The Chocobo Guide
In all honesty, I always never did this. For one reason it was just down to pure laziness, and on the other hand because I just wasn’t sure how… So I thought it would be cool to slip in a mini guide to it.
Sorry if this is inappropriate in anyway and feel free to remove it if this does not comply with the rules within this forum. I would also like to take this time to state that I used the Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide from ‘BradyGames’ as a reference and guide etc.
We all know about the infamous creatures known as Chocobos… Some of us hate them and call them overgrown chickens (please note that if you belong in this group that you will get a severe verbal beating from myself and all other yellow bird lovers) - but most of us love ‘em! (And I’m certainly in the love camp <3.) The primary use of a Chocobo is for transportation across those pesky landscapes which from time to time admittedly feel like they go on forever.
Well – if you’re actually bored enough to read this obvious drivel then you will know it is essential for myself to mention when we can begin our Chocobo adventures. The story all begins after attaining the airship the Highwind. Once acquired not only can you hum along to a new FFVII tune, but you will also have the ability to have possession of your very own Chocobos and raise them in some stables. To save you from looking through the Midgar Times, you will find some available stables at Choco Bill’s Chocobo Ranch near Mythril Mine. ((Make sure to bring your camera with you, because there are some sights you can’t afford to miss! ~^))
The first thing that you need to realize is that keeping, raising and breeding chocobo’s isn’t going to be cheep. Wait… I mean KWEH?! NO! Jeez… I mean… this little adventure isn’t going to be cheap. There we go!
In all seriousness what I’m saying is it’s more than likely that you’re going to want to do the Gil Battle Dance many a time – I know I have in the past. Gotta keep your mind on the money as some cool people may say… I read a statistic somewhere that you could end off forking out 500,000 on Greens per Chocobo. Crazy I know – but if you call yourself a real fan I know you can do it.
:: The Basics ::
Congratulations on making it this far in the guide! I’ll let you know that my writing skills are extremely rusty so it’s truly admirable you’ve made it here. If you pop by later I’ll give you the reward you deserve or… just take some e-cookies I have on my laptop now ^~.
Now prepare yourself for some more astounding facts – it gets interesting now… (Or does it?)
Your first move should be to get some stables at Choco Bill’s Chocobo Ranch (recommended to buy at least three, come on now lets not be cheap!). Once you have accomplished this simple mission – at least I hope it was simple - we get onto the fun stuff. This is… tracking the giant chickens known as Chocobos!!! YAAAAY <3333. Whoa! Hang on there my eager little grasshoppers… before you go about swinging your lassoes I have a tiny tip which is essential. Want it?
----- > Here it is! Before we do go out hunting the birdies I recommend that you purchase the Chocobo Lure materia which can be found at the Ranch from Choco Bill. This is a must purchase if you want to make life easier for yourself ~^. And well… if you want to catch anything at all.
To track Chocobos you must find their tracks and linger there until you’re attacked. < ----- WARNING. This can be frustrating. And you may get a numb thumb… So don’t say I didn’t warn you ~^.
Once in battle mode you will see the Chocobo along with fiends. Your job is to kill off the fiends before the Chocobo runs away. To keep Chocobo there you must feed it Greens (something which I will expand upon later). Whatever you do – never attack the Chocobo itself. Of course if you feel super confident and your blade is extra shiny you may risk not feeding the birdy anything and hope you beat your enemies before it gets spooked. You will get my love if this is a success.
:: Capturing the Chocobos and Determining their Type ::
Now, if you are looking to breed your Chocobos it is essential for you to find the best. There are different types of Chocobos, below is a list of the areas and what types of bird you can find there:
Chocobo Ranch Area Poor, Weak
Junon Area Fair, Poor
Gold Saucer Area Good, Average
Rocket Town Area Mediocre
Wutai Area Average, Fair
Icicle Inn Area Wonderful, Weak
Mideel Area Great Fair.
Rumour has it that you are able to capture up to four Chocobos at a time – but then you will be required to take them to the Chocobo Ranch to decide which ones you will keep on. (This may be incredibly irrelevant but I always find that a tough call. Letting go one of your babies back into the wild. Especially if it’s weak one! You just know it will get eaten…)
Billy comes in very handy here and will comment on your captured Chocobos. Depending upon the type of Chocobo you have got, his comments will change. Here are what each of his comments mean:
“This… is a wonderful Chocobo!” - Wonderful Type Chocobo
“This is a great Chocobo.” - Great Type Chocobo
“Mmm, this one seems like a good Chocobo.” - Good Type Chocobo
“Mmm, this one’s not bad.” - Fair Type Chocobo
“This is a pretty average Chocobo.” - Average Type Chocobo
“This Chocobo’s so-so.” - Mediocre Type Chocobo
“This one doesn’t seem to be very good.” - Poor Type Chocobo
“I really can’t recommend this one.” - Weak Type Chocobo.
