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  1. #1
    Fading into a dream Sevendust Dean Winchester's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Driving around the US hunting demons


    I had gotten into them back in middle school but i was never able to get any of their albums because of my age at that time. I just recently downloaded all their albums through a torrent. My 2nd fave band, i recorded a sample of me singing Skeleton Song on my laptop though the quality isn't really that great.

    I'm just finished listening to it, right now Angel's Son is playing.

    Sig and ave made by Violet, thanks again Violet!

  2. #2
    Protecter of the Crystals Sevendust rydia123's Avatar
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    Boise, ID Mos Eisley
    I think they suck lol.

    There just not a good band lol
    Childs music
    Its a madhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A MADHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Fading into a dream Sevendust Dean Winchester's Avatar
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    Driving around the US hunting demons
    Ok thats your opinion, having an opinion is fine but if you're just going to post that without giving a good reason then just don't say anything. You don't see me going to other users topics saying about what they like sucks and what not.


    If people like it fine, if they don't they don't i don't see why they have to post comments like that. Just keep it to yourself.
    Last edited by Dean Winchester; 08-19-2009 at 05:07 PM.

    Sig and ave made by Violet, thanks again Violet!

  4. #4
    Protecter of the Crystals Sevendust rydia123's Avatar
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    Boise, ID Mos Eisley

    I think sevendust sucks because there a re a bad band

    They have lame songs
    And there singer is a mainstream queer

    That's radio garbage.
    Mainstream crapola.
    They think they can play good but they can't

    They just like to run around on stage and jump around
    Like ladys.

    that's just my opinion.
    And I can express it all I want
    I don't have to keep it to myself

    And that's why we have freedom of speech so we don't have to keep it to our selfs

    Happy now cry baby? : D hahahah jk dawg
    Go take a nap
    Last edited by rydia123; 08-19-2009 at 05:07 PM.
    Its a madhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A MADHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    I got them in my playlist but I don't listen to them often. ^^"
    I like one song (Broken Down is the name, if I remember correctly), it is unfortunately the only one I really like. XD" I don't quite know why they're still in my playlist, but they're not bad.
    I kinda agree with rydia123 that the singer isn't that interesting. I wouldn't call it "mainstream", but I think he could make better. His voice is a bit too normal, perhaps he should shout a bit more. ^^ Then it would be quite nice. ^^

    The songs... I admit I haven't read one single lyrics of them, so I've no idea how good or bad the songs are. Perhaps I'll read some of the lyrics soon, so that I can tell you my opinion on the songs.

    Btw. rydia123, no offense, but a comment like "they suck lol" isn't very productive. You could really at least say what you dislike about them. I won't argue with you on the points you mentioned although I think that you're not quite right, but I also wondered why you said that they sucked. I mean, everyone has a different taste in music, but you could at least accept/tolerate those bands you don't like. NO BAND really sucks, because they all make music due to the fact that they love music. (There.. may be a few that want money, but they'll be forgotten after a year or two anyways XD") Just my two cents on that.

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  6. #6
    Protecter of the Crystals Sevendust rydia123's Avatar
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    Boise, ID Mos Eisley
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I got them in my playlist but I don't listen to them often. ^^"
    I like one song (Broken Down is the name, if I remember correctly), it is unfortunately the only one I really like. XD" I don't quite know why they're still in my playlist, but they're not bad.
    I kinda agree with rydia123 that the singer isn't that interesting. I wouldn't call it "mainstream", but I think he could make better. His voice is a bit too normal, perhaps he should shout a bit more. ^^ Then it would be quite nice. ^^

    The songs... I admit I haven't read one single lyrics of them, so I've no idea how good or bad the songs are. Perhaps I'll read some of the lyrics soon, so that I can tell you my opinion on the songs.

    Btw. rydia123, no offense, but a comment like "they suck lol" isn't very productive. You could really at least say what you dislike about them. I won't argue with you on the points you mentioned although I think that you're not quite right, but I also wondered why you said that they sucked. I mean, everyone has a different taste in music, but you could at least accept/tolerate those bands you don't like. NO BAND really sucks, because they all make music due to the fact that they love music. (There.. may be a few that want money, but they'll be forgotten after a year or two anyways XD") Just my two cents on that.

    theres not much more to say

    "they suck"

    pretty much sums the whole band up

    and yes

    alot of bands

    "do" suck
    tehres tons of bands that suck hah what are you talking about?

    everyone has bands they can think of that they think suck
    people that dont like
    that death metal screaming music
    but i love it
    people think that sucks
    or emo music lol
    alot of people hate emo music
    thoses are genres
    but theres bands in thoses genres

    and people hate thoses bands

    its jsut what you think

    and yes
    and alot more are very goo

    but there are bands that just arnt good.
    and you knwo it
    Last edited by rydia123; 08-20-2009 at 11:05 AM.
    Its a madhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A MADHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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