    Rule #1: No god-modding!- Seriously, no one likes laying with someone who is so edgy about losing that he has to make a character that supposedly "cannot be killed." Any hint of this should be reported.

    Rule #2: No controlling opponents!- This is by far the most surprising thing I've seen on most RP threads. Since the mods (Me and sconethief) will be regulating battles, this shouldn't be much of a problem.

    Rule #3: No unattended battles!- Sorry guys, but a match must be announced by us if it is to take place. It's not that I don't trust you guys, but I just don't want people making their own rules here.

    Rule #4: No out-of-character degradation!- I understand if Kefka insults Terra or Kuja taunts Garland or something, but please don't make any insults or rude comments about the actual person. That kind of behavior will not be tolerated here!

    Rule #5: No cursing, please.- I know it's common in today's society, but please refrain from cussing at each other, please! If someone is going to roleplay as Cid, please let me know and I'll make a slight exception.

    Rule #6: Forfeiting is just ridiculous!- If you decide you don't wish to fight anymore, please contact us and we'll see if there is a good reason for your disbanding of a match. Do not forfeit or you will not be allowed to fight anymore.
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 10-20-2008 at 11:38 PM.

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  2. #2
    Dissidia RP Take II Regs Exxdeath666's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The Interdimensional Rift

    Regulations (continued)

    Now that rules are out of the way, I'd like to explain how this will work:

    1st step: A character from Final Fantasy 1-10 is chosen as a character.*
    It is highly recommended that you choose a character that was actually released in the game, but you don't necessarily have to do that. For example, in FFV, you can choose to be Gilgamesh rather than Bartz or Exdeath. However, FF Crystal Chronicles, FF Tactics, and Kingdom Hearts characters will not be permitted. Also, none can be Chaos or Cosmos.

    2nd step: Create a custom biography of your character, or just copy and paste the known biography.*
    Who is your character? Is he/she/it human? If not, what is he/she/it? Other things can be added as well to describe your characters. Go crazy!

    3rd step: Explain your character's strong suits.*
    What is your character capable of? Where does said character draw his power from, if anywhere? Also, you should explain whether your character is more of a spellcaster than a physical attacker or vice versa.

    4th step: Create Stats.
    Your stats must include:
    Brave Points
    Magic Defense
    Aerial Attack
    Ground Attack
    Ex-Form Boost.

    The specifics on these will be explained below:

    HP (Hit Points):
    These dictate how much of a beating you can take from most attacks. Once it reaches zero, you lose.

    MP (Magic Points):
    Dictates what spells you may cast at the moment. Once it reaches zero, you can no longer cast spells, buffs, or debuffs.

    Brave Points:
    Dictates how much damage you are able to do to the opponent's HP with standard physical attacks. Once the opponent's bravepoints reach zero, you may then use your Ex-Burst attack, but only if you have transformed into your Ex-Form. You may transform if you reach the second half of the battle and you currently have the upper hand. However, that is for us to decide.

    A primary factor in determining how many Brave Points you begin with. One cannot have below 5 strength or they will not get any Brave Points.

    A primary factor in determining one's HP.

    Magic Defense:
    A primary factor in determining one's MP.

    Provides defenses to some attacks if it is extraordinarily high.

    Aerial Attack:
    Governs the intensity of damage done by aerial attacks

    Ground Attack:
    Governs the intensity of damage done by ground attacks

    Ex-Form Boost:
    Governs the intensity of stat boosts given to the character's Ex-Form as well as the intensity of damage done by an Ex-Burst attack.

    5th step: Create ability descriptions.
    You next need to set up the types of unique abilities your character has. These must include:

    Attack Type
    MP Cost (if any)
    Damage Ratio (if damage is done)

    Attack Type:
    Types of attacks:

    Aerial Physical; Aerial Spell; Aerial Buff; Aerial Debuff
    Ground Physical; Ground Spell; Ground Buff; Ground Debuff
    Multi-Purpose Physical; Multi-Purpose Spell; Multi-Purpose Buff; Multi-Purpose Debuff

    Aerial and Ground attacks must strictly be used for the air or ground. Ground Spells may not be used in the air, and Aerial Buffs may not be used on the Ground. Multi-Purpose attacks may be used on the ground or the Air. Only one Multi-Purpose Attack may be allowed unless otherwise specified. By default, Ex-Burst attacks are Multi-Purpose.

    MP Cost:
    All spells cost a certain amount of MP. MP Cost is determined by how powerful the spell is. We will direct you to edit the amount of MP a spell costs if we believe it is not high enough.

    Damage Ratio:
    Some spells are capable of harming an opponent's HP. If you are unsure of how much the spell should harm an opponent or if you make the damage a bit too high, we will tell you the amount of damage it should do.

    6th step: Create a story in the other thread...*
    How did your character become involved in the Dissidia timeline? Details are strongly advised. You may keep it brief, but it is encouraged that you really get into it.

