Have you ever had that song or album that makes you just go, whoaa that's awesome, just leaves you in awe. I have had quite a few of these so here are 3 of my experiences.
1. Suicide Silence - Bludgeoned To Death - This was the first song i heard where i actually enjoying the screaming, i mean i had heard screaming before and just dismissed it as crap, and then i found this and i was like woooow that's brutal. It made me feel pumped and crazy.
2. Slipknot's Iwoa Album - I first discovered this last Christmas, the same time i discovered twilight. The odd thing is i cant read the first twilight book in one go or huge chunks unless i am listening to Iowa and the only light is my fairy lights and rocket lamp. I dont know what it was but i just felt right like that.
3. This is my current obsession that is happening right now- Owl City - I have got 'Hello Seattle' on loop and i dont know what it is about it but it makes me feel really warm in side. But all of his songs have moment which is pure epicness and juts makes me feel ultimately happy.
Now i dont know if its just me being a nutter or if you have some of these too, hopefully you do and if so, would you care yo share?