Arrite, Arrite, Arrite!
Cold Hard Cash is an RP with some actual rpg ideas in there.
I have a basic plot with some twists, challenges and goals laid out.
It's not too involved and will advance pretty quickly without a whole lot of standing around and talking.
Basically, my plan is to have characters level up after every battle, gaining new abilites/spells, blah, blah, blah. After a boss fight, each player can access a new job class. You would keep your previous abilities and add new ones with the new job.
As of now, my character, Lumis is a suck *ss hobo. I'm planning on turning him into a monk in this first mission and eventually a redmage.
Heres some info....
Freelancer (squire)
Warrior Mage
Knight Archer White Black
(provoke) (volley) (cure) (elemental)
(Sentinal) (snipe) (protect) (Poison)
(berserk) (pin) (revive) (Flash)
Monk Thief Summoner Time
(Chakra) (Steal) (Carbuncle) (Haste)
(Chi Blast) (Charm) (Shiva) (Slow)
(One inch) (Sneak) (Golem) (Warp)
(Kick) (Bomb) (Lich) (Demi)
Darknight Paladin Sage Bluemage
(Absorb HP) (Absorb MP) (Cure) (Enemy sk)
(hit MP) (Shield) (Element) (Enemy mg)
(Sacrifice) (Break) (Refresh) (Mimic)
(Death Blow) (Cover) (Regen) (MP def)
Dual Classes combine warrior and mage classes. Here are some examples…
(Charm) (Kick)
(Absorb HP) (Shield)
(Haste) (Flash)
(Volley) (Berserk)
(Chakra) (Bomb)
(Enemy Sk.) (Mimic)
This is just a template. Feel free to build your own class tree with your own abilities! It doesn't have to be in depth at all, you could even stay a white mage or an archer the entire time and just keep adding abilites if you want.
Essentially, this mission is going to turn out to be a set up. The contact at the bar is going to refer the heroes to the port town of Headwind. At a bar in Headwind, the heroes will be introduced to a shady character who won’t really be able to elaborate on the intended mission.
Eventually, the shady character will throw off his robe and the heroes will realize he’s actually a pirate and that everyone else in the bar is there to kill them.
These cheap, sleazy pirates have made a living for years ripping off hopeful adventurers even if just for the sport of it.
The heroes will win the battle and discover that the port town of Headwind has been under the thumb of these thugs for decades. With their new found freedom, the people of Headwind don’t know what to do with themselves. They beg the heroes to stay and keep them safe in exchange for royal treatment.
The heroes will instead be approached by the mayor of the town who will ask them to re-establish Headwind as the new hub of trade for the continent. This requires them to make a nearby cove safe, as rumors have spread that a terrible beast lurks in the rocky waters.
Having been paid to report to the king who rules the continent that all was well for so long, the mayor of Headwind is quite rich. He offers to give the heroes a ship and to outfit them with gear for the coming battle in addition to a reward upon investigation of the cove.
Once at the cove, the heroes will engage several water creatures and eventually a dragon who is guarding a pile of treasure.
With the dragon defeated, a spirit of luck and fortune will be freed. The spirit will inform the heroes that other spirits are also trapped around the world. If the heroes accept the Spirit’s offer, he will bestow them each with a new skill, spell, weapon or armor (You can decide what you get, but act like it’s random in the RP).
And honestly, it doesn’t have to go exactly like that. Lets say the group takes a vote and decides to ignore the mayor of Headwind and accept the royal treatment from the locals. In that case, the town would be attacked by a clan of thieves who had a deal with the now exterminated pirates.
And so on…
Every decision could be a crossroads. Interactions with various sub-characters will influence the overall story. (EX: if the mayor is ignored, the king may find out he was a fraud and have him executed. The position could be filled by a knight, a barren from a nearby town or what have you).
Bottom line is that I have a story planned out which can be ridden out or modified easily.