So, folks.

A lot of digital radio stations can now be picked up over the world wide interwebz. I figure it's best only to ask about those since those are the only ones we can share, and nobody'll recognise anybody else's local stations. The Almighty Radio Two and others are famous and on the web anyway.

So. I love digital radio. It's a great way to find new music, and just listen in to some good old radio gabber. My station of choice is BBC Radio 6: listen in at Lots of variety. Old rock, new alternative, just good music, some weird stuff. Fun DJs. Because of them I've discovered some bands/artists I love to bits now: Feist (a year before she got famous for that sucky iPod shit. The Reminder's not her best album at all, I reserve a special hatred for the OMGAZ sooo luv feist lyk 123444!!!! crew), Dévics, Ben Iver, PJ Harvey...

I know a lot of those are old, but I'd never been exposed to them before. Do recommend that you listen in.

So. BBC 6 Music. What's yours?