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Thread: Favorite OST?

  1. #1
    Sir Prize Favorite OST? Sinister's Avatar
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    Favorite OST?

    Well, you know those movies where the soundtrack fit perfectly and you started hunting it down at iTunes? List them here and tell the particulars of why.


    Brilliant British club music set to the pulpy and gritty underground lives of heroin addicts trying to paw themselves back from the grave.

    Waking Ned Divine-

    I'm part...more than half...Irish and most of the songs from this movie my grandmother sang to me as a child. Nostalgia and listening to them makes stout lagers taste better.

    Profundo Rosso-

    The goblins worked hard to give this film a unique 80s giallo/horror feel and they delivered. The music makes you dread every development and it turns it into a horrifying music video of a movie.

    Oh Brother Where art Thou?-

    It makes me smile and laugh.

    Session 9-

    Chokechain by Lou Barlow...that is all. It's not the only song in the movie, but once you hear it, it chills you to the bone and you'll always remember.


    Disappearing Act by Chris Cornell ends the movie and sets the mood to this dark comedy. The song makes you think you've really lost corresponds to the movie perfectly.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  2. #2
    Registered User Favorite OST?
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    Re: Favorite OST?

    I'm a bit of a soundtrack junkie, so I have quite a few in my collection. In terms of my favorites, I'll narrow it down to these:

    Batman Begins: I also own the OST of The Dark Knight, but I enjoy Batman Begins a little more. Both soundtracks do well to emphasize the dark and more gritty revamp of the Batman franchise, but the themes in Batman Begins seem composed better and are more memorable to me.

    Edward Scissorhands: Hunted this down mainly for the song playing at the end of the movie and Ice Dance. While those two songs (and a few others) are sweetly sad, there's still some songs that have Danny Elfman's quirkiness to them. This OST has a nice mix of that throughout. ^^

    Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street: I have the OST from the movie, and a few songs from the broadway play. I enjoyed the dark lyrical content of the songs.

    I have a few Disney Soundtracks from the animated movies, mostly because they're damn catchy. My favorites would probably be Beauty and the Beast and Tarzan. The Tarzan soundtrack is fun and really catchy (and features music from Phil Collins~), and the OST of Beauty and the Beast is just wonderful, particularly Be Our Guest.

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - I used to have all three soundtracks from the three movies, but they started to sound a bit samey to me, so I downsized to just a few songs from the second film. Love the jauntiness of some of the tunes.

    Prince of Egypt - Picked this up because I wanted The Plagues and a few of the orchestral works, but the whole OST is pretty powerful, and very fitting of the subject matter of the film.
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  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite OST?

    I agree on Sweeney Todd, though I've not listened to it much lately. Also, I think my bro had the Trainspotting soundtrack, which means I'd probably like it too.

    I love Howard Shore's scores for the three Lord of the Rings movies. Got the one for Return of the King when the movie came out, mostly for the track "The White Tree," which is that scene where the beacons are being lit:

    The first CD I ever owned was "The Transformers: The Movie" Soundtrack. All that awesome 80's Hair Metal/Butt Rock, plus the score by Vince Dicola. 80's kids should always remember "The Touch" and "Dare" by Stan Bush. Although one of my favorite tracks was "The Death of Optimus Prime." (The closest to what I could find of what was on the original soundtrack...)

    Another awesome 80's soundtrack was the one to Akira. Very eclectic. Kaneda's Theme is my favorite.

    Earlier this year, I got the Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World soundtrack(s). There are some pretty awesome songs on there, including "Black Sheep" by Metric, "Threshold" by Beck (performed by Sex Bob-Omb) etc.

    End of Evangelion also had a great soundtrack, though a lot of the tracks were the same as the series. I like Itsuwari no Saisei-which has the added bonus of being played when Asuka starts to kick some ass-and Heisoku no Kakudai quite a bit.

    That's all I can think of for now. There's a lot of television and musical soundtracks I like a lot, too. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Favorite OST? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite OST?

    My favourite OST would have to be 'Donnie Darko'. This may seem biased because it's my favourite movie, but the soundtrack is one of the big reasons why I like the film.

    It's not just the soundtrack, which has great songs such as 'Mad World' by Gary Jules, 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' by Joy Division and 'Notorious' by Duran Duran, but the score of the film is amazing too. The score is done completely by Michael Andrews, who also plays the piano on 'Mad World'. Just check out 'The Artifact and the Living', which is definitely the standout piece.

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