    And that's about it. Feel free to ask me any questions if you think I forgot something or if you're just lost. Thank you and have a nice day!

    *these steps are part of Occult's segment of the forum. For any questions about these, ask him. He'll fill you in.
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 10-20-2008 at 11:08 PM. Reason: too short

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  3. #3
    Dissidia RP Take II Regs Exxdeath666's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The Interdimensional Rift

    Exclamation Characters Claimed (and unclaimed)

    Characters so far:

    Warrior of Light-
    Garland- sconethief

    Emperor Mateus Palamecia-

    Luneth (Onion Knight)- H.U.N.K.
    Cloud of Darkness-

    Cecil Harvey-
    Theodore Harvey (Golbez)-

    Bartz Klauser-
    Exdeath- Exxdeath666

    Terra Brandford-
    Kefka Palazzo-

    Cloud Strife-
    Sephiroth Crescent-

    Squall Leonheart- Squall~Dissidia
    Ultimecia- Occult

    Zidane Tribal-

    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 03-19-2009 at 09:45 PM.

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  4. #4
    Dissidia RP Take II Regs Exxdeath666's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The Interdimensional Rift

    My Character Outline

    Stats: (1-10, 1 being weakest, 10 being strongest).
    HP: 3482
    MP: 732
    Brave Points: 414 (28)
    Strength: 7
    Defense: 7
    Magic Defense: 8
    Speed: 5
    Air Attack: 9
    Ground Attack: 5
    Ex-Form Boost: 8

    Attacks: (Normal Form)

    - Reverse Polarity:
    Attack Type: Aerial Spell
    MP Cost: 21
    Contradicts the force of gravity and laws of matter and rotates the earth constantly resulting in every surface being reversed (in short, constantly rotates things upside down for a duration of time), causing confusion for any foe in effect by it. Foes that fly by default (E.G. Kefka's Angel form) are unaffected by the spell.

    - Vacuum Wave:
    Attack Type: Ground Pysical
    Damage: 830-1052
    Causes heavy physical damage and drains HP rapidly. If the enemy's defense is 7 or higher, the drain effect is negated.

    - Bio:
    Attack Type: Ground Spell
    MP: 16
    Damage: 523-745
    Magnifies bacteria to cause illness, slowing, poisoning, and sapping an opponent's HP rapidly. Non - humans are unaffected by the spell.

    - *Aga forms of elemental spells:
    Attack Type: Aerial Elemental
    MP: 25
    Damage: 672-835 (damage varies)
    Strongest forms of all Elemental Spells. Effect corresponds with the foe's toleration of said element.

    - Gravity:
    Attack Type: Aerial Spell
    MP Cost: 7
    Nullifies aerial attacks. Extra effective on flying - based characters

    - Haste:
    Attack Type: Ground Buff
    MP: 17
    Speeds Exdeath's reaction speed for a short amount of time.

    - Meteor:
    Attack Type: Aerial Spell
    MP Cost: 42
    Damage: 212-1890 (4x)
    Deals damage multiple times. Damage varies. Exdeath cannot move while performing the spell, but if done right, neither can the opponent.

    - Slowga:
    Attack Type: Aerial Debuff
    MP Cost: 15
    Halves an enemy's motion for a short amount of time. For characters with the haste effect active, this dispels such an effect. Spell ineffective for a foe with a speed of 5 or lower. If the number has no half to it, round it up (7 becomes 3.5, but this rule makes the present speed 4).

    - Dispel:
    Attack Type: Multi-Purpose Debuff
    MP Cost: 27
    Negates special effects.

    - Grand Cross
    Attack Type: Aerial Special
    MP Cost: 66
    Damage: 21-75 (15x balls)
    Inflicts damage and then causes various status ailments.

    - Reaper's Sword
    Attack Type: Aerial Attack
    Damage: 1463-1699
    Exdeath powers his sword with the Void, doing ludicrous damage.

    Stats: Ex-Form: Tree Exdeath
    HP: 4482
    HP Recovered per turn: 127
    MP: 847
    Strength: 8
    Defense: 8
    Magic Defense: 9
    Speed: 2
    Air Attack: 10
    Ground Attack: 4
    In this form, Exdeath becomes far slower but also more powerful. He must have the upper hand in the fight to be able to shift into this form.

    - Flare:
    Attack Type: Aerial Spell
    MP Cost: 39
    Damage: 1673-1942
    Molecules are scattered and spontaneously combust, causing heavy damage.

    - Meteor: See above

    - Holy:
    Attack Type: Aerial Spell
    MP Cost: 31
    Damage: 1232-1573 (permanent)
    Holy energy is channeled from another dimension and unleashed on the present location, causing permanent damage to the enemy's health (the HP lost by Holy cannot be cured by Cure spells. When the enemy respawns, all permanent health loss is erased). The spell deals damage to Exdeath. The permanent damage rule applies to him as well.

