UPDATED 12/30/2006 This is an refined Cheat/Glitch/Fun Stuff Thread. If yo find Errors, or want to add something just post and let me know!!!
Let me know what you think!
| Section I. *** O N I O N K N I G H T ***
The Onion Knight was the default version in the original FFIII game. Since it was pretty much replaced by the Freelancer class this time around, Square-Enix decided to make it a secret job only unlockable by the use of Mog-Net.
1. Requirements
There are two requirements that you must meet in order to trigger the Onion
Knight Job side quest. Note that you will need to have Wi-Fi access in order
to get this job.
1. First, you must SEND at least 7 letters to your friends over Wi-Fi, note
that you can send 7 to one person or many.
2. Receive 4 letters from Topapa.
This is attainable by sending 4 letters to him, on his fourth reply, he
will tell you to go back to Ur, so do so.
2. The Lost Children
Once you are in Ur, speak with Topapa himself (he is the elder of the village in case you forgot; his house is blue right in front of the entrance of Ur). If you have been paying close attention to his letters, you would know that the children are lost because they went to play too far from the village. Elder Topapa will entrust you the mission of rescuing the children. Now, go to the Altar Cave found to the north.
3. The Altar Cave
Recommended level: 13
As soon as you enter the cave, go south and down the stairs. Obviously, the enemies are not a problem because they are the same you encountered when you were level 1. Once you go downstairs, continue west across the path and a cut scene will ensue; it seems our four heroes have found the children! Nevertheless, wait! The children are being attacked by Bombs!
4. Boss Fight!!!
Bomb x3
HP: 350 each
Difficulty: *
Strategy: If you have gone to the Subterranean Lake before doing this, then you should know that the Bombs are weak to Ice magic. This should not pose a problem to your party unless you are below level 13. Just keep casting Blizzara/Blizzard and/or using your Ice Staves. Their Self-Destruct attack can still hurt, though, so heal as necessary.
You get 330 Gil and 300 EXP for your trouble.
The children will now thank you but before you go back to Ur, they will stop you and give you one last shard of the Wind Crystal..., which will let you change into the Onion Knight Job! Congratulations!
5. Job Overview
Okay, the Onion Knight is not all that great when you first get it, the reason is because this job has really late maturity rate, which means the job will be EXTREMELY weak, however, starting level 90 (character level, not job level), the Onion knight will start to pick up, even reaching the highest growth level at 99, with 99 on all stats!
On top of that, the class is able to cast both Level. 8 white and black magic, so I guess it is a way to reward players that depend on grinding in order to progress.
Now, even though the Onion Knight's can equip every item, except the Job Mastery ones, stated before, they have their own armor. These are called the Onion Equipment. They are found by slaying Dragons, found in the ??? Cave and Crystal Tower. They are very powerful, and are dangerous to hunt. Scroll down to the ??? cave explanation to get more info.
The following is a list of all the quests involved with the Legendary Blacksmith of Final Fantasy III. The rewards for the hard work involved in this line of tasks includes the most powerful weapon in the game and each job's master item, and piece of equipment awarded to those who reach Job Lvl.99 in a profession (job).
Note: A certain amount of messages to other players via Mog-Net are required for receiving messages from the NPCs required to finish this line of questing. If you are unable to receive a reply from Sara, Takka, or Cid after fulfilling the prerequisites the problem is <u>most probably</u> a lack of communication between you and other players. THIS IS IMPORTANT!, so start collecting those Mog-Net codes!
Note: This quest line should be left until late game after you have acquired The Invincible and defeated Doga/Unei to receive the key to Syrcus/Crystal Tower and the dream world Eureka.
1. Sara's Broken Pendant
Begin trading mail with Sara, princess of Sasune. Upon receiving her fourth reply, she asks the group to return to Sasune Castle and speak with her. Sara informs you that her special pendant is broken and if you could find someone capable of repairing the heirloom.
Take the pendant to Takka is the village of Kazus, he examines the pendant but informs the group that it is far beyond his abilities. You are now out of luck.
Begin trading mail with Takka and Cid (the airship builder from early in the game), upon receiving the fourth reply from Takka, he mentions a legendary blacksmith! Travel to NW (Northwest) Saronia and on the right side between the trees and the buildings should be a silver haired woman, she is the Legendary Blacksmith.
The group and her converse and she agrees to fix the pendant, in return she asks that if you are to ever run across a very rare metal known as Orichalcum, that you bring it to her so she may work with it. In return, she agrees to give you whatever she is able to make from the metal. Good deal.
Return to Castle Sasune and return the pendant to Sara (this is not required, but give the girl her treasure back lol).
Make sure to trade another mail with Takka for a fifth reply where he mentions the Orichalum
2. Orichalcum
If you have been trading mail with Cid, good. When you receive his fifth reply, he tells you that his wife was scared by a monster that has taken up residence in his basement. Its time for the heroes to investigate! Go to Cid's house in Canaan and fight this dastardly creature.
