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Thread: Favourite Lessor Known Artists

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  1. #1
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Favourite Lesser Known Artists

    Just a thread for the artists not so many people seem to know about, be they local, harder to acquire, whatever.

    At the moment, the ones I can think that I like include:

    Tria Mera: Juz from Echoed Silence's solo Metal Project. Hellwish and Epitome of Destruction are prob my fave songs. One of my fave Aussie Metal acts.

    Echoed Silence: So far all I've heard are demos on their myspace page. Good stuff though.

    Switch 3: Just like them even if I have heard some similar music floating around. They pull their songs off well.

    devotion.: I originally thought them to be just another band to try to add me to their friends on myspace. I was pleasantly surprised. Where I've disliked many random adds, this one was alright.

    The Black Stars: Probably the lightest thing to make the list. It's good ol' rock. And it works. THey also send a free EP if you subscribe to their blog online.

    Sunken Chest (Pyrate Rock): I found these guys funny. They're pirates and they do the whole rock music thing. Brings fits of laughter to my poor old body.

    EDIT: I fixed the thread name hopefully. Happy?
    Last edited by Furore; 02-07-2008 at 04:34 AM.
    victoria aut mors

  2. #2
    Lady of the Flowers Favourite Lessor Known Artists Anthiena's Avatar
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    Let's see...

    -Dig Jelly
    A little rap, some hip hop, pop and a bit of hard rock... and they do one hell of a Rage Against the Machine cover.

    This is screaming speed metal and I rather like it. It's also Leviathan's band.(!)

    -The Good, the Bad, The Queen
    It's known in the UK, (it got a song to #25 there) but not so much in America. It's got the bassist from the Clash of all things.

    -Tab, the Band
    Joe Perry's (Aerosmith) kids. They sound like the Beatles.
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  3. #3
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Favourite Lessor Known Artists Tallulah's Avatar
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    The Bobby McGee's

    My friend Frankie used to be the drummer in this band (I'm not sure about now; her ex boyfriend is the double-bass player...)

    Basically, the two lead performers Jimmy (a tough Glaswegian fellow) and his girlfriend El (a girl-next-door type from Brighton), storm the stage in clown make-up, play ukeleles, and sing their own brand of catchy tunes, labelled 'tweecore' (well... El sings, Jimmy sort of talks... ) about everyday observations, especially centred around relationships. With song titles such as 'I've Got No Friends', 'The Greatest Star Wars Song Ever Written' and 'Please Don't Dump Me', it is easy to dismiss them as a novelty group, but they are a really good band, unique, to say the least.

    Their Myspace

  4. #4
    Sir Prize Favourite Lessor Known Artists Sinister's Avatar
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    It's rough for me to answer this. I could name off bands all day and none of you would have heard of any of them. But I'll go rare

    How many times can I say the name Sunshine Blind? Not enough. They were the greatest Goth/Darkwave since Switchblade Symphony. Greater even. Caroline Blind, wherever you are...I miss you as well as Goths everywhere.

    Phantom Vision


    Are as many as I can think of right now...


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  5. #5
    Favourite Lessor Known Artists Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    It's rough for me to answer this. I could name off bands all day and none of you would have heard of any of them. But I'll go rare

    How many times can I say the name Sunshine Blind? Not enough. They were the greatest Goth/Darkwave since Switchblade Symphony. Greater even. Caroline Blind, wherever you are...I miss you as well as Goths everywhere.

    Phantom Vision


    Are as many as I can think of right now...

    I love how you said you could name a lot of obsecure artists (which is the point of this thread), yet post very few artists.

    I could name quite a few, but really, whats considered obsecure as far as bands go? It can be reasonably said that artists within a country aren't obsecure, but are obsecure internationally.

    Are the BEach Boys obsecure, seeing as they haven't been active for at least 100 years? What about Wes Montgomery? Lionel Hampton? How about Benny Goodman, or Guitar Slim? Sammy Davis Jr? They weren't terribly popular outside of the US. Well, except Sammy Davis Jr.

    How about Savage Garden? Franki Valli? Carl Perkins? Charlie Daniels? Martina McBride? Chet Atkins? Dextors Conscience? Escape Escape? Ellington?

    Whats obsecure, I say! What!
    Last edited by Daddy; 02-07-2008 at 03:07 AM.

  6. #6
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrAlternative View Post
    I love how you said you could name a lot of obsecure artists (which is the point of this thread), yet post very few artists.

    I could name quite a few, but really, whats considered obsecure as far as bands go? It can be reasonably said that artists within a country aren't obsecure, but are obsecure internationally.

    Are the BEach Boys obsecure, seeing as they haven't been active for at least 100 years? What about Wes Montgomery? Lionel Hampton? How about Benny Goodman, or Guitar Slim? Sammy Davis Jr? They weren't terribly popular outside of the US. Well, except Sammy Davis Jr.

    How about Savage Garden? Franki Valli? Carl Perkins? Charlie Daniels? Martina McBride? Chet Atkins? Dextors Conscience? Escape Escape? Ellington?

    Whats obsecure, I say! What!
    'Lesser Known' were my choice of words. I wouldn't call the Beach Boys 'lesser known'. If an artist is local to a certain area yet unknown everywhere else, than yes, it's 'lesser known'.

    Just make a judgement call if unsure.
    Last edited by Furore; 02-07-2008 at 04:35 AM.
    victoria aut mors

  7. #7
    Sir Prize Favourite Lessor Known Artists Sinister's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrAlternative View Post
    I love how you said you could name a lot of obsecure artists (which is the point of this thread), yet post very few artists.
    I thought I made it clear that all of mine were obscure. Manifestly I am not going to post every band that I listen to, so I picked the rarest ones from my list. is spelled "obscure".


