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Thread: A Cappella versions of songs

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    A Cappella versions of songs

    So today on Facebook, Reel Big Fish posted a video of an A Cappella choir doing their song "Ban the Tube Top:"

    I thought it was awesome and posted it myself, to which my brother responded with an A Cappella version of Fugazi's "Waiting Room:"

    And now... I wanna see more. Obviously, everyone's probably seen some A Cappella rendition of the Super Mario Bros. theme or the Zelda theme... but if you have a link, go ahead and post it, because it's awesome, or something! Dunno why. Guess I just love choir, especially from back in the day when I was in it during High School and College. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Here's Coheed's "Wake Up:"

  2. #2

    Re: A Cappella versions of songs

    YouTube - I'm On A Boat A Cappella
    ^ I'm on a boat, bitch.

    YouTube - Teenage Dream & Just the way you are - Acapella Cover - Katy Perry - Bruno Mars - Mike Tompkins
    ^ Look, it's a guy with bed head doing Katy Perry.

    YouTube - CLARA-The Christmas Song A Cappella [Cover]
    ^ Clara Chung is kind of amazing. I might kind of love homo.
    And it's out of season, but whatever.

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