    - White Hole:
    Attack Type: Special
    MP Cost: 99
    If this spell is cast and a foe's Magic Defense is 5 or lower, that foe is petrified. If the opponent is killed by any other spell, it cannot respawn. All previous defenses are erased.

    - Neo Almagest:
    Attack Type: Ex-Burst
    Damage: 5400
    Exdeath channels the limitless power of the Void, most likely killing the opponent instantly.
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 12-28-2008 at 12:15 AM.

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  5. #5
    Once the greatest knight in the kingdom of Cornelia, he is corrupted by evil and kidnaps Princess Sarah. He wanted the king to give him his kingdom in exchange for Sarah's life. He is defeated by the four Warriors of Light.
    Quote from The FF wiki
    He has the power of Earth, fire, water, and wind.
    Stats: (1-10, 1 being weakest, 10 being strongest)
    Strength: 8
    Defense: 7
    Magic Defense: 6
    Speed: 4
    Air Attack: 8
    Ground Attack: 3
    Ex-Form Boost: 5
    HP: 2112
    Brave Points 350
    Aerial Magic
    Ground Magic
    Ground Magic
    Ground Magic
    (all depend on elemental weaknesses)
    Chain Sword: Range increased while wielding the chain sword. 400-500 Speed decreases by one when in use.

    His sword splits into two granting him faster attack. He also becomes a little slower at walking/running He also Gains a great boost in vitality giving him Plus 1000 HP. In his Ex form he also gains a small boost in ground attack bringing it to 4.
    Strength: 8
    Defense: 8
    Magic Defense: 7
    Speed: 6
    Air Attack: 8
    Ground Attack: 4
    HP: 3112
    Blade of Marilith
    Multi-purpose Buff (Enhancement)
    Adds 75 brave points
    Wrath of the Vampire
    Aerial Buff
    Drains the MP of the opponent with every attack you use.
    Ground attack
    Changes opponents brave points to 8
    Multipurpose De buff
    Lowers Accuracy and speed to 3.

    Might of the Fiends
    Damage:300-400 damage(6-7 times)
    Each time it strikes it deals low damage but strikes up to six times.

    Tell me if anything is gone/missing

  6. #6
    Registered User Dissidia RP Take II Regs HUNK's Avatar
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    Blog Entries
    Name: Onion Knight
    HP: 5000

    MP: 700

    Brave Points: 375

    Strength: 2

    Defense: 7

    Magic Defense: 3

    Speed: 9

    Aerial Attack: 2

    Ground Attack: 3

    Ex-Form Boost: 5

    Ex-Forms: Onion knight will change his class randomly to sage or Ninja. Ninjas are high speed and cant throw shurikins to deal massive damage. Sage is extreamly powerfull with magic
    Ground Magic

    Ground Buff on self
    effect: Protect,Shell
    MP: 100

    (Next three spells Sage only)
    Ground attack magic
    effect: 300-350

    Arial attack magic
    Effeect: 300-550

    Ground attack magic
    Effect: 125-250

    Double Cast
    Ultimate attack alowing sage to cast twice.

    Ultimate attack throwing 7 ninja stars and finsihing with a attack.

    (ooc: Changing my charecter beacuse I found someone else to rp and he wants to be squall, plus I know more heros and Squall is not my first pick.)
    Last edited by HUNK; 03-19-2009 at 05:18 PM.

  7. #7
    The British Guy. Dissidia RP Take II Regs Robbo's Avatar
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    Name: Squall Leonhart
    HP: 6450

    MP: 800

    Brave Points: 462

    Strength: 8

    Defense: 5

    Magic Defense: 4

    Speed: 7

    Aerial Attack: 4

    Ground Attack: 8

    Ex-Form Boost: 5

    Ex-Forms: Squall will change his weapon From Revolver To Lion Heart


    Fated Circle
    Release a circular ring of energy for a quick attack
    Ground attack magic
    Effect: 125-350

    Rough Divide
    Swing sword to unleash a blast of energy along the ground.
    Effect: 300-400
    MP: 45

    Start of limit Breaker Which Leads to Lion Heart
    Last edited by Robbo; 03-20-2009 at 11:28 AM.

  8. #8
    Learner Dissidia RP Take II Regs CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: Dissidia RP Take II Regs

    is this RP still going on?
    ~ Victus per Veneratio ~

  9. #9
    Lady Succubus Dissidia RP Take II Regs Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Dissidia RP Take II Regs

    Please read the dates in threads before you post in them. This topic has been dead for 1 year and 3 months.

    So, I doubt it's still going on. Please, Cloud... stop posting in threads that are over a year old. Chances are, they're dead.

  10. #10
    Learner Dissidia RP Take II Regs CloudTide's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Re: Dissidia RP Take II Regs

    Ok ok sorry
    ~ Victus per Veneratio ~


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