What random topics of conversation will you stumble upon today?
A gathering place for members. Discuss anything you wish within this forum, so long as there is room for an open discussion.
A showcase of items-- err, topics that our users are no longer using. The best entertainment lies here; the happy, the sad, the funny, the serious, and the extra dramatic.
In this forum, intelligently discuss anything that can expand the mind.
Encompasses visual mediums of art, movies, television, anime, etc. Please feel free to share your own artwork here as well. Signature & banner request threads are within.
Encompasses all forms of music, be it videogame-related or otherwise. Please feel free to share your personal talents here.
Encompasses all forms of writing, from books to magazines to fanfiction. Please feel free to share your personal works here (unless it belongs in the roleplaying areas below).
Word games, joke threads, and other non-topical threads belong in this area.