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Thread: Club Mecha Presents: Eden Bound (OOC)

  1. #1

    Club Mecha Presents: Eden Bound (OOC)

    Club Mecha Presents:
    Eden Bound

    Christmas, 2099...

    Human ingenuity has brought the entire race to unification. In just days, the colonist transport ship, Adam, will launch with 50,000 colonists bound for Eden 1, the first colony orbiting Earth. The first day of the new year marks the first event since the Second Gulf War where the people of Earth are finally united as one.

    Accompaning the transport is the newly constructed Nightingale, the only ship of it's kind capable of atmospheric and space flight. The ship is also the only one that is crewed by people of all four super powers, the WHU, the CIS, the British Empire, and the Nutrality of Japan. The Nightingale is also equipped with weaponry designed by scientists of all four powers, including the formidable Exo Frames.

    The Western Hemisphere Union (WHU or the Union)- Formed in 2080, the WHU is comprised of North, Central, and South America, and the dozens of islands that sprinkle the Western Hemisphere. It is currently the strongest faction in humanoid Exo Frame production. It is headed by President Henry Kellinger in Washington D.C. as was the United States of America.

    The Commonwealth of Independant States (the C.I.S.)- Currently the oldest running faction in the world, the CIS is comprised of Russia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all of south east Asia. The C.I.S. is the leading faction in non-humanoid Exo Frame production. It is also headed by President Abram Brushnev.

    The Brittania Empirium (the British Empire)- Formed from the remaining countries in Western Europe including Britain, Ireland, Scottland, Spain, and Italy (among others). The Empirium is the lead holder of money and resources in the world. It has the largest amount of mass-production E.F.'s in the world.

    The Nutrality of Japan- Formed of just the small nation of Japan, Japan has declared it's total nutrality from the world and is in the lead for most advanced technology in the world. It's capital, Tokyo, is the new location for the United Nations. Japan is also the only country in the world to have a Mass Driver. The Nutrality of Japan is headed by a counsel of nine officials.

    Adam- The transport ship carrying 50,000 colonists to Eden 1.

    Eden 1- The colony orbiting Earth halfway between the Earth and Moon. It is the first to be built for civilians. It has a very well made artificial environment including grass, flowers, and even animals.

    The Nightingale- A new type of battle ship assigned to protect the Adam transport ship on it's journy to Eden 1. It is equipped with a powerful long-range laser and multiple missle lauchers.

    Exo Frame- General term given to the giant humanoid and non-humanoid mechs invented in the year 2030.

    Mass Driver- A five mile long rail system used to catapult space ships into space using eletro-magnetism. The only Mass Driver is located in the Nutrality of Japan.

    Ace Pilot Status::
    Given to Club Mecha members if they choose to be pilots. The status allows Club Mecha members to choose to use customized mechs such as Armored Cores. Ace Pilots may also name their own mech. Non-Club members may only be allowed to use general mechs.

    ~Follow standard TFF Forum Rules and TOS.
    ~Must have 100+ posts to join.
    ~Be literate and check your spelling, grammar and punctuation. You don't have to post a book but I don't want one liners either.
    ~Content must be PG-13. Some romance is allowed and so is some vulgarities.

    ~Only one warning will be given to anyone who violates any of these rules.


    N.o.J. Mass Driver-

    For mecs, use or other.

    All are allowed to take part in the RP, not just Club Mecha members.

    Character Template::

    Name:: (Should reflect with nationality)
    Call-sign:: (Ex. Talon, Hawk-eye)
    Age:: (19+ for Pilots, Engineers, etc...)

    Appearance:: (DETAILED description, or picture. No "but with..." whatever)

    Faction:: (The Union, CIS, Empire, or NoJ)
    Nationailty:: (United States, Russian, British, Chinese, etc...)
    Occupation:: (Pilots -Ace Pilots for Members- Engineers, Doctors, Nurses. NO MERCANARIES)
    Brief History:: (2-3 paragraph for history)
    Unit Name:: (Custom only for Ace Pilots)
    Unit Type:: (Heavy Assault, Close Combat, High Mobility, etc... + Humanoid or Non-Humanoid Exo Frame
    Armament:: (Weapons and defensive devices)
    Appearance:: (Picture only)
    Last edited by Evangel; 04-21-2008 at 05:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Club Mecha Presents: Eden Bound (OOC) T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Well, finally the character template is set. Lemme see if this character may work. I'll be using a modified Gespenst MK-II S just in case it is allowed, otherwise I'll make sure to change into another mecha. The link gives a general appearance of the mech, but I'll add the image link in the area, plus the overall stats and equipment. I'll rewrite with the general effect and add the customized armament.


    Name:: Ricardo "Rico" Sierra
    Call-sign:: Alchemist
    Age:: 25
    Sex:: Male

    Appearance:: 5'8", 155 lbs. Has a lightly tanned skin, medium length hair often tied in a simple tail. Has a slightly athletic build, only roughly passing the standards allowed for space travel: slightly muscular arms and legs, slightly muscular torso. Has long sideburns, mostly shaved save for a chin beard. Has coarse and abundant body hair, which is slightly trimmed. Almost always wears the typical Union uniform when on-board the Nightingale, neatly kept save for the often-unbuttoned coat. Wears a secondary belt diagonally, which often holds his communications equipment. Prefers to wear blue clothing if allowed. Speaks in a low tone, almost whispering or moaning, on casual conversation.

