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Thread: Wife cant beat Odin lol

  1. #1

    Wife cant beat Odin lol

    My wife is a breking her FF virginity on FF3 ds...She cant beat odin and isnt ure how she should set her jobs up either...Yes i could do it for her,but she wont hand the bloody Ds over and i havnt played FF on a Ds..Could anyone please help out with advice on the above problems shes having?

  2. #2
    Ellipsis Wife cant beat Odin lol Meigumi's Avatar
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    Try to make sure your members are well-equipped, and make sure you have ONE healer at hand, and have him/her to 'learn' white-labled spells.

    Happy killing, kupo. ^^
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  3. #3
    Soldier 1st Class Wife cant beat Odin lol Tietsu's Avatar
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    OMG i had problems with odin too all you need to do is get well equiped an make sure are high enough level but i cant remember wat lvl xP

  4. #4
    I believe I beat Odin around lvl 33. Though my Black Mage is always a lvl behind as I ran out of Phoenix Downs in Goldor's mansion. *grumble* *grumble*

  5. #5
    One word of warning:

    If she wants a Dragoon who truly does the damage, don't defeat Odin until you have a job level 71 or above Thief! The Thief should try to steal Odin's heavy lance, Gungnir before your party kills Odin. Of course, once Odin is dead, no Gungnir. The lance gives a Dragoon some serious power.

    Regards and Luck, Kyuzo.
    Forever suffering from the 'CONFUSION' status effect...

  6. #6
    Paradigm Shift Wife cant beat Odin lol FFTheBest's Avatar
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    Well I have a massive Final Fantasy III walkthrough book and I think he has about 32,000 HP. I hope that helps to work out a strategy!

  7. #7
    Women can't beat Odin. It's science.

  8. #8
    Paradigm Shift Wife cant beat Odin lol FFTheBest's Avatar
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    It's also because they take to long to choose a command and by the time they do, they don't know what's going on. LOL!

  9. #9
    I actually had to install some upgrades on my girlfriend so she'd run faster!

  10. #10
    Paradigm Shift Wife cant beat Odin lol FFTheBest's Avatar
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    I would be too embarrassed to tell the FF public that my wife can't beat Odin to save her life.
    "Humans are tools, I'm not gonna die for one of them..." - Lightning - FFXIII

  11. #11
    Selkie in training Wife cant beat Odin lol Silver Spyro's Avatar
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    I don't blame her, I had a hard time with him to
    Call me Silver.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Silver Spyro View Post
    I don't blame her, I had a hard time with him to
    So you're Keith's wife?

  13. #13
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Wife cant beat Odin lol Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I'd Like to see anyones Wife Try to beat Odin...He is an Ultimate Bad-Ass...LOL
    Anyway, Happy Posting Fellas

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  14. #14
    Registered User Wife cant beat Odin lol Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: Wife cant beat Odin lol

    Why is everyone saying that Odin is hard? Just grind with your party as full monks/black belts (Black belts preferably) so you get more vitality (Which gives you more hp when you level up) and then go back and kill him after you got a (Job) level 99 thief, so you can get gungnir

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  15. #15
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Wife cant beat Odin lol chrono's Avatar
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    Re: Wife cant beat Odin lol

    Your wife like final fantasy.......whats her number?

    seriously though that would be cool if i could find a woman like that.
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