Okay, so, I know this isn't exactly Tuesday, but it's been a hectic week, between a remodel at the store, the MGS4 midnight launch, and then moving to a new store out in the middle of the boondocks. I apologize.
So, here's what we're going to do.
This year's tournament takes place in modern-day Rome. If your character does not fit into a modern setting, choose one who does, or tweak it so that it fits. Or make a new one. That works too. The tournament will take place in the Coliseum, as it is in present standards -- old, worn out, and falling apart (WITH ONE EXCEPTION - fill the ground with dirt, a la Gladiator. Present-day conditions leave it without a floor). There will be no crowds, only judges and the other participants. If you need motivation for fighting, it's for honor and pride. Let's include television crews as well, so the fights may be viewed by fans worldwide.
This is a fantastical modern setting, so magic is allowed. Follow the standard RPB guidelines to make this fit -- yes, this means minor curative magic is allowed! That's a tournament first.
I would prefer if all characters were of earthly origin.
Now, I'll have the registration up for a week. You'll have until roughly midnight on the night of the 21st (or morning of the 22nd, however you choose to look at it) to get your information posted. If there are any issues with one of your characters, I will stay up to date with this thread and pass along messages so that proper tweaks may be made. Remember, god-like characters are not allowed for tournaments.
I will accept eight entrants into this competition.
Remember, this is a writing contest, so complete sentences and proper word usage are important. We're not going to be grammar nazis; check out the stickied thread regarding judging for specific details. If your text is illegible, you will be denied.
I have a couple of judges in mind; I need to contact some people and see who's interested this time around. I will be picking from the prior pools of judges, so please do not spam up this thread asking to be a judge. I'm looking at guys like Psiko, Psychosyd, Shan'do Spike, and a couple of others, assuming none of them want to participate. There will, of course, be a panel of three judges, with myself being one of them.
I was going to supply a character template, but it's easier if you just write out the information as you usually would. I don't need a complete backstory, but some brief bio information along with the usual weapon and magic list would be good. Be sure to describe your character's physical qualities as well.
Psychosyd is a confirmed judge. One to go.
Psiko is a confirmed judge. The panel is complete.