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Thread: Tower of Zot

  1. #1

    Tower of Zot

    So Final Fantasy IV was one of the few in the series that I have never gotten around to beating so i decided to make that my mission. So I am hacking away at the game and so forth and i am at the Tower of Zot and honestly I'm getting killed by the enemies in the tower its not that i can't defeat the random encounters its just that after two at the most i have to retreat back to town and use the inn. My levels are

    Cecil lvl 18 HP 976 MP 78
    Yang lvl 19 HP 814 MP 0
    Cid lvl 21 HP 857 MP 0
    Tellah lvl 22 HP 392 MP 90

    so what I am asking I suppose is your opinions on how high leveled my party should be. Also any other leveling tips or advice you can give WOULD BE GREAT!

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I just finished the Tower of Zot with even lower levels then you. I had no problem what so ever. Yes after 5 or so battles I would have to heal up but that was no problem once I ran out of MP I just used the Tent which was next to the end of the Tower anyways. Just gotta strategies better.

    Also I would like to add, you can beat both boss battles with ease at those levels. For the sisters just be sure to defeat the fat one first. And for the Wind lord, make sure to have Kain jump when the tornado is active. Other then that just be quick on the heals for when the spell Tornado hits someone.
    Last edited by loaf; 10-15-2009 at 12:25 PM.

  3. #3

    I agree

    I agree with you, this game really is much harder than the original. All I can recommend really is just going in, fighting a few battles, then leaving to heal up, then do it again. I know thats sort of a crappy suggestion, but I can't really think of many places which give really good experience that you could actually survive in up to that point. By the way, if you were thinking of playing FFIV through again, and you chose the DS version over the original or the GBA version, then shame on you. Everything about the DS version has been made worse. The stupid augments, Cecil's very useless Shadow ability, the cutscenes are extremely cheesy (especially when he takes the Bomb Ring to Mist and then is like 'What have I done? NOOOOOOO!'), Edward (but he was always useless in all fairness, just a bit worse now.) And of course its biggest let down: the re-done music sounds terrible, especially through DS speakers. I recommend you start this game again on the GBA. Now there's a good suggestion for you

    Hope I helped!

  4. #4
    Registered User Tower of Zot Toxo's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Re: Tower of Zot

    Woah...I'm currently in Zot and my characters are 30-40. I don't know how you guys make it with such low levels. (But then again, I never want to spend my items until the last dungeon...)

    Lali-hoe, I mean, ho!

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