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Thread: 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Raider v. Toph Bei Fong

  1. #1
    The Old Skool Warrior 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Raider v. Toph Bei Fong LocoColt04's Avatar
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    2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Raider v. Toph Bei Fong


    Hello, and welcome to the mid-year 2008 Tournament of Arms!

    Do remember, we are in a modern setting, and the tournament will be taking place inside of the Roman Coliseum. If you need further details, reference the information thread. If you need imagery help, reference the internet. Good luck to you both, and I'll see you in two weeks. You have until Friday, July 4th. Get going!


  2. #2
    Lady Succubus 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Raider v. Toph Bei Fong Victoria's Avatar
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    As the small scuffle between a few men had just ended, a representative of the Judges came through the glass double doors just as a gong sounded off to signal the start of the tournament. The woman had luscious curves about her and dressed appropriately conservative in her business suit. She knew how to tease with just the right amount of cleavage showing through her buttoned up baby blue shirt. Her silver hair flowed through the breeze brought in through the opening of the doors.

    I shifted my eyes toward her and checked her up and down as she made the announcement of who made the cut. I bit my lower lip and noticed my tail had subconsciously caressed me ever since she made her presence known. I felt my power shift once more as my eyes shifted color and my breasts grew fuller. Oh, I'm so hungry...

    My eyes peered deep into her soul. The color of my hair slowly started shifting colors of the rainbow and stopped at a soft strawberry color. Mmm, like redheads do you? I thought to myself as I caught my hands caressing my chest.

    I heard her speak my name as her blue eyes latched onto mine. Before I knew it, everyone had begun to look at me. My cheeks flushed for an instant and I cleared my throat as I willed my tail to fall back and straightened my shirt and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

    I caught her widen her eyes at me for a split second, and then bite her lower lip and wink at me. I guess she really did like red heads. She cleared her throat for attention and resumed naming off the rest of the participants of the bracket. Three entrants didn't make it this year. There's always next time for them.

    The bracket had been decided. My opponent went by the name of Sinumo Roth. I scouted the room for my second prey, and spotted a girl with black hair tied in ponytails. I had a hunch that she was the prey I was looking for. Not only because she was rather cute, but because she had locked her eyes onto mine. Ooh, why do this year's participants have to look so good? This is complete torture.

    I had to satiate my hunger soon or else it would get the best of me in battle and I wouldn't be able to do what I truly wanted. The last time my hunger overtook me in an important battle, I had nearly died. Normally one would think that I'd just seduce or manipulate them, but this person had a very strong will.

    During the time I had stared at Sinumo, the gong sounded off again. I broke my concentration as the secretary called out that the matches were to begin in fifteen minutes time. Perfect.

    Everyone went their separate ways, including Sinumo. I think she went in the direction of the restroom, I wasn't sure. My eyes wandered back to the secretary, who had also locked eyes with me. I took a deep breath and smelled her wonderful perfume of roses. My tail shoved me off of my seat and I found that I inched closer to her with each step and swayed my hips as I walked.

    It was just the two of us in this room now. The color of my cheeks brightened as my tail wrapped around her body and pulled her close. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her head aside by her hair and sniffed her neck.

    “Mm, you smell so nice.” I could already sense that my hunger had overtook me. At least I didn't prey on my opponent this time. I never really did like who I was when my hunger overtook me. I thought of her as a slut, but with what I am, I cannot help it. My other hand caressed her body and tore the buttons off her shirt. Sweat started to form around her face as her cheeks flushed with pink.

    “Um, Miss Ivy? W-wouldn't it be m-more appropriate if w-we went so-somewhere private?” she stared into my red eyes with a look of hot desire.

    “Aw, don't you want to be a little daring today?” I retorted as my tail continued its work. “Besides, this won't last for very long,” I gave a sly smirk as my tail slid into her and my lips touched hers to muffle her laments. A tingling shudder went through my body as I could feel her life energy seeping into me. A few moments of a lustful kiss brought her to the floor in a pale white skin tone and almost as thin as a skeleton. My eyes flashed back to green as I ran a finger to my lips and looked down.

    I bit my lip and winced as the pain of realization washed over me. I had really liked that girl, but because I was hungry, I nearly killed her with a kiss. If I had been satiated earlier, this wouldn't have happened. My heart wrenched as I pulled her body closer to the wall so she can sit upright. I opened up my briefcase and went through my Succubus First Aid kit. I grabbed a needle of B+ blood—because that's what type she was—and gave it to her. I rubbed the puncture with alcohol and gave her a bandaid. I kissed her on the cheek and whispered my apologies.

    As it was, I was probably already late for the start of the first round. I shoved the first aid kit back into my briefcase with haste and flew with succubus quickness onto the outside arena.

    There was a large walkway where our battle took place, and Sinumo had already stood near one of the ends. I wonder how long she waited for me.

    I flapped my wings for a soft landing and let out a sigh. I grabbed my tail and whipped it around as if it were a lasso and whipped it onto the ground.

    “I could see in your eyes that you want me, so come and get me!” I shouted with my hip cocked as I continued to handle my tail as a whip.

  3. #3
    Full Time Glompasaurus 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Raider v. Toph Bei Fong Raider's Avatar
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    [OCC: Sorry the delay my pc is broken have to work around it]

    Simuno had retrieved her weapons impatiently from the armory just before entering the arena. She stretched her neck as she waited for Ivy Roza, she pondered where someone with a name like that would come from. There was no time to ponder. She saw a slight movement from the edge of the Coliseum. Camera crews no doubt.

    There was yell from the other side of the arena. As she turned, she saw a figure on the opposite side of the arena. She knew this was it. Good, soon this will be over and i will have my money, this was the only thought going through her mind right now. Money.

    She wrapped the chain around her hand knowing the spikes would not break the leaf iron glove. in the other hand she could feel the soft cloth of the shikigami scrolls. They were slightly warm where the ink was.

    She checked herself over, tightening a few straps and ties to make sure she had no baggy clothing that would get in her way. Even though she couldn't know her eyes had a bright blue tint to them in excitement.

    "I feel no emotions come at me with what ever you've got," she screamed with astonishing ferocity to both Ivy and the TV shows. This was after all entertainment.

    She walked with a slow pace towards the other end weaving her chain mimicking Ivy's tail with mock envy. She could eventually make out the features of her. She wasn't wearing a lot. She didn't mind what people were wearing she just wanted to win. Her chain sped up as she grew more restless. Her eyes were also gradually changing hue as she got more and more exited; ready for the kill.
    Last edited by Raider; 06-26-2008 at 05:28 AM.

  4. #4
    The Lost Writer 2008 TOA Quarterfinals: Raider v. Toph Bei Fong Psiko's Avatar
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    The winner of this battle, due to disqualification, is...

    Toph Bei Fong!

    Raider, while your post was good you made a mistake. The rules clearly outline that you can't edit after 15 minutes have gone by. Sorry you had to lose this way, but rules are rules.

    Congrats Toph and good luck in round 2!

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