k in final fantasy what songs did you like and I mean all the FF's
I love force your way
All the battle themes
Oooooo so hard to type them all
k in final fantasy what songs did you like and I mean all the FF's
I love force your way
All the battle themes
Oooooo so hard to type them all
Hi im misao94
Woooooo go final fantasy I love you final fantasy
go sir auron
Reply someone
Hi im misao94
Woooooo go final fantasy I love you final fantasy
go sir auron
I Like all the FF7 songs i even whistle the battle victory tune when i walk around.
all of them, especially
Those who Fight Further
Those Chosen by the Planet
Aerith's Theme
Cid's Theme
Sending a dream into the Universe
Shinra Co.
Mako Reactor
Opening-Bombing mission
Cait Sith's theme (I don't like the character, but the theme is cool)
Turks theme
Flowers Blooming in the Church
Birth of a God
One-Winged Angel
All of them, especially
Hymn of the Fayth
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
My junk:
Daz 3d! Awesome!
FF6: Terra
FF7: One Winged Angel
Aerith's theme
FF IX has some nice music like
Melodies Of Life - Soundtrack for FF IX
Rose of May
Battle Theme
Ambush Theme
Kuja´s Theme
The Place I´ll return
Hunters Chance...
and much more.
I do like :
to Zanarkand
Hymn of the Fayth
Aerith's Theme
Melodies Of Life
My TFF Family ^^
- my Annoying, Pestering, yet Lovable cousin.....Ralz
- my Loving Sweet and Slightly Crazy Cousin......PurpleDiamond
I love all the FF music. I love Vivi's Theme, winning music, oh and boss music XD
Im back ^^
JENOVA (favourite version's by the Black Mages, seek it out)
Don't Be Afraid
One Winged Angel
The Man With The Machine Gun
Those are my favourites. It's hard to pick tho. After all Uematsu's like the John Williams of video game music. Everything he does is simply amazing.
How do you guys know what the songs are called? Or am I just an undedicated fan?
My favourite piece is the FFVI WoR world map theme, but I also enjoy heaps of the music from FFIX, and would argue it's the pinnacle FF game in terms of music.
I like many songs. xD"
Toki no Hourousha (FFVI)
Cid's Theme (FFVII)
To Zanarkand (FFX)
You're Not Alone (FFIX)
Theme of the Empire (FFXII) <- I don't know if it's called that.. you know, the song in Archades... ^^
But basically.. I like all. .-." Except for One Winged Angel. I almost went crazy when I heard that song. X.x""
I have always really liked To Zanarkand. I was briefly committed to learning it, but it did not work out.
It is a shame, the new Final Fantasies have terrible music with the new crew. Bring back the legend.
Hey! Read my movie blog! http://centralfloridafilmcritic.blogspot.com
I Like the songs:
*Pure Heart (FFVII)
*Eyes On Me (FFVIII)
*MeLodies Of Life (FFIX)
*Suteki Da Ne (FFX)
*1000 Words (FFX-2)
*Kiss Me Goodbye (FFXII)
My Art Thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ngs-lol-3.html
my fave FF song...they are sooooooo~ many!!
but i'll mention the most i like..
- Memories of Waves and Lights (FFX-2)
- To Zanarkand (FFX)
- Real Emotion [Japanese version] (FFX-2)
- Yuna's Ballad (FFX-2)
- Otherworld (FFX)
- Why (FFVII: CC)
- Under The Apple Tree (FFVII: CC)
- One Winged Angel (FFVII)
- Tifa's Theme (FFVII)
- Aerith's theme (FFVII)
- Kiss Me Good-Bye (FFXII)
Last edited by SacredAngel13; 08-22-2009 at 10:05 PM.
-Tifa's Theme
-Aerith's Theme
-To Zanarkand
-One Winged Angel (orchestral version, you know the one with a bit of guitar?)
That's it, i haven't taken the time to listen to the others i downloaded. I will once i get Dissidia.
Sig and ave made by Violet, thanks again Violet!
I like:
Melodies of life (FF9)
1000 words (FF10-2)
Pure Heart(FF7)
Rose of May(FF9)
Eyes on me(FF8)
Hymn of faith(FF10)
Suteki da ne(FF10)
To Zanarkand(FF10)
Kiss me goodbye(FF12)
One-winged angel(FF7)
Liberi fatali(FF8)
Ok maybe I like all XD
Oh and I found on youtube a girl that sang and rearranged some of the Final Fantasy song very well!
You can find an example HERE
You are not alone
Roses of may
Hunter's chance
The landing
Th oath
Sabin and Edgar's theme (I dont know the name)
FF VI boss battle theme
FF VII battle theme
Almost everything from ff-7,ff-10,ff-12,ff-AC
But i recently got Crisis Core OST.I suggest you all to listen to this masterpiece
I like To Zanarkand and 1000 words. Which is mostly it
To Zanarkand, Melodies of Life, Eyes on me, One Winged Angel.