Round two of the TOA is now underway. It ends on the 21st, so you have until then. PLEASE keep in mind all of the rules of the tournament, since we had a few who missed that in the first round. Good luck to you both!
Round two of the TOA is now underway. It ends on the 21st, so you have until then. PLEASE keep in mind all of the rules of the tournament, since we had a few who missed that in the first round. Good luck to you both!
The bout was over before it hardly began. It felt like it was ages as Sinumo slowly walked toward me and practically begged for me to take her. By the time she was within reach of my tail, the bells tolled their sound throughout the arena. In the last few moments, I wrapped my tail around her body and pulled her close to me. I peered into her eyes and put on a soft smile.
“Too bad we couldn't get off to a better start, eh?” I released my grip on her waist and flew off back into the waiting room's entrance. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I slowly shifted my eyes to the spot where the secretary had been left at from before. My heart pounded as I discovered that she was gone. She must have recovered during the time, or someone found her and gave her aid. I looked around the rest of the room and noticed that the brackets for the next round had already been placed on the board.
That's when I saw her. My eyes widened when I saw a scornful woman glare at me from behind the desk. I bit my lip as my tail fell to the ground in shame. I looked to the floor and opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I continued to look into her betrayed eyes.
My feet moved on their own and walked closer to the counter. She made no movements and just continued to glare at me with contempt. A tear ran down my cheek as I looked down from her.
“I...” I started to speak. She folded her arms and sneered at me. I had to fix this somehow, I really couldn't go on with the fact that I did something to upset her. After all, I really liked her.
I said no more and walked around the counter and through its entrance. She continued to stare at my movements and opened her mouth to speak.
“You're not allowed back here, you know that right? Please, just... leave.” she bit her lip and I could see that her eyes fill with water.
I shook my head and fell to my knees. I bowed by way of Japanese culture as a sign of great apology.
“...No. I will not leave until I have apologized for the sinful act I have committed. I wronged you and nearly took your life away. Had I...” I took a deep breath and sniffled, “Had I satiated my hunger before coming here, this wouldn't have happened. I was irresponsible and overestimated myself. Apology won't make things right, I know this. Just.. give me another chance.”
By this time, her head was turned away from mine and she looked elsewhere, a stream of tear down her cheek that glistened from the light above. She took a deep breath and spun her chair back to me. Her eyes were filled with hurt and betrayal.
“I had my eye on you, Ivy. Ever since I first saw you with the red hair, my heart fluttered and I wanted to get to know you better. Then, when you took the daring initiative... I was speechless. My mind raced so quickly, that all I could muster was the suggestion of going somewhere else. You treated me so lovingly that I lost all sense of self. And then...”
“My eyes changed color and it all went downhill from there. ...That was my hungered state. I do not like her very much. Normally I could keep it in check, but when I first saw you, I... couldn't control myself.” I swallowed and sniffled as my tear-filled eyes locked onto her own.
Her cheeks flushed and she looked away again, “So, what? Are you saying that you like me? You don't even know me. I don't even know you. And most of all, you...”
“.. I know. Don't say anymore.”
Before I knew it, I hadn't been on my knees anymore. We were both on our feet and stared into each other's soul. Our eyes had shed tears during the whole conversation. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her softly. I ran my fingers down her head and pet her softly. She held me tight and cried.
“Don't... do that to me anymore. If you.. promise to be good, I'll... we can go out somewhere after this whole thing is over.” She pulled herself from me and looked up at me. I bit my lip and gave a weak smile.
“You're not just saying that to get rid of me?” I wiped the tears from her eyes with a tissue, and used the same for my eyes. She shook her head and let off an equally weak smirk.
“Pfft. No... I... want this to work. You just.. have to remember to satiate your hunger before you see me. I really don't want to die in the hands of the girl I like. Do you know how that feels? It's... it's not very nice.” She let her grip on me weaken and stepped away.
“You're going to be late for your battle again. You better go. Your opponent this time isn't going to be so slow. Expect a challenge. And whatever you do... don't die. Come back to me.” She kissed me on the cheek and shooed me away from the counter. For but a moment, I stood there awestruck and dumbfounded. I felt like I was on fire.
“Don't worry... even if I do die, I'll come right back to you. Phoenixes have that power, you know. I just... won't look like I do now.” I blushed and walked away from her. She turned to face me with a raised brow. She would know what I meant when the time came.
For now, I hustled out of the waiting room and out into the main arena. This time the fight was held inside the Colosseum. I was actually there before my opponent. I took a few deep breaths to cool myself down from my previous encounter.
I sneered at myself as I stretched and prepared for the battle.
I still haven't gotten her freaking name! What the hell is wrong with me?
The bells sounded off, and I drew out an axe for this battle. I hadn't used an axe in five years, but maybe today will be the time I can really learn its potential.
So... that was eventful.