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  8. #8
    Favourite Lessor Known Artists Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    I thought I made it clear that all of mine were obscure. Manifestly I am not going to post every band that I listen to, so I picked the rarest ones from my list. is spelled "obscure".

    I didn't say they weren't obscure. I said you didn't post very many, even though you said you could list lots of them. The thread says "less known artists', not 'most obscure bands you know'. Fail.

    Other lesser known artists (off the top of my head); Black Flag (originators of hardcore punk), BoDeans, Fugazi, The Smiths (Depends on who you talk to), G.G. Allin, Mr. E and the Totally Obscure Band (while on the topic of obscurity), Straylight Run, Robert Johnson, Larry Carlton (okay, not really). I'm sure I'll think of others later.

  9. #9
    Arachnie Suicide Favourite Lessor Known Artists ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    First of all. It's "lesser". There's no such word as "lessor". At least, not in this context.

    Secondly. I like alot of artists that are lesser known. The few I choose to listen to currently, more than anybody else?
    -Hannah Fury
    -Emilie Autumn
    -Aural Vampire
    Last edited by ChloChloAriadne; 02-07-2008 at 02:41 PM. Reason: Thanks, Mr.Alternative.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiric Delirium View Post

    First of all. It's "lesser". There's no such word as "lessor".
    My bad, I apologise. However lessor is actually a word.

    Quote Originally Posted by google (I was lazy)
    # One who conveys property by lease.

    # The person or institution who owns and leases the vehicle to the lessee. The party funding the lease of the vehicle placed in lease service. It can be the dealer, a leasing company, or a financial institution such as a bank or credit union.

    # A person who owns a property and allows another to occupy it under a lease.

    # Depending on the type of the lease, either the owner of the leased property or the owner of the security interest in the leased property.

    # The owner of a property that is leased to another person.

    # The party who grants an Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease.

    # A landlord; one who gives a leasehold to a lessee.

    # One who grants lands under a lease.
    Anyways, here's some more I've listened to and at least not minded if not loved:

    - Fromberg Johnsen
    - Mike Glendinning
    - GaRdeNya
    - the catalyst
    - Dollface
    - The Mayor's Wife
    - Gypsy Leg and Frog Moth
    - Flossy
    - Harmony and Pollution
    - Termite
    - Us
    - ZOO
    - BRANTA
    - Grant Moff Tarkin
    - Wicked Automatic
    - Bleached Orchid
    - K.O.O.M.
    - Seattle Be The Day

    EDIT: Stupid me. Some here such as Seattle Be The Day might be collaborations. Several bands. XD
    Last edited by Furore; 02-07-2008 at 04:49 AM.
    victoria aut mors

  11. #11
    Favourite Lessor Known Artists Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiric Delirium View Post

    First of all. It's "lesser". There's no such word as "lessor".

    Secondly. I like alot of artists that are lesser known. The few I choose to listen to currently, more than anybody else?
    -Hannah Fury
    -Emilie Autumn
    -Aural Vampire
    Yes there is.

    So, really we should be listing bands that grant leases. In which case, I don't have a favourite.
    Last edited by Daddy; 02-07-2008 at 04:29 AM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Shiendar
    -The Good, the Bad, The Queen
    It's known in the UK, (it got a song to #25 there) but not so much in America. It's got the bassist from the Clash of all things.
    The fact that Damon Albarn is pretty big over here led to a little buzz for them, but they really aren't big here in America.

    Mogwai and the Magnetic Fields are two bands that come to mind. I have been listening to so much classic rock lately, that those are the only two obscure modern bands that I can think of.

  13. #13
    Pagan Altar
    Death SS
    Paul Chain
    Mortuary Drape
    Atlantean Kodex
    Brocas Helm
    Hour of 13

    Just to mention a few.

  14. #14
    Favourite Lessor Known Artists Jin's Avatar
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    Why are people fighting over such stupid things? Oh right, this is a music topic. That explains it. Lest we have imperfect posts in a recreational Final Fantasy forum.

    I'm not sure if my bands would be considered "lesser known" or not. I don't really keep up to date on who's heard of what. The only one I'm going to list, because I've never heard anyone else mention them, is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They play rock to metal versions of mostly Christmas songs, along with some of their own material. They also have a concept album about Beethoven that has a lot of his music rockerized. It's good stuff, really.

    I wonder how this post will be attacked. Not enough bands listed? I made a mistake on who's "lesser known"? A grammar or spelling mistake or god forbid a genuine typo? Mysteries abound.

    Until now!

  15. #15
    Favourite Lessor Known Artists Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu View Post
    Why are people fighting over such stupid things? Oh right, this is a music topic. That explains it. Lest we have imperfect posts in a recreational Final Fantasy forum.

    I'm not sure if my bands would be considered "lesser known" or not. I don't really keep up to date on who's heard of what. The only one I'm going to list, because I've never heard anyone else mention them, is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They play rock to metal versions of mostly Christmas songs, along with some of their own material. They also have a concept album about Beethoven that has a lot of his music rockerized. It's good stuff, really.

    I wonder how this post will be attacked. Not enough bands listed? I made a mistake on who's "lesser known"? A grammar or spelling mistake or god forbid a genuine typo? Mysteries abound.

    Well, the only thing you could be 'attacked' on is that Trans-Siberian Orchestra probably doesn't grant leases. I have a waaabulance on speed-dial, if that can generate a argument.


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