:: Chocobo’s and their Stats ::
Now that you have your (hopefully) quality Chocobos it is time to feed and train your babies!!! Chocobos are healthy little creatures and eat food called ‘Greens’… something we all should eat more of <_<. I mean I munch down the odd salad but it just doesn’t have the POW effect if you get what I mean…
Anyway… you can purchase these Greens from both Choco Billy and from the Chocobo Sage. By feeding your Chocobos these greens you can raise some of their statistics. Depending on the Green you feed them, it depends which stat you raise etc.
There are a total of four statistics. I have listed them all below – also describing what they actually affect.
Speed – Makes the Chocobo run faster.
Intelligence – Chocobo paces itself better.
Stamina – This can push the Chocobo harder for longer.
Attitude – This may allow the Chocobo to behave better.
If you pay more for your Greens, then it will raise the stats more than the cheap ones ~^.
There are 8 different types of Greens. Below I will list them, which stats they raise and where they can be bought. (Okay I’ll include the price too… I can hear you asking me to D=):
Gysahl Greens – Bought at Bill’s. 100 Gil. Improves Stamina.
Krakka Greens – Bought at Bill’s. 250 Gil. Improves Intellect.
Tanta Greens – Bought at Bill’s. 400 Gil. Improves Speed, Intellect and Stamina.
Pahsana Greens – Bought at Bill’s. 800 Gil. Improves Intellect.
Curiel Greens – Bought at Bill’s. 1000 Gil. Improves Speed and Stamina.
Mimett Greens – Bought at Bill’s. 1500 Gil. Improves Speed and Stamina.
Reagen Greens – Bought at Sage’s. 3000 Gil. Improves Speed and Stamina.
Sylkis Greens – Bought at Sage’s. 5000 Gil. Improves Speed, Intellect and Stamina.
If you feed a Chocobo a Green and the desired stat doesn’t respond this probably means that you have maxed it out already.
I also mentioned before that if you want to keep the Chocobo around longer in battle you must feed it some Greens. The better quality the Green the longer the Chocobo will stick around. They may be like radioactive chickens but they can tell the quality products from the bad! So watch out.
:: Making your Special Chocobos ::
Another item of food that a Chocobo can consume are nuts (do they realize that nuts have quite high calorie readings?). However, these are only used when you are interested in breeding your Chocobos. ‘You should never need to purchase a nut. This is mainly because the only nuts you should ever need are the Zeio Nut and the Carob Nut, both of which are used to breed special Chocobos, but neither of which can be purchased.’
Once you have been able to max out all of your Chocobos statistics (Speed, Intellect and Stamina) you should race them before attempting to breed.
The reason for this is to increase the chances of your Chocobos to produce more champion material. What I mean is –> 2 S-Class Chocobos have a higher probability of giving you a Special Chocobo than 2 C-Class Chocobos. So it is well worth the effort! Do it. Do iiiiiit.
Now… if you have one male Chocobo who has been maxed out and trained…. And one female Chocobo who has been maxed out and trained… then you just may be ready to make a Special Chocobo! Let the magic begin…
(But before that I must commend you on your patience and willpower – not all of us have made it this far. Many have fallen.)
There are several different types of ‘Special Chocobos’.
The Mountain Chocobo – Also known as the Green Chocobo. This bird has the ability to cross mountains.
The River Chocobo – Also known as the Blue Chocobo. This bird is able to cross any shallow body of water.
The Mountain-and-River Chocobo – Also known as the Black Chocobo. Guess what this one does…
The Ultimate Chocobo…. Also known as the Gold Chocobos. These can go anywhere! FEEL THE POWER.
Now you’re going to want to know how to get each type of Chocobo… as I’m feeling generous I’ll expand on that as well ^~. You can hug me later.
We shall go in the order of the type list. Here we go:
:: The Mountain Chocobo and the River Chocobo ::
To attain either of these you will need to mate a Great or a Good Chocobo using the Carob Nut. You are not able to buy this nut in a store as I mentioned previously in this guide. If you wish to get one of these nuts you will need to steal if from a Vlakorados that roam the woods near Bone Village.
Like mentioned before as well, if you want to increase the chances of producing one of these Special Chocobos then I would advice you to train both the parents to S-Class racers.
:: The Mountain-and-River Chocobo ::
This little cutie is created when a Mountain Chocobo and a River Chocobo mate using the Carob Nut. It will not be a sure thing that you will create one of these – but to increase your chances train the parents like Hell ~^.
:: The ULTIMATE Chocobo ::
Once you have your Black Chocobo (The Mountain-and-River Chocobo) you will be able to attempt to breed the Ultimate Chocobo. These Chocobos have the ability to travel anywhere they so desire. This will mean that you will have more access to some hidden parts of the games – so if you ask me they’re well worth the effort.
What you must do to see if you can get one of these is to breed the Black Chocobo with a Wonderful Chocobo and then feed them a Zeio Nut. Once again you cannot not purchase this nut… You must travel to the small island NorthEast of Chocobo Ranch. Just like with the Carob Nut you are going to have to steal it from a fiend. When you encounter some Goblins you should be able to steal the Zeio Nut during battle.
Good luck with your Chocobos! And…. Happy breeding =^~=.
Oh and thank you for reading. Don’t worry I have no plans for any other of my drivel works of art yet. Or do I…
*Cackles manically on in the background.*