Oh, that's right, that's another problem I have: I don't know anyone playing the game except for you. So I'd probably have no one to play with. ^^" Hmm.. it's okay. Not the best game of FF, but it's nice. It's just a bit... boring. ^^" I can't play it for hours, I have to stop playing after about an hour, but I can't tell you why. I've been playing it for 2 months now, and I'm only at 60 hours. ^^" Oh, wait, that's 1 hour per day. O.o" Okay, that IS much. ^^"""
lol its okay. That game isn't for everyone and I'm not so sure how much longer it will maintain my interest. It kinda ebbs and flows. It sucks that most of the time the people I want to play with are on at times I can't be. Oh well. How is FFXIII?
*pokes back* ^^ I still haven't bought XI. I don't work, I'm a university student, I have to pay enough for studying. .-. So 13 $/month is way too much for me >//< And I feel like I don't have any time to play. I'm still playing FFXIII, for example, though I bought it when it came out (!!) XD" But, at least, I'm in the last chapter already... *meh*
TFF is boring to me most of the time lol. I do have you, though, and that in itself is super awesome. I can understand your being upset over that situation. Oh well, I guess you can't change things that other people do or think. Life would be way too easy if you could. ^^ You luck out if you join in now. You can get ALL the expansions included for the low price of $15. Gamestop.com - Buy Final Fantasy XI Ultimate Collection - PC Monthly fee? $12.95 plus $1 for any character beyond the first. Not bad at all, if you ask me.
You also have TFF and me. As far as I can see... I'm the only one writing you VMs XD And you surely have some games you could replay Perhaps by tomorrow the week won't be good anymore. XD" My boyfriend asked me today if I'd like to accompany him to a friend's birthday party tomorrow. I'd really have liked to, but it seems his friend doesn't want me to come. O_o" She doesn't know me, so it's nothing personal. But she's afraid that he won't pay her any attention. XD" So, basically, I'm a bit pissed off right now ^^"" Sounds nice, especially the add-on part of the game. ^^" I don't really know much about the game, so... perhaps you could tell me how much it costs. Do I have to pay monthly? And how much do I have to pay? ^^"
My vacation is nine days. I'm enjoying most of it, although being at home does start to wear on a person after a while. Good thing I have books, writing, and FFXI to keep me company most of the afternoons. Glad your week is good...so far. ^^ FFXI is definitely fun and worth playing. I love the game, most days. And the add-ons are usually only every few months, except for the very occasional maintenance that becomes necessary. Really not all that bad, IMO.
Vacation... I'm so happy mine is over finally. xD" I liked being at home all the time at first, but then it got boring. How long's your vacation? My week was... nice? I don't know. Nothing special happened, except that spring break is over. So... I think it was a good week so far. ^^ Which game? What are you talking about??? (I'll never mention it again, I promise >//<) I haven't played FFXI so far. Is it worth playing? Oo I don't really like games on the internet. ^^" I wanted to play Flyff once, but I never actually played, because it only downloaded add-ons when I started it. EVERY F-ING DAY! XD" That's why I stopped even trying those games... ^^"
Thankfully I'm doing much better this week. Vacation from work might have something to do to assist that, though not completely due to that. How is your week so far this week??? FFII is TERRIBLE. Not was, still is. Ewwwww never speak of that game. It does not exist. I've spent the past few afternoons playing some Final Fantasy XI when I haven't been reading or walking outside. Have you ever considered playing it? I bet you'd have a blast pwning monsters with me. ^^;
I hope your week got better? Mine did, actually. And mine wasn't that bad at all. XD At least no one is as active as you are. :3 Maybe we should just talk/rant about FFII. I remember you told me it was your least favorite FF...? I found it awful X.x"
I highly doubt there is anyone who does. Yesterday was perhaps the worst of it, so I hope that ends up being the turning point to where it slingshots back up again. It is hard to assess at this point in time, though. There are others who are perhaps obsessed with the Skool of Old, but I think you are correct: there are none who can compare. ^^'' MSN, AIM, Facebook, etc. I hope so too, but somehow I don't find it likely. Although I did make a post yesterday in my VERY old stomping ground here on TFF...
I don't think there is anyone who likes those weeks. ^^" I hate them, too, though I don't have them often. I rather bore myself to death sometimes. Like this week. X.x I hope the weekend'll be a bit better... Yeah, I noticed that you won the award... again. ^^ But you deserve it. :3 I mean, is there anyone else on TFF who's so obsessed with Old Skool games? I don't think so xD Like for example...? MSN, ICQ and stuff? ^^ I also hope you'll be motivated to post again. Though I'm not that motivated myself. ^^"
Stress, mostly. Lots of things due for college, as well as personal issues that I am struggling through. We all have those weeks, I know, but I still hate having them. Thank you kindly, Fiona. We certainly did talk about Old Skool gaming and such. Coming from me, that is hardly a rare occurrence. After all, I won Most Old Skool two years in a row. ^^ Glad to hear you are doing fine. Fine Fiona. That has a nice ring to it, haha. Hopefully through talking to an old friend or two on here I might become motivated to post once again. If not, I always have other means of communication for those who are truly desiring to converse outside of TFF.
What the heck is a "blah week" for you? o.o Stress? Work? Of course I still remember you. :3 How could I ever forget you, David? I still remember we talked about FFI and FFII when we last talked. I'm fine. ^^ I've been absent for a while, too, because of a "blah month" Meaning, I had lots of stress because of my end-of-term exams at university ^^" But I feel relaxed now and I'm motivated to post here again.
Doing quite well, at the moment. Been a bit of a blah week for me, but I'm getting through it. I am glad you still remember me. Been ages since I've lurked or posted here. How are YOU doing?