Basement Creature: Aeon
Level - 42, HP - 10060, Gil - 3200, Exp - 10200
Aeon can strike twice per turn and can perform Earthquake that can do 1400-1500 dmg to those with lower magical defense. Nothing to worry about.
When the creature is defeated, it leaves behind an odd metal that the party cannot identify, go back upstairs and talk to Cid. Cid reveals that it is in fact the rare metal Orichalcum! Now you have the material, you need to get back to the blacksmith...unfortunately, she is nowhere to be found...
If you had been following the story, waited until you have acquired defeated Titan, and acquired the Earth crystal, then you are in good shape. If not, you have to wait until you get to this point to continue.
In order to make the Smith appear again, you must open the door to the dream world Eureka that Doga and Unei gave you. Travel through the Ancient Ruins where you fought Titan (its very straight forward), and once you get through the Crystal Tower lies before you. Go inside the tower and go forward, up the giant stairs, and thru the central opening. Proceed forward and activate the door, which begins the sequence. Congratulations, you have opened the door to Eureka. This place is full of powerful items and the town at the end holds the strongest magic for purchase in the game, proceed thru it if you wish, I wont guide you thru it.
3. Legendary Smith Ultima Weapon
When you are ready to leave Eureka, Teleport out and go back thru the Ancient Ruins to reach the outside world again. Board The Invincible and proceed to Saronia, go a bit southwest thru a valley with no river (this is rare in that area) and follow it (hopping mountains along the way) to reach the city of Falbagard. If everything has been done right, the Legendary Smith appears in the town just right of the weapon shop. Talk to her.
The Smith will construct your Orichalcum into the Ultima Weapon (Sword, Atk 150 +15 all stats)! She will then tell you she must leave to continue her journey. The smith now wanders.
4. Legendary Smith Master Weapon Part A.
Once The Legendary Smith has given you your Ultima Weapon and sent wandering, she will be able to reward you for reaching Lvl.99 in any job. Their is no point in seeking her out unless you have reached this goal (you must repeat it every time you want to receive an item from her, she only gives one at a time), if you haven’t she will say something trivial and wander again to another town.
When carrying out this seiris of forgings, the blacksmith actually randomly travels around the world. Once you enter and leave a town, her position will be re-randomized again. So, what you can do is to get a small airship, and travel across two close towns that she frequents, until you found her.
One pair of places would be Gysal village on the east of floating island and the little hidden forest to the west of it (where you can meet with one mini person and two recovery springs). It's just a half an inch to the west, you will not miss it.
Use airship to travel back and forth, and by some chance you will see her appear in either one place.
And remember, the character who is going to get the equipment has to be IN THE TEAM. For example, if you have a level 99 thief, that person has to be changed into a thief BEFORE you start talking to her. Otherwise, she will not forge you anything and then that encounter will end.
5. Legendary Smith Locations for Master Job Cards & Master Weapons
Ur, in the well
Sasune Castle, third floor east tower
Healing Copse, the grove where you land before entering the gnome village
Village of the Ancients, Inn
Gyshal, Chocobo Pen
Dwarven Hollows, entrance to Subterranean Lake
Replito, inside the northernmost house
Saronia Castle, second basement level
Doga's Village, Central Island
Ancient Ruins, Inn
6. Legendary Smith Master Weapons
Rewards for Lvl.99 Job:
Freelancer: Celestial Gloves [ Def +40, Magic Def +18, All Stats: +15]
Black Mage: Lilith Rod [ Atk 110, Int +20, Casts Death]
Monk: Shura Gloves [ Def +45, Magic Def +19, Str +20]
Thief: Gladius [ Atk 130, Agi +20]
Red Mage: Crimson Vest [ Def +50, Magic Def +25, All Stats: +10]
Warrior: Gigantic Axe [ Atk 155, Str +20 ]
White Mage: Angel Robe [ Def +45, Magic Def + 48, Mnd +28 ]
Onion Knight: Onion Blade [ Atk 150, All Stats: +7 ]
Geomancer: Blessed Bell [ Atk 130, Agi/Mnd/Int +10 ]
Knight: Save the Queen [ Atk 140, Vit/Mnd +10, Casts: Reflect ]
Ranger: Artemis Bow [ Atk 122, Str/Agi +10 ]
Scholar: Omnitome [ Atk 130, Int +10, Mnd +5 ]
Bard: Ballad Crown [ Def +35, Magic Def +34, Vit/Mnd +10 ]
Dark Knight: Murakumo [ Atk 140, Effective v. Dividing Enemies, Agi +20 ]
Dragoon: Magic Lance [ Atk 145, Str +20 ]
Evoker: Royal Crown [ Def +33, Magic Def +36, Int/Mnd +10 ]
Viking: Mighty Hammer [ Atk 145, Deals Lightning Dmg, Vit +20 ]
Black Belt: Master Dogi [ Def +54, Magic Def +23, Agi/Mnd +10 ]
Devout: Holy Wand [ Atk 110, Mnd +20, Casts: Curaga]
Magus: Millenium Rod [ Atk 110, Mnd/Int +10, Casts: Blizzaga]
Ninja: Muramasa [ Atk 140, Effective v. Dividing Enemies, Str/Vit/Int/Mnd +5, Agi +10 ]
Sage: Sage Staff [ Atk 110, All Stats +10 ]
Summoner: Astral Bracers [ Def +47, Magic Def +20, Int/Mnd +10 ]
| [I]Section III. T H E S E C R E T (???) D U N G E O N Iron Giant and Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons Oh My!
