Mine is Arc because he resembles me a lot.
Mine is Arc because he resembles me a lot.
I like them all about the same really, but if I had to pick, it would be a tie between Luneth and Ingus, which is sort of crazy because these two characters are so opposite from each other!
I may just be a bit more partial to Luneth though, and he's the one that I always pick to have as the character that walks around on the World map, and I like his carefree attitude.
Ingus may be just a bit too serious, but I like that he fits the role of "the honor-bound knight" in the game. Also, I find it sweet that he has a thing for Princess Sara, which may be a bit redundant (a knight and a princess... Where HAVEN'T we heard that one.) but it's still cute.
Click at your own risk.:
I'll have to go with Ingus on this one. No real special reason, he just shined better to me. His "love interest" with Sara is... acceptable. Overall, he seems to have more of a character than Luneth at times. o_O Also, he can become a Red Mage, which makes him cool.
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
This is a joke, right? These characters are completely redundant. Aside from the stuff in the first town, I don't recall there being any characterisation, whatsoever.
That's why the FFIII character in Dissidia is completely silly. they even made up some BS about him being too logical. Where that managed to come into FFIII is anyone's guess.
Like the guy who you find in the dragon nest and he has awful memory, because got bad memory myself and yeah have forgotten his name..
But from the voting list it would so have to be Ingus. He is a powerful swordsman and is relationship or crush with the princess is so shy, it's really cute and adorable. Ingus seems almost like Cloud from FFVII in a way just without the mental issues and the black materia fits..
When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
Power, the world will know peace.
~Jimmy Hendrix~
Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature
I have to say I never noticed anyone in the FFIII game who showed "intelligence." Even that Arc kid who supposed to be a genius doesnt really... do anything but fight. And if OK's version of "logic" is turning tail and running every chance he gets... I feel sorry for him. -_-
Then again, it might be Squeenix's master plan, making us think OK has a brain, forcing us to go back to FFIII and check to see if its true, when its not. Sneaky...
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
Why can't Desch be up there? He had an awesome backstory in respect to the game. Plus he survived fixing the Tower of Owen - the man is well accomplished.
Out of the choices I'll have to choose Ingus; he was the most capable warrior out of all of them and I liked his simple romance story with Sarah. A simple romance that created a nice couple. . . until in the sequel we find out that Ingus left Sarah with 5 kids for Refia as the latter is a stripper (psst for those confused there is no sequel).
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
I like Arc because he's a nice kid![]()
Oh, I liked all of them, really. <3
But my favorite one was Ingus ^^ I like this kind of character... loyal, aiming to help a special person, not talking that much, knight... And he was cute, of course. xD"
But I also liked Arc, as he was so gentle and sweet... <3
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
I was about to choose Refia, but then I thought how Luneth was so much fun. But THEN I remembered playing as White Mage Ingus with two lightning staffs. That made him look like a saint with all the pale colours... And that fanfare-macho-move of his in those silly garments. Ahh...This is way too difficult. I can't choose any above other!
Lali-hoe, I mean, ho!
I obviously chose Luneth, i mean its my screen name.
Refia, shes super cute!
luneth and ingus by FAR out of all four of those,like i think there both pretty cool and i use them the most in the game
My favourite character in FF III is Ingus, but my vote went to Luneth cause we have near exact same personality
When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
Power, the world will know peace.
~Jimmy Hendrix~
Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature
Arc is the cutest one, followed closely by the grumpy Refia.
Mine was Refia because shes a red head just like me. Also in my group my nickname became Refia and on all my friends games they renamed her Jack. (Thats my name)