I had this discussion with my bro a long time ago, how I've heard people describe singers with raspy or growly voices as bad singers, when I don't really feel that way. To me, a raspy/growly voice has its place in music and its appropriate uses-like in lots of rock or big band-and if the individual is still hitting the vast majority of their notes on key, they're a good singer. For example, I really appreciate Roger from Less Than Jake's singing voice, and it has a bit of gravel to it, but he can sing really high notes on key (and Chris has a good voice too, though it doesn't go as high; it's more what I'm talking about, though.)

Another thing that makes me think about it is a conversation I had with a friend of mine a while back. He told me that my voice has gotten a little worse with time: a little more raspy than it used to be. And I was thinking, "I do that for effect. I can still sing without the rasp, or edge, if you will." Ultimately, it comes down to preference, most likely. And I guess there are singers whose voices I really like, but who generally probably wouldn't be considered as having "good" voices. Like Tom Waits, for example. Mostly his later stuff.

What is your opinion of the rasp and/or growl? Anyhoo...

Wuv, Yer Mom