1. Send a total 7 emails to another PC (one at a time or several at once) using Mog Net.
2. Send 4 emails using Mog Net to the NPC "The 4 Elderly".
3. Send 4 emails to King Arusu. After reading the fourth email, you will unlock a quest.
4. Go ride on the airship that can go underwater.
5. Head for the floating island and once it appears on the screen, travel cardinally EAST.
6. You will eventually see a shadow in the waters. Dive under water and bump into the colored coral on the ocean floor.
7. If you wander more that halfway in it will cut to a scene and you begin a battle with Iron Giant (be prepared to die).
Iron Giant
Level: 81
HP: 199999
Gil: 99999
EXP: 99999
Weakness: None
Att: 255
Def: 155
Location: Underwater ??? Cave
Drops: None
Note: This boss looks strangely like the Iron Giant of the same name from the movie of the same name.
This boss is only unlock able through means of Wi-Fi. Also, he attacks four times per round, and likes to use Meteo.
You also obtain "Metal Card" afterwards proving you fell this beast. Can be attached as a signature in Mog-Net Mail.
Yellow Dragon
Level: 50
HP: 79999
Gil: 12000
EXP: 30000
Weakness: None
Att: 107
Def: 40
Green Dragon
Level: 60
HP: 89999
Gil: 13330
EXP: 45000
Weakness: None
Att: 129
Def: 45
Red Dragon
Level: 70
HP: 99999
Gil: 14666
EXP: 60000
Weakness: None
Att: 150
Def: 50
The easiest to hunt, are Yellow Dragons and the hardest are Red Dragons.
All 3 Dragons drop Onion Swords and Shields.
However, each dragon drops armor, which is rare.
Yellow Dragons- Onion Helm 4.5%
Green Dragons- Onion 4.5%
Red Dragons- Onion Armor 4.5%
All of them have the to drop Onion Swords and Shields,
at these %'.
Onion Swords- 1.5%
Onion Shield- 8.0%
Here are the armor stats, taken from guide.
Name-Onion Helm
Magic -40
Bonus-+5 , +5 Mind
Job-Onion Knights
Name-Onion Armor
Magic -40
Bonus-+5 , +5
Job-Onion Knights
Name-Onion Gauntlets
Magic -25
Bonus-+3 All
Job-Onion Knights
Name-Onion Shield
Magic -30
Bonus-+2 All
Job-Onion Knights
Name-Onion Sword
Bonus-+5 All
Job-Onion Knights
Duplicate Consumable Items - Glitch
WARNING This takes advantage of a glitch in the game, therefore it MAY jeopardizes saved data on cartridge.
Use with discretion.
Duplicate Items like Potion, Artic Wind, Elixer, Ether ect...
1. Open the menu during "world mode" (i.e., not in a battle).
2. Select "Items" and put the item you want duplicated in the top left corner of the item list.
3. Engage in a random battle. During battle, select the item command for any character.
4. Your cursor should be at the very top left of the item box (and on the item you have placed there). Press UP and A at the same time. This should briefly take you to Weapon and Shield lists. If you see this, the code has worked after you hit the B button. Go to your inventory and you will notice that the item quantity has been added by one. You may do this for any item that is stackable.
Duplicate Magic - Glitch
WARNING This takes advantage of a glitch in the game, therefore it MAY jeopardizes saved data on cartridge.
1. Open the menu during "walkabout mode" (i.e., not in a battle).
2. Select Magic and go to any character and select him using the A button. Note that this character, if he or she has magic existing already, may have his spells overwritten if you carry through on this glitch.
3. Go select Trade on the magic menu and highlight a character with the magic you want to duplicate, but do not push the A button. Instead, after highlighting the target character, press the B button to cancel the "trade command".
4. Once back on the first character you chose, select the "Remove" command and move your cursor to the level and space of magic you wish to duplicate from the second character you had highlighted before. You will get the error message, but you are removing the magic that you do not have (duplicated magic).
Order of Jobs Unlocking
Starting class: Freelancer
1st Job set: Warrior, Monk, White mage, Black mage, Red mage, Thief.
2nd Job set: Ranger, Knight, Scholar, Geomancer.
3rd Job set: Dragoon, Viking, Dark Knight, Evoker, Bard.
4th Job set: Black Belt, Devout, Magus, Summoner, Sage, Ninja.