    Faction:: Union
    Nationailty:: Puerto Rican (officially an American citizen by birth)
    Occupation:: Ace Pilot/Materials Engineer
    Brief History:: Rico was born in the date of July 25th, 2074, descendant of Puerto Rican parents. Early age, his family settled in Orlando, Florida, where he coursed his entire school career. Graduated with honors in his local high school, which allowed him entrance to the University of Florida, where he coursed a dual bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Physics with specialization in Materials Engineering.

    Despite his grades, Rico was unable to cost his studies, to which he joined the Union Marines ROTC program, despite his family's insistence on the otherwise. His natural skill and reflexes gave him good standing with the Union Space Marines, after months of PT, which allowed him to enter the coveted Exo Frame Training joint program. After finishing his degrees, he was called by the WHU military requesting his services as Exo Frame pilot and to study possible unknown materials.

    Despite his good looks and his nickname, Rico is not a very social person, rather a loner focused in simulation training and material analysis. He is a hard-working individual and a focused person, dedicated to his work and mission. He has a hard time with women, and even has trouble making friendship bonds. Suffers of very low self-esteem, mostly because of his nationality and how he was raised, which has changed to better terms since joining the military. His call-name, "Alchemist", stems from his rare passion: to seek a way to change elements by means of nuclear fission/fusion.


    Unit Name:: (Custom only for Ace Pilots)
    Unit Type:: High-defense, close-to-mid range assault Humanoid Exo-Frame
    Weaponry :: Split Missile (long-range ballistic missile, spreads into smaller missiles during flight), Mega Beam Rifle (beam rifle enhanced for greater energy output and damage potential, mid-range combat), Plasma Stake (fist weapon with embedded plasma stakes for greater damage), Mega Blaster Beam (internal weapon hidden in chest area, releases a powerful beam), Plasma Claymore (experimental saber weapon; a large weapon that becomes surrounded in plasma energy, doubling as a beam saber, larger than conventional weaponry. Weapon is to be held in two hands, hence the "Claymore" reference)
    Defense :: Anti-Beam Armor (advanced device that withstands most of the impact and damage of beam weaponry)

    In case of any need to change, please tell. The mech presented here is basically the original Gespenst MK-II S, except a beam rifle is added, the beam saber is changed to an experimental "two-handed" weapon, and the Gespenst Kick (see first link) is returned to the original Jet Magnum (which is present in the Gespenst MK-II M), and the Beam Coating is upgraded. In terms of power, the mech is more powerful than a Gundam, roughly similar in power to the Nu Gundam, yet weaker than Wing Zero or other advanced Gundam models.

    Also, does the "Ace Pilot" status allows for custom color scheme? The photo shows blue, can it be blue AND white?
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

    Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.

    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

    Spaces still available. Join today!!

    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  3. #3

    Ace Pilot

    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar

    Also, does the "Ace Pilot" status allows for custom color scheme? The photo shows blue, can it be blue AND white?
    Yes, color-scheme too.

  4. #4
    The Old Skool Warrior Club Mecha Presents: Eden Bound (OOC) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    How long do you feel it may be before you get this started up? It's certainly caught my eye, and since you said all members are welcome to join up, I'm contemplating entry.

    I've never done anything with mechs before, so I'm looking forward to a new experience.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  5. #5
    I DID plan for it to actually start-up by the weekend. Seeing it is already Wednesday already, I think I might just wait until next Saturday for more to post their profiles. I am also glad that you found interest in this.

    I'm making this a more "get familiar with Club Mecha and perhaps join" event. You don't have to be a mecha super-nerd to join. Like me, I only watch Gundam. There are perks to being in Club Mecha for an RP or RPB, like "Ace Pilot status". An future events will be set-up similarly.

    F.Y.I.- You don't HAVE to be a mech pilot, just to let you know. Think of it as a more "Battlestar Galactica" drama. Moderate amount of fighting, more character development and plot development. Plus, I haven't even thought of an enemy to start off with yet.
    Last edited by Evangel; 04-23-2008 at 03:02 PM.

  6. #6
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Club Mecha Presents: Eden Bound (OOC) T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Well, apparently there is no problem with the character. What strikes me as odd is that there is only one character...

    I'm not sure about Cesar, but strikes me odd that Boss hasn't done a character yet. The usual trend is that the template maker does the first character as an example.

    And yeah, being a mecha geek isn't that necessary. I rely only on my SRW knowledge, which allows for decent comparisons between series, but not all series. Just the desire to play in forum RPs outta be enough.

    This should take my dust off. Haven't played since...well, since Red abruptly ended his Sorceress War series.

    Getting impatient...
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

    Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.

    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

    Spaces still available. Join today!!

    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post

    I'm not sure about Cesar, but strikes me odd that Boss hasn't done a character yet. The usual trend is that the template maker does the first character as an example.
    I need Draken to get an AC for me before I post my character profile, I'll post it in the first post when I do.

    Edit: Scratch that...


    Name:: Susano'o Aizen (Or just Aizen)

    Call-sign:: Aquamarine
    Age:: 19
    Sex:: Male
    Appearance:: Normal Clothing, Pilot Uniform (Generally without the cape, and no, I'm not going to use Geass on you)
    Faction:: Nutrality of Japan
    Nationailty:: Japanese
    Occupation:: Ace Pilot
    Brief History:: Born in a special military research program, Aizen was literally born to pilot Prometheus. When he was young, about 10, both his schooling and military training were taken care of easily. The head project scientist (also his mother) insisted on letting Aizen lead his own life, refusing to seclude him from the world. Aizen made friends and lived like a normal Japanese boy.
    Aizen graduated top of his class at 17 and was immediately officially entered into the NoJ Air Force. He worked closely with his mother and Prometheus, not the first of it's kind, but quite unique in its own way. When the announcement by the U.N. on the international construction of the Nightingale, Aizen was chosen to be a crewmember onboard. Him, his mother and Prometheus were all chosen to be apart of this step into a new era for mankind.


    Unit Name:: GMK-002 Prometheus

    Unit Type:: Melee Assault Exo-Frame
    Armament:: slash harken, mounted on chest; claw arm, mounts radiation wave emitter, mounted on right arm; custom hand gun, mounts on left forearm, fork knife
    Appearance:: Guren Mk II Flight Type

    About Prometheus:: Prometheus is a new line of Exo Frames which utilize a special type of radiation that targets mechanical, non-organic material. Given enough exposure to the radiation, an entire Exo Frame and even a space ship can be completely destroyed from within. The rad-wave emitter can also be used in several different ways, it can block both ballistic and energy weapons, be focused into a "laser" and even be used as a wide-range stun weapon.
    Last edited by Evangel; 05-12-2008 at 04:10 PM.

  8. #8
    I apologize for double posting but this needs to be done.

    People who are going to be taking part in the RP must post A.S.A.P. I mean it, one of the reasons I delayed putting the RP thread up was because of the lack of profiles. Only two people (myself included) have posted a profile.

    I am going to be working on the opening post as much as I can this week and am shooting for no later than Saturday. If no more than two people posts a profile by then, I'm not going to bother posting the RP and deleting the OOC completely.

    Don't let this die before it even got started.

  9. #9
    The Quiet One Club Mecha Presents: Eden Bound (OOC) Andromeda's Avatar
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    For those seeing my other posts so be aware of the circumstances. But for those that don't I just got done with completing my writing project that been on for the better part of a year. I have also been in 60 hours weeks now and focusing solely on getting the project finished. With that out of my way now it frees up a lot of my time. In fact it pretty much frees up all of my spare time. So now that all of my creative energies are not focused on that I will make a character post here tomorrow. I just need the day to get into the character and I will have something for you. It might be a little late, but if it is in time for you I will make that post for you.

    It is still going to be a sidelines character as I had said, but it should still be a fun character to keep you entertained. I'm going to really work on making the character quirky and strange.

  10. #10
    As soon as Andromeda posts a profile, I am going to put the intro post up. It won't be until after 3:00 pm (Eastern US Time). That's when I get home from school. (One more year!)

  11. #11
    The Quiet One Club Mecha Presents: Eden Bound (OOC) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Name:: Toshio Kobayashi
    Call-sign:: N/A
    Age:: 28
    Sex:: Male

    Appearance:: Toshio is a fairly tall man coming close to two meters in height (roughly 6 ft) while maintaining a rather thin build with little to no muscle definition. He has medium length black hair that reached to about the middle of his back. The wear style varies from being simply tied back to loose or even braided. In addition he wears thin oval glasses with interchangeable lens meant for various tasks. He typically goes around in a long lab coat that stores his equipment and notes.

    Faction:: Neutrality of Japan
    Nationailty:: Japanese
    Occupation:: Engineer
    Brief History:: Toshio arrived on the Nightingale under less than clear circumstances. What is known about him is that he is comes from Tokyo, Japan and until recently was supposedly working for the largest research and development company. While he transfer documents as a civilian support staff appear to be in order everything seems to be too perfect.

    He does not speak about his reasons for leaving, but it is clear that they were not on good terms with his employer. When he arrived it appeared as though he was being escorted to the ship with armed guard. All he does say is that he will not be returning to the Earth finding the Nightingale to be adequate for his new home.

    According to his file he is an expert in Exo-Frame engineering primarily hired to head the repair of machines and the ship’s maintenance. He is also well versed in computers and electronic devices with secondary degrees in astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and other science including an oddity in biology. He claims that he is a qualified physician but no one is brave enough to let him prove that claim.

    He is a amalgamation of Washu and Doctor Aki (Maburaho) if you wanted some reference. He is also going to have some liberties from my original character that I created in my anime series, personality wise. So that should give you a good idea I what I’m aiming for.

  12. #12
    Bien. At least someone else joined. I'll post the intro after I get home from school tomorrow. Look for it around 3